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Guide and Info - How to do precognition

Started by precogmiles, Mar 09, 01:37 PM 2019

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Quote from: precogmiles on Jan 16, 11:10 AM 2020In your opinion. Because, you have not done the research.

I keep asking you for evidence and empirical data that psi works, and you keep failing to deliver. I wonder why?  :xd:
Logic. It's always in the way.


Quote from: Joe on Jan 16, 11:06 AM 2020
This shows a complete misunderstanding of science which is very common, unfortunately. Science has come under attack because it's supposed to be arrogant, a 'know it all'. But science is not a book, like the bible, which contains 'truth', nor is it a body of high priests. It's just a method of learning about nature and the world. There's a lot of hypocrisy because those who criticize science are very quick to take advantage of its benefits. Let me tell you, you would not have enjoyed life so much if you had been born 500 years ago, or even 100 years ago. The only time to be alive which is better than today is tomorrow, at least in a material sense (granted, that isn't everything).

I think you misunderstand me... That's ok. English is not my native tongue and typing correct english is even harder.

I meant that science can change its statement. It's proven till disproven or proven otherwise. Look up wim hof. Nobody ever thought you could influence your immune system. Wim Has proven he can do. First they though, ok this is a freak of nature. But wim said he could teach everybody this skill and so he did. Now they have to rewrite all the books.

So even science has an open mind. That things are not proven does it makes it wrong or impossible.


Quote from: Joe on Jan 16, 11:16 AM 2020Engineering is just applied science.

So Engineering was invented after the invention of the scientific method? Do you realise how confused you sound. This is why I keep stating that you  have been brainwashed by your high priests. 


Quote from: Joe on Jan 16, 11:18 AM 2020nd you keep failing to deli

I can't take you seriously anymore. You are posting on a thread titled 'Guide and Info - How to do precognition' and you are asking me for evidence?

haha, this is beyond a joke.

For the millionth time. You are not allowed to believe precognition is real.


Precog nobody has evidence that precognition actually exists.Metaphysical phenomenon exists in different versions,but precognition is until now only a thing you can believe in.


Quote from: Joe on Jan 16, 11:16 AM 2020Susan Blackmore is an example of someone who was open to psi and investigated it for a long period, but was eventually forced to admit that it doesn't exist. Her story is a good illustration of how true believers can always explain away the lack of results and how they accuse those who are sincerely trying to find the truth of being close-minded and dogmatic. Sound familiar?  ::)

No! susan blackmore has not added anything of value to the conversion. All she has done is espouse the default dogmatic view against psi.

Have you done any research into susan blackmore other than a google search? have you read any of her books? have you watched her talks? have you compared her ideas against those of her critics? No? well the difference is I have.

If you are serious about this subject go do the research. Until then, keep behaving like a sheep.


Quote from: Clf7 on Jan 16, 11:42 AM 2020
Precog nobody has evidence that precognition actually exists.Metaphysical phenomenon exists in different versions,but precognition is until now only a thing you can believe in.

What Metaphysical phenomenon exists in different versions?




No buts its a phenomenon that is kind of metaphysical but it exists,evidence of existing is there  and people try to explain it with different methods


Quote from: RayManZ on Jan 16, 11:19 AM 2020So even science has an open mind. That things are not proven does it makes it wrong or impossible.

Yes of course, but there's no need to say 'even' science. Scientific knowledge is always evolving, it doesn't pretend to know THE truth. It creates models of the way the world works and periodically the model has to be changed or even thrown away because of new discoveries. e.g. For centuries Newton's model of the world was favored, but then Einstein showed it didn't work under some circumstances and a new model was proposed.
Logic. It's always in the way.


Quote from: precogmiles on Jan 16, 11:31 AM 2020So Engineering was invented after the invention of the scientific method? Do you realise how confused you sound. This is why I keep stating that you  have been brainwashed by your high priests. 

I didn't say Engineering was invented after the scientific method. There you go again trying to put words in my mouth in order to score brownie points. I can't really blame you for that because you don't have any real arguments or data. 
Logic. It's always in the way.


Quote from: Joe on Jan 16, 12:25 PM 2020
I didn't say Engineering was invented after the scientific method. There you go again trying to put words in my mouth in order to score brownie points. I can't really blame you for that because you don't have any real arguments or data.

ok, if you say so. All I can say is go do the research. Just look at the amount of people on this thread who have experienced it for themselves. Are we all making it up? We were all skeptics, you don't need to give us lessons on being a skeptic.

Precognition is real and the evidence and data is available. If you are brainwashed into denying its existence I really don't care.


Quote from: Joe on Jan 16, 12:25 PM 2020I didn't say Engineering was invented after the scientific method.

Quote from: Joe on Jan 16, 11:16 AM 2020Engineering is just applied science.



Quote from: precogmiles on Jan 16, 11:47 AM 2020Have you done any research into susan blackmore other than a google search? have you read any of her books? have you watched her talks? have you compared her ideas against those of her critics? No? well the difference is I have.

Yes to all questions. I saw her giving a talk last year at the philosophy festival in Hay-on-Wye.

QuoteNo? well the difference is I have

lol, there you go again. You're becoming a troll.  ::)

Like I said, you have to set up experiments correctly so that they really do test what you want to test. It's not that easy.
Logic. It's always in the way.
