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Precognition really works

Started by precogmiles, Jan 09, 04:18 PM 2018

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Quote from: Galabatov on Feb 25, 10:22 AM 2020
We are just like scientists working by trials and errors and must take notes and be aware of everything related.

That's a great idea. I have been testing different approaches and experimenting.


Keeping diaries is as old as history itself and is known to work very well as a learning tool. It goes right down to basic survival. Hunters, gatherers, fishermen, and farmers to name a few. No great new ideas here.


Other things to experiment with...

Types of food
Sleep  duration and quality
Times of the day

Add to the list.

Post your experiments


I keep on observing how sessions behave and make notes about the outcomes.

Here's how I play

Speed Auto-RNG. Sound turned off. Room dimly lighted.

I quit the mind, stop the internal dialogue, bypass the conscious mind.

When I clearly see/hear a number I bet on that number and its 1/2/3 adiacents for 4-5 spins.

Oddly enough, the total amount of numbers bet do not improve the outcomes. Thus, betting 7 numbers (3+1+3) does  not improve the hit rate!
Actually, if the bet involves only the number SEEN + its 2 adiacents (a 3 numbers bet) the hit rate is just the same and the payout is obviously bigger! Today I hit four or five minisectors of 3 in a row, while previously had much trouble even with more than ten numbers bets.
Looks like less numbers I bet better is the mind focus and outcomes.

Now, lets talk about the "mood".
Well, I have a solid training in meditation and calming the mind... but in my sessions, which I observe as they were "experiments", not always a calm attitude bring about results.
The best session is the first one, in the early morning. In order to prepare the other sessions of the day for the best, I usually practice meditation or relaxation. Yet I noticed that often this doesn work immediately when the session gets started. I can miss too much bets even if I'm calm. Then I get a little bit angry and - "against all odds" - I start hitting and winning... I mean, I start hitting when Im angry and a bit desperate about the session trend! Wacky thing...

That's the phenomenology of most of my sessions. I report this both for share my actual experience and for ask for some advice if available.

I believe this is the true AP in roulette... psychic AP I mean. The whole thing is to understand how exactly it works. No system provides me such results. Yet it's still hard make it a consistent winner.


Forgot to say the thing of paramount importance, which is the following:

In my experience, hits come - and come back to back - when I "connect" with the inner source. But keeping this connection at work is very very hard. It comes and goes, like a wave. I can ride it as long as it's there - 3 or 4 hits at max - but then it disappears and can be missing for a while. That's the way things go for me right now


Quote from: precogmiles on Mar 03, 03:05 PM 2020
Other things to experiment with...

Types of food
Sleep  duration and quality
Times of the day

Add to the list.

Post your experiments
I think at the end of the day your mood or vibration is what really matters.
You have to be in the present moment and have a good time doing it. This has to be the basis before you attempt to go for bold single number hits.

This may sounds very basic, but it can be really hard if you have unresolved challenges in your life.
I believe the most important thing is to go working on those before you even think about gambling.
It can't be your escape, because it means you are really hungry. That is a state of scarcity and desperation, it is not conductive to winning.

So my suggestion is to do thing that uplifts you.
Nourish your body, mind and soul. Have a good time. Work on how to love yourself.


Quote from: Galabatov on Mar 03, 03:16 PM 2020
I keep on observing how sessions behave and make notes about the outcomes.

Here's how I play

Speed Auto-RNG. Sound turned off. Room dimly lighted.

I quit the mind, stop the internal dialogue, bypass the conscious mind.

When I clearly see/hear a number I bet on that number and its 1/2/3 adiacents for 4-5 spins.

Oddly enough, the total amount of numbers bet do not improve the outcomes. Thus, betting 7 numbers (3+1+3) does  not improve the hit rate!
Actually, if the bet involves only the number SEEN + its 2 adiacents (a 3 numbers bet) the hit rate is just the same and the payout is obviously bigger! Today I hit four or five minisectors of 3 in a row, while previously had much trouble even with more than ten numbers bets.
Looks like less numbers I bet better is the mind focus and outcomes.

Now, lets talk about the "mood".
Well, I have a solid training in meditation and calming the mind... but in my sessions, which I observe as they were "experiments", not always a calm attitude bring about results.
The best session is the first one, in the early morning. In order to prepare the other sessions of the day for the best, I usually practice meditation or relaxation. Yet I noticed that often this doesn work immediately when the session gets started. I can miss too much bets even if I'm calm. Then I get a little bit angry and - "against all odds" - I start hitting and winning... I mean, I start hitting when Im angry and a bit desperate about the session trend! Wacky thing...

That's the phenomenology of most of my sessions. I report this both for share my actual experience and for ask for some advice if available.

I believe this is the true AP in roulette... psychic AP I mean. The whole thing is to understand how exactly it works. No system provides me such results. Yet it's still hard make it a consistent winner.

Great stuff, these are the kind of posts I like to read.

I congratulate you practicing and experimenting. I understand how frustrating it is to try and have no tangible feedback. You can try one thing today and it works well, then tomorrow it stops working.

This is not something you can teach directly it is s journey you must go on your own. I can only tell you my experience.

My journey started when I experienced almost perfect precognition. You can read it on the forums. After this I attempted to replicate the same mental state that u had at the time. I had limited success at the start, but continued practising. At this stage there were so many variables, and also so many unknowns. I was forcing my way through the darkness.

