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Lucky Nine *FINAL*

Started by ignatus, May 26, 02:31 PM 2013

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This is an official strategy that *works*
and it should not be moved to "notepad".

A: 5 7 12 14 19 21 25 27 36

B: 1 3 9 16 18 23 30 32 34

C: 2 4 11 15 20 22 28 33 35

D: 6 8 10 13 17 24 26 29 31

TRIGGER: Wait unti one group do now show for minimum 6 spins.
Then start betting it with Progression 9 numbers =

until hit.

Live-session @castle casino:



If you like to donate link::[url="//paypal.me/ignatus1"]//paypal.me/ignatus1[/url]

"Focus on predicting wheel sectors where the ball is expected to land" ~Steve


yes, it's gonna work Ignatus.

but not for u, for casino's benefit.
If you insist, i can leave it here for a while. but no more of your strategies here for at least a week. They all are nonsense, but anyway...


It looks like a tweak of Martingale, and the foundations of gamblers fallacy!

That said, we can win, or lose depending of the outcome.

My advice is do not use any other money than cents.

We can find(I think Ignatius can) find a 100% losing system, and then we just do opposite to win!! :twisted:
The best way to fail, is not to try!



Quote from: iggiv on May 26, 04:27 PM 2013
yes, it's gonna work Ignatus.

but not for u, for casino's benefit.

OK? Well, then can you show your results proving it *WON'T WORK* instead of just speculating?

I won't make any trouble, just asking you why you believe it won't work? As you can see, my result show otherwise. (and this is not just a "lucky streak") where is the logic of one set of numbers, AFTER 9 numbers not hit 6+ spins, *will not hit* pretty soon? i don't see the logic in that. You know? Most i've seen is these set of 9 numbers "sleep" for 11 spins. And that is a fact.

Calculate on that: -worst case scenario 11 spins these 9 numbers will sleep. Now, that would be: LLLLW: 5:th step in the nine number progression. 1-1-1-2-2. Oh? That will kill your bankroll?

Get serious, iggiv. This strategy *works*

Now you have to PROVE it doesn't work, (by real play) before you make such statement.
If you like to donate link::[url="//paypal.me/ignatus1"]//paypal.me/ignatus1[/url]

"Focus on predicting wheel sectors where the ball is expected to land" ~Steve


If you like to donate link::[url="//paypal.me/ignatus1"]//paypal.me/ignatus1[/url]

"Focus on predicting wheel sectors where the ball is expected to land" ~Steve



Ur instructions are not clear
[reveal=Was going to say....]I was going to say, they are atrocious! But decided:- "Not Clear", was a better, friendly phrase.... ??? [/reveal]

Are U saying that U wait until One Group Does NOT show in 6 spins, and then go and bet THAT Group?

U need to be clearer, and have a few more rules.
Ur instruction, also says to play until hit, tho U have only 16 levels on progression.?

U could easily have 2 of the sets of numbers (2 Groups) that do not get hit within 6 spins.
Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!


it is based on classical gambler fallacy as Ralph correctly mentioned. I am not gonna prove anything. I got other stuff to do. go ahead and play with it, we will see u in in a while...


"Are U saying that U wait until One Group Does NOT show in 6 spins, and then go and bet THAT Group?" Yes, that's correct.
If you like to donate link::[url="//paypal.me/ignatus1"]//paypal.me/ignatus1[/url]

"Focus on predicting wheel sectors where the ball is expected to land" ~Steve



Where do you get that 9 numbers will only sleep for 11 spins?

EC can sleep for 15 spins and lines for 55 spins. So 9 numbers could sleep for 30 spins or so.

You know this because I told you several times.

Am I making this up? Am I an id.iot?

Why would you bet 9 numbers to show with a marty (basically) when you know full well 9 numbers can sleep for 30 spins

Can you explain.....I have to know.

I have seen you tell people to leave a bet alone because it sleeps for xx spins.....Ive seen you type it.

So you know.


Quote from: Turner on May 26, 05:09 PM 2013

Where do you get that 9 numbers will only sleep for 11 spins?

EC can sleep for 15 spins and lines for 55 spins. So 9 numbers could sleep for 30 spins or so.

You know this because I told you several times.

Am I making this up? Am I an id.iot?

Why would you bet 9 numbers to show with a marty (basically) when you know full well 9 numbers can sleep for 30 spins

Can you explain.....I have to know.

I have seen you tell people to leave a bet alone because it sleeps for xx spins.....I've seen you type it.

So you know.

OK Turner, that may be correct. But now we're taking about extreme events. Can you tell me how many times these groups of nine will sleep for 30 spins ....... in 100 spins? what would the odds for that be ?

I don't think that is a very common event.

Furthermore, i say it again, show your results by real spins before you speculate, even though what you may say is correct doesn't mean this strategy *will not work*

If you are talking like that NO STRATEGY WILL WORK. and this is not true.
If you like to donate link::[url="//paypal.me/ignatus1"]//paypal.me/ignatus1[/url]

"Focus on predicting wheel sectors where the ball is expected to land" ~Steve


All im saying now: You must prove this strategy won't work by *real spins* before making such a statement.
If you like to donate link::[url="//paypal.me/ignatus1"]//paypal.me/ignatus1[/url]

"Focus on predicting wheel sectors where the ball is expected to land" ~Steve


Quote from: ignatus on May 26, 05:14 PM 2013

OK Turner, that may be correct. But now we're taking about extreme events. Can you tell me how many times these groups of nine will sleep for 30 spins ....... in 100 spins? what would the odds for that be ?

I don't think that is a very common event.

Furthermore, i say it again, show your results by real spins before you speculate, even though what you may say is correct doesn't mean this strategy *will not work*

If you are talking like that NO STRATEGY WILL WORK. and this is not true.

Its not speculation its fact.

This is my last post to you. i give up (and I tried the most out of everyone)
You dont take advice.
You dont listen.

Good luck with ignoring fact.


Play it for a month, Ignatus, and tell us how u doing. Good luck.
u will make some money with this till u lose all of  your bankroll. And then will start all over again and it will happen again. And again...
U test something for a couple of hours and think: ah! that's it.

I don't want to make any personal remarks. but this not a way to test. U just don't get it. But this how you are.
You don't listen u don't give a damn. Then u come back and ask to delete the thread.

it's all pretty annoying, Ignatus. Especially when people tell u and u ask again "Why? Prove it". Those facts are well known, they don't need any proof.


Extreme events happen, it is rare, but if the consequence are a disaster, we must count with it.
I have paid insurance for my resident 60 years, and never "gain" from it, which I am very happy with.
The best way to fail, is not to try!
