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Baccarat Strategies - A place for Baccarat Game Fans

Started by Andre Chass, Jun 23, 10:51 PM 2018

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Andre Chass

Nothing ventured, nothing gained...

Andre Chass

Quote from: DoctorSudoku on Jun 25, 04:28 AM 2018
So far, the deepest that I have had to go into the progression (that I mentioned on the previous page) is 12.

So the tie had  slept for 32 hands.

One of the baccarat-playing veterans over on betselection (NOT alrelax !) had mentioned once that he had seen a tie-less shoe only once or twice in over 30 years of playing the game (he has been playing the game in Atlantic City casinos since the mid-1980s). On another forum, somebody else had mentioned that he had once seen the first tie to appear in a shoe on the 52nd hand.

This is gambling, so extreme events can happen, albeit rarely.

Doc I never paid much attention to Tie and always tried to avoid betting it. It seems to be an interesting strategy to use as a recovery when you lost playing another strategy. That is, occasionally.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained...


Quote from: DoctorSudoku on Jun 24, 05:46 PM 2018

The progression I used for the above is as follows (in units --  you guys can calculate the actual dollar amounts for yourselves):

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
3 3 3

Works best if you are playing at a $5 or $10 table (I would not use the above system for higher minimum tables).
Hi doctor
Thanks for your observation
My experience with ties is they can either sleep for a long time or they can come in waves. Sometimes back to back or even 3 or 4 in a row. It becomes one of those rare, extreme and spectacular events. Imagine catching one of these shoes when looking for the tie bet. In my observations of gambler habits I notice some religiously covet it along with their player/banker bets. But the ratio of bets is usually 4:1 PB:tie so any tie win can pay off big time knowing you get your other bet back also. On a he higher min bet tables tie is $25 with other bets being $100 min
I will observe the shoes more and see how this bet could be employed


Andre Chass

Quote from: DoctorSudoku on Jun 25, 04:14 AM 2018

If you are going to try it, as always do some testing first.

Just use it as a secondary playing method. And also use it only occasionally.

For this method to fail, the tie outcome has to sleep for at least 36 spins (the 20 hands  that act as the initial trigger plus the 16 hands that I chase it with the progression).

Well, the strategy worked on my first attempt.  8)

Nothing ventured, nothing gained...


Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jun 25, 03:54 PM 2018

So you are betting against decisions 12, 13, 14 back stopping on one win per shoe

I’ll give it a try always looking at new baccarat ideas.

Not really into roulette anymore.

I am headed in the same direction.

Baccarat and craps (betting on ONLY pass and don't pass without taking or laying any odds)  are now my two preferred recreational gambling games.

By the way, since you have lost interest in roulette, shouldn't you have to change your username again? A couple of years you asked Steve to change your username from your firstname-lastname to rouletteghost.

Well, maybe you should ask Steve to change your username again ...... this time to baccaratghost.

:twisted:   :twisted:
What is the fastest way of destroying your bankroll at the casino?

Play roulette with GLC's progressions.


Quote from: Andre Chass on Jun 25, 07:14 PM 2018
Well, the strategy worked on my first attempt.  8)


That's great. But the tie appeared in the 20th hand (unless I did a mistake in counting).

I normally wait for a minimum of 20 hands without the tie showing, before chasing it.

Also, it does NOT have to be at the beginning of the shoe.

A tie can miss for 20 spins even in the middle of the shoe -- say, between the 10th and 30th hands. And I go chasing it then.

Also,  make sure that you do NOT start the chase  toward the very end of the shoe -- you need to have at least 16 hands remaining (preferably more remaining) to be played in the shoe for you to complete the progression (should you be forced to go the distance).

Imagine what would happen if the shoe ended and you were somewhere in the middle of the progression still chasing the sleeping tie outcome !
What is the fastest way of destroying your bankroll at the casino?

Play roulette with GLC's progressions.

Andre Chass

Quote from: DoctorSudoku on Jun 25, 07:27 PM 2018
I normally wait for a minimum of 20 hands without the tie showing, before chasing it.

No Tie

Doc I think this strategy very dangerous.
$3 chips
Nothing ventured, nothing gained...

