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The Repeaters Principle

Started by Bettingking, Oct 22, 01:00 AM 2017

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Repeat Numbers - A Study Opinion Poll

Yes I use repeater systems regularly, and they work for me
8 (50%)
Yes I use repeater systems regularly, but find they do not work for me
0 (0%)
They work only sometimes (less than 50% of the time)
6 (37.5%)
No they do not work for me
0 (0%)
No I don't believe in it, why are you even asking me!
2 (12.5%)

Total Members Voted: 16

Voting closed: Oct 29, 01:13 AM 2017


..............ok to be honest this thread will only suit those who want to test, are still on the fence or who already believe REPEATERS (hot numbers) can/may/do work.  It will not suit closed minded roulette players.
The intention is to exhaust how repeaters can work in your favour.
If Repeaters is a swear word to you...........there are many other threads, please look elsewhere.
The intention of this thread is not to debate whether repeaters can work or not.  It is to explore how repeaters can be used as a system and links if discussed to other threads involving repeats.  Your successes and challenges. Nothing is set in stone as my key word is always 'refine' to the best of your ability through intensive testing.
What does intensive testing mean?  Every possible combination of numbers for $1 million spins......is unrealistic unless you are an android that has maintenance every 50 years......or a randomiser/good programmer of course  ;)  I don't have that long in my lifetime.


In my opinion only a few people in world have possibly cracked the roulette wheel and would reveal it to no one.
For everyone else unless it is a full time job to study and test.....keep it as a hobby and if you win more than you loose then a bonus!!
You can get too bogged down in the so called science of the wheel.
I think also some people also like the idea of boasting that they have a system that is successful and not reveal it unless for a price or the ability to keep people thinking that one exists and they need to know it!!
You will have more of an edge if you study your system first instead of the 80% or so people who randomly choose numbers when they go to the casino.  The 'randomness' in this sense can then be minimised to then have some sort of chance.
There are many intelligent people out there and the majority of us will not beat it.
Did the creator of the roulette wheel study this back to front inside out and find not one loophole? I think it would take more than a few years I'm sure and also help from others to try and bulletproof the wheel to be unstoppable over time.
It is like saying there is nothing out, no life beyond our world, roulette has many infinite possibilities due to the betting options.

I have discovered the following and am open to any opinions and research others have done (disagreement is inevitable like the house edge):

GENERAL OBSERVATIONS (Aimed for the beginners not seasoned players):
- Any system has a limit, if it is a progression used to bet then a stop loss is essential, if it wins more than it looses then 'half' the battle is won.
- To make reasonable returns, don't bet too many numbers
- Martingale is taboo and is for the rookie whatever variation exists
- Only Suckers play online roulette (gambler businesses applaud suckers), use a LIVE DEALER
- Never play on double zero wheels (unless you can help it)
- Keep an open mind and do not disregard a system without testing first
- Be sober and avoid distractions to have any chance with your chosen system

KEY PRINCIPLES (Seasoned will challenge here):
- Don't use the carpet and the set sequence on the mat laid before your eyes to make bets - This is a visual that tricks 99% of players, think past this...
- Bet on inside numbers only to have any chance over the longer run
- Focus on the wheel
- QUESTION - Have you ever seen every number appear once in 37 spins?  If not I suggest this is a thread for you to discuss REPEATERS!

Thanks to the following who have helped me to understand how repeaters can work for us to name but a few!
- Turbo, Denzie, Nottophammer, Priyanka

...there are others I'm sure no disrespect to those I have not listed who discuss on this forum.

I will reveal when I get a moment the other principles what I think are the key elements for any 'chance of success using what I have called the 'The Repeaters Principle'


I like using repeaters. It can't be the singles alone imo.  There are
hot lines, dozens, etc that my help 'logic out' a possible repeater bet.

However, truth is any number has a 2.7% (Euro) chance of hitting.


Hi Proofreaders2000, sorry you are the other I forgot to mention as helping understand and discussing repeats.

Yes I agree, if you mean singles to be doubles, as there can sometimes be too many so betting and progression can get out of hand.
I don't actually bet on anything other than the inside but other combo's as well such as splits and sometimes quads I look at but can get tricky if I combine more than 2 systems keeping track what made profit and what didn't with your bankroll unless you are gauging the overall profit increase and then restarting.


I voted for the third option -- they only work for me sometimes (less than 50% of sessions).

I strictly stick to betting on the 2-peaters to become 3-peaters. Occasionally, they happen quickly enough for me to make a profit flatbetting.

But most of the time, I am forced into negative progression territory, which is anathema to me.

Hence, I voted for the third option.
What is the fastest way of destroying your bankroll at the casino?

Play roulette with GLC's progressions.


The thing about repeaters is sometimes they spread to far (gaps).
Then you get to many #
So you need only play a few # at all times.  :thumbsup:

As spins roll off our predictions get better


This colbster thread post#17 & 19 got me started serious work on repeaters. I looked specifically at 1 to >1 and based on the original colbster's idea and winkel binomial distribution table, I theorised that the best time to bet repeaters is at the peak top percentile of the distribution to avoid the gaps that we usually see.

