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OPPOSITE of Sidney One-A Three Outcome Trend Even Chance System

Started by RouletteExplorer, Sep 21, 07:45 PM 2011

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This is the OPPOSITE way of play of a system that a member posted.(plus some tweaks)

So  we are looking at the 3 last outcomes and we see the colours.
If we have 2of the same and 1 alone we are betting the 1 that is alone
If we have 3 of the same we bet the opposite one.

Progression +1 on a lose  - 1 on a win.

In every new profit we reset to 1 chip.
If we need less chips to be in a new profit than the progression suggests , then we are minus the chips.....e.g.. we are -2 and progression stage say to bet 5 , then we are betting 3 chips in order to be +1(new profit.

Here is the testing grapg I did in 781 spins we have +172 profit.
This also proves that the original way of the system that this member posted can t work....
I am not sayng that the opposite way can sure works , but if the opposite is winning, then the original is losing.

It would be nice if a programer could code this system to give a fast and big test
What we need is new thinking...

Nathan Detroit

This  method is  also called "Intermediate Equalization of Even Chances" and was mentioned by "WINKEL" and being  discussed  several years ago  at the  PAROLI  Roulette Forum.

I did  play this  method in a B & M casino and the  croupier wa NOT too happy. The reason being I had chosen  to  give  action to all EC , B/R   O/E H/L.

Some  action !!!

Nathan Detroit

Nathan Detroit

This  IEEC  method  is  a rather good  way  to play as long as  one  selects only 3 dominants.
Following all 6 EC  is self defeating and not worthwhile  considering.

Occasionally a  player might find himself sitting out  a few spins while  waiting for  the next opportunity.

Nathan Detroit


I only try to help everyone RoletteExplorer..........

625 games played 1 loss, I have to report.........

Nathan Detroit

Roulette Explorer ,

This  is  a very sound method you  have brought to our attention. The reason being that  it is  entirely based  on  the 50/50 expectations of the EC as long as one stays with only one of each category   as I have   already stated  in a previous post



Quote from: RouletteExplorer on Sep 21, 07:45 PM 2011
This is the OPPOSITE way of play of a system that a member posted.(plus some tweaks)

So  we are looking at the 3 last outcomes and we see the colours.
If we have 2of the same and 1 alone we are betting the 1 that is alone
If we have 3 of the same we bet the opposite one.

Progression +1 on a lose  - 1 on a win.

In every new profit we reset to 1 chip.
If we need less chips to be in a new profit than the progression suggests , then we are minus the chips.....e.g.. we are -2 and progression stage say to bet 5 , then we are betting 3 chips in order to be +1(new profit.

Here is the testing grapg I did in 781 spins we have +172 profit.
This also proves that the original way of the system that this member posted can t work....
I am not sayng that the opposite way can sure works , but if the opposite is winning, then the original is losing.

It would be nice if a programer could code this system to give a fast and big test

Hello RX

Yeah its good method. I play something very similar but i start betting with 3 units and
decrease or increase by 1 if i win or lose respectively. I also posted here other similar system when you reset after 3 bets. I bet EC and usually follow the last decision for max 4 steps.
The most crucial  thing here in order to be steady in profit is to set your stop loss and win target.  I usually stop my session when 10-15 units ahead and if 25 units down.
Its very difficult to recover if deeper in the hole ;D
Its a grind sometimes but if you are satisfied with winning 20 or 30 units in 4 sessions this might be something for you.


Nathan Detroit

I would  like to add that if we  have  3  of the  same EC e.g. R-R-R then one  could chose from  3  options:

a.)betting with the RUN

b.) betting against the RUN

c.) Sitting out several spins.




Quote from: Nathan Detroit on Oct 06, 08:44 AM 2011
I would  like to add that if we  have  3  of the  same EC e.g. R-R-R then one  could chose from  3  options:

a.)betting with the RUN

b.) betting against the RUN

c.) Sitting out several spins.




I usually go with the flow here ;D But this is of course just a guessing game.  If  MM and stop-loss are done properly you stand as a good chance of winning as in any other good system. You  will lose here quite often but should make a steady profit.
Yesterday i saw 3 DS hit 17 times in row.Things happen.  I don't like fancy systems. They all lose sooner or later.
Here you get out at a set stop-loss and have a very good chance of recovering in next sessions.


Tsi Nan Fu

Option " c'  would be  the preferred one . The  reason being that it would not deviate  from the original   intermediate equalization scenario.

Tsi- Nan- Fu
