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The only way to beat roulette is by increasing accuracy of predictions (changing the odds). This is possible on many real wheels.

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Physics & Theory

Started by ego, Jun 07, 01:23 PM 2019

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Physics & Theory

I have been thinking about an old method where you map the behavior of the wheel to find similar conditions that will create some kind of bias.
For example that one sector/distance hit more frequently than others.

In Laurance Scott book volume 1 ( at the end of the book ) so does Laurance mention a sequencing method that only works with that particular wheel you charting and tracking, so if you move to other wheels you need to start the process from scratch again.
This method works in the past in Las Vegas - but I don't think this method work with today's wheels.
But physics don't get old, they are based upon math and probability, so some parts from old methods are still useful with some modification.

The method watch for dealers release number and then wait for the ball to make one full lap/round and then watch ball over release number and how many pockets it has traveled. You do this twice and you get a pattern with two sectors with for example 9 and 11 pockets.
For each spin, the pattern and ball/rotor speed will be different.

Now if you categorize one pattern into one group and look at the result.
Then you might find a pattern to emerge on the wheel with similar distances.
The wheel gets divided into three sectors with around twelve number each.
Where you look at wish one that might have a more frequent hit ratio than the others using one and same estimation pattern.
One category of spins with same rotor/ball combinations.

Now, this might work if you have a strong tilt wish is very rare with today's wheels.
But that is not the point I am trying to make.

I have been searching for a method where you can estimate and calculate the ball/rotor speed at the same time and not separately.
And the solution comes from this old method with the help of a thumper.

This can be done any time during the spin.
You set the thumper to 0.5 seconds - that is a very short and tight time interval.

So each time the ball is over vertical reference deflector you will have a vibration from the thumper, because of the short and tight time interval.
Now instead of looking for a pocket pattern you use time and count the vibrations from dealers release number and when the ball crosses the number next time. Then this can be done with one or several laps/rounds for each estimation/prediction.
For each spin, you will get a different time pattern - different amounts of vibrations for each ball/rotor combination.

Each and every spin that matches with the same time interval pattern will have the exact same ball/rotor combination and speed.
This way you can map wheels sweet speed using both rotor and ball speed combination during one solid prediction moment.

Denial of gamblers fallacy is usually seen in people who has Roulette as last option for a way to wealth, debt covering and a independent lifestyle.  Next step is pretty ugly-
AP - It's not that it can't be done, but rather people don't really have a clue as to the level of fanaticism and outright obsession that it takes to be successful, let alone get to the level where you can take money out of the casinos on a regular basis. Out of 1,000 people that earnestly try, maybe only one will make it.


I'm going to have to read this a few times to get my head round it and maybe try working out with a pencil and paper.

But I do know for a steady dealer the ball release speed is about constant and around time period 0.5 secs. I guess you are matching the rotor speed to this, so in effect you are measuring the rotor speed or at least seeing if the rotor speed is within range.

Put it this way, ball speed is difficult to measure accurately early in the spin. For me anyway. The difference between say 0.45s and 0.5s is 0.05s which is very small, so would need several revolutions at least to measure. Whereas you can pick a difference in wheel period say 3.0 or 3.2 or 3.5 more easily.

Only thing I would say is on a long scatter wheel you will probably need a drop zone as well to get an edge. The justification I'd put forward is my experiment on dealers sig in this forum where I did 1000 spins on a wheel with a dropzone to constrain fall off. I also used same wheel speed,  same ball speed  (as good as I could manage) and same release point. Even with all that there was just a discernable area (a good 1/3 area too), which is a nice zone for betting.

But I am sure If the wheel were more levelled, that zone would be flattened. It's an experiment I should repeat with a wheel as level as I can make it.


I am now convinced that physics related methods are the only way to have an advantage playing roulette but using scientific methods to track ball and wheel spins is not a practical solution unless you subsribe to one of Steve Roulette Computers. But there is another way using a method first discussed by a well known forum member that can give you the information you are seeking. To be honest it is actually quite simple and intuitive. All you need to do is think what is happening when the dealer is spinning that ball around the wheel. What is the end result of his action? No need to track ball speed, rotor speed, diamond deflections, ball release etc. Just observe what is likely to happen more often than not.
Steve says this method cannot work. Ball has no memory. But we are not interested in the ball. We are interested in the dealer. He has a memory or at least his muscles do. He may also be a smart cookie and use his brain to control his muscles. The method/system I have borrowed for this well known forum member is able to identify when these conditions are in play and I will know which numbers to play and better still how much to bet on each to optimize my payout. The funny thing is he probably does not even know who he is and what power he has created.



It's not anything to do with ball having memory.

If you observe what happens when the dealer spins, for exactly the same set of conditions, the ball will end up in the same place.

But if he's spinning with constant ball speed, and constant rotor speed you have to factor in the release point. For a release point the opposite side of the wheel, it will end up 180 degrees different.


Technically that’s true but over 10-20 spins something beautiful begins to emerge and if you slice up the wheel correctly you will see what I mean. You do not need to bet every spin or every wheel but when you find this beautiful thing you will know what and how much to bet without the aid of a computer or thumping your foot to take timings. Pen and paper is all that is needed.


Are you seperating clockwise and anticlockwise spins or putting them all in the same melting pot?


Quote from: Firefox on Jun 10, 09:30 AM 2019
Are you seperating clockwise and anticlockwise spins or putting them all in the same melting pot?
That would be an interesting excercise to see if two distrinct patterns emerge for each direction. But ATM I am just putting all results in one melting pots to identify a clear bias. The most profitable wheels and sessions appear when you get sector(s) that is just appearing way above the rest. It does not cost much to cover all candidates. And there is an element of randomness that can work in your favour.



Quote from: Ricky on Jun 07, 08:31 PM 2019Steve says this method cannot work. Ball has no memory. But we are not interested in the ball. We are interested in the dealer. He has a memory or at least his muscles do. He may also be a smart cookie and use his brain to control his muscles. The method/system I have borrowed for this well known forum member is able to identify when these conditions are in play and I will know which numbers to play and better still how much to bet on each to optimize my payout. The funny thing is he probably does not even know who he is and what power he has created.
Really predictions accuracy have nothing to do with dealers muscles and with other things which you describe. Here is at all natural physical laws and players simply must use them. The main problem is that players simply not know elementary physics...
And that not knowing born different theories, about dealer muscles and different patterns :)
Learn physic and all will become more clear...

The only thing which must player to understand is why ball stopped here, why that happened not faster, or not later. When that will be clear, the only thing left is how to detect that moment. Where and when it will happen...

Such knowledge is fully enough for winning, at least now...

So mine suggestion - learn elementary physic and not waste time for different theories.

Not try to beat the game, much easier to beat the wheel...
Some peoples very not like, when I say how to win, or why they can't win.