To avoid too many numbers on 1 to >1, what I did was to track ECs at the same time ie. RB, HL, OE to bet only those numbers when there's a bias towards one side, discard the numbers on the lesser side that gives slightly over 50% of those numbers to bet on.

My backtest over a month of actual spins from my b&m casino showed good results. I followed up with real money test on dublinbet played dragonara and batumi wheels turning 50euros into 207euros in 3sessions of play.

I then played at my local b&m casino with a computer aided program on my phone to make 100% br on 2sessions, the 3rd session loss 40% br. There were a series of zeroes and consecutive back to back numbers during that session that surprised me. Play was conducted at the same wheel.

I have stopped play since. So I don't know what to make out of repeaters at this point in time.



Yes Denzie agreed!
Exactly what I do!

I adopt the SOP Principle (my 3 key elements) for any strategy I play:
S = Stoploss - Have a STOPLOSS in place before you begin play to set your limits
O = Odds - Increasing the odds in your favour as you progress
P = Profit - Making a sufficient profit to make it worthwhile (usually progression required mixed with the right odds)

...adopt the SOP, otherwise STOP and don't play!


Have heard of the Colbster Method and think I have tested in the past but will refresh.

Thanks CHT!


I do not even have the chance to test it now.
We play from the first spin, the first number that falls on our bet and so we do up to 4 spin
This way we have 4 numbers and we play them if some other number goes 2 times, we replace the oldest number we chose with one falling out. And we do this every time, we always remove the oldest number and replace it with the hotter one.
We always end the sessions when we are on any plus.
Progression is 1-5-25
We play in such a way that we use 1 unit and to hit our number, then if the balance is negative we increase the stake to 5 units, then we will play our number and again if after hit and negativ balance, we rise stake to 25 units and We're going to hit


Why do repeats occur?
In a table of 37 numbers, you will have 18 low, 18 high, 18 red, 18 black, 12 1st dozen, 12 2nd dozen... Have you ever seen a 37 number set that follows such an orderly principle when random delivers it for you? If not, why not?
Do I turn the wheel,
or does the wheel turn me?


Quote from: 3Nine on Oct 22, 09:41 AM 2017
Why do repeats occur?
In a table of 37 numbers, you will have 18 low, 18 high, 18 red, 18 black, 12 1st dozen, 12 2nd dozen... Have you ever seen a 37 number set that follows such an orderly principle when random delivers it for you? If not, why not?

Because the game is random!  Since one spin has nothing to do with the next spin.  Repeats occur!
Simple once you get it!  Chased all the pigeons away and they were already in their hole


Quote from: denzie on Oct 22, 04:12 AM 2017
The thing about repeaters is sometimes they spread to far (gaps).
Then you get to many #
So you need only play a few # at all times.  :thumbsup:

This might be usefull:


Quote from: Bettingking on Oct 22, 01:00 AM 2017In my opinion only a few people in world have possibly cracked the roulette wheel and would reveal it to no one.


Quote from: Bettingking on Oct 22, 01:00 AM 2017- Don't use the carpet and the set sequence on the mat laid before your eyes to make bets - This is a visual that tricks 99% of players, think past this...
- Bet on inside numbers only to have any chance over the longer run

Completely Agree.
Anything that works uses inside numbers only - forget the table layout and the wheel layout and what color the dealer's hair is.. it has nothing to do with random.
As long as the wheel produces random - the game itself can be exploited using math.
People also have to come to the understanding that each spin is independent - but this doesn't mean that "random" doesn't happen, it only back it up.
Anyone stuck on "one spin" only will never understand repeats at all - and there are many who think because 1 spin is completely independent from the next - there's nothing you can do. It's nonsense. I posted a video from YouTube on the other forum showing how something entirely and completely random and independent was predictable in amazing fashion (you could set a watch by it). And that was in the 60's. But it requires people to see the game as a "session" of independent spins, and not 1 spin where there's nothing you can do.


I use math/stats to play casino games and always will.

Recently I spent a lot of time looking at the wheel and ball, I have somewhat changed my understanding of the roulette game.

The outcome of each spin is very much dependent on the physical conditions of their spin.

Therefore, is each spin totally independent of every other spin? I say no. If the physical condition closely replicates some other previous spins, the outcome is likely to be the same.

About random, yes the outcomes are random since the physical conditions that accompany each spin is mostly not the same. The bigger factor more dominant than mere random is chaos. The casino regularly uses chaos by introducing changing physical conditions to make the spins less predictable. So chaos is the bigger culprit than random.

About independence of single spins and the dependency of a sessions of spins. Dependency of spins as people understand it do occur when the physical conditions are stable and more repetitive. Where there's rise in chaos the dependency rate mostly drops. This choatic state can emerge without warning at any time as and when the physical conditions becomes choatic. And this can be induced by the casino and they do it regularly.

Due to my current understanding, I conclude that predictions rooted only on math/stats has to have broader assumptions to encapsulate the physical aspect of the game. At this point in time, I don't find it to be more efficient. It's only logical to relate this math/stats model to the physical aspects to establish any form of correlation. IMHO.