Andre Chass

Quote from: Andre Chass on Jun 23, 11:01 PM 2018

We always bet Banker.
We use 1-3-2-6 sequentially whether we win or lose (132613261326...). Examples:

PBPB = +6
PBPBBB = +10
BBB = +6

That means, we don't care if we win or lose that hand, we will still continue the 1-3-2-6 sequence. As for ties, it will be counted, and next bet will be the next sequence after a tie
PBTBB = +9

It beats almost every bad streak, and we start with a bankroll of 36. Our daily goal is +20.

Has anyone given it a try?
I consider it one of the best strategies. You have to find a Banker biased shoe.

You can use 1-3-2-4 but I prefer 1-3-2-6
Nothing ventured, nothing gained...


Hi Doc , And Hi Andre

Maybe for the Tie method you can add another rule/trigger : wait that a Tie appeared and then wait 20 hands to bet  (apply your method after the first Tie)
Because in my testing it's seem safer than a blind shoe without any Tie.
What do you all think ? 


Andre Chass

Quote from: AndyCasinoK on Jun 25, 09:28 PM 2018
Hi Doc , And Hi Andre

Maybe for the Tie method you can add another rule/trigger : wait that a Tie appeared and then wait 20 hands to bet  (apply your method after the first Tie)
Because in my testing it's seem safer than a blind shoe without any Tie.
What do you all think ? 


Hi Andy

You're right. I think we have to find a Tie biased shoe to play the strategy. But I still think that's too risky.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained...


Quote from: AndyCasinoK on Jun 25, 03:06 PM 2018
Hello RG 

On my online casino the columns have only six hands results , and i take the first 3 results of the shoe and i "make them fight" 
with the 3 first results of the third columns ;)   

i just look for one win per shoe that's all ;)

It does well

But how do you treat a tie?

Do you not bet if first column has a tie, also I lost some only because of the tie

the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins


Andre Chass

I found an interesting progression. It can be used on some strategies.

Ultimate Even Chance Progression: by GLC

If lose   Bet Amount   If win
-1     1 (x1)        +1
-3     2        +1
-7     4        +1
-15     8        +1

-21     6 (x2)        +3
-29     8        +3
-39     10        +1
-52     13        0
-70     18        +2

-81     11 (x3)        +7
-93     12        +3
-107     14        +5
-123     16        +5
-141     18        +3
-162     21        +6
-186     24        +6
-213     27        +3

-228     15 (x4)        +12
-244     16        +12
-261     17        +11
-279     18         +9
-298     19        +6
-318     20        +2
-340     22        +12
-363     23        +5
-388     25        +12
-414     26        +2
-442     28        +6
-472     30        +8

This progression is based on starting with a mini-martingale 1-2-4-8.  Since we win most of our bets in the first 4 attempts, this will win us most of our units.

If we happen to lose 4 times in a row, we start betting let-it-ride 1 time.  We drop back from an 8 unit loss to a 6 unit bet because we are -15 units after losing 1-2-4-8.  If we win a 6 unit bet, we will have 12 units to let-it-ride.  If we win this let-it-ride bet, we will have 24 units on the table minus the 6 we bet = +18 units less the 15 already lost = +3 units and we start over again with 1 unit bet.

We have 5 chances to win at a let-it-ride 2X before we go to  a let-it-ride 3x series.  And if we don't win in the 3 time let-it-ride series, we go to the 4X let-it-ride series.

All we are trying to do is get a streak of wins in a row to recover previous losses and reach a new high.  Then we continue betting at the 1-2-4-8 level.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained...


Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jun 25, 09:43 PM 2018
It does well

But how do you treat a tie?

Do you not bet if first column has a tie, also I lost some only because of the tie

Went through all of my old shoes. Only loss I had when betting against was when a tie showed up
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jun 25, 09:43 PM 2018
It does well

But how do you treat a tie?

Do you not bet if first column has a tie, also I lost some only because of the tie

Hello RG

Yes i do not bet if first column has a tie , but if the third column has a tie i don't care , i bet again what i wanted to bet ;) .
Very interesting , did you bet 3 times or only 2 times ?


3 step marty stop on a win

All of my previous shoes were winners hit and run

Only loss I had was when the third column had a tie

Tomorrow I will see what happened if I continued since the tie is a push

But so far looks good and it’s fast
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins

