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Randomer Thoughts

Started by The General, May 13, 12:20 PM 2016

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Einstein offered the best method  how to beat roulette : STEAL the chips.


Nd.....my favourite quote from him was when asked what the weapons of WW3 would be
He said he didnt know but WW4 would be sticks and stones


Quote from: RMore on May 17, 06:27 AM 2016
We need some specific pointers here if we are to progress.

Hi Rog

I like reading your posts as they are very enjoyable for reading especialy to a non native English speaker like I am.

Although many questions are raising all the time few things should be perfectly clear.

Priyanka put many many years into figuring this out and during that time sacrificed enormous amount of her personal time and who knows what more. Reward she holds in her hands in priceless, of course.

So such person is perfectly aware who deserves to get to the same level of power. Not all deserve that of course, and especially not most of the people on some public forum. What would happen if such method would be available so publicly and many could get to it so easy?  I also doubt she might decide to give more to anyone here in private, for who she maybe thinks is enough mature and confidential.

Since she anyway decided for such public way of teaching we can be in no doubt she made enough of "safety space" which protects the method. That way I think she will never mention some part which is very important, and also everything is well cryptic.

So I am sure she will not guide us like a herd of cows on the water source, so we can all drink there.

We don't even know at which point we are now and how much is to the goal, if that is even measurable in some way :)



Nice post, Drazen!  :) In my experience, the only people who get power in this world are those with enough hatred in their heart... A bit like in Freemasonry, they only allow you to progress beyond the earlier levels if they deem you worthy as such!  >:D
"Trotity trot, trotity trot, the noughts became overtly hot! Merily, merily, merily, merily, the 2s went gently down the stream..."¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪:


Quote from: Drazen on May 17, 07:00 AM 2016So such person is perfectly aware who deserves to get to the same level of power. Not all deserve that of course, and especially not most of the people on some public forum. What would happen if such method would be available so publicly and many could get to it so easy?  I also doubt she might decide to give more to anyone here in private, for who she maybe thinks is enough mature and confidential.

Since she anyway decided for such public way of teaching we can be in no doubt she made enough of "safety space" which protects the method. That way I think she will never mention some part which is very important, and also everything is well cryptic.

I have to admit, I was 'disturbed' to read this.
(Probably because in all my years on roulette forums I have read it too many times).


Quote from: falkor2k15 on May 17, 06:54 AM 2016
Guys... Einstein was just a Jewish puppet put there by the Zionists who control the world...

Falkor, If you type a post like this again I will ban you for a week. There are most certainly Jewish people post here and will be offended by your "Jewish Conspiracy" crap. I was, and I'm Agnostic.

You did it last time Einstein was mentioned, and I deleted it and give you the benefit of the doubt that you may of had a few beers etc.

Steer clear of posts that may offend people



My way of playing those numbers
lose and won are referenced to previous BET
1. 12
2. 13
3. 36
4. 26       d
5. 18
6. 36       s
7. 13
8. 6
9. 21       d
10. 8
11. 15       s     next D possible            NO BET
12. 29
13. 7
14. 24       s     next S possible                  BET
15. 26
16. 36       d                                                            lose
17. 8
18. 5         d     next S and D possible  NO BET
19. 27
20. 19
21. 24       d     AP formed   (RETRACK FROM LAST SPINS WITHOUT AP, from spin #18).  next D possible         NO BET
22. 28
23. 30       d     AP formed (retrack from spin #21)
                           next D possible         NO BET
24. 34       s
25. 23
26. 36       s     next S possible                  BET
27. 33       s                                                                won
                       AP formed (retrack from spin #24)
                       next S possible                   BET
28. 35       s                                                                won
                       AP formed (retrack from spin #27)
                       next S possible                   BET   
29. 9               
30. 9         d                                                                lose
31. 9         s
32. 19
33. 2         s    next S possible                   BET
34. 19
35. 14       d    next S possible                   BET            lose                                           
36. 30
37. 5
38. 32       d   next S and D possible    NO BET            lose
39.26       s    AP formed (retrack from spin #30)
                      next D possible              NO BET
40. 33       s   next S possible                    BET
41. 26       s   AP formed (retrack from spin #40)         won
                      next S possible                    BET
42. 4
43. 11       d                                                                  lose
44. 27
45. 26       d   next D possible              NO BET
46. 26       s
47. 29       s   next S possible                    BET
48. 0 - ignore
49. 1
50. 36       s   AP formed (retrack from spin #47)         won
                      next S possible                    BET


i think i was on the right direction some days ago
but then i took the wrong one and cant find the way out

in terms of Bets this session would be like this


I don't have TheHolyGrail.


Sorry i missed One W


13 L
4  W

For a flat bet result  - 5
I don't have TheHolyGrail.


Quote from: Turner on May 17, 07:15 AM 2016
Falkor, If you type a post like this again I will ban you for a week. There are most certainly Jewish people post here and will be offended by your "Jewish Conspiracy" crap. I was, and I'm Agnostic.

You did it last time Einstein was mentioned, and I deleted it and give you the benefit of the doubt that you may of had a few beers etc.

Steer clear of posts that may offend people

Your posts offended me mentioning Einstein, but no worries: I understand you like political correctness!
"Trotity trot, trotity trot, the noughts became overtly hot! Merily, merily, merily, merily, the 2s went gently down the stream..."¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪:


RMore, in my opinion you are right. Priyanka has clearly stated many things, and it is up to the reader to decide what to believe. I personally believe those things.
I did enjoy the thread from the beginning, read it countless times, I am enjoying that I have to use my brain to work out things for myself, not to use recycled ideas, but recently the thread got too much attention, and some people do not like to receive only hints. Also it is against the forum rules to claim to have something and not share it in full.
Priyanka has also wrote things like "one has to work hard", "I don't want to end up in anyone's hands so easily", and "why kill the golden goose?" The latter means that giving a a method straight to the whole world could ruin everything. It would spread like fire, so imagine suddenly tens of thousands of people would start milking online casinos. They WOULD ban people, or change some rules.

In blackjack, the casino can ban you for card counting, and they use more decks to make it harder. Similar events happened in poker, although you don't play against the house in poker. There was a so called poker boom 15 years ago, young and clever people started to analyze the game using technology, there are tracking softwares showing all opponents stats during play, etc, so the game is pretty much solved by now. There is an optimal play against all kind of opponents in all variants of poker. During the golden days those young guys were printing money, many of them made millions online. Nowadays players barely have an edge over their opponents, so it is very hard to beat the rake, and the game is slowly dying. Online casinos are desperately trying to change rules and creating new variants to attract players. Recently the biggest poker room got rid of all heads up tables, because new players had no chance of winning, and the casino could not take enough rake. My point with this, is that is something big would happen in roulette, the casinos would change the rules without thinking twice, however extreme this sounds.

I hope there will be more civilized discussion on the topic, or even if it dries up, some of us could still work on it quietly without the constant headwind created by some members, and the constant demand for the "secret ingredient" by some others. Whether it works or not in the end, I am learning a lot of new things, and I'm not losing money in the process.


Quote from: praline on May 17, 07:37 AM 2016
Sorry i missed One W


13 L
4  W

For a flat bet result  - 5
Exactly my love.  That's the reason I felt it might not work. Now we know that for sure.
Disclaimer : Roulette systems are subject to laws of probability. If you are not sure about the effects of it, please refer to link:://:.genuinewinner.com/truth. Don't get robbed by scammers.


Quote from: TurboGenius on May 17, 07:13 AM 2016
I have to admit, I was 'disturbed' to read this.
(Probably because in all my years on roulette forums I have read it too many times).

But like everything in life, this can be "abused" and some can claim to have a winning way and hide under such facts I stated.  ::)

As far as I am concerned Priyanka gave enough of proofs she isn't one of those persons.


Quote from: ati on May 17, 07:41 AM 2016Priyanka has clearly stated many things, and it is up to the reader to decide what to believe. I personally believe those things.
Ati, Rog, thanks for believing in what I have written.  But once again, what I am clearly posting is the truth. What I have not is always questionable. What I have claimed if not clearly described here has to be taken with a pinch of salt and as many people say here is the description of a scammer. This is the last time I will comment on any such perceptions - as what I will be writing in this thread will have no hints, no riddles, just an attempt on a journey which may come to an abrupt end. Happy to take as much as I can along but no promises. 

Drazen - when I write you name it auto corrects to frozen. Hmm. One of the to serials I watch is game of thrones. All about power, throne and other crap. There is no power as you imagine. There is no dissemination (?!) of power to private individuals as you have described here. My sincere advice is come to reality where the fact is spins are independent and outcomes are equally likely.  Again this will be my last comment on this as I think I am carrying a baggage from my earlier posts and hope it gets off automatically. Let's get used to living with facts in a real world.
Disclaimer : Roulette systems are subject to laws of probability. If you are not sure about the effects of it, please refer to link:://:.genuinewinner.com/truth. Don't get robbed by scammers.


Quote from: Turner on May 17, 06:52 AM 2016
Nd.....my favourite quote from him was when asked what the weapons of WW3 would be
He said he didnt know but WW4 would be sticks and stones

Einstein  will be correct about WW 3 ;


I believe there are conspiracies that are true

Things we could not fathom

An open forum is not the place for it though

It will be met with brutal force
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins

