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Started by commonsense1968, Sep 20, 05:09 PM 2010

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To my surprise, and it took reading a book to really trigger the thought, there is a strong case to insulate yourself as a pro from some of the live casino nonsense which is so time consuming, energy consuming and expensive.

It may be that the stronger situation to build a bankroll is actually in the comfort of your own office when you are dealing with reliable and trustworthy live casino feeds.

Sure, once achieved to a suitable level, then play can be split on a case by case basis. It also comes down to your own temperament and just what  you can deal with and where and when.

It amazes me all these new variables have now been triggered. It is a part of the necessary learning experience and dealing with the true facts and reality of live play in different locations.

You need to be more and more fully prepared for pro live play and I can see that the requirements and opportunities and knowledge are all there. What is needed is a plan and organisation and realistic goals. More on all of this soon.

flukey luke

One of the biggest mistakes anybody can make is to enter the casino and rush straight to the table and start playing.
I have found that by having a drink first and just wandering around the casino for 20-25 minutes to get acclimatised can make all the difference.
Some people say you should not drink alcohol but I always have one beer just to loosen up a bit and then stroll around the tables watching people lose money. That then gives me the motivation that I am going to leave the casino a winner.
This plan has worked for the best part of 3 years. To become a winner, you have to feel like a winner and that means doing whatever it takes to feel relaxed and confident when you start playing. It is amazing how much positive energy you can actually draw from a casino when you later consider all the negative elements of such a place.

flukey luke

Quote from: F_LAT_INO on Mar 21, 03:23 PM 2011
That statement of your is contradicting your Avatar  LoL

Not really dear Iboba, the avatar says 'your' only chance, not mine.  :wink:

Only joking. Let's face it, only a lottery win is going to give me a lifestyle that I dream about. The casino is a grind no matter what. That is why when I watch others lose, I am ready for a fight to come out ahead.  :thumbsup:


Quote from: flukey luke on Mar 21, 03:30 PM 2011
Not really dear Iboba, the avatar says 'your' only chance, not mine.  :wink:

Only joking. Let's face it, only a lottery win is going to give me a lifestyle that I dream about. The casino is a grind no matter what. That is why when I watch others lose, I am ready for a fight to come out ahead.  :thumbsup:
Nobody got rich on the table,but bread and butter yes.
I don't bay a lottery tickets...roulette for me is challenge and psycho relaxation.
You can always get me on  


Yes 'psycho' relaxation is a good description of time in the B+M casinos!

This has been a fascinating period of learning, and btw the Equinox will always bring a harvest of experiences ( particularly the Autumnal Equinox which we have just experienced down south).

To be honest my intuition had actually warned me to delay my trip one week, and in hindsight ( yes its always hindsight!) I can see why. It is more difficult to be cool calm and collecting when you are stressed to the gills with world events and time pressures that were fooloishly self imposed upon myself.

Never mind - great good has come out of this.

Ever stronger resolve to conduct professional roulette business in a manner that is true to yourself - not some corroded excuse where you have allowed negative forces - casino counter intelligence activities - to erode your integrity and wallet.

It sounds dramatic but it is actually simple. We must think through what we need, and the conditions required given available time/ resources.

I played in one casino mid morning and they kindly opened one table for me. But what do you do after you have travelled several hundred miles and you have a nice profit in ten minutes.

On the internet I could withdraw it and put it back into my VISA account. Live,  I should pocket it - if I had a pocket! - no, so I left the cash chips on the table. Not surprisingly, in this instance anyway, they had gone within 90 minutes after a fair tussle, and some further cash input. Missed the tide.

A few days earlier I suppose I later reflected on that happy event where I had made 400% by just keep on going but then I was refreshed and energised at the beginning of the tour. On this latter fateful morning I was much wearier than I realised.

Big lessons here.

The casino in opening the one table had no other roulette tables open for most of my playing time - only one at higher unit values later just waiting to vacuum all my cash - good timing by the management. That invitation was politely declined.

Fair enough thats their game. But how naive of me to not be prepared for that circumstance. ALL circumstances need to be foreseen and have a plan of action organised.

