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How scared would you be if you found… the holy grail?

Started by Spin4Fun, Aug 16, 01:48 PM 2013

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I have always been of the idea that it is right to share  :thumbsup:
if you want to test in the long run you will notice that the numeric selection is very stable and does not let us have a large drawdown.


wow sounds a bit like a system nicks building me on my specifications...its not quite finished yet and we have a few bugs to sort out but heres a screen shot of the play today while i was out....some bets need sorting and some overruns and triggers are being sorted now ..just bugs really but as you can see drawdown is big but it recovered...when its finally finished i,ll give another screenshot win or lose....S-L-S....is sectors streets and lines and very similar apart from triggers of this bet winner has made


I think I invented the Quad.....please feel free to correct me...LoL

But arnt quads 0-9, 10-18, 19-27, 28-36 ?you mean corners ?


hi, my first idea when i heard lines was about flatino bet link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=9638.0


yeah i thought it was to follow last 4 double streets after 4 unique ones show----but who knows ? only the spin for fun man does---its a whodunnit!!!
"No Whining, just Winning"


Look like I was carried away with posting the results and maybe i need to think more about the reactions it would get.

First off all, I was almost the whole weekend away, race weekend, had a lot of technical issues during practice and today race day turned way different out, weather wise, but secured a 3th place, so not bad, where yesterday I would be happy just to finish. So sorry guys, yes there is a life outside the forum. Maybe I did show online, but that’s because I have multi devices running where I’m always online.

So the question is, what’s the holy grail… we only  know it for less than 1000 years and loads of people have spend their life looking for it. But I guess everybody is looking for the Holy Grail in some way… pure happiness, love, friendship, health, immortality, wealth,…. And if you find it you can have a happy life.

But what’s the holy grail, immortality or a big mountain of gold,… but the problem probably is, if you would find it, you probably would be extreme unhappy and never could use it or you would be cursed to use it…
And it’s the same if the holy grail exists for roulette, you are faced with the same issue, if you share it.. it would mean that casinos will track it and will block you, or make changes to the rule so it will become unplayable or would mean the end of roulette.

I'm sure this will get again loads of negative loaded reactions, but some reaction will make sure the holy grail will not be revealed/found on a forum.

So if the grail exists, then it must stay a secret…  and used extreme careful…

I will let my programmers take a look again to the code and see if there is a issue yes or no.
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42 people watching this topic........must be a record.
Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!


Quote from: Spin4Fun on Aug 18, 06:04 PM 2013
, if you share it.. it would mean that casinos will track it and will block you, or make changes to the rule so it will become unplayable or would mean the end of roulette.

I agree!

Anyway, looking at your graph, I'm thinking that this is probably what you're doing (shown below). I'd need to do some testing to find out. Not asking for clues or anything like that. I respect your choice here.

a)   Select the 2 LINES (Double Streets) that have 2 or more hits within the past 6 spins (past 6?).
b)   If only one LINE has repeated within the past 6 spins, wait till you have 2 of them with 2 or more hits.
c)   Stop your bets whenever you have only one repeating LINE showing within the past 6 spins.

Progression: go up 1 unit for every loss.


Be honest now Spin4fun...cos old Turner has been doing some dirty digging on your typing style, and how you joined 4 days after some one else with your writing style was banned....who had admitted being someone else with the same style...

Master of Pockets.....AKA Roulette Explorer...AKA...you!

And yes....I admit... I am the other one with the same repeating full stop infliction.

I could be wrong.... :twisted:


Quote from: Carsch on Aug 18, 06:27 PM 2013
I agree!

Anyway, looking at your graph, I'm thinking that this is probably what you're doing (shown below). I'd need to do some testing to find out. Not asking for clues or anything like that. I respect your choice here.

a)   Select the 2 LINES (Double Streets) that have 2 or more hits within the past 6 spins (past 6?).
b)   If only one LINE has repeated within the past 6 spins, wait till you have 2 of them with 2 or more hits.
c)   Stop your bets whenever you have only one repeating LINE showing within the past 6 spins.

Progression: go up 1 unit for every loss.

Wow Carsch, you know I have the utmost respect for your understanding of roulette and a couple of your posts are among my favorites of all times.  Especially your tweak to the Star progression.  Pure genius in my book.

But.....how you got the above system from the two graphs spin4fun posted is drifting into the realm of clairvoyance.

Although, I think the system you posted has some real merit whether it's spin4fun's system or not.
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


ok....its just another Turner "Im Spartacus" accusation....but an MO is an MO to a detective


Looks like i need to use a IP shield, so more people will think i'm somebody else.. surprised to see how many people think im somebody else...
To make confusion worse... that what the other people also have written... style of writing...
Your chance to make more profit with Roulette!


Quote from: Spin4Fun on Aug 18, 06:04 PM 2013
...So if the grail exists, then it must stay a secret… 

Looks like it's time to kill the thread, Iggiv.

I told you Spin4Fun was a D.......
A ship moored in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are made for.


Quote from: Skakus on Aug 18, 06:51 PM 2013
Looks like it's time to kill the thread, Iggiv.

I told you Spin4Fun was a D.......

Of which I owe you an apology Skakus


For what its worth, and that is probably nowt'......... I'm not sure we are going to get much more on the subject, tho, would be nice to see what others come up with.
I don't think... he is.... RE....
I use ..... a lot too......so sorry Sherlock T Holmes....maybe the scent is off tonight!
Domination! the new game to play in the forums!

Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!
