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Another HG Mystery!

Started by jekhb76, Apr 24, 03:26 AM 2018

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We've had the TG mystery and the Vaddis mystery, now we can ad one More HG Mystery to our never ending list.
This is an Excerpt of All Talos has said on x
Dr. Talos HG Mystery.
Sorry blueangel you are wrong.
I don't wait for any sleepers or missing numbers. I start playing without any observation whatsoever, as soon as I reach the casino. I don't think someone can predict outcomes, so I work just with progression.
I play with 1$ chips, because hypothetically this system can go high as little more than 1000 units (if this happens when you play with 5$ chips you have to collect more than 7000$, and this bring employees to register your name for receiving payment, something I do not want.
97% of games ends in the first 14 spins, and almost 70% in first fives. Usually I do not need to put more than 300$ dollar for every session, and after two/three hours I take a break.
For my system to work, I need that I hit a number every 60 numbers played (means I don't have the same amount of numbers to play at every spin). I have 256 spins to pursue that average. When the ratio 1/60 his reached, my system is in profit.
Hope this helps.

I have a way to select what to bet, in order to avoid confusion or indecision. If system tell me to play a couple of dozens (for example, is not the way how it works...) I have a pattern to chose which dozens are to use. What you choose doesn't affect the final result, as long as you bet two dozens!
  This "pattern" helped me testing the system without tweaking results. I tried different patterns with the same spin outcomes, and worked exactly the same.
  A winning system must work in every situation, or is not a winning system. If you need to check late, hot, or lucky numbers, is not a winning system, it is a strategy.
Is good, though, after many months after my last visit, see that someone is still working on my clues. That's exactly what I hoped for, telling you that is possible to win, consistently. I understand that is not easy to connect all the dots, but is worthwhile.

Jerome, read with more attention my Q&A. My system can hold for more than 260 spins, and I never play a single number. At spin number 20 I have already played almost 200 numbers. Important is the ratio of the hit (1 out of 60) I get.

Jerome, At spin number 10 I already played 228 numbers, for an outstanding balance of 93 pieces. Yes, I need several hit to recover and be in profit, but as you can understand with the number I show is not so difficult to get, or too costly.
  For example at spin number 10 I know I need 4 hits in a short period, or five in a longer one. I assure you it is quite rare reach spin number 10 without any hit!
  When you hit, you play less numbers, and when you don't, the total numbers played tend to increase.

The apparent contradiction is easy to explain. I have been asked how many number without hitting I can sustain, and I showed that. In the vast majority of games I hit something, and this will change completely the total sum of number played, as my outstanding balance at that moment. If you read carefully you can see it quite easily from my basic explanation posted earlier.
  Impossible to recover? I need four hits, and several spin to obtain that, and after every hit I reduce my total bet so gaining more "time" to fill my 1/60 ratio.
  About what I select, I already wrote that I have a pattern that I follow, so to not be confused or distracted. My preferred pattern is following the last number, sometimes I use another pattern, because at the end it doesn't matter, as I already explained.
  Important is how many numbers following a fixed progression bet. That progression is the important part, or "the trap" as Jerome says...
What I want you to understand is my simple advice: You can not predict what number we will come out. Your only weapon against roulette is the money you put in and the way you do it, because is completely up to you. Cold numbers, hot numbers, closer to this or that, magical combinations are all stupid things, in my opinion.
  My progression is unique, and takes advantage of the only weakness the wheel has.
  Now I remember why I didn't checked this forum in a while...

Zero is a number with the exact possibility to be hit as the others, so if you plan to include it in your pattern of bets it is ok.
  I do not play more and more numbers if I don't finish the game in the firsts spins. It is true, though, that the total numbers played TEND to increase when I miss and TEND to decrease when I hit. My system is a combination of bet selection and progression. I pay no attention of what to play.
  I had very bad sequences (the longest I remember was first hit at 16th spin, with the profit at spin 27). I had shorter wait on first spin but an overall longest game to reach the profit, so really doesn't change. I do not want to go through my books to find the exact sequence, probably I already written it somewhere or to someone.
  The game is usually short, because of the large amount of numbers involved. Despite that, sometimes I play a considerable low amount of numbers, and if I hit in a strict sequence (let's say three in a row) my profit is quite large.

There is no situation that can me bet more than 24 numbers in a single spin.
  And yes, I guess it is very hard to catch the system without comprehending what's the source idea of it. You must be think in a original way how to recover your outstanding balance.
I will not explain the system, but I say to you there is one. For a smart, dedicated mind this is all that is needed.

