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Dec 21st, 2012 - What is your prediction?

Started by Steve, Dec 12, 10:00 PM 2012

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We've all heard about the so-called 2012 Mayan prophecy. Most people think it is just some doomsday prophecy, because they get their information from hollywood which is full of idiots.

The truth is on December 21st, 2012, there will be a astronomical alignment that occurs only once every 26,000 years. It is a CYCLE, not an end.

There is so much information out there, and most of it is negative like the one below:

2012 Something Is Going On!

It has a lot of interesting information about things like birds falling from the sky dead. Just like biblical prophecy. I believe that kind of thing happens from the HAARP project which is covert manipulation of weather among other things. Same thing with the strange sounds being heard from the sky. Sound is vibration and energy, and it can easily manipulate the atmosphere. Anyway, back to my point....

So what do you guys think will happen on December 21st? Post your prediction here.

I'll kick it off with my "theory". The planets and all life follows a cycle. An example is life and death. Death is change, not the end. The below chart shows one of the larger cycles:

This shows a cycle of human evolution, where we go from the "golden age" to the "dumbarse ignorant" stage. The top/yellow part is the golden age, and the buttom is the "dumbarse" stage. We are currently in the "dumbarse" stage.

Most people might say "how could we be the dumbest we've ever been because we have like rocket ships and stuff". Well when I say "dumbarse", I'm not so much talking about our ability to build rocket ships. How much tax do you pay?.. Is the power source to your house and vehicle efficient, or is it often the source of war?.. Are people being massively misled by media and selfish elite, and if so to what extent?.. How much of your life revolves around slavery?.. Is it like an "advanced society" to lead you into a life where you have an enormous debt and pay it off for the rest of your life?.. Really, we are not advanced. We are BACKWARDS. Collectively, we are dumb as they get. We are like monkeys with tools, thinking the ability to create tools makes us "advanced". Many of us look at animals as silly creatures, but really, who are the ones that need to go to work today to pay off electronic digits? (remembering money is not backed by gold anymore. it is backed by DEBT - DO RESEARCH ON "MONEY AS DEBT")

When I say "advanced", I'm talking about consciousness, ie our connection to everything. Now we are on our way back up to the golden age. We can see this with the growing focus on things like sustainable energy solutions.

The absolutely lowest of low stages was the last few hundred years. But, we are still in that stage. And the elite have a very good grip on us, and they're not going to let go without a fight. My prediction is now that people are "waking up" and becoming more conscious, the elite are starting to lose control. They know they can't keep us as slaves if we know what we are, so everything they do via media, schools and all, is to make us think "this is just how life is". They keep us in ignorance.

Some people will stay ignorant until death. Some wake up and wonder why they couldnt see it before.

At around about December 21st, our whole planet and collective consciousness will have reached a particular stage of evolution. It won't be an "on the day thing". Again it is an AREA of time, and it has already been happening. At around this time, a lot of accelerated changes are happening and it leads to a disruption in things like weather, although there is much more to the "screwy weather" thing.

Most importantly, this shift in consciousness is approaching "critical mass". This is the point in time where enough of us are aware that real change starts to happen. And when it is in full swing, the elite will lose control.

Now because these people don't give a nonsense about us, they will do anything they must to hold onto power. One of their major tools is FEAR. So they can stage anything they want, and people will be scared and submit to laws designed to further enslave. They have been doing this for a long time. 911 is just one example, and it allowed them to invade Iraq, remove Saddam who was clearly no angel, but they needed to re-structure that region and he was in the way. I don't want to get too far from my point, so I'll make it now:

It is possible that something is staged on the 21st, but I believe it is more likely to be AROUND this time. So anywhere from now until the next few months or even year. I mean something very big. A few possibilities are:

* Global killer pandemic, like some killer flu.

* More natural" disasters. Of course real natural disasters occur, but they have technology to affect weather and induce earth quakes

The above two are most likely. In the USA, it will be martial law and FEMA. Anytime from now to a few months from now. Basically it will only be done IF the elite are likely to lose control if something is not done. Understand it would be done to create fear and scarcity, to help them maintain control.

* The external threat. An alien invasion. Oh yes, think I'm a crackpot? Firstly, if you really think we are the only life-forms in the entire expansive universe, you are thick. If you think the "grey-bearded guy in a cloud made everything theory" is more plausible, good on you. I'm not talking about a real alien invasion though. I mean a fake one. And if you think faking an alien invasion is beyond the elite, you need to understand it is their last resort. They may or may not play that card. It depends on whether or not everything else they've tried has failed. It is their last resort because if people learn that other life exists, that will expand their thinking, and they don't want that.

Keep in mind to them, we collectively are silly, and willingly give our power over. They consider them just the "takers", and that we allow ourselves to be controlled. AND THEY ARE RIGHT. They are just doing what they consider natural - the survival of the fittest. To a good person, they are evil. To an evil person, they are no more cruel than a lion eating its prey. It is a birthright to do what they must to survive. But the fact of the matter is they are parasites. Is a leech evil? That depends on your PERSPECTIVE. My perspective is a leech doesn't have a choice. They do, and they choose to thrive from manipulation which is a destructive outward path. And considering all matter and energy can only survive with implosion, their approach to life cannot be sustained without willing subjects, hence the need to keep us in ignorance.

Carol Rosin: Amenaza de Asteroides y ET's

The woman in this video explains part of the plan.

It is all out there. Why do you think the elite are busting their balls to censor the Internet? They don't want people to communicate openly. Uncensored communication is critical. Research and see how badly the elite are pushing to censor the Internet. They are rushing it. And even when they fail, they try again. They need the censorship so they if/when all this goes down, they need to control the information to manipulate people as they do with other media.

So in short, my prediction is a storm is coming. We just don't know what it is yet. But I expect it will either not be real, or it will be a situation CREATED BY THE ELITE to create fear in attempt to maintain control.

If you think I'm a crackpot or "conspiracy theorist", you are the one with a lot to learn.
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Hopefully it all ends......get this bad dream over with.

Watch us big doggs, the MEN, play at a REAL casino, on a REAL table. All we ask is that you stay out of our way. The rest? Bots, airball, RNG...that's more for the Kitty Kat Klub. Its the big doggs and the kittens!! Winning is not an event, it's a process and it takes YEARS and YEARS to master > link:://:.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/2014127/rs_560x415-140227131132-1024.bulldog-kittens3.jpg... To be great, you have to be willing to be mocked, hated and misunderstood.


It is not going to pretty either way. Change usually is messy. I don't think people need to build bunkers or anything or stockpile food (unless you intend to stay in cities which is pretty darn silly), because if we are in a survival situation, you will eat just about anything.

Whatever happens, I believe one thing is clear: there will be massive deception of some kind. Not just one thing, but many at once. It will all be centered around FEAR, to have us submit to their control.

Everything that has a start will have an end. So they won't be around forever. Because people are so detached from reality and what they are, they get scared so easily. I'm not afraid at all of dying. At least I won't pay tax. ****ing tax.

Anyway, remember:

He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither. People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both.

- Benjamin Franklin
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Don't know about the Mayan's or what they're cooking up at CERN next Friday...but just reading Drudge a couple times a day really puts things in perspective as to what state the world is in...and it's certainly not getting better by any stretch of the imagination.

Reason and common sense seem to be loooong gone, whether you are talking about the politicians or the general public.

It certainly has the propensity to get pretty bad.


No matter what you believe, it is hard to disagree that the state of the world is bad.

The other day I was driving along thinking about people who starve, face foreclosure or whatever. Then I look over to a patch of grass, with no vegetables growing. Just a small patch.

WHY isnt there food growing there? WHY are there ANY people going hungry, let alone dying of starvation?

Just one point. The world is BACKWARDS.
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That's why I pray.  Also remember there is a big holiday called Christmas coming up, celebrating a very major event in history.  I cling to the hope that comes with that Birth.


From my understanding the earth as well as our entire solar system is moving into a new energy field in space. This is the actually reason for global warming. Knowing that all planets in our solar system are also experiencing global warming proves this.

This energy field is what 2012 etc is all about. This energy field is of a high vibration/love, anything which is of a low vibration/negative emotions (which leads to all the turmoil on are earth) cannot journey to far into this new energy field for it is not compatible with it.

This new energy field is also raising peoples consciousnesses and is transmuting all low vibrations.

What I expect to see happening in 2013 is vast positive societal changes. From a new global economic system, to free energy to the full development of the third world. Granted these changes will not happen overnight but we will see them really getting started in 2013.

December 21st is an important date for it is in my mind a doorway. Basically everyone on the planet has heard about the 21st and what could happen. Some are in fear because they have been mislead to believe bad things will happen. Everyone is feeling "something". This something in my mind is the coming changes which will transform the world and in a sense this thought can be overwhelming for we don't know how it is all going to happen.

For me Dec 21st represents a date on which we have a personal decision to make. Do I believe in this new age? Am I ready and unafraid of this new age? Can I let go of all negative emotions I have? Do I love myself and can I forgive myself. Do I acknowledge that we are all one and do I wish that everyone on earth lived in peace? If the answer is yes then I feel I am ready to move into the new energy field/new age.


I love this thread well done guys, a lot of things are being said that I have believed in for quite a long time, especially what Steve said at the start, I feel we are being conned, and contrary to belief slavery is alive and well today.

Look what happened to the banking world not long ago, just shows everything we have been told, is just built like a pack of cards!

Things have got to change for the better for everyone not just the rich, and I hope 2013 is when the world wakes up, and says "enough is enough of this crap, lets make the world a better place"

Peace & Love



I do love reading absolutly everything. I can enjoy reading many things, even stuff I dont believe in.

This was interesting stuff Steve.

Just because I dont believe this Myan doomsday  doesnt make it wrong. I could be wrong.

we believe what we want to.

i pesonally believe man landed on the moon. i have a friend who doesnt. he argued that radiation bursts would of killed the astonauts.

"How do you know the radiation burst exists?" I asked

"Because I read it", he replied.  I said, ...."and I read man landed on the moon."

Unless you accuratly do the test and experiment your self, you are just reading and adopting a view you like.

The only thing that has changed in the last 26,000 years is the population and not the resourses. They have dwindled. people murdered then, starved then, died in hurricanes and tsunamis then, robbed people then...prayed then.

being an amature Astronomer, im sure that the double star Sirrius or infact objects further than the moon have absolutly zero influence on the earth. The mass of this penny I have in my hand has more influence on the earth than Sirrius. Stars and planets lining up have no Astronomical effect on the earth. So it must be Astrological, which I dont subscribe to.

But there you go, I read that somewhere in a Stephen Hawking book or something and decided thats what I would believe. I didnt do any of the experiments...so i am just blindly and faithfully believing it.

At least I realise that I suppose.

Everyones view is just that. A view. its not wrong and its not right. Its just what they believe.


PS....I fully intend to be sitting in my local pub sipping a nice Port on the 22nd December


Proofreaders, while I'm not a "religious" person, I do believe in Christ, but I believe the truth has been massively distorted over the 2000 years. I do believe in the Bible, but I also believe you need a fair understanding of how the universe really is to properly understand what it is saying. I think blindly believing it with a literal translation is wrong. And ministers pass on their inaccurate understanding of it. At least this is my opinion, and we all have our opinions.

As for prayers, when I was religious, I prayed often. Then when I had a different perspective on life, I looked more at science instead of "some guy in a cloud", and I didn't pray as I saw no point. Now I understand that prayer is a connection. With God? Who knows, and that depends on your definition of "God". But there is real science behind prayer. For example, consider that prayer can influence the structure of water. We are around 75% water. Prayer does do something, even if just attuning ourselves to the universe.

My personal understanding of such a higher power is that there is no real distinction between God and science. And the existence of UFOs etc doesn't disprove God. I never understand why people don't see both can exist. So I believe "God" is the universe itself, which is absolute consciousness, that we are all part of - at present we wouldnt have anywhere near the consciousness to fully understand it. I don't believe God would be some guy in a cloud.

AMK, yes I agree about the energy. Although I can only guess as to what this energy is. It appears to be some kind of acceleration in our awareness. I don't know if it is influenced by actual planets or just a natural progression in our cycles. Perhaps a combination of both. As above, so below. It is said in many teachings, not just the bible. And yes I agree about the personal decision. Some people aren't going to understand or see it. Some people are going to just think we're on something, while we're confused as to why they can't see it. About prayer and water, see link:://:.spiritofmaat.com/archive/aug1/consciouswater.html

A while back on the forum we did the rice experiment which is a good way to see it for yourself, but you need to see the jars regularly to have effect. It is not the words on the jars that makes the changes, it is you and your emotion towards the words.

Malcop, yes that point is "critical mass" and that's what we're not far from. And then real change will happen. Very much looking forward to it, but I know its not going to be pretty at the start - especially for the people not mentally prepared.

Turner, we all have our different beliefs. For me to say I'm definitely right would be ignorant. Also keep in mind I'm not saying there is some doomsday - I'm saying the opposite. I believe 2012 is a planet alignment that marks a point in our evolution. Again it is not an "on the day" thing, and the changes are positive, and already happening. When the global financial system collapses will be the worst part, and the best part.

And turner, port is sickeningly sweet. You are flat wrong for drinking it. :P
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Quote from: Steve on Dec 13, 04:48 PM 2012

And turner, port is sickeningly sweet. You are flat wrong for drinking it. :P

Steve, with all due respect, Port wasnt on the agenda for scrutiny...... :thumbsup:


Hello Steve,

Liked reading your reply.

From my understanding, yes, there will be some difficulties as the changes are massive and thousands of people have to work together, which they already are. But it will not be drastic etc

The new economic system is being handled by very wise people and is being put inplace underneath the collapsing one so that things will fall into place, no pun intended : )

What is most important is that we do not fear. The corruption is being removed from all aspects of our society. Only the media is still heavily influenced.

I look forward to the future, perhaps we are going back to it ; )


Quote from: Steve on Dec 12, 10:00 PM 2012

The truth is on December 21st, 2012, there will be a astronomical alignment that occurs only once every 26,000 years. It is a CYCLE, not an end.

Steve is this a fact or just your personal opinion? The only astronomical alignment that I'm aware of is that every December the Earth and Sun align with the approximate center of the Milky Way Galaxy. To my knowledge this is an annual event though.


furple, it is fact that I'm aware of "within reason". For example, I do not have a telescope big enough to verify it all. I base it on my own research mainly of the mayan calendar and ancient egyptian culture about the golden age. Mayan calendars dont need constant adjustment like ours as they are perfectly accurate.
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