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Started by SWEET, Oct 09, 09:09 PM 2022

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Kimo Li says, in his blog:

The ultimate strategy, does it exist?
How many spins do you need to record before you start placing your bets?
I use to say 12 spins, then 8 spins, then, 4 spins, all of which still holds true.

I never revealed this to anyone, until now, NO spins.

That's right, the ultimate strategy requires no history of spins.
It does require a whole lot of thought, work, and privileged knowledge.

Solve the puzzle and the world is yours.


Hi, I am Sweet,
I had refrain to post anymore but cant help with this post :twisted: ,

How Kimo Li, bet straight away, without any reference to past spins? Very simple, by betting a signature event, a very rare to happen event , and risked his br.


Quote from: SWEET on Oct 09, 09:12 PM 2022How Kimo Li, bet straight away, without any reference to past spins? Very simple, by betting a signature event, a very rare to happen event , and risked his br.

KimoLi is right.
You can look back as far as you want your next bet will lose or win.
So you can start betting any chance. Your bet will lose or win.
It is the same procedure.
And whatever you will choose to do next, your bet will lose or win.
There is always a game


Quote from: winkel on Oct 10, 06:29 AM 2022You can look back as far as you want your next bet will lose or win.
So you can start betting any chance. Your bet will lose or win.
Ha, if you go to the street you can meet an elephant or not meet...but that not means, that chance to meet an elephant in Deli is the same as the chance in Oslo...
And this slight difference in chances does some players - winners and others - losers... :)
Not try to beat the game, much easier to beat the wheel...
Some peoples very not like, when I say how to win, or why they can't win.


Professor Winkel,
You have deep knowledge in betting.
You have any ideas, how one could bet immediately, (without reference to past spins), how many spins needed, stop loss, profit target and the br needed, and the risk/ reward ratio?


Quote from: SWEET on Oct 10, 12:31 PM 2022You have any ideas, how one could bet immediately, (without reference to past spins), how many spins needed, stop loss, profit target and the br needed, and the risk/ reward ratio?

And this all in 1 sentence?  O0

I´ll try: Take the date of the day, bet this number for 34 times with 1 unit, bankroll needed 34 units, stop in a win, stop in a loss of 34u, expect ratio at statistical probability.
There is always a game


Thanks Professor Winkel, for your reply.
Every self-respect ed member here, could immediately see and understand, Professor Winkel's undisputable solid knowledge in betting!

Personally, one of the "signature event", one could exploit, is bet that, in next four spins, single dozen, wont hit, xxxx, for, four time.

eg, bet dozen one, wont hit, 1111 in next four spins.

The question, is money management!

The usual 1,1,3,3,9,9...double dozen progression, will be too dangerous.
A special mm can overcome, the great losses, if 1111 hit.


If you wanna play dozens:

1. Don´t ask me for a strategy
2. look at your money and say farewell
There is always a game


Thanks Professor Winkel, for your advice.

If not dozen,
what you,

Thanks in advance.


Straight up only. Perhaps streets as well
There is always a game


Thanks Professor Winkel.

It seems that,

in next 6spins,
 only 4ds hit,

mostly of the time,

 only 5ds , or, 3ds, hit,
come second,

and only 1ds or all 6ds hit,

 in next 6spins,

happen about once in 200spins.

Thus how to bet only 4ds,
with special mm?

Thats something to ponder.


Interesting, can you produce the same stats for streets -- 3-number positions.


I have no data for street, I got that ds data, from Stringbeanpc posting in Kimo Li's blog.
(thanks to Stringbeanpc)
But for some reasons, known best to Kimo Li, he DELETED that post!
(Maybe Stringbeanpc, could help, he a good programer. Pm him.)
I could only deduce,  roughly , since,
5 hit in 6spins is 30/37=81%, then betting 5ds schemes, all the way, next 6spins, for some good streaks, but with special mm.


Only one DS hit, in next 6 spins is rare,
Thus, if,
DS1 hit,
Then 111111 in next 6spins is rare occurrence.

Say, previous spin=DS1 hit,
Thus bet the other five DS, for next 5spins.
(You may add, only red, high, or odd, by ,say, follow the last appeared.)


There is always a game