To add to the complication I had no direct feedback. I could not isolate my success from just pure luck. On many occasions I would go down the wrong path by mistaking my success and method with luck.

Eventually after many 100,000s of experiments I came to slowly be able to see months darkness. I understood the landscape I was in. This is why practice is important.

I began to understand reality was more complex than the reductionist physcalist model of nature. This lead me to read what the ancient wrote about these phenomena. The temple of Delphi and the Oracle traditions trace their way back to Egypt. Divination was widely practiced in all cultures since to dawn of humanity. First the shamans then the prophets. It was codified in China with the I ching.

The phenomena is real, there is no doubt about that. So I practice some more. I looked into other types if parapsychology such ask psychokenesis and healing. I researched dowsing and channelling.

There is an underlying structure which makes all of these phenomena real. The question is what is It. So I practice some more.

My conclusion after 2 years is this.

1. Intention is important
2. Precog needs to be mixed with telekinesis
3. Probability doesn't exist in deep reality
4. Act without thought
5. Breath is a vital tool
5. Full moons and new moons help improve results
6. Vibrations is important
7. Study and think deeply about sleep
8. Taoism is the closest concept to what deep reality is.

To go through all of my experiments would take 100s of posts. But I have kept a list of methods over time. I have cross checked them with each other to see what produced the strongest results. I have also compared them to see similarities.

Good luck and keep posting your experiments, I will help where I can, or pm me if you have further questions.


I also experienced the full moon thing. It almost acts like a big magnifying thing.
My first double single number hit was on a full moon day.


I think frequent hits on the neighbours is caused by a mental barrier.
It takes a mental shift of inner certainty to just play a single number and believe that it is just as good or even better than betting 3 numbers.

It translates to: that was close, it is obviously working, but I need to improve or focus better next time.
There is a hidden belief that hitting a single number is harder or more impressive than hitting a group of neighbours. It stems from the theory of probability and also has to do with inner doubts.
Inner doubts are really resistence in the flow of your energy, there is hindrance in the state of conductness.
Imo precognition and synchronicity doesn't work like that.
Both capable of producing perfect divine timing and relevance.
Having experience with both, there is no reason to assume that something is harder to do than the other.
It is just a question of certainty or knowing.

Sometimes I black out in daydream and see a clear number. I know for a fact that number will hit. It MUST, there should be no question about that. This is the state that it takes to hit a number.
There is no reason to not do that in succession either, other than the positive emotions flooding in the way.
You have to regain that inner balance and wait for the energy of the next most likely number to form in the astral. Then you have to become the bridge that connect the physical with those astral ques.
How well you act like that bridge is defined by your channeling capabilities. You always bring through the reality which is the closest to your inner believes at that given moment.
Seeing or hearing a number is one thing. Making that shift to happen is another and more important factor.

Sometimes I whish I could like my own stuff. Haha. It feels good to brainstorm.


Precogs would do well to practise and develop the 'three finger clasp' technique.

This technique once mastered can instantly shift your state of awareness to where it is needed for roulette play (or anything else you require). Thereby enabling you to commence play without any lengthy preparations.


Quote from: Kairomancer on Mar 03, 05:03 PM 2020Inner doubts are really resistence in the flow of your energy, there is hindrance in the state of conductness.
I need to clarify that a little bit. The energy is always flowing always creating. In a sense the resistence is also created from your own energy, but from a different perspective or meaning. More often than not a person creates and perpetuate different inner believes on multiple levels of counsciousness. The higher you vibrate at a given moment is an emotional signal that positive energies are taking over your filter of consciousness. Therefore the energy of the positive more empowering perspective lights up the shadow of the limiting ones.
When you doubt yourself the negative energy charges up and based on your other believes and your level of awareness you channel something in between.

In one of the roulette warrior videos there was a question on how long does it take to learn the ability they have based on the learning material/rituals they presented, candle and mirror focus meditation at that time. It took a significant time and effort investment.
Later they developed new ways to increase their vibration and that significantly reduced the timeframe. They added breathing exercises.
Breathing acts as a portal beetwen your layers of existence. It can transcend you to higher states of awareness.
Energy work is required to make yourself a good conductor from your higher state of mind and the energies that involved with it. Otherwise you just shut it down and lose your consciousness at the presence of those energies.
Sleep is another important, but unconscious gateway between your higher mind and your physical mind. The better your flow the less sleep you need.


Quote from: Taotie on Mar 03, 05:14 PM 2020
Precogs would do well to practise and develop the 'three finger clasp' technique.

This technique once mastered can instantly shift your state of awareness to where it is needed for roulette play (or anything else you require). Thereby enabling you to commence play without any lengthy preparations.
It is an excellent anchoring technique to remember and bring through the state of mind required.
I think some advanced precogs do this naturally, they just get in the zone, so do speak.
The act and the rhythm of the game faciliatates the transition for them on autopilot.


Quote from: Taotie on Mar 03, 05:14 PM 2020
Precogs would do well to practise and develop the 'three finger clasp' technique.

This technique once mastered can instantly shift your state of awareness to where it is needed for roulette play (or anything else you require). Thereby enabling you to commence play without any lengthy preparations.

I googled this "three fingers clasp" technique and found nothing at all.
Could you provide any link about it?


Look into Jose Silva's mind control work.
I believe it is related to the idea that by creating physical or mind triggers you can condition your mind to quickly reenter into a brainwave state you previously achieved with a longer practice protocol.
You have to practice it, but I know a few people who can do this, so it works.


I've just ordered his book.
