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GUT 2.0

Started by Gutroulette, Apr 17, 12:21 PM 2016

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Quote from: TurboGenius on Apr 27, 07:22 AM 2016
Makes note to stay away from the "Products & Services For Sale" section.

Note to self:  It's too early to make a note to self.
Do I turn the wheel,
or does the wheel turn me?


Quote from: denzie on Apr 27, 12:24 AM 2016
That's the only thing you play ? No bets before spin 37 ? (How many numbers on average are bet?)

All repeaters around spin 70? (How many numbers are bet ? ) going for 2 hits ?

That’s all. I bet on average 11 to 15 numbers, Going for 1 hit only.

Quote from: Rolletti on Apr 27, 12:56 AM 2016
It will be like you lived your roulette life in the dark and suddenly someone turns on the light.
You can see everything clearly if you use the tracker tool.

Couldn’t have said it better. With the tracker you follow the trot in real time.

Quote from: Gutroulette on Apr 27, 01:19 AM 2016
I would like to thank the readers of my book for the kind words and reviews posted here.
May the chips be with you always!

Your Ebook and Tracker-Clicker are works of arts!! I am just curious how much time you put creating these! Anyway, thanks a lot for making them! WAY worth the small price. Last book on roulette I will ever buy.

Would be great though if the tracker would work on Open Office. I had to buy MS Office in order to use it. But well worth it.

Quote from: Rolletti on Apr 27, 05:34 AM 2016
He is right. At spin 25 is the crossing 0x vs. >0x

I dont play this one: 0x vs. >0x , well, not yet. I find it too unstable.

Quote from: 3Nine on Apr 27, 06:46 AM 2016
I must admit, that tracker looks pretty impressive.

It is very impressive. Clicker works perfectly with ANY tables., I have dual monitor and I have the tracker on my left and roulette in front. Nice Setup!


To everybody that think that it is impossible: Please get out of the the way of those who are trying.


Quote from: SimonZed1 on Apr 27, 08:01 PM 2016
That’s all. I bet on average 11 to 15 numbers, Going for 1 hit only.

Couldn’t have said it better. With the tracker you follow the trot in real time.

Your Ebook and Tracker-Clicker are works of arts!! I am just curious how much time you put creating these! Anyway, thanks a lot for making them! WAY worth the small price. Last book on roulette I will ever buy.

Would be great though if the tracker would work on Open Office. I had to buy MS Office in order to use it. But well worth it.

I dont play this one: 0x vs. >0x , well, not yet. I find it too unstable.

It is very impressive. Clicker works perfectly with ANY tables., I have dual monitor and I have the tracker on my left and roulette in front. Nice Setup!


How many units are you ahead?  How much per session average?  Per spin, average?   Thanks.
Do I turn the wheel,
or does the wheel turn me?


Trot/count whatever you like to call it. How do you use it?
Are you just watching or waiting for the tracker to show the crossing?

I use the Trot/count for non-hit and repeats 1x's, >1x's.

As Winkel said it's possible to bet every spin? obviously not at spin 1, but we will never know as Winkel did not get to this part.
On todays J247.com #'s, spin 1-10, 27-10-0, so now you think of topic 12 unique in xspins, at spin 13 Winkel shows it could be 26-9-2, is the tracker letting you know that the 1xs are getting heavy, due to repeat?
How many cycles do non-hit keep hitting consecutively above 10?
On the machine of death (FOBT) i've seen 23 consecutively, once in last 7 years of game play, obviously they come when i'm not playing, but how often will you meet 23 non-hits consecutively.

In the jackpot247.com average document i'm building, of 123 games theres only 25 games where in spins 1-10 its 10 non-hit, so 98 have had at least 1 repeat in spins 1-10, of those 25 games the most consecutive non-hit is 17, once.

How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


Was thinking lately about that:

Let's say we just play the crossing 0x vs. 1x always and exclusively.
This is on average a 14 to 15 numbers bet.
Played as per the rule: stop if lost 2 consecutive times.

This is remotely compareable with an even chance bet. Like you put 15 units on RED or BLACK. I know not exactly but follow my thoughts.
We know that even chances produce loosing streaks longer than 20 and kill our martingales.

As many games of GUT I played already I can't imagine that would happen here.
I think it is impossible that the 0x vs. 1x will lose both bets in over 10 consecutive games.

Would be interesting if someone could code that for the million spins.

:question: Cheers R.


Con-fused showed if you play just the same crossing eventually you lose.
But you will be betting different crossings at different times so i'd say you would keep in front.
Winkel did post some data on playing RNG , live, on-line and i know the RNG was winning which pleased me as i play RNG 99.9% of the time.
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


Quote from: nottophammer on Apr 28, 06:07 AM 2016
Trot/count whatever you like to call it. How do you use it?
Are you just watching or waiting for the tracker to show the crossing?

