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Basics - that no one wants to hear

Started by TurboGenius, Nov 21, 09:04 AM 2015

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Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 01, 08:54 PM 2015
Be careful turbo. Most of the time people try to sabotage a method or strategy stating its a failure. Dont get dragged into it.

I have no intention of doing that.
In the other forum - Rev posted a RX code that plays the "hottest" number at all times - and yes, it fails. That's not what I explained to do in my example - and even playing the "hottest" single number can't surpass the house edge over more than 10,000 spins because of the math.
It would require a number to show above 3 std deviation or better - hence staying on one number "forever" ends in failure always. I'm sure the thinkers will understand what I meant in my posts and not look at a chart or "tests" from people who didn't follow through on it properly and throw in the towel.

I'm curious though - "it failed big time" means there was never a positive bankroll ?


Quote from: TurboGenius on Dec 01, 09:01 PM 2015
I have no intention of doing that.
In the other forum - Rev posted a RX code that plays the "hottest" number at all times - and yes, it fails. That's not what I explained to do in my example - and even playing the "hottest" single number can't surpass the house edge over more than 10,000 spins because of the math.
It would require a number to show above 3 std deviation or better - hence staying on one number "forever" ends in failure always. I'm sure the thinkers will understand what I meant in my posts and not look at a chart or "tests" from people who didn't follow through on it properly and throw in the towel.

I'm curious though - "it failed big time" means there was never a positive bankroll ?

He may even post a false graph with only a downward trend. Thats notorious for haters

I love your methods

Actually id love if u started a blog in the blog section and listed all your methods in different posts

Furthest back column and dozen and bet those 4 numbers is damn good
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 01, 09:03 PM 2015
Furthest back column and dozen and bet those 4 numbers is damn good

Lol - I admit that I play that at the casino a lot, takes little thought and work - good for when I have company and don't want to have to think much about what my bets are going to be.


Quote from: TurboGenius on Dec 01, 09:07 PM 2015
Lol - I admit that I play that at the casino a lot, takes little thought and work - good for when I have company and don't want to have to think much about what my bets are going to be.

Everytime i tested it, it worked

And it just makes sense

Never played live. 4 numbers isn't my style. Thats death to Mr Js ears but if i were to play a 4 number method this would definitely be it
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



I'm not a hater - I'm a truthseeker. I'll post the results tonight... 12 numbers, add 1 chip anytime one of those numbers wins, remove 1 chip from all 12 numbers after 37 spins x 2(or x3)?
"Trotity trot, trotity trot, the noughts became overtly hot! Merily, merily, merily, merily, the 2s went gently down the stream..."¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪:


I have been reading this and the "Random Thoughts" topic recently.
Priyanka seems to rely on triggers and virtual spins (albeit disguised as tiny 0.05 bets on Red). On the other hand...
Turbo and others in his camp believe triggers and virtual bets are a waste of time.

What Priyanka and Turbo seem to agree on is about concentrating on "current and future bets" - almost like a snooker player who plans 5 shots in advance.

My theory is that past spins affect future spins; I think that you can't use a trigger to predict where the ball will most likely land on the next spin - but perhaps we can predict where it will land the majority of the time over a *series* of spins. I plan to test if this is true or not.

You guys should also check out Priyanka's topic because she divides up bet types into conditional probability/random or maths/non-random, but I haven't yet figured out how they differ from each other in terms of affecting the outcomes, if at all.
"Trotity trot, trotity trot, the noughts became overtly hot! Merily, merily, merily, merily, the 2s went gently down the stream..."¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪:


Does past virtual spins affect future spins? Here's the 2 part test I devised to find out the answer:

1) Bet numbers 1-10 for 20 spins and note down the average number of wins after 148 sets.
Result: 5.43

2) Bet the oldest 10 numbers that haven't appeared for 20 spins and note down the average number of wins after 148 sets.
Result: 5.39

I guess that proves past spins indeed do not affect future results - contrary to my long held belief! So not sure why Priyanka has a tracking stage in her systems? Seems pointless.
"Trotity trot, trotity trot, the noughts became overtly hot! Merily, merily, merily, merily, the 2s went gently down the stream..."¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪:


Quote from: falkor2k15 on Dec 05, 08:59 PM 2015

I guess that proves past spins indeed do not affect future results - contrary to my long held belief! So not sure why Priyanka has a tracking stage in her systems? Seems pointless.

The only answer is in the present spin and future ones.


Consider past spins just a map from where you can make a decision what to bet in the next spins.
If you don t like or no need for *maps* , or think they are useless  just ignore them and bet whatever you bet.
Anyway i look for events that happened in the past and will happen in the future.
Example track 4 systems at the same time , each system  have 4 groups ( each group have 9 numbers ) , then
look for events that we know will come ( of course we don t know exactly when). One of this events are Distances
between the same group, look -take decision-bet .  All this can be done with 6 numbers systems/ groups also .

Example 9 numbers groups ( 4 systems):


Quote from: Kattila on Dec 06, 06:59 AM 2015
Consider past spins just a map from where you can make a decision what to bet in the next spins.

I've already covered this with the driving analogy.
Each spin is independent from the last.
If you have a car that drives in random directions - knowing where you "were"
and having a map for that matter - won't help you one bit in knowing where the
car goes next.
Even if you could look back and see the car turned right 4 times, it's "random".
There's no way to predict where the car is going to go using a map or studying
the path that you took to get where you are.
Once people can let this go, the focus can shift to other ways of playing that can work.
You can try to work out what "might" happen in future spins and the present one using
math - but looking at the last spin and through the history is a waste of time.
"trust me" I know what I'm talking about. lol


I  give  an example(above ) of one future event ( and it is ), so I chase Future Events,
and it s my own decision to look or not at past spins, even if many think is useless.
This is my way to work out what "might" happen in future spins.

In reply *70*  i give an example (it s a 9 numers bet ) where one distance , distance 3  shows in row 6 times
,( i forced distance 3 to show 6 times) i know it s like an *ilussion* but  w.t. hell its a v. good one.  Now from that
one i have v. big chances to win if i attack other(or others ) distance(s).  Thats all.


With regards to the driving analogy, there is one strange phenomena with the double streets that I noticed in Warriors' system and Priyanka's PP system. If Double Street 1 hits then it's most likely to hit again (repeat) in 6 spins. However, during the 5 spins in-between if repeats occur on double streets 2-6, i.e. DS 1 > DS 2 > DS 2 > DS 4 > DS 4 > DS 4, then that will most likely push a potential win on DS 1 to beyond the 6 spins; on the other hand if all the DSs are unique during those 5 spins, i.e. DS 1 > DS 2 > DS 3 > DS 4 > DS 5 > DS 6 then a win on DS 1 is more likely on the very next spin.

Here's the proof:
6set = set numbers that go beyond 6 spins (for working out calculations)
rep = repeat score based on DSs that have repeated before spin 7.
wrep = repeat running total up to spin 6 for sets that win on spin 7
lrep = repeat running total up to spin 6 for sets that win after spin 7.
lavg/wavg = averages for all the repeat scores (one for each types of wins)

So if you look at Priyanka's system over at the "Random Thoughts" topic, she is attempting to hit the double street repeat early on - with added protection from betting the dozen or the EC that the expected DS falls within. However, once other DSs start repeating then she brings in extra cover from, say, betting Low + Dozen 3 since a win on the original DS is no longer expected early on.
"Trotity trot, trotity trot, the noughts became overtly hot! Merily, merily, merily, merily, the 2s went gently down the stream..."¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪:


I wanted to point out the obvious as well - but again it's probably something that no one wants to hear.

The casino doesn't do anything to help the gambler win.
They have the edge already but it's not enough, so they control every aspect of the gambler's
experience in whatever way magnifies that edge.
No clocks around so you don't notice how much time has passed.
Drinks - to loosen up that common sense part of the brain and make people want to take
more risk
Sounds - smells - lights - everything.....

And behold - the history box lit up right by the wheel with past spins showing.
Now seriously..... is the casino posting past spins in order to try to help the gambler
win ? If you believe this, please don't gamble.
It's there because it helps to promote betting - either by system players who use past spins
to determine where to bet, or innocent bystanders who might see "red red red red red red" and
decide that black just Has to show up soon.
It's there because it helps them win even more $ because people don't understand what
random is when it comes to this game.
One person might see a 'pattern' - someone else a 'trigger' - someone else might see something
they like and decide to start betting.. "Oh - this table has lots of repeaters", etc.

Please use common sense and understand that past spins don't matter in the slightest,
and the display board is simply another tool they use to get $ flowing from your pocket
to theirs.  :ooh:

Math beats a math game - Present spin and future spins win, the past spins don't hold a
single clue to help the player.
Notice how some now show lots of statistics - hottest numbers, coldest numbers, etc.
Do you think they would display this to the players if it helped the player to win
and for them as a casino to lose ?     think.  ^-^


Let's say I understand what not to do...
I still don't see in which direction should I look to be on a safe side?!

To try or not to try?
And what  :question:


By TG's definition the only way it would seem would be
VB or some way of predicting while the ball is in rotation.
