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Colour Matrix

Started by Downtown, Mar 05, 04:01 AM 2019

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But this is the place eh General
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


last 20 spins; don't know how many its not like R-sim.

So a nice 500
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


last 20 of who know's how many

How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


194 spins so far.

Must remember the socks.
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


Notto I played your big drawdown game and had a different result, remember though it was manually, I only use the first five lines before reset then if loss, then virtual, makes it a whole different scenario, so I don't get caught up in the bad run which was the reason for the matrix in the first place, to limit those long losing runs. If I used a higher stop loss then I would go further down the table, but then takes too long to recoup so I keep it short and sweet.


Well that was a big drawdown on MPR, never seen so many Reds  >:(


I tried a couple of sessions last night, playing the way Notto outlined earlier, keep on the same column if lose but switch columns on a win and had good success.
I still had a string of 6 Ls though. I'm thinking about maybe a simple D'alembert progression, maybe capping at 4 or 5 L's then playing for a virtual W before starting again.
I'll look at that tonight.

in faecorum semper solum profundum variat


Not sure ewar, I had a big drawdown playing the mat, so I switched back to the Matrix and got back up, in hindsight I think I win more on the Matrix, but playing the Mat is enjoyable. I sure I did try the Alembert in the early days, can't remember how it went but I must have changed for a reason, let us know how you go.


On a win; just spin for next number, say #21 comes, you have 2 columns column A or C, #21 being red so you bet black #4 or #6
Column A is 6 red and black, the other is either more reds or blacks, so which colour is dominate could help in your choice.
As foxy said it takes the pressure off you as the column gives the colours to bet.

I did use the numerical order. But is this not to uniform like r,b,r,b untill #'s 10&11so you could be on the r,b,rb and b,r,b,r is happening. But whats the longest it stays r,b,r,b
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


think 2 #’s have gone below the red 9.
That red 9 gets you to bet black and win. So spin #21,its red so the bet is black through #’s 4&6, lose. Now bet red and lose again, now you have to decide whether to bet black #10 or red #12 and PRECOG here, I chose red but in the head something is saying zero’s coming, but don’t bet it and yes it came, so lost. But as I chose red as more are showing, the next number is #15 black and win.
Again just spin #30, so it’s back to #’s 4 or 6, black and win.
As you see nice 100 units.
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


Nice and simple
imagine at the B+M, got to clock the wheel, its speed and all other shite. Or have the hidden phone.
All you need are 1 red sock and 1 black sock and something green. Ladyluck is with you.

How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


Win; spin for next number. Went like a dream
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


Thanks Notto. I'm still a little unsure how you play it though. On a win, you spin again to get the next colour? This is different to your method above isnt it?
Testing the method on the mat last night, I had 35Ws and 35Ls from 70 spins, but a run of 8 Ls.
This is a great selection method, I just think we need to come up with a good mm.

in faecorum semper solum profundum variat


Yes i must of done something when the second zero come.

There's a few ways to use the mat. The above 1st spin #27 in column C next to #27 is #30, so bet red, win #5. #5 is column B, next to #5 is black #8 so i bet black, win. #28 is column A, next to it is #31, so i bet black, win. #29 is in col B, next to #29 is #32, so i bet red and win.
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision
