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Started by Playborne, Jul 07, 09:39 AM 2011

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Inspired by Ken's idea to have a personal thread, I decided to make my own too. I am going to post the articles about roulette, NO SYSTEMS except those I will like a lot, and some humorous gambling related things!
playnow, playmore, playborneâ,,¢


I will start with some Interesting Facts About Gambling

Did you know and ever noticed how many interesting facts are unknown about gambling?
Lots of facts affect gambling and that’s why we know a different kind of this entertainment nowadays.

Let’s start from the Las Vegas facts:
-Las Vegas was founded in 1905. The name means "the meadows" in Spanish.
- Las Vegas covers 84.272 square miles, 219.1 square kilometers.
-Gambling became legalized in Vegas in 1931.
-87% of the people who visited Las Vegas - gambled.
-Annual visitors to Las Vegas, is 36.7 millions

And what we know about the Casino itself?  This “houses” have very interesting history in past.
-The name ‘Casino’ comes from the Italian ‘Casa’, meaning house.
- No one knows when the first instance of gambling took place, but the first record of it taking place can be traced to China in 2300BC.
-The first casino to be recorded in Europe was in Venice. It opened its doors in 1638 during the carnival season
-The first casinos to emerge in American history were the saloons in important cities including San Francisco, St. Louis, Chicago and New Orleans

Casinos have grown from humble public buildings to vast developments that incorporate luxury hotels, theatres, zoos, music venues, shopping malls and more. Their most recent incarnation is online. With the advance of the internet, players can now enjoy all of their favorite casino games online at any time of the day. 

But these are not the only facts concerning to gambling industry, it is very interesting that:
-Each king in a deck of playing cards represents a great king from history.  Spades - King David, Clubs - Alexander the Great, Hearts - Charlemagne, and Diamonds - Julius Caesar.

-The four suits correspond to the four seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. They also remind us of the four winds: North, East, South and West. - This is very strange, no one has an explanation.
-The typical playing cards as we know them today got their final shape and design from 15th century France.

And that is not the end, history kept lot of other interesting information about Casino games
-The Italian word "baccarat" means "zero" in English.
-Origins of Keno is the oldest gambling game. While there is no written history of the exact origin of the game there are written records that date the game back to the Han Dynasty between 205 and 187 B.C. The records say that the game was introduced by Cheung leung as a means of raising money for the armies.
-Blackjack, or 21 as some people call it, continues to be the most popular table game in both online and offline casinos. It is also the game with the best odds.
-The game called craps usually has some of the best bets in the casino.

At the and we can summarize the situation - changes in this industry are huge and very unbelievable , for example gambling age - In the 1970's, the typical age range of people who Gamble was 30-55. Today, it is age 17-70, is not it strange? Changes are noticeable everywhere and in every one.

In spite of land-based casino importance in gamblers lives the popularity of online Gambling is increasing rapidly with every year, having seen significant growth in Europe and in Asia.

So let’s enjoy every game and every bet what we have ever made.     
playnow, playmore, playborneâ,,¢


Blogs are great. Good luck sir.

Watch us big doggs, the MEN, play at a REAL casino, on a REAL table. All we ask is that you stay out of our way. The rest? Bots, airball, RNG...that's more for the Kitty Kat Klub. Its the big doggs and the kittens!! Winning is not an event, it's a process and it takes YEARS and YEARS to master > link:://:.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/2014127/rs_560x415-140227131132-1024.bulldog-kittens3.jpg... To be great, you have to be willing to be mocked, hated and misunderstood.


thnx KEN, keep tracking my blog-thread, you'll find many interesting stories here ;)
playnow, playmore, playborneâ,,¢




The non-gamblers have been asking one question for over the centuries- why do people gamble?! The regulations, jurisdictions, lifestyles, technology- it all has changed, however, the fact that if people have chance to gamble, they absolutely will, has remained unmoved… In this post we try to find out the motives behind gambling, that makes the process so attractive, regardless the results...

There are two broad views of gambling; according to the first one gambling is a deviant activity, while the second opinion supports the idea that gambling is just an extension of normal human behavior, with nothing unusual in it. Many organizations have collected the data about gamblers for years to really find out what are the reasons of such an addiction, and define the differences between controlled and uncontrolled enjoyment of games. While some gamblers are subconsciously motivated to play and are having an obvious response to positive stimuli, others are believed to simply enjoy the game and perceive gambling as just another form of entertainment. If you ask players why they gamble, you will definitely get as many answers as the respondents, but still there are three basic reasons that are more or less shared by all gamblers around the world.

The first and the most obvious one of three reasons for gambling attraction is Wealth. Potential to win money is number one motive of so many people to love gambling. Unless there was a chance of winning, why would so many people waste their times, budget and effort on wagering? As every gambler hopes on being struck by the jackpot, for most of them a small winning is enough to come back. On a psychological level, this phenomenon of is best explained by B.F. Skinner's operant conditioning theory, according to which an individual modifies the occurrence and form of its own behavior due to the association of the behavior with a stimulus. Gambling falls under a category of positive reinforcement, in other words, that basically means that winning every once in a while (even when we lose far more frequently) is all the positive encouragement that gamblers need to keep playing.

Another motive of loving to gamble is considered to be the thrill of competition. The pursuit is especially strong in case of skill-based games like poker where players are countered against each other instead of the house- this gives a double shot excitement. It may be considered as king of the mountain syndrome, with no importance to the awards- the priority is to be a winner, regardless the reward! After observing World Series of Poker or other big tournaments, you will be convinced that rivalry sometimes matters even more than money.

As most of us do love good surprises, thrill of something unknowns can be considered to be the third driving force behind the love of gambling. In subject to the logical understanding of the games, predicting to lose, little winnings are made more enjoyable. Regardless they are beating other players or just beating the odds, it's nice to feel for even a moment that luck is on their side. These small momentums of fame are what make gambling appealing to so many people around the world.
After all the discussion, gambling appears to be something paradoxical, rebutting logical flow of events. That’s exactly why the question of non-gamblers is still unanswered.

via Playborne iGaming Blog

playnow, playmore, playborneâ,,¢


Why Online Casinos are Better     

Even though online casinos have been around for more than a decade, there are still many discussions whether gambling in an online casino is better than in a brick and mortar casino. Some argue that this form of gambling is better than gambling in real life, some try to prove the opposite. Naturally, it is difficult if not impossible to match the thrill of a real casino; however, the modern online casinos have taken gambling to an extreme. We share the opinion that online gambling is a great invention of the mankind, benefiting both- the owners and the players. Below, we will bring several points in favor of online casino.

Let’s start our discussion with respect to casino owners- gambling gone online has facilitated the job of casino management a lot. Here are 5 advantages that make online casino supreme over its land-based counterpart:

•    Online Casinos Can Be Ruled Extremely Easily- the function of casino management is to only plan- organizing, leading and controlling is done by the software. No need to hire thousands of workers to operate thousand-player casino! The less human labor force involved, the less the risk of error occurrence- with computer based system the chance of “accidental mistakes” is eliminated.
•    The Safety is Guaranteed- no threat of being robbed, players getting drunk and fighting, offending Croupiers, smashing and crashing casino inventory- relatively no need for hiring muscular, sinewy security guards to protect you in case of such disputes. The experience shows that safety does matter- according to statistics; some casinos are even being robbed twice in less than a week.
•    You Never Disallow Your Customers- despite the rapidly increasing demand on gambling, your players do not have to stand in line on Friday evening at a craps table and watch others play it! There is enough room for everyone!
•    The Location Does Not Matter- the target segment is not restricted by geographical borders, so there is no need to whimper if you’re born in Hum, Croatia, where the amount of your potential customers (adults) cannot exceed 17. The whole adult population of the world is at your feet!
•    You Know Almost Everything About Your Customers without any additional research- Let me explain: players cannot access games without opening an account. This process consists of several steps and asks customers to give some information about them. The data that is gathered can not only be used for safety reasons while withdrawing winnings, but is a great source to identify customer needs, access them anytime and customize your business so the players are satisfied without any costs!

The discussion about casino advantages can be endless…Let’s stop here and move on to players.  By observing many gambling forums and reading player opinions, I concluded that there are several reasons that make gambling online preferable. The motives are as follows:

•    Gambling Online is Convenient- however; convenience for majority of players is associated with  the same- gambling in their undies. Online gambling does not require players to meet time, dressing, budget or behavior restrictions.
•    Online Casinos Offer Higher Payouts and Generous Bonuses - this has been so for years. The competition between numerous online gambling houses is getting tougher over time, so each of them tries to make their offering more attractive to the players- in any case; the one that definitely benefits from it is the player!
•    Minimized Minimum Wagering Requirements- although no casino exists without minimum betting amount, online casino restrictions are actually minimum- there are conditions to offer for every player regardless social and financial status, and it’s very probable to win big money via little bet.
•    The Enormous Variety Of Games â€" each offering guarantees unique gaming experience! There are themed games to tale you everywhere- from glamorous Las Vegas to hot Mexico!
•    No Disturbance- no other players’ exclamations, annoying music, irritating waitresses insisting you to drink and lose- in online casino there is only you who makes decisions! No environmental factors prevent you from winning!         

via Playborne iGaming Blog
playnow, playmore, playborneâ,,¢


Downloadable vs. Web-based Casinos

Online casinos can be divided into two groups based on the interface of the games they offer. The games can be either in web-based or download-only format. Some casinos offer both interface alternatives to their users, even with the added afresh alive casinos.

Web-based online casinos are websites where users may play casino games without downloading software to the local computer. For example, our Playborne Casino games are web-based and require neither download nor installation. Games are mainly represented in the browser plug-ins, such as Macromedia Flash, Macromedia Shockwave, or Java and require browser support. Also, bandwidth of all graphics, sounds and animations are loaded through the web via plug-ins. Some online casinos additionally accept gameplay through an apparent HTML interface.

The knock on effect of not having to download your favorite online casino games, is that players will have more space on their hard drive and can play in their preferred internet browsers. Download versions of casino games and slot machines tend to be of quite large capacity. With a decently modern computer this shouldn’t be a problem though, as hard drives nowadays are very spacious, but on the other side, the low memory space can still become a problem for some players because of the intensive flow of information, or for those ones, who want to play the game on a family computer.

The main advantage of the non-download versions of internet casinos and slot machines is their convenience. As the games tend to be in a Flash format, the player can simply log into their online casino account, deposit and play away. Furthermore, the players do not even have to be at their own computers; they can log in from work, an internet cafe, a friend’s house or anywhere with internet access.

Everyone is able to play the web based casino games instantly and the graphics are decent, which is also increasing in quality as we speak. It simply works on any computer that has an internet connection and an up to date web browser, no special requirements need to be satisfied for playing. In case of the beginners of online gambling world, who have not really put their foot in yet, web-based online casino games are an exceptional way to start out and begin playing until they learn the hang of things.

On the other side, download-based online casinos require the download of the software client in order to play and wager on the casino games offered. The online casino software connects to the casino service provider and handles contact without browser support. On the other hand, the initial download and installation of online casino client with such an interface does take time. As with any download from the Internet, the risk of the program containing malware does exist. This threat is very hard to identify and is almost completely out of control. So, downloadable software may seriously harm the player’s computer in case of malware existence.

When playing a downloaded casino game, the software will often try to reconnect automatically and utilize other built-in features that attempt to keep the game running smoothly. Usually, online only games tend to have fewer recovery features, but the chance of losing money though, is eliminated as the standard approach taken by online casinos is to void any ongoing bet if the connection drops. With the Playborne Casino for example, we have taken this concept even further and practically all Playborne games support 100% recovery. You can try yourself. Start a slot game and during a bonus game close the browser window. Open the game again and it will resume where you stopped it (within 15 minutes). So, even in case of good web-based casinos, the disconnection is still not a really big problem.

If a player plans to continue playing at one particular casino then the downloadable software is better suited as it's easy to reach since it is downloaded right onto the desktop. In addition, if playing on dial-up or a slow connection, the downloaded software is much easier as everything is downloaded once and stored onto your home computer rather than every single time that you log on. But the coin has two sides, and the disadvantages of downloadable casino software are as follows: the already mentioned threat of malware detection, problems with antivirus software that may often block the program from running properly once installed, or even in the installation process. Another dark back side is that the downloadable software has only been created for those running Microsoft Windows so this could pose a problem for Mac owners. The downloadable games acquire a lot of memory, so the space on the hard disk can appear to decrease because of high capacity downloadable games, as explained above.

As a conclusion, we can not definitely say that either format of casino games is better. Rather, we have discussed both of them together with their respective positive and negative aspects, so everyone can more or less objectively define which interface suits them more. It all depends on the player’s circumstances at the time. But one thing is actually obvious for everyone: simple and quick access of the game is the main issue; regardless the player is a beginner or the advanced one.     

via Playborne iGaming Blog
playnow, playmore, playborneâ,,¢


HI Playbourne!

Enjoying your blog!

How do you feel the availabilty of the internet and forums such as this has affected brick and mortar casinos'? Do you think that gamblers are now more successful since their eyes have been opened to new systems and money managemnt idenas that they probably wouldnt have been aware of, pre internet? Or do you think it hasnt really had a knock on affect?

I base this on my own experience, prior to finding this forum, I would have probably continued to think betting on red/black with the marty was the way to play, but with access to the internet my eyes have been opened and I now am much more roulette savy.

Thoughts anyone?


Hi LuckyLucy! Thanks for reading my blog, I promise to add new posts regularly!

As for your question, introducing internet forums IMP have significantly improved gambler's skills. Now players are more educated as they can share their experiences with each other and avoid the mistakes made before!
playnow, playmore, playborneâ,,¢


  Celebrity Gamblers   

Being famous and disgustingly rich is probably not as easy as it seems, when the rest of the world looks at you as if you were an alien doing slice-of-life things such as eating a hamburger, walking in shorts in a damn hot weather, or gambling with your friends.
It may seem a paradox for someone imagining wealthy and popular person betting money and worrying when lost $5 at a slot machine. My argument to that is you should always take pleasure of the process, not the result! This is exactly the explanation of why so many famous and reach people are so keen on gambling! There are few of them listed below:
Feasibly inspired by starring in Oceans 11, 12 and 13, or more likely by the fact that they're both incredibly minted, George Clooney and Brad Pitt have invested $3 billion in a Las Vegas casino complex. Let's just hope that no one decides to rip them off while they're at the poker table, and they are very often at the poker table, indeed.
There has always been a tradition of a few card games while away on England duty, thus Michael Owen doesn’t hide his love towards card games. Wayne Rooney realized he was in trouble after it was alleged that he owed Michael up to £70,000 in gambling debts.
Another sport representative- Tiger Woods- he seems to be a big Blackjack lover, despite the fact that this pleasure usually cost him more than the $25,000 per hand.
Her Royal Highness rarely misses a bet on the gee-gees wherever she goes. Although she never wagers on money, she still appears to be a big sports betting fan, anyway.
One of the most talented and successful, skillful and reckless, meet the big gambler- Ben Affleck! He won $356,000 at the California State Poker Championship in 2004. This made him competent to take on the big boys in the World Poker Tour final tournament the same year.
Macy Gray made a bombshell appearance in Celebrity Poker Showdown, and ended up at a highly regarded third place. Still, with the pleasant smoky poker voice, she has huge potential to go further in her gambling career.
And finally, throughout the history of the Simpsons, Marge Simpson’s “Achilles' heel” has always been gambling â€" particularly the flamboyant slot machines of Las Vegas!

via Playborne iGaming Blog
playnow, playmore, playborneâ,,¢


Progressively more ladies are occupied inside the online gambling industry, holding different positions and sharing dissimilar duties. Since online casinos are continuously seeking noble ideas to uphold the existing players and to further attract new ones, online casinos are contracting women to a greater extent. These women are transforming online gambling industry gradually â€" they have more advanced knowledge or maybe an intuition, rather than the men do, to guess what female gamblers would like to grasp in online casinos, so they make online gambling houses more appealing to women. This leads to a significant increase of female players!

There has been a stereotype for an extended time that Bingo was the only game for females to play, as they needed no skills to “win sometimes”. It appeared to be quite challenging to recognize gambling market offering for women. Although it is true, that bingo still attracts female gamblers (especially those of elderly age), but the increase of female personnel at online casinos steadily changes the perception of online gambling market for women.

The promotions targeted at women started to emerge, and grows considerably day by day. The market is so saturated, that the time has come for mastering the untapped market that mostly consists of women. UK, as a leading gambling country, is a front-runner in gambling ads towards women, concerning bingo halls and expecting to gain more and more females. Slots have changed a lot too. Being the most diverse gambling form in its nature, they’ve become quite feminized recently. With this said, the research study conducted recently has shown that 50% of online gamblers in the UK are women! Let’s agree that this is quite a big figure, enough to force the operators changing course and the range of products to please female customers.

The outcomes of one more research by eCOGRA point out that more women are playing poker than ever before. The sample of the survey consisted of a huge number of participants, and nearly 30% of poker fans appeared to be females! The analysts say that when it comes to playing poker, women tend to prefer the privacy of the remote environs in order to reinforce their confidence without being a subject of bigot remarks from other players. So, poker is no longer going to be a game that is played in smoky bars and dingy basements!

One more current trend in the poker world is the conception of women’s only poker tournaments. These contests are a great way for women to be wide-open to the nuances, scenarios and culture of tournament poker without feeling vulnerable to an overriding male company. Numbers of women have joined in in women-only tournaments in latest years and some outstanding females have emerged from their midst. Having gained the confidence and the fame, along with the experience of tournament participation, these women are quite ready to face-off their male counterparts, with the aim to emphasize their superiority over them.
Despite all this discussion above, some areas of gambling are still masculine, such as sports betting and horse racing. The reasons for that may be the leak of women engagement is sports, but the great changes are still quite likely, as we see recent women football championships, extremely successful female tennis players … The world seems to be getting fair at last![/reveal]
playnow, playmore, playborneâ,,¢


Progressively more ladies are occupied inside the online gambling industry, holding different positions and sharing dissimilar duties. Since online casinos are continuously seeking noble ideas to uphold the existing players and to further attract new ones, online casinos are contracting women to a greater extent. These women are transforming online gambling industry gradually â€" they have more advanced knowledge or maybe an intuition, rather than the men do, to guess what female gamblers would like to grasp in online casinos, so they make online gambling houses more appealing to women. This leads to a significant increase of female players!  There has been a stereotype for an extended time that Bingo was the only game for females to play, as they needed no skills to “win sometimes”. It appeared to be quite challenging to recognize gambling market offering for women. Although it is true, that bingo still attracts female gamblers (especially those of elderly age), but the increase of female personnel at online casinos steadily changes the perception of online gambling market for women.  The promotions targeted at women started to emerge, and grows considerably day by day. The market is so saturated, that the time has come for mastering the untapped market that mostly consists of women. UK, as a leading gambling country, is a front-runner in gambling ads towards women, concerning bingo halls and expecting to gain more and more females. Slots have changed a lot too. Being the most diverse gambling form in its nature, they’ve become quite feminized recently. With this said, the research study conducted recently has shown that 50% of online gamblers in the UK are women! Let’s agree that this is quite a big figure, enough to force the operators changing course and the range of products to please female customers.  The outcomes of one more research by eCOGRA point out that more women are playing poker than ever before. The sample of the survey consisted of a huge number of participants, and nearly 30% of poker fans appeared to be females! The analysts say that when it comes to playing poker, women tend to prefer the privacy of the remote environs in order to reinforce their confidence without being a subject of bigot remarks from other players. So, poker is no longer going to be a game that is played in smoky bars and dingy basements!     One more current trend in the poker world is the conception of women’s only poker tournaments. These contests are a great way for women to be wide-open to the nuances, scenarios and culture of tournament poker without feeling vulnerable to an overriding male company. Numbers of women have joined in in women-only tournaments in latest years and some outstanding females have emerged from their midst. Having gained the confidence and the fame, along with the experience of tournament participation, these women are quite ready to face-off their male counterparts, with the aim to emphasize their superiority over them.  Despite all this discussion above, some areas of gambling are still masculine, such as sports betting and horse racing. The reasons for that may be the leak of women engagement is sports, but the great changes are still quite likely, as we see recent women football championships, extremely successful female tennis players … The world seems to be getting fair at last!

playnow, playmore, playborneâ,,¢


What to Listen To While Gambling

Why do most of us prefer gambling online? While gambling online, it depends on you what to listen to, not the casino manager!

This post is not for debating about music genres, neither it is for promoting some singers/songs/bands. The purpose is to give you some tips on how to correctly choose the best songs that will perfectly fit your gambling sessions and contribute in keeping you up with a nice mood.

Let’s first take a look at a study conducted by eCOGRA, which identified a strong positive correlation between listening to music and achieving more financial success at the poker tables. With the common sense, it would be very logical to extend this finding to online casinos as well, as the likelihood that listening to music may have an impact on financial success in all realms of betting is quite high.

Another study that was undertaken, this time on roulette players, who were forced to listen to high-energy dance music while gambling, revealed that the calm players were transformed into quite risky ones, and won significantly more, due to the hazardous bets they had made.

It is also proved that the songs where money and risk dominate in lyrics have quite a big impact on gamblers. High-energy songs encourage the players to get the complete pleasure from gambling! But be careful here… It does not always end happily… And most of the unhappy endings occur in case of skill games that need high concentration and decision-making.

So as a conclusion, here is what I suggest: If you are keen on slots, roulette, craps and other games of pure chance, I recommend high-energy songs that make you feel you’re strong, risky and confident!

In case of being a skill games lover, you need a high level of concentration and thinking, so you need songs that do not irritate you while contemplating. I suggest songs without lyrics, as most of the time lyrics hinder concentration process. So, some instrumental jazz or classic music will calm you down, promote rational thinking and favor more successful card counting!
playnow, playmore, playborneâ,,¢


AGCC Full Tilt Public Hearing
Some unidentified investors tied up in ongoing dialogues with representatives of Full Tilt Poker are involved only in acquiring the stressed online poker giant's UK and Irish holdings and European licenses. Specifics of the acquisition offer come on the eve of today's settled public hearing over the poker site's license deferred by Alderney.

The Alderney Gambling Control Commission was set to chair a open hearing in London on Tuesday, July 26th, to agree on the future of Full Tilt Poker, whose fate has been undecided ever since the events of Black Friday in the US in April.

Full Tilt's UK licenses were hold over by Alderney on June 29 following the indictment of the company by US prosecutors on April 15, and the site was obliged to suspend functioning from the jurisdiction promptly.
Some days earlier the public hearing, a possible procurement of Full Tilt assets was revealed, that had nothing to do with its actions in the United States, but rather were focused on the British and Irish trademark.
playnow, playmore, playborneâ,,¢


      AGCC Full Tilt Public Hearing Put Off
So much awaited public hearing of Full Tilt’s license fate by AGCC is being delayed. As reported, it was settled for yesterday, July 26th in London, but was postponed until 15 September at the latest and left the audience disappointed.

So it is still unclear whether the site will have its license restored or revoked. AGCC finally agreed to an adjournment saying that it was in the interests of justice and the best interest of Full Tilt customers as it will give the site more time to complete new investment.

Full Tilt's lawyers had previously requested for the hearing to be held behind closed doors, instead of been public. Whether the upcoming hearing will be open again, or will be held for only parties engaged, remains uncertain, as well as the fate of the player’s positive balances.

To stay updated about the matter, follow us on twitter, or join us on Facebook for the upcoming news.
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