Wow, is my English that bad?
"at spin 10 I already played 228 numbers (with no hits whatsoever)"

"(usually, with some hits meanwhile) at spin 20 I already played almost 200 numbers"

I never play more than 24 numbers in a spin (24*10= 240, means that I play at maximum 24 numbers, so in ten spins I played 228 that brings easily the total below the maximum possible that I posted)

No wonder you can't find it, never in a million years.

I also said the my system can go as long as 260+ spins, not that I need to play that number of spins to reach my goal. Any game, as soon as it reaches the ratio 1 hit every 60 numbers played (roughly!) it is over with a profit.
  This profit is 1 piece or more, depends when I get the ratio.
  I count units, not dollars.

And I am done for now. Three days and you remembered me to avoid this forum

Jerome, your post is exactly what I was hoping for, when I started post in here: make people work pursuing my HG. You are wrong, here and there, but really doesn't matter, you will find your way, eventually.
  The only advice I can give you is find the core idea of the system, the "revolutionary" one, otherwise other already should have found it. My system has a particular progression that allows me to win, and to find that progression your brain must have a click, and find what's really important.
  No matter how many indications and numbers I give you, or hints: without that you will not succeed. Keep trying, and be a-linear in your thinking. Try a never attempted road, be original.
  My best wishes.

Scepticus, you should read with more attentions. I said my system can sustain itself for more than 260 spins, but I also said that that never occured, not even close.
  The profit for each game is minimum of 1 piece. So, it is usually more. Is another information I gave previously. The vast majority of my game last very few spins, as any system with a quite large selection of numbers. The trick is recover when the game becomes longer.
  Jerome, I said that doesn't matter what number you choose, if the total number played is correct. Sure, if you want to keep your bankroll low, you need to play chances, dozens and so on and so forth.
  I play american roulette, with double zero (I now live in US), it is a little harder, but not really.

Jerome: I am from Italy, and I moved to US because I want my daughter to study here. She was very young when we moved, and Italy was in a very economical disaster.
  As I said, playing the european wheel changes a little but you don't really notice in an average game. I had a trace in my first two years or so, then I found it no more relevant. I know my progression, there is not much calculus to do, and so I stopped. I play on machine, so I just remember the count when I start the game. When I reach a bigger number, I know I am in profit (cannot be easier). I usually start with 300 units, so I just keep tracking of that (you get it, right? when the counter show 302, I start a new game). When reach 500 or so, I go eat or do something else, and then start again at 300.
  I have been scared at the beginning, because you always think the casinos have rigged games. Now time proved was a unjustified fear. When you have 8 people play at the same time, it is very hard find a number that make everyone lose. On the other hand, one day I had a guy close to me that was playing just number 14, with splits and street, and was playing big. He got the 14 hitting like 4 times in 7 spins, and walked away with 14000 dollars...

I don't play with $1 chips, as already said in other posts. I started with quarters, and took me time to have bankroll and confidence to go for more. I usually get 200 units a session, and I go for 2 or three session a day. Do the math.

Blue angel, you can call me Filippo, is my name. What is so special about my progression, or my system, is that is a winning one. My progression is nuclear science because I am the only one in this forum that got a bulletproof system. You can believe me or not, I don't care.
  I enjoy seeing your perspective on my situation, but I love much more mine! I don't chase losses since 2011, when I created this system. I lost and won before, with other systems I created, and a lot before any kind of system crossed my life.
  I don't need much hit to recover. My system allow me to play less numbers when I am close to profit, and more when I am moving away from it. That's the geniality of it. The average hit ratio is really on machine favor (1/60), so I don't need a very specific combination or luck to win.
  I have many spins, many possible combinations, an adjustable progression (I mean adaptable) to reach my goal. Your warnings, as I said before, were already old 4 years ago...

Almost forgot. I wrote posts about it only here. Any other forum or users with similar content are not me. And sometimes I regret even to have started this one...

No, dear Scepticus, is not a variation. As I stated in the post: "That is a system I used few years ago".
  In fact, I used the simple system for a short while, after that I managed to have a slightly better idea and the I had My HG.
  Maybe I already said that, but the HG didn't come to me complete. The original idea has been tweaked to reach his actual shape. I admit that at the beginning was hard to manage, because of the notes and calculus I had to perform while playing, then I was able to simplify it.
Jerome, be careful endorsing me. People here will start to think we are the same person supporting each other (for undisclosed reason, by the way).

I encourage people to find a way to their own HG, not to mimic mine. I don't think anyone can have exactly the same as the one I use, for many many reasons (and I don't give enough hints to grab it, but maybe someone can, who knows?). I just wished to tell people that who claims "HG doesn't exist" is plain wrong. Visual Ballistic, Statistics, Math geniuses, all scammers and liars that claim that, and try to sell you their system or method or "super advanced technology"... I am not one of them. I sell nothing, I am not interested (but I admit I was tempted some years ago, as I already said).
  I wish people double their efforts to find the HG knowing that someone has it (I am sure I am not the only one, I have meet people I believe they have a winning one in their hands... I guess already said that too).
  Jerome, hard to believe but your English is worst than mine, and sometimes I have hard time understanding you. Still, I hope you will find what you are looking for. It will not come to you in a full, complete, detailed scheme, but in bits and pieces. You will work on it till it reaches is complete form, and then you will know if is good or just not enough good. If the latter, start again with a new idea.
  I still try to improve mine (without success in the last 18 months or so, I think), to reduce bankroll or shorter games, and I will ever try no matter how good is now, and just because I cannot do otherwise.
  I don't know if this is helping you or not, but I felt I want to tell you all of this.

when I say selection is not important, I exactly mean that no matter what is your pattern, your way to choose the right number/area/color/section has no influence in the final outcome.
  When I started, I took 2000 spins I witnessed in a casino. I selected a pattern and I used my system (for a better understanding, let's say a used the number 1 as a pivotal point of my system). It worked. then I used a different pattern, and then another (let's say number 2, and then number 3... finally 36). In every occasion worked, even when a number, a split or a street skipped for two hundreds spins! Sometimes I profited more some other less, naturally, but at the end I was winning no matter what.
  I understand 2000 is not a huge number, but was the beginning and gave me enough confidence to try the system at a real casino. After that I had days, then weeks, then months and years of winnings, so every mathematicians speculations are meaningless to me (Einstein had a better project to work with, he didn't committed to the study of roulette, so he is not a very good reference...).
  I do not chase my losses, increasing my betting. My progression is unique, as I already said a dozen time, is not aggressive or mild, so your assumption that exist only two kind of progressions is really naive...
Now I am portrayed like a sociopath... Well, it's amusing.
  About the quote, I was clearly talking about the Simple system, and everyone less blind than Scepticus can easily read that.
  Jerome, for me a game end with a profit or is not over.

If I tell you my first two bets on my system I will not reveal anything, because the difference is the way I bet after not hitting in the first two spins. I will not give hints about the idea behind the progression (but some ideas in this forum are not that far to mine, though) and I don't care getting your approval. I really hope Jerome will work hard to find his way to it, and I will not gain anything from that, and he will have noone to thanks. That's how it works. Haters, shortminded, blamers will have all the time of their life to say and write whatever make them comfortable.

No, Jerome, what you wrote is not the only solution...
As I already said, the selection is not important. If with a pattern of bets I would have win at the fifth spin, with another would have been at 7th.
  The average hit/number played is what I rely upon. 1/60 can be seen not enough, in a short term, but I play a lot of numbers for a lot of spins, so sooner or later I will get it, because "mathematically" the average will tend to be 1/38, am I wrong?

I can see that you all can't believe progression is enough  to be a winner, that's why you are not (relatively speaking, I don't want to offend anyone). Is like when people could not believe that the earth was round just because was beyond their experience.
  I don't see my system go down the drain shortly, because I never been in years at a point in my progression that can be close to that. My system can hold for 260+, and never once I reached spin 80. In my past experience I saw systems go close to go broke and be saved at the very last moment, and that was just a premiere for the inevitable, that eventually came.
  With my system, at spin 60 I can be down less than twenty units, with a bunch of numbers to play, so no panic, no pain if something go wrong, like a broken machine... This is the difference.
  You immagine my system going up up up and me forced to put thousands of dollar on the table. Doesn't work this way. I do not rely on a single magical hit, a turn of luck. More spins, more closer to the average I will be. If I am on 1/75, how much units I have to recoup? Not many, I tell you.
  I am absolutely agree with BlueAngel, play 6 splits instead of a dozen makes no difference, except that you can use 1 unit instead of six...


To sum up things  :ooh:

BET SELECTION: Variable (amount of numbers) & random (no specific numbers required)
RECOVERY LENGTH: At least 5 wins (maximum)
PROFIT: 1 minimum, 9 maximum
PROFIT REQUIREMENT: An average of 1 win in 60 numbers played (profit guaranteed)
CONSECUTIVE LOSSES: Capacity of 250+ spins (less than 260), practically 90-95 (maxmimum expected).  Max expected numbers played without a win is 180-190.


It's a Nice Read.
Talos Dump - Roulette30
Only 44 pages to go through  :yawn:
Maybe we All Learn from it one way or another.
If it's true or not, No one knows so far, and No one cracked it up till now, but Who knows.


The question remains, is it real, or again alot of BS?  :question:


He bets 24 numbers at Most and a minimum of 3.


Quote from: jekhb76 on Apr 24, 07:27 AM 2018
The question remains, is it real, or again alot of BS?  :question:
You are wasting your time with bs that the owner allows for traffic purpose in that dead forum. :twisted:


A dollar won is twice as sweet as as a dollar earned


Who will be the winner tonight, As Rome or Liverpool ?
A dollar won is twice as sweet as as a dollar earned


Quote from: Roulettebeater on Apr 24, 11:16 AM 2018
Who will be the winner tonight, As Rome or Liverpool ?


Quote from: cht on Apr 24, 11:02 AM 2018
You are wasting your time with bs that the owner allows for traffic purpose in that dead forum. :twisted:
I Just can't imagine that someone can go in such detail about what he is doin'  to be an Lier in the End. If he was a sneller, ok. But he has nothing to prove.


Quote from: jekhb76 on Apr 24, 10:51 AM 2018
He bets 24 numbers at Most and a minimum of 3.

He is betting last 24 uniques, bets same numbers until another unique shows up, adds that to the bet adjusting progression as numbers added.

Spin 1 24 numbers betting 1 unit
Bets this until new unique shows up then he bets 25 numbers for 3 units each, then if another unique shows up bets 26 numbers for 10 units each etc until in profit, then resets
If all the world is a stage, who is left to be the audience?


It looks to me like he is betting
streets starting at spin 1 (unless it is zero)

*and If zero shows while betting he waits one spin for
the next non-zero outcome and resumes where he left off)

Example: #20

Bet s19-21:    1.) 15(x)-2

Bet s19-21, s13-15:    2.) 1(x)-2

Bet s19-21, s13-15, s1-3:    3.) 0(x)
(wait one spin for a non-zero outcome)...#9

Bet s19-21, s13-15, s1-3, s7-9:    4.) ....

(no more than eight streets in play (24 numbers)

If eight streets lose he goes back to playing one street
(with the newest number)

60 spins-I'd say 750 units Bankroll


Been trying to figure this out.

So far this is what I get.

Bets each new street that shows.

**change: If zero shows bet the quad
0,1,2,3 **or 0,00,1,2,3 for American wheels

There is progression involved

1 street-1 unit
2 streets-2 units
3 streets-3 units
4 streets-4 units
5 streets (2x)-10 units
6 streets (6x)-36 units
7 streets (14x)-98 units*this is the most streets I've seen before a hit
8 streets (20x)-160 units
314 units total bankroll (and that's just for 8 spins)

if all eight streets miss, start over at 1 unit (add 314 more units)


Not bad  :)
Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Thursday, April 26,2018 @ 7:14pm CDT USA

#17 (newest spin-value)

Bet s16-18:    1.) 21(x)-1

Bet s16-18, s19-21:    2.) 9(x)-2

Bet s16-18, s19-21, s7-9:    3.) 10(x)-3

Bet s16-18, s19-21, s7-9, s10-12:    4.) 23(x)-4
--------Progression 2x--------

Bet s16-18, s19-21, s7-9, s10-12, s22-24:    5.) 19(win)+14
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Thursday, April 26,2018 @ 7:21pm CDT USA

#35 (newest spin-value)

Bet s34-36:    1.) 12(x)-1

Bet s34-36, s10-12:    2.) 25(x)-2

Bet s34-36, s10-12, s25-27:    3.) 26(win)+9
Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Thursday, April 26,2018 @ 7:24pm CDT USA

#3 (newest spin-value)

Bet s1-3:    1.) 7(x)-1

Bet s1-3, s7-9:    2.) 21(x)-2

Bet s1-3, s7-9, s19-21:    3.) 2(win)+9


Another three wins  8)
Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Thursday, April 26,2018 @ 8:31pm CDT USA

#21 (newest spin-value)

Bet s19-21:    1.) 9(x)-1

Bet s19-21, s7-9:    2.) 30(x)-2

Bet s19-21, s7-9, s28-30:    3.) 24(x)-3

Bet s19-21, s7-9, s28-30, s22-24:    4.) 9(win)+8
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Thursday, April 26,2018 @ 8:27pm CDT USA

#36 (newest spin-value)

Bet s34-36:    1.) 19(x)-1

Bet s34-36, s19-21:    2.) 30(x)-2

Bet s34-36, s19-21, s28-30:    3.) 24(x)-3

Bet s34-36, s19-21, s28-30, s22-24:    4.) 34(win)+8
Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Thursday, April 26,2018 @ 8:41pm CDT USA

#9 (newest spin-value)

Bet s7-9:    1.) 21(x)-1

Bet s7-9, s19-21:    2.) 21(win)+10
