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The only way to beat roulette is by increasing accuracy of predictions (changing the odds). This is possible on many real wheels.

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Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea

Started by onetaste, Nov 02, 10:29 AM 2015

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the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



marvin can you confirm if this is the pinwheel that you used?

1st spin bet against ONE
2nd spin get against TWO
3rd spin bet against THREE

the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins




Is there a way to get the chips on the mat faster (w/pinwheel layout)?


Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Nov 28, 03:28 AM 2015
Is there a way to get the chips on the mat faster (w/pinwheel layout)?

aside from the one attached by RG, i dont think so.
after a couple of tries you will get used to it :)


Hi all guys!

First, I feel kinda guilty to all people who contribute to this forum and this thread in particular, so I cannot just be nonparticipant and contribute by myself as well.

1. Out of all strategies this one works the most. Probably closest to so called "Holy Grail".

2. I play on airball roulette, European layout. Coz it is much faster than "normal" one . 1 spin every minute. So it fits me more - not really patient.

3. Betting units 25$ each time. Bankroll 750$

4. I play against 1-2-3 sequence  + against previous sequence. As for "against sequences" here Raymanz did testing 9 main sequences to play against: 123: 831
but in my personal opinion it's better to avoid 111 111,  222 222, 333 333 - happens abnormally often. So I just play 111 123, 222 123, 333 123.

5. Playing session not more than 1 hour. Never bet every spin.

6. So far I did well. Last 3 days won 1200$. Didn't lose single time. Yet.   

PS sorry for english (not my first language) and feel free to ask any questions. You are doing great job here. I have much respect to all of u guys.

Good luck to all.
The most important thing is not what you see, but how you look at it.


good stuff jahvinci!

i agree, 111 222 333 happens 38 times in my 1140 live test spins.

what progression u use? you stop on win and wait for next round?



In your tests it shows that all 9 sequences are pretty close, but from what I saw 111 111, 222 222, 333 333 happen way more often compare to other one. So I'd rather bet 1-2-3 when one of it appears.

Progression is same 1-3-9.  I win most of the spins on my first bet. I guess it was only 2-3 times I got to 9 units bet and won both.

One more important thing, !ALWAYS! safe bet zero. Today I got Mr.Zero on my third step bet and it saved me. Plus I managed to catch "0" 2 more times. So it gave me a good profit. I count 0 win as the game win and just stop.

I prefer to wait for "the best conditions" to bet. If I see that the most of action happens between 1-2 dozen, I prefer do not bet. And yes I play mini games of 3. If it hits on the first step I wait for next 2 numbers and decide bet or not after only.

Columns A-B-C works well as well.
The most important thing is not what you see, but how you look at it.


Just wanted to give my feedback here in the UK also betting against the 1 - 2 - 3 in 'three spin mini games' - on Betfair online live Euro wheel my target is 5 units per session and then swap to another table - all going well so far.
Weekends I'm getting about 10 sessions a day in but weekdays only 2 or 3 each day (evenings after work).
1 - 2 - 3 does hit but I then increase my stakes for the next few sessions to re coup quickly.
I've not put anything on zero yet - not needed so far on a single zero wheel but out of interest when you play the 1 - 3 - 9 progression how much are you putting on the zero each time?


Quote from: JahVinci on Nov 29, 01:06 AM 2015
Hi all guys!

First, I feel kinda guilty to all people who contribute to this forum and this thread in particular, so I cannot just be nonparticipant and contribute by myself as well.

1. Out of all strategies this one works the most. Probably closest to so called "Holy Grail".

2. I play on airball roulette, European layout. Coz it is much faster than "normal" one . 1 spin every minute. So it fits me more - not really patient.

3. Betting units 25$ each time. Bankroll 750$

4. I play against 1-2-3 sequence  + against previous sequence. As for "against sequences" here Raymanz did testing 9 main sequences to play against: 123: 831
but in my personal opinion it's better to avoid 111 111,  222 222, 333 333 - happens abnormally often. So I just play 111 123, 222 123, 333 123.

5. Playing session not more than 1 hour. Never bet every spin.

6. So far I did well. Last 3 days won 1200$. Didn't lose single time. Yet.   

PS sorry for english (not my first language) and feel free to ask any questions. You are doing great job here. I have much respect to all of u guys.

Good luck to all.

you and I share the exact same thought: this is pretty damn close to a holy grail

the fact that it works on airball is very promising, i had the same results on my local airball machines

how exactly are you playing when you say this: " So I just play 111 123, 222 123, 333 123"
does that mean 1st mini game you bet against 111 occuring, then you bet against 123 from occurring, then you bet against 222 from occuring?

also do you switch machines or stay at the same one?

you are 100% correct about 0. on several occasion you see 1 2 0. dont bet 0? you just lost

good job

thank you!

the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Nov 28, 03:28 AM 2015
Is there a way to get the chips on the mat faster (w/pinwheel layout)?
Google "Roulette Auto-Clicker" (or visit norcosoft.com),
can record and replay 5 bet selections.
Can be use in any casino or with Rx software.   >:D
nOrMy2o0o  ‹(•¿•)›
"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning."  Albert Einstein


Question >> Do we call something a HG if it cant be played at a real CASINO?

Being >>     Is there a way to get the chips on the mat faster (w/pinwheel layout)?

Google "Roulette Auto-Clicker" (or visit norcosoft.com),
can record and replay 5 bet selections.
Can be use in any casino or with Rx software.

Watch us big doggs, the MEN, play at a REAL casino, on a REAL table. All we ask is that you stay out of our way. The rest? Bots, airball, RNG...that's more for the Kitty Kat Klub. Its the big doggs and the kittens!! Winning is not an event, it's a process and it takes YEARS and YEARS to master > link:://:.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/2014127/rs_560x415-140227131132-1024.bulldog-kittens3.jpg... To be great, you have to be willing to be mocked, hated and misunderstood.


Quote from: MrJ on Nov 29, 10:52 AM 2015
Question >> Do we call something a HG if it cant be played at a real CASINO?

Being >>     Is there a way to get the chips on the mat faster (w/pinwheel layout)?

Google "Roulette Auto-Clicker" (or visit norcosoft.com),
can record and replay 5 bet selections.
Can be use in any casino or with Rx software.


new member jahvinci said the original is close to a HG, the 1 2 3

which can easily be played at a real casino

this is as close as we are going to get to a HG on a mechanical system

you see the results?

original method real casino.....pinwheel variation has to be online...
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: RouletteGhost on Nov 29, 10:54 AM 2015
new member jahvinci said the original is close to a HG, the 1 2 3

which can easily be played at a real casino

this is as close as we are going to get to a HG on a mechanical system

you see the results?

original method real casino.....pinwheel variation has to be online...

The obvious main problem here is the recoup after a loss.

You're now down 26 units, thus you need 26 wins to get even without a progression.

This is all assuming that we're talking about playing through, as opposed to hit-and-run, where most "rare-event" strategies look great.

Perhaps something like +1 after a win till you're ahead with stop-loss built in.........1/3/9.......2/6/18......3/9/27....etc. Just an idea, but I'm sure there's another progression better suited for this W/L record. It seems like anything but a slight progression will tank pretty quickly.

Just my $.02 :thumbsup:
You sir.......are a monster!!!
