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Reading Randomness ( The Real Way ) @ Roulette Simulator

Started by gizmotron2, Jun 02, 09:50 AM 2020

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Quote from: gizmotron2 on Oct 21, 12:18 PM 2020
I'm not attacking anyone, martyr.  I'm just pointing out that you are not right in your facts.

Here is a fact:

You said that you can't win by flat betting and that you need to use progression to win. This mean that it's a losing method (-EV). If you do not accept this fact, it means that you still don't understand the basics, as majority of losing roulette players.

This is the reason why you get killed in casinos and why you got killed on Roulette Simulator + MPR.


Gizmotron, Steve explained it many times over and over again on his site and videos:



Until you understand this fact, you will continue to waste your time on RR and in turn, spreading the ignorance to others.


Quote from: gizmotron2 on Oct 21, 12:12 PM 2020People enslave themselves
Yes. It's everywhere. Every weakling is their own worst enemy.
Quote from: gizmotron2 on Oct 21, 12:12 PM 2020I climbed Tioga Pass at the Eastern boundary of Yosemite one winter after a monster sized avalanche tore  down into Lee Vining Canyon. It left behind a natural accruing Half-Pipe that was carved out of a 45 degree face. It had ten foot high walls and was about 30 ft wide. I was all alone. My friends were down below climbing the ice walls. That was one of the greatest rewarding experiences I ever had. This was 1983-1984 and only one ski resort allowed snowboarding at the time. It was Donner Ski Ranch.  The idea of a half pipe was just getting started and nobody ever thought a skier would try it. 45 degrees, ten foot tall side walls, and 1000 vertical feet to get down. It was epic.
Quote from: gizmotron2 on Oct 21, 12:12 PM 2020You are a far cry from ever living large.
Not really. Not that I care if I ever don't live large. I'm perfectly content with my life.
Quote from: gizmotron2 on Oct 21, 12:12 PM 2020You won't get it from riding me
You can't win all the time, but with mm and discipline you can walk out with more money than you entered.


Quote from: gizmotron2 on Oct 21, 12:15 PM 2020singles on the weak side.
"Chop" which is a stretch of singles.
sleeping dozens
absence of singles
absence of anything larger than triples
perfect occurring patterns ( B, B, r, B, B, r, B, B, r, etc...)
You can pick out and label patterns all day; they will never teach one how to win.
You can't win all the time, but with mm and discipline you can walk out with more money than you entered.


Quote from: winforus on Oct 21, 12:24 PM 2020You said that you can't win by flat betting and that you need to use progression to win.
Progression is a great way to hide a winning method.
You can't win all the time, but with mm and discipline you can walk out with more money than you entered.


Quote from: winforus on Oct 21, 12:24 PM 2020Here is a fact:

You said that you can't win by flat betting and that you need to use progression to win. This mean that it's a losing method (-EV). If you do not accept this fact, it means that you still don't understand the basics, as majority of losing roulette players.

This is the reason why you get killed in casinos and why you got killed on Roulette Simulator + MPR.
I don't know why you waste so much time on this. I think Giz is making all of this up to be honest.
You can't win all the time, but with mm and discipline you can walk out with more money than you entered.


Quote from: winforus on Oct 21, 12:24 PM 2020You said that you can't win by flat betting and that you need to use progression to win.
Liar Liar Pants on Fire.

I said I use 2 units and 1 unit interchangeably depending on the quality of the trends and if I'm recovering during a good patch.  If that is a progression to you then you are a horse's ass. Stop trolling chump. or not....
Reading Randomness is a single thread. It is backed up by a software instruction thread and software download threads. The Even Chance Pro 1.4 version is the best version to practice on.
gamblingforums dot com/threads/reading-randomness.14733/


Reading Randomness is a single thread. It is backed up by a software instruction thread and software download threads. The Even Chance Pro 1.4 version is the best version to practice on.
gamblingforums dot com/threads/reading-randomness.14733/


Quote from: gizmotron2 on Oct 21, 02:51 PM 2020I said I use 2 units and 1 unit interchangeably depending on the quality of the trends and if I'm recovering during a good patch.  If that is a progression to you then you are a horse's ass. Stop trolling chump. or not....
You used progression on rs. You said you never lost more than 3 sessions in a row and used progression.
You can't win all the time, but with mm and discipline you can walk out with more money than you entered.


Quote from: gizmotron2 on Oct 21, 02:51 PM 2020
Liar Liar Pants on Fire.

I said I use 2 units and 1 unit interchangeably depending on the quality of the trends and if I'm recovering during a good patch.  If that is a progression to you then you are a horse's ass. Stop trolling chump. or not....

You are clearly using progression on RS. If you don't want to call it "progression" that is fine, but here is the definition for you, taken from roulettephysics.com:

"Roulette betting progression is when you vary the bet size after either win or loss. "

And here is your direct quote, where you claim that you failed at flat bet:

Quote from: gizmotron2 on Sep 24, 10:45 AM 2020
I have failed at flat bet. I tried to explain what I do now after you left. I use a fragmented part of John Patrick's up & pull. I start with 2 times my base big bet value and if I win I use half that on the next try. If that wins I'm done with my three net wins and out.

If I lose that bet at 2 times the base value then I stay at 2 times until I recover around half way. I then go between 1 time and 2 times the value. This is why I do that. It is stupid to not press when you are in a win streak, specially a good win streak. I tried to flat bet only at RS and got killed because I was  trying to recover a slow grind downward with single valued flat bets. It's stupid to play for six or seven wins from a win streak to try and get ahead. I play micro streaks and only take one net win off of them at a time. There are more first try net wins than there are two in a row wins. I'm sorry you tried this with just flat betting.  I can't do it either. But I killed it at RS with all of those tests of 50 sessions using (2, 1) or (1, 2, 2, 2, 2,)  John Patrick Up & Pull. I really expected to get trashed for appearing to double my bets on that. But nobody wanted any explanation of the Up & Pull and attacking strong win streaks.

In fact the word "attacking" is a trigger word for Spandex boys.


Progression is the fallacy of increasing your bet size in attempts of recovering losses. Since Giz can't win flat bet, he also can't win with progression.
You can't win all the time, but with mm and discipline you can walk out with more money than you entered.


You can't win all the time, but with mm and discipline you can walk out with more money than you entered.


Quote from: mma on Oct 21, 02:48 PM 2020
I don't know why you waste so much time on this. I think Giz is making all of this up to be honest.

You may be right, although he has been peddling this shit for over 10 years.I personally think that he is very deluded, and suffers from NPD. His behavior, grandiose stories, lies, arrogance, thirst for validation are pretty good indicators of that. Unfortunately a lot of people who don't have experience with roulette fall for this crap and in the past people even paid him money - who later had some very bad things to say.

Quote from: mma on Oct 21, 03:20 PM 2020
Then why is Giz even allowed to post here?

Because he is not selling anything directly or charging people money for it anymore. Steve is very lenient and even allows people to sell their systems in the systems section.

Also, I don't think he has bad intentions of hurting anyone - I think he genuinely believes in his method of "reading randomness" and also cares very much about his self image, thus he makes up a lot of lies, stories etc, to try to keep up the story. Just very deluded and suffers from NPD.


Why is anyone wasting time posting in this thread ???
Eighty- four and counting.  Is age an excuse?


Quote from: Ross on Oct 21, 04:45 PM 2020Why is anyone wasting time posting in this thread
Because giz claims to be able to predict numbers better than random. When you prove him wrong, he just plays with words and ideas to escape and counter our valid arguments.
You can't win all the time, but with mm and discipline you can walk out with more money than you entered.