In the jackpot247.com average document i'm building, of 123 games theres only 25 games where in spins 1-10 its 10 non-hit, so 98 have had at least 1 repeat in spins 1-10, of those 25 games the most consecutive non-hit is 17, once.

How would you attack on that ?
As spins roll off our predictions get better


I do not play KTF every time, i'm a trot/count watcher. So 10/10 is not unknown, but if this game was in the bookies i'd be just watching, seeing spin 11 is another non-hit, i would wait till spin 13 to see the trot/count, which is now 26-9-2. i would now start to bet for the 0x's with +1/-1 as at spin 25 we could see 18/19-14/15-3/5, so 2 of the 4 repeats i've let go by, 2 more repeats then the 0x comes be +3 on prog, would not be too worried as 5 non-hit in spins 11-20 is avg, it ends 6,+1 be +13 units. Back to just watch, or leave that wheel or machine and start again.
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


Notto, aren't you sly!! :thumbsup:
Only life can learn you that!


Okay nextyear
heres 31 #'s just spun at ladbrokes. I win +15.75 for .25p units, £1 units would be +63, so can you make the 63 units or more. Remember i'm not just a KTF player, i'm more of a trot/count watcher :thumbsup:
I'll post the sheet later in real spins, good luck
lads sandy 28.04.16
1 26
2 27
3 23
4 26
5 12
6 33
7 5
8 22
9 22
10 26
11 36
12 22
13 4
14 10
15 11
16 8
17 35
18 10
19 0
20 33
21 32
22 21
23 15
24 36
25 27
26 28
27 11
28 6
29 1
30 4
31 8
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


Just watching the trot/count. Even lost £1.50 to the zero as have to place a £1 to spin the wheel, so 6 DS 1.50
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


Quote from: 3Nine on Apr 27, 08:38 PM 2016
How many units are you ahead?  How much per session average?  Per spin, average?   Thanks.

I’m about 560 units ahead. I get around 20 units per crossing. The rest I don't really know.

I forgot to say that even if I use the Tracker, I still paper track also. Before placing a bet on the 0x -­­> 1x crossing I check if the averages hit \ unhit of 1-13, 14-25 and 26-37 are in the averages. This has helped me a lot taking better decisions.

I only play 0x-1x now. After a win I jump 10.

Quote from: Rolletti on Apr 28, 06:49 AM 2016
Was thinking lately about that:

Let's say we just play the crossing 0x vs. 1x always and exclusively.
This is on average a 14 to 15 numbers bet.
Played as per the rule: stop if lost 2 consecutive times.

This is remotely compareable with an even chance bet. Like you put 15 units on RED or BLACK. I know not exactly but follow my thoughts.
We know that even chances produce loosing streaks longer than 20 and kill our martingales.

As many games of GUT I played already I can't imagine that would happen here.
I think it is impossible that the 0x vs. 1x will lose both bets in over 10 consecutive games.

Would be interesting if someone could code that for the million spins.

:question: Cheers R.

Very interesting idea!!

I do something similar in sports betting. It has never failed me.


To everybody that think that it is impossible: Please get out of the the way of those who are trying.


whilst everyones banging on about Multiplayer roulette, thought i'd go watch the RNG. Piece of p-ss.
Tried to send this sheet to curiosone but file to large. Just watch the trot mate
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


Quote from: Rolletti on Apr 28, 06:49 AM 2016
Was thinking lately about that:

Let's say we just play the crossing 0x vs. 1x always and exclusively.
This is on average a 14 to 15 numbers bet.
Played as per the rule: stop if lost 2 consecutive times.

This is remotely compareable with an even chance bet. Like you put 15 units on RED or BLACK. I know not exactly but follow my thoughts.
We know that even chances produce loosing streaks longer than 20 and kill our martingales.

As many games of GUT I played already I can't imagine that would happen here.
I think it is impossible that the 0x vs. 1x will lose both bets in over 10 consecutive games.

Would be interesting if someone could code that for the million spins.

:question: Cheers R.
Have you looked into Winkel's mirror system?  That he is using when waiting for a crossing? And just betting RED and BLACK..


I'll say this again and i do not have the E-book, but Winkel Gave you the answer to winning, read the trot, you will not need a computer to cheat with or stare at a wheel for hours, just learn what 0x's then 1x's+>1x's are doing. As Azim said you'll need to practice.
Simplest way is just bet non-hit over 40 to 60 spins, with +1/-1. once you've seen how the 0x's hit you will see how to bet for repeats, Celtic showed how, just read what he said, simple, No math please and do not say i'm trying to help, poor old RG must be sick of those words by now :twisted:
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision
