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Roulette Book Review

Started by GLC, Jan 30, 01:25 AM 2011

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Quote from: GLC on Jan 30, 03:44 PM 2011
Dear Victor,

I don't completely understand what you're saying, but Brett recommends 1 winning session per visit.  If he can go in, win and leave in 15 minutes, he's a happy camper.

Ah! I see.

What I'm trying to convey is: these days I'm more prone to recommend an immediate stop when achieving your predefined win-goal (halt the session and leave immediately).

Flat betting would be the best way to go for a single session, progressively rising your unit's monetary value with a percentage from the units you won. Each session feeding the unit value for the next one, little by little.

In this approach, several good sessions are the "wining streak", not a single session with a jackpot.

That's what I meant! :)
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Of course, the author's approach is very sound; especially when dealing with positive progressions which can mean a huge win, and it would be counter-productive to halt the session on first win level without giving it the opportunity to develop to its full extent.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention here dear GLC.

A refreshing thread indeed :thumbsup:
🡆 ROULETTEIDEAS․COM, home of the RIBOT FREE software bot, with GIFTED modules for the community! ✔️


Thanks for clarifying Victor.  I see what you mean and do understand why you would want to stop at the win target with a flat bet.  As we all know, nobody necessarily has the "best" method, just the way that works for them.


The author plays either with or against the wheel.  He watches the spin results for a time to determine if there's a definite bias.  The bias is either for steaks, betting with the wheel or for chops, betting against the wheel.

The author definitely believes in dealers that can exert a reasonable amount of control on where the ball lands.  It is good to become familiar with dealers and their tendencies.  It doesn't take much control over the ball by a dealer to overcome the small house edge.  

Be aware of dealers that are trying to control the ball to help out a good tipper.  The more the tipper wins, the more the dealer gets tipped so why wouldn't he try to land where the player is betting.  If you sense this happening, jump in and see if there's a way to capitalize on the situation.  This is where knowledge of the game is important.  Making judgement bets in a unique situation.

If the author is betting against the wheel, it means he's waiting for a streak or pattern to develop and then bet it won't continue.  This is 6 spins pattern like 6 Reds or 6 chops or doubles etc...  Look for these on all the ECs so as not to have to wait too long for a bet.  On the Dozens he waits for 3 or 4 hits (preferring 4 hits )in the same dozen then he bets on the other 2 dozens.  If he gets 3 or 4  hits in 1-12 dozen then he bets on 13-36.  If he gets 3 or 4 hits in the 3rd dozen, then he bets 1-24 etc...  

He likes to play to kill sequences.  He bets up to 4 times to do this.   If 6 reds, he'll bet black up to 4 times.  When looking for sequences, he ignores 0 or 00.  He kills a kinds of sequences RRBRRB or RRBBRRBB or RBRBRB or RRRRRR or BBBBBB or RRRBBB etc...

When betting with the wheel, you bet just the opposite, to keep the pattern going.  You don't have to wait for a 6 spin pattern, jump in as early as a pattern develops.  RR is a pattern that you can bet to continue etc...

Advantages of playing with the wheel are:

1.  You can play at 1 table without  floating around the roulette room looking for special opportunities to bet against the wheel.

2.  You can bet much more often without having to wait.

3.  Long winning runs can happen resulting in some impressive wins.

4.  It lends itself to level betting until a win and then increase your bets.

5.  You will automatically take advantage of any footprint created by the dealer.

There is no major disadvantage to playing with the wheel.

Advantages for betting against the wheel.

1.  This gives you the option of playing several tables, looking for the best bets.

2.  You play with the comfortable feeling that this run of Red or Black or whatever must end sometime.

3.  You will usually win on one of your first 3 bets.  Stop betting if you don't win in 4 tries.


If there are several tables, he usually bets against the wheel.
If stuck at a single table he usually plays with the wheel.
He likes the feeling that change is inevitable.
There is no fundamental reason to bet for or against the wheel.  Previous spins are valid.

Next post I'll summarize a trip to a casino and how he plays to win.

Hope this is helping some of you expand your roulette knowledge.  I know it is for me.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Before going on with this topic, I want to point out that Mr. Morton gave the Reverse Labby a score of 9 our of 10 which is the highest he gives any bet method.

For an excellent presentation of this bet method I wish to thank our friend Bayes for an excellent  description he posted at this link:


Thanks Bayes!
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Let's follow Brett to a casino for a session of play.

We're going to the Bellagio.

All 0/00 tables with $10 minimum bets.

He buys in for $1,500 (showoff)
His loss limit is $400 = 27%
BLT is $100 = 7%
Happy Point is $250 = 17% (That'd make me happy too)
Gold Top is $500 = 33%

He's going to play against the wheel which means he will be watching all the boards for sequences of 6 or more and also for 3 numbers in a single dozen.

He likes the dealers at Bellagio; they're polite, friendly and competent and they like their tips.  He knows from past experiences that they can spin in patterns so he'll be looking for dealer footprints.

His staking system is the parlay.  He'll level bet till a win and then let the stakes rise and fall till he hits the loss limit or a winning target.  No drinking while he's playing.

He notices that one dealer has created a board with a hodgepodge of numbers, colors, dozens etc... no sequences at all.  A truly random board.  If a sequence appears he'll know it's the luck of the wheel and not a dealer footprint.  That's a good chance to win quickly because the luck of the wheel doesn't often go for long sequences.  If it were a dealer footprint, then it could go for 12 or more spins but when it's luck of the wheel, it shouldn't go much over 6 in a row.

He notices a table with a run of 4 numbers above 25.  That's 4 hits in the 3rd dozen.  In England he would bet 3 units on Low and 1 unit on 19-24 to take advantage of Le Partage but in Vegas there's no advantage to splitting the 2 dozen bet that way so he places 1 unit on the 1st and 2nd dozen.  00 spins so he loses his first bet, -$20.  He repeats the bet even though a win still leaves him down $10.  Loses again 34R spins so he's now down $40.  He level bets $10 on each dozen again.  29B spins.  Another loss.  He's down $60.

There have been 6 high numbers plus a double zero so he bets $20 on Low plus $10 each on the 1st and 2nd dozens.  27R.  Lost again!  Less than 7 minutes to get -$100.

(As a side note, a roulette player should memorize both zero and double zero wheel number sequences and which numbers are Red and which are Black.  He should know these like the back of his hand)

He considers that the dealer may be making a footprint with a double zero, 27R and a 29B a couple of spins earlier which are all within 5 positions of each other on the double zero wheel.  If he'd been ahead by $100 instead of behind by $100 he would have bet $5 on each of 27R, 10B, 25R, 29B and 00.  This is a neighbor bet.  But, he doesn't think that is  as safe as repeating his bet on Low and the 1st and 2nd dozen.  30R spins.  Another loss.  -$140. 

He considers giving up on this dealer, or seeing it through.  There's logic either way.  But there's a dealer change at the next table and there are also 8 Red sequence and he loves to bet against the wheel when there's a dealer change.  $20 on Black. 15B spins, a win!  One of his favorite bets is for the switch back after a long sequence with a break so he bets $30 on Red.  19R spins.  He's recovered $50 of the $140 he was down.

He looks back to his 1st table to see that 33B spun which was a losing spin for him had he bet it.  He returns to that table and places $50 on Low.  5R spins and he's only down $40.  His next bet is $75 so he walks around looking for a good table to strike on.  Nothing.  He notices a rich punter betting $8000 per spin and doing rather well.  He was placing $5000 on either Red or Black and betting the $3000 divided between 15 numbers.  He won on 13 B, tipped the dealer $200.  He increased all his bets but he increased the 13B by a larger amount and he also bet on the 5 neighbors either side of 13B.  It was like he was saying to the dealer, "Look I've tipped you well, so why not try to do me a favor with a repeat on 13B."  Brett decided to take advantage of the situation just in case the dealer could actually exert some control over where the ball lands so he bets $5 on 13B and the 2 neighbors on either side.  The dealer spins the ball slow which is better if you're trying to hit an area of the wheel.  24B!  A win.  The rich punter had won $11,200 and I'd won $155.  We both replaced our bets, but just then a new dealer walked up.  He removed his bets and as he walked away he saw the ball land in 23R on the opposite side of the wheel from my bets.  Opportunism is a key part of winning.  It's hard to do this on the internet.  You gotta be on the carpet where the action is for wins like that.  He's now up $110.  His next bet is still $75.  He notices a High/Low sequence developing with 4B, 29B,3R, 25R, 10B, 28B so he bets $75 on high for the chops to break and won with 36R.  He's now up $185 and his next bet due is $100 and a win would put him over Happy Point of $250.

He saw a sequence of 6 Blacks and place his $100 bet on Red.  8B.  Back to up $85.  His next bet is back to $75.  His BLT of $100 had not kicked in because he had not reached Happy Point yet so he could still end up a loser.  He placed $75 on Red and this time he won as 23R hit.  Back up to $160.  He spotted a zigzag of seven with the last color being Red so he bets $100 on Red and wins with 36R.  Now he's +$260.  That's over Happy Point so BLT is active now.  He will leave a winner no matter what.  His next 2 bets are $150 and $200 which would put him over Gold Top.  He wins his next bet of $150 which put him at +$410  within $90 of Gold Top.  He found a run of Reds and bet Black at $200 and lost.  This put him at +$210 units.  This dropped him to below Happy Point, but well above BLT.  His next bet of $150 would drop him below BLT so he could only bet $110.  Since nothing was developing, he decides to call it a $210 win and exit the casino.  He felt content at $210 winner after the bad start he'd had.

That's one trip to the casino.  I tried to give you everything that indicates how he thinks as he looks for betting opportunities.

We'll go to a couple more casinos in later posts.


In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Mr. Morton goes to the Paris Casino in Las Vegas.

Upon entering the casino he spots a dealer he recognized from earlier visits who had delivered patterns.  He went to her table where she had just spun 2 Reds so he bet $20 on Red.  Wins with 14R.  He placed $30 on Red again and 14R repeats.  $50 on Red wins with 34R.  That's 5 Reds in a row.  He stays with her remembering that the last time he had played against her she spun 12 Blacks in a row while he was betting against the wheel causing him to lose.  All of the numbers were Red Even though there are only 8 Red Evens to 10 Red Odds.  A bet on Odd was looking tempting, but he decides to stay with the dealer.  $75 wins with 36R.

With 6 Red Evens, Black is looking tempting, but she seems to be in a rhythm so he bets Red again.  $100 win on 25R.  That puts him up $275.  He's starting to get nervous but decides to bet Red 1 more time.  His next bet is for $150 and he wins on 14R.  He's up $425.  He's reached Happy Point and is only 1 bet away from Gold Top.  His next bet is $200 which he makes and loses as 00 spins.  So near but so far away.

He's now down to $225 ahead with a $150 bet due but if he lost it, he would drop below his BLT.  He can only bet $125.  If it loses he leaves with his $100 BLT and if he wins he's up to $350.  $125 on Red and wins as 19R lands.    He bets $200, his next due bet and wins again with 9R.  He's at $550 which is above Gold Top.  He can place any bet as long as it doesn't cause him to go below Happy Point of $250.  No matter, he's leaving with $250 of the casino's money in his pocket.  He decides to bet $250 and if that loses, he's leaving with $300.  Everybody else at the table was betting on Black for the streak of Reds to cease except him.  27R spins and he's $800 up.

When he surpasses Gold Top he has to pocket Gold Top plus half of the amount above Gold Top.  That leaves him with $150 to play with.  He decides to go to another table where it looks like a dealer is spinning into a footprint.  His spins are going from one side of the wheel to the other side of the wheel.  He bets $10 on 5 numbers in the section opposite of the one just spun and misses by only 1 number.  He backs the opposite side and with $10 bets and hits for $350 less the $40 bets lost.  So he has $340 and halves it putting half in his pocket.

He continues playing and ends the evening with $875 less tips.

Okay.  That seems to be the way he plays.  We just have to accept his word for it that he wins 4 out of 5 trips on average.

Of course there's a lot more I could post from his book.  But, unless people have any specific questions, I think I'll end this little book review.

I hope it's helped someone.  I know it's caused me to rethink my approach to the game a little, or maybe a lot.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Nice indeed,looking forward to some more inspirational casino stories.


Thank you so much for the info George!
I notice that Brett seems to have an arsenal of bets based on his experience perhaps??? Does he make any mention of how he selects his bets, or is it based on what the table is doing.  If you could expand on this it would be great.



thanks for this really  interesting post, george.

I don't want to play mr. smartass but is number 7 really a plouscoup? it looks like the contre d'alambert to me.  ???



"Don't criticize what you don't understand. You never walked in that man's shoes." (Elvis Presley)


Quote from: hanshuckebein on Jan 31, 11:31 AM 2011
Thanks for this really  interesting post, george.

I don't want to play mr. smartass but is number 7 really a plouscoup? it looks like the contre d'alambert to me.  ???



You may be right.  He starts out flat betting until he wins and then he starts a positive progression.  From his detailed trips to the casinos it looks like he bets this progression: 10-20-30-50-75-100-150-200.  Once he starts winning, he's playing a contra D'Alembert.  You are correct Hans.  Thanks for pointing that out.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Quote from: Spinner on Jan 31, 04:29 AM 2011
Thank you so much for the info George!
I notice that Brett seems to have an arsenal of bets based on his experience perhaps??? Does he make any mention of how he selects his bets, or is it based on what the table is doing.  If you could expand on this it would be great.



He does make some bets based on hunches and experience (a lot are based on what he knows about some of the dealers).  He typically either bets to follow the wheel or his favorite way is the play against the wheel if he has a good number of tables to keep an eye on because when he's playing against the wheel, he's betting that sequences will stop.  He usually risks 4 bets that say 6 Reds will not go on.  If he loses, that means there were 10 Reds in a row.  If he doesn't have but a few tables, he likes to play with the wheel because he doesn't have to look around to find sequences developing.  With only a few tables, he doesn't get enough bets playing against the wheel.

Sounds like another casino trip would be welcome by some of you, so I'll accommodate you.  I didn't want to get too repetitive.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


George, you write so well, fluently, grammatically correctly, and about really interesting stuff that more offerings will be gratefully received.

So if you have the time, energy  and inclination then let this be an encouragement to continue.

And thanks again, for what you've given us thus far.  :thumbsup:


Let's go to the Palm Beach Casino, London.

Brett likes playing in London for 2 main reasons.  1)  Favorable rules on the zero.  2)  There's a ban on tipping.

He is playing with one of his students, a young lady named Julie who has embraced his playing style with a passion and has won enough to have a pretty tidy fighting-fund.  She is an excellent student and he doesn't have to point out opportunities for play since she was tracking with him from the start.  She had never believed that dealers could target a section of the wheel, but playing for neighbors now usually felt like a sure win.

Excuse me, but I don't have a pound key on my keyboard and so I am going to list his bankroll and bets as $$$$ even though they are really pounds.  It doesn't change a thing as far as what we're trying to learn from him.

He has a $2000 fighting bank with him.  His loss limit is $300, 15%.  BLT is $100, 5%.  Happy Point is $250, 12.5%.  Gold Top is $500, 25%.  His base bet is $50 on ECs and $60 on 24 number bets.  These are modest targets considering his large fighting bank with a high base bet but he is trying a different attack.

He wants to go for a quick kill tonight and quit early.  He is considering 1) His substantial cash reserves.  2) A low Happy Point in relation to his large bank but still enough to make him feel happy if he hits it.  3)  The single zero wheels.  4)  The favorable rules if zero does hit.  5)  The savings by not having to tip.  6)  He is going to play to win 2 in a row and he goes back to his base bet.  This is less aggressive than his usual parlay system.

They both spot a wheel with 3 numbers in the 1st dozen and back the 2nd and 3rd dozen by betting 3 chips on High and 1 chip on the 13-18 line.  They lose this bet and the next 2 on the same spots.  He is -$180.  He sees a sequence of 8 at another table.  This sequence of 8 was made up of HHHLLHHH.  Note: as you can see, he doesn't limit himself to only the common sequences.  Any combination like this one that he feels is just to pretty to continue, he will bet that it breaks.  They bet on High to break the pattern of 2 Lows coming.  Low hits again, another loss.  They next bet on High to break the sequence of Lows and win.  This puts him down $180.

Julie spots 5 Low numbers and a zero so they wait to see if another Low spins and it does.  He bets $75 and loses and he's down $255 in no time.  He decides not to continue betting to break the streak of Lows because he sees 3 doubles in a row RRBBRR so he bets on Red and wins.  He wins his next 3 bets on different tables which left him at -$100 and time to have dinner.

After dinner they split up and play separately.  He spots a footprint, but Julie is at another table with her back to him and he can't get her attention in time for the bet.  He places $5 on 22B and the two numbers on either side, 18R,29B,9R and 31B.  9R spins for a win and he's only down $35. For the next hour he wins some and loses some and finally reaches up $125 which is above BLT and decides to quit.  It's not Happy Point, but after a hard fight, to leave a winner, no matter how small makes one happy.  Julie had also climbed out of the hole when her husband found her and they had to leave.  It didn't look like he had done as well as she did so she was happy to leave ahead of the game.

This was a small win.  Small wins regularly are not enough if on the good days you don't ride the wins to Gold Top and beyond.  Eventually the loss limit will swallow up small wins and leave you even or in the hole.  Big wins are demanded if you intend to stay ahead of the game.  That's why you have to have the resolve to keep pushing upwards on good days, risking good wins for excellent wins.  A couple of Jackpot days can balance out 7 or 8 losing days.

If Happy Point was the most we ever won, it would be very difficult to stay ahead of the losses enough to justify the effort.  Today was a bad day and he still left a winner and that's very good.

The other trip to a casino is a losing trip.  It's short and sweet.  I can't say that it adds that much to our knowledge bank.  I think he threw it in as a reality check so we can see that he doesn't win every time.  As you can see from the 3 accounts of his casino visits, he bases a lot of his bets or skipped bets on how he's feeling or sensing.  Subjective decisions that can't be taught, they have to be acquired through hours of play and then learning from mistakes.

Do I believe that he wins 4 of every 5 trips?  Based on these accounts I have to admit that I am skeptical.  It just seems that there's too much based on feelings that can go terribly wrong some of the time if not a lot of the time.  Nevertheless, it does add a lot of information to what we might expect to encounter if we want to play roulette and don't have that illusive Holy Grail we're looking for that let's us sit down with every expectation of  getting up a winner.

Who's to say.  Maybe his style of play does win 4 out of 5 times.  At least for him!


In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


One thin Brett Morton has done is piqued my interest in looking more seriously at positive progressions.  I can see from his accounts in the casinos that you do have more control over your money.

On the other hand, if you lose $400 on a visit to the casino, what difference does it make if you lost it betting on positive progressions or negative progressions, you're still out $400.

I guess we each have to choose our own way.

And everyone lived happily ever after.

Good Night,

P.S.  If there are any more questions about Brett's teachings, I'll be glad to answer them if they're addressed in his book.  I'm no expert on his method of play, that's for sure.
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!