It is fascinating to read Ellison's book on the subject of compulsion. Even the most experienced professionals can be tempted. It is an element that has to be faced, understood and managed EVERY time we play. Just know its there and acknowledge it; dont deny it, but handle it and steer your personality away from the traps.

I think we need to view ourselves as multi level beings and at the higher levels kindly direct the less mature elements of our natures.

I wont go into the metaphysical/ spiritual, but our physical world is very complex/ testing and we have to deal with it as adults, experienced adults, if we are going to succeed.

The choice to be a player in such a challenging environment is a bold step but one that will bring many many rewards.

Last night on Mtv I was watching the troubles of a young and gifted professional poker player. Success had come very early to him and then fortune had deserted him and he was really troubled by re-emphasising failure and loss and of course this spilled into all aspects of his life. Success came too soon, before he was mature and prepared.

Rightly he has taken a break from the game.

With Roulette which is such a one on one game the struggles and battles are inner and we need to bring our experience and knowledge, and our growing wisdom to the wheel long before we find the right techniques for trapping a winning number.

Failing that priority, it will all be in vain. I need not mention the percentages because these are not set; there is no concrete ratio. Anything is possible!The game is a wonderful opportunity to learn on many levels.

Good Hunting.


I must emphasise how much I am enjoying and drawing from RD Ellison's book earlier mentioned. Within that book are other references and some brilliantly selected and inspirational quotes. In due course on the experimental workshop thread some key principles will be summarised for us all.

Gamble to Win: Roulette is honest, direct, practical and very well laid out. Huge respect too for Lyle Stuart as Publisher who is a proven brilliant player.

Where I am really helped is the shared experience of someone working along the same path, with great depth of experience, and yet who is totally honest wrt weakness, vulnerability, complacency, compulsion, reality checks and other techniques to overcome these very human conditions which we all have within our natures. Our task is to manage these.


It is amazing what some research and a little extra digging accomplishes.

Sorry, I should have referred to the Maestro as the late Lyle Stuart who passed away 6 years ago. What a colourful character. He took on the biggest and eventually won, to his credit, but not until after some very stressful times.

RD Ellison has also had some colourful experiences.

If you didn't need reminding the path for a professional on any casino circuit is very tough and we certainly need to toughen/ strengthen/ protect ourselves in the face of adversities. It applies to all business so the more research and development we do behind the scenes is paramount.

Also it is a fascinating life principle but even though we may be fluent in some areas of our personality with great skills, even genius level, but in other aspects we may have 'black holes' of stupidity where we still need to do a lot of work. I dont see professional roulette, or professional work in any field, any different from any other area of life experience. It is full of opportunities for us to grow and become better and stronger. One aspect of that is to assist others.

More on this soon with some new references.


Cannot emphasise enough the hard graft in preparation for the more 'glamorous' side of the business, ie that of TESTING.

It is necessary to be explicit in the terms and conditions applied to any test.

Particularly so if progressions are involved.

At this time 90% of my working time is spent testing for the key 'anchor bets' that will be applied over the coming months in full professional play.

I am not running in the popularity stakes but am seeking truth in results.


Context of testing. Ensure sessions are kept independent. Short sessions of roulette express short term trends and bias/skews. Forces are swirling and ebbs and flows of cyclic tides produce very strange outcomes in short term random play results.

As a rule of thumb you can limit sessions to 3 x37 ( say 120 spins) to ensure exposure to these phenomena.

After 37 spins, certainly 74, the corrective and filling forces are at work.

Thus when testing ensure you limit to within one and one only session of live play. ( Edited data may miss these separations and thus miss/ misunderstand these vital energies that are short term).

Take for example the Pattern Breaker/Filler game. We are watching for the eighth pattern to become appraent by its absence.

When noted we can then play either for it to manifest ( or partially manifest) or to be continually denied.

I believe the Filler game is best and the partial, step by step filling of this pattern is using the corrective forces to our advantage.

Please refer to the Pattern Breaker thread.

The world can be viewed not just from one frame of reference, but simultaneously from several. Just so roulette as quantum packets and yet also as cyclic wholes which obey probability theory. In the short term though there is a branch of mathematics that can enable a consistent edge in roulette as long as we are quick on our feet and can shift frames of reference rapidly and in tune  to this cosmic dance.

Success will thus entail overlay and overlap of at least two modes/ methods simultaneously. Access to trends is short term. Access to completion patterns is longer term.

By working in EC terms/ clusters and working in threes of EC clusters  we are protecting ourselves from brutal random behaviour swings that would punish us for being too precise with our speculations ( inside table bets), and yet can handle short steps of repeating trends building to a manifestation of the completion of a cycle ( eighth pattern).

Hope this makes sense ( I lost an earlier draft).


Quote from: XXVV on Apr 18, 12:43 AM 2011
The world can be viewed not just from one frame of reference, but simultaneously from several. Just so roulette as quantum packets and yet also as cyclic wholes which obey probability theory. In the short term though there is a branch of mathematics that can enable a consistent edge in roulette as long as we are quick on our feet and can shift frames of reference rapidly and in tune  to this cosmic dance.

Yes you can view roulette as quantum informations, but first you need to defined states, that you will be observing in vector space. Inside abstract field changes can be observed and calculated. The smallest part of the system is equaly important as system as a whole and all possible observables must be included or in other words, you can't make things up. It must have a mathematical reasons for mechanics of your model.

For quantum informations you also need spin and directions inside vector space, where also should be notice that everything is reflected and with 1 collected piece informations you have also inverse piece. I already suggested in my posts that spin should be meassure by distance, directions as position and refelections should be constant of 2 numbers (the most probable combination).

Anyway, even if we are correct and we have correct model, there is no guarantee that system will work and random might be just random, but at least we know that we use all possible logic avaible and we should accepted that winning is impossible.

The main problem is also that theory must be valid for the wheel and number layout. This is quite hard to do it.



Quote from: RBR7 on Apr 18, 11:32 AM 2011

Yes you can view roulette as quantum informations, but first you need to defined states, that you will be observing in vector space. Inside abstract field changes can be observed and calculated. The smallest part of the system is equaly important as system as a whole and all possible observables must be included or in other words, you can't make things up. It must have a mathematical reasons for mechanics of your model.

For quantum informations you also need spin and directions inside vector space, where also should be notice that everything is reflected and with 1 collected piece informations you have also inverse piece. I already suggested in my posts that spin should be meassure by distance, directions as position and refelections should be constant of 2 numbers (the most probable combination).

Anyway, even if we are correct and we have correct model, there is no guarantee that system will work and random might be just random, but at least we know that we use all possible logic avaible and we should accepted that winning is impossible.

The main problem is also that theory must be valid for the wheel and number layout. This is quite hard to do it.


Thank you RBR7 and for your earlier posts which I will re-study.

I certainly agree with you that theory must be valid for the wheel and the layout and yes it is quite hard to do.

I would like to state that I believe it is possible to win ( more often than lose) by application to some degree of success this principle by selection of smarter bets and handling of randomness by selective use of outside table bets ( I have changed my view on this yet again and I am back with this view) and smart timing.

By smart timing I mean timing as to when to recognise and enter a window of opportunity and when to exit.

Play/ testing that continues on without pause does not understand the true nature of roulette which offers in small cycles behaviour which is counter to the long term expectations of probability theory. Short term behaviour can offer trends, bias and skews which are analagous to the swirls and eddies iof the river that may run counter to the general effect of gravity longterm.

But that is not really the best analogy because the tide may actually reverse and swing many times in a short cycle pattern as a complete opposite in its own little universe to that of an extended period of play where behaviour will most probably iron out more evenly after several thousand, or several hundred thousand spins and then meet the criteria of probability theory.

Working within a short cycle and accurately reading the signs, the pattern, the trend manifesting, on wheel and / or table, we can achieve great success temporarily as long as we recognise the time to exit and retain (most of) our profit, till the next opportunity.

Back to the future...



Quote from: XXVV on Apr 18, 04:46 PM 2011
I certainly agree with you that theory must be valid for the wheel and the layout and yes it is quite hard to do.

With valid theory for both I meant to unified table layout and wheel layout, with distances as connecting elements or maybe with summed  constants between sets of numbers. I'm not sure yet about that because, I don't know how everything can be recreated with single formula.

The best way to start in my opinion is to construct only simple abstract number field, where numbers are represent by vectors and numbers are in mathematical equilibrium, as vectors as in geometrical. Wheel problem can solved when we have a working and understandable model already.

It is fascinating the wheel result  (starting with 26+3+35+12+28+7=111) is 111+222+333=666 and each half is worth 333 and also with fact that number for one side have his +-18 distance pair on the second side.  There are certain indications that author of the wheel did placed numbers with formula.

Quote from: XXVV on Apr 18, 04:46 PM 2011
I would like to state that I believe it is possible to win ( more often than lose) by application to some degree of success this principle by selection of smarter bets and handling of randomness by selective use of outside table bets ( I have changed my view on this yet again and I am back with this view) and smart timing.

Timing as I see it, is more the state in which system is in when we observing it in snapshot of time with predefined frame of reference. Time in general is only difference between 2 events and can be treated as another spatial dimension  in vector space (abstracted field).
If we look randomness as changes of states (change in time between states) and that roulette doesn't have memory, but do have  balance/ equilibrium, is all that we need to do, is to observe this changes on higher level of whole system. But first we must predefined states that must have equal elements and I suggest 6 elements with equal distance 6, because of mathematical and geometrical reasons (I will explain in my theory).

So if you look this elements like +-/6,12,18,24,30,36=distances :    odd/even +-3,9,15,21,27,33 distance    odd/even +-3,9,15,21,27,33 distance    odd/even +-3,9,15,21,27,33 distance

Now we need connecting element that connect  this 3 columns in between. That is +-5 or +-7 because it goes from columns 1-2-3 or 2-3-1 or 3-1-2 and if you place number in matrix you will get.  or  or  or  or  or

Notice that number are arranged in horizontal +-7 and vertical  numbers in next row is +-6 (36+7=43-36=7) or  +-5  and vertical number in next row  is also +-6. This is natural order, but result of columns and rows in both matrices is still not constant and needs to be rearrange to match fixed value. This is basically what vector field will look, except that this is representation with matrices (matrices are basics for QM and vector field)
What I'm trying to say is that if we look result in three different columns in same time frame we can look all elements in distance 6 and then also interconnection between +-5 (between columns)  and this will have effect on calculated combination. I will post this more in my unified theory.



Thanks RBR7 and I will look forward to your further progress in Unified Theory.

I am sorry that I have not replied earlier but I took a needed refresher break to re-prioritise my work.  Will respond to your work at a later date.

At present my focus is short cycle activity, in particular to take advantage of the Ecart phenomena in relatively short sequences, as opposed to the longer cycle corrective averaging forces.

Yes I am interested only in smart bets and smart timing to get in and get out with grace and skill taking profit in a window of opportunity.

Yesterday, playing the Latvian live feed casino I saw a situation that suited two of my favourite methods and a short screen sample of 12 spins demonstrated that we were 'in phase' for these two methods. We achieved great success over several dealer changes and the energies ran positive for about 70 spins and then it was time to quit as the success rate tailed off.

I view play as friendly, neutral or hostile and all have three sub grades such as magic, very friendly or  just friendly for the first category.

Our comprehension of such a phase is of course very subjective, as one persons meat can be another's poison when it comes to methodologies in this matrix of roulette.

Where my methods worked was in the characteristic of short repeating rapid turnover cycles of opportunity and warm repeat numbers working also in short cycles. I wont go into the methods because the principle we are talking about here is that of timing and accurate selection of appropriate attack.

Mixing metaphors hopelessly here we can say we bring out the correct artillery as 'horses for courses'.

To take the metaphor to absurd levels we have an arsenal of perhaps 11 first rate techniques and a reserve bench of a further 9 hopefuls to call upon in the event of injury or poor form.

Our 'reading' of the game should enable our attack to get underway unless we choose to wait and see. RD Ellison wisely aligns Roulette to Chess, in that we are seeking to beat a massive opponent with limitless resources, through skill, cunning and timing.

My approach is thus pragmatic, experimental, flexible, and a (vision of) battlefield experienced General's approach to overview and strategy-a very long way from a Grand Unfied Theory.

Nevertheless I note RBR7 acknowledges that the smallest part of a system is equally important as the whole. Our approach has to be very sensitive to change. Thus careful entry and exit is essential for profit.

More on this soon.


Thanks Esoito
Very helpful and much appreciated.
