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Questions for Priyanka...

Started by falkor2k15, Apr 04, 08:55 AM 2017

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Quote from: Priyanka on Apr 05, 06:38 PM 2017

The playing method is very simple, do not require any tracking sheets like pen and paper.

Pay attention to what your mentor is saying above -- the key words in the above quote are "very simple."

I highly doubt that in arriving at this "very simple" method, your mentor used the layers and layers of abstractions that you have imposed on the original PHP- and VDW-inspired bet selection idea(s).
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Quote from: Steve on Apr 05, 07:54 AM 2017
For what reason exactly does anyone believe pri has the hg?

Someone who doesn't believe earth is flat, please answer.
It's hard to give exact reason, and even though I cannot use what have been taught by him, I truly believe in it. The limits of groups of numbers, the parallel streams, the statistics, etc they all make sense to me, and these concepts are different from everything discussed on any roulette forum.
I'm reading a book from Joseph Murphy and he teaches how important is to believe in something, and constantly let your subconscious mind know that it is possible and you can do it.


Quote from: falkor2k15 on Apr 05, 07:20 PM 2017
Nice post Pri!  :thumbsup: I still don't get how you can play without pen and paper though... I am guessing that Non-Random needs to be combined with FTL or something to develop a new mechanical method that takes into account any bias - but words are failing me here even trying to describe what form such a feat would take or how it might be achieved exactly - the picture in my mind is blurred. I need to experiment more to get to that stage - that way I will have better understanding.

Damn, I wish Pri would add me to her mailing list!! *jealous* I'm under 60 though...  :-[

Special Request: hey, if you guys have given up with this since 2015 but still retain old informative emails from Priyanka - please forward them to me (gilius2k15@gmail.com)

I study this every day without fail and could certainly make good use of them! Providing the hints and tips are explosive like a typical Priyanka post and I haven't read them before then I'll even consider giving you access to my new website - a good incentive for anybody thinking of getting back into this project of a lifetime.

Pri, got time for another question? Does "short" mean keeping our sessions in line with the "finite" limits of Non-Random and ensuring we allow the Non-Random sequences to complete, etc. In other words the limits act as markers for beginning and ending our "short" sessions?

I got one more question. When you play at the Hippodrome in London do you manage to get out of the casino, alive, to take home your profits? And is there an Indian man with glasses who watches you play?

falkor I will relief your pain and give you back your life, so read carefully.

There is no edge using Non-Random events like VdW, PP or : 
After the ball is spun it will land on any of the 37/38 numbers. lol

Pri is one of the gifted hackers that hacked the randomness control file from betvoyager which is now not available till they have a safer way to do it.
Pretending to have an edge coming from math should disguise what he is doing.

He hacked also Steves roulette game, has now the disclaimer against scamers linked to Steve's website in his footer. (mabe payed by Steve because he posts a lot and brings traffic)
Look at his posts of the last months (since betvoyager stopped using randomness control). They are no post of someone having the grail.

I may be wrong, but that is what I see.


Quote from: Rolletti on Apr 06, 02:46 AM 2017
falkor I will relief your pain and give you back your life, so read carefully.

There is no edge using Non-Random events like VdW, PP or : 
After the ball is spun it will land on any of the 37/38 numbers. lol

Pri is one of the gifted hackers that hacked the randomness control file from betvoyager which is now not available till they have a safer way to do it.
Pretending to have an edge coming from math should disguise what he is doing.

He hacked also Steves roulette game, has now the disclaimer against scamers linked to Steve's website in his footer. (mabe payed by Steve because he posts a lot and brings traffic)
Look at his posts of the last months (since betvoyager stopped using randomness control). They are no post of someone having the grail.

I may be wrong, but that is what I see.
Yep - you are wrong - so don't make assumptions; it's a sign of stupidity.

Here is 6-7% edge using Parachute Progression combined with other concepts discussed in Random Thoughts:

Here is 3-12% edge using another method with parallel streams:

This test was made using the 2nd method above after first calculating on paper how the test should perform. If I remember correctly it only used the blue or the green and left out 2 dynamic bets that would have increased the edge further up to the 12%.

Welcome to reality! It's tough living in the real world sometimes...
"Trotity trot, trotity trot, the noughts became overtly hot! Merily, merily, merily, merily, the 2s went gently down the stream..."¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪:


Its your life falkor. Enjoy wasting it.


Quote from: celescliff on Apr 06, 04:38 AM 2017
Its your life falkor. Enjoy wasting it.
It's hard to enjoy life when surrounded by sheep who are constantly falling for phishing scams like NASA and the globe earth or debt collectors pretending to represent the tax office or clicking on phony links being sent by compromised apps. Instead they think Priyanka or the messenger is the scammer! It's even difficult to enjoy life on vacation - since we are always likely to encounter some idiot at airport security or at a local restaurant or coffee shop who tries to make our life hell.
"Trotity trot, trotity trot, the noughts became overtly hot! Merily, merily, merily, merily, the 2s went gently down the stream..."¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪:


But who is Priyanka? Not a single system posted on this forum. A person who play in shitty BV casino with huge list of withdrawals? Just think for a little bit.  :o


"Trotity trot, trotity trot, the noughts became overtly hot! Merily, merily, merily, merily, the 2s went gently down the stream..."¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪:


Question  for steve did priyanka or someone else hack your roulettte number generator ?


So now we are going back to 2016? Possibly the worst year of the forum. Some people can't work it out so they start to attack. It is so simple to let go or don't react if you don't believe it or don't care. Priyanka never tried to sell anything and never brags about winnings or having a winning method, and don't want to be called God. (This is for you Falkor :D ) I'm almost certain that in all of his videos he plays for real money, as you can only start with â,¬1000 in fun mode. That's another small sing to me that what he does is not BS.
Even Ken didn't receive this much hate, although he told everyone for years that he's a big winner and he will never share his secret method. No proof, but no one really cared.


Quote from: bigmoney on Apr 06, 07:28 PM 2017
Question  for steve did priyanka or someone else hack your roulettte number generator ?

Yes.  Priyanka did for sure.  A simple hack to cheat now not possible.  I've explained all the evidence before. There's no doubt.
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Priyanka is nothing more than a hacker..
These people who say they have an edge ...
Well priyNka hacks into placrs to get an edge ...mystery solvef


Law of the sixth...<when you play roulette there will always be a moron tells you that you will lose to the house edge>


You can say Pri hacked the game, made fake videos, heck we can add stole candy from a baby. 

But non random still changes the way to look at this game and the possibilities.  :xd:

All the information is there!!!  just a matter of putting it together
Simple once you get it!  Chased all the pigeons away and they were already in their hole


What a croc
People say the pieces are there sounds like another shyster xalled kimo ...li.....
