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I got the Holy Grail

Started by Will1196, Jun 14, 07:34 AM 2023

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Quote from: TRD on Oct 31, 10:00 AM 2023If I represent the numbers with 6 felt double streets,
or as an alternative opt to use a pie or star groupings,
the trends resulting from these 6-number grouping are the same,
same range of length & the frequdncy of those appearing ..

I must agree with your point of view. There are ways to play successfully based on felt distribution of numbers. Mr Li mentioned some of them in this same thread.


Quote from: TRD on Oct 31, 10:00 AM 2023If I represent the numbers with 6 felt double streets,
or as an alternative opt to use a pie or star groupings,
the trends resulting from these 6-number grouping are the same,
same range of length & the frequdncy of those appearing ..

.. meanwhile there's a clear advantage in the bankroll requirement,
having to use only 1 unit yo cover 6-numbers & start from there.

Amen.  :thumbsup:

The only potential advantage this might have based on my currrnt insight,
is that multiple trends' tracks may be merged into one track simultaneously,
thus qualifying the numbers based on all the trend present at the same time,
though provided the betting plan comprises of SU numbers.

Kimo Li


07 28 12 35 06 26

Should be

07 28 12 35 03 26

Kimo Li

Now I know no one is paying attention to details. LOL


01 = 32 25 36 05 14 07
02 = 15 17 11 24 31 28
03 = 19 34 30 16 09 12
04 = 04 06 08 33 22 35
05 = 21 27 23 01 22 03
06 = 02 13 10 20 29 26

01 = 32 25 36 05 14 07
02 = 15 17 11 24 31 28
03 = 19 34 30 16 09 12
04 = 04 06 08 33 22 35
05 = 21 27 23 01 18 03
06 = 02 13 10 20 29 26


I guess more than one is paying attention but they don't know what to do with that information. How to profit from these numbers arrengements.

holy roller

It sounds like you are the one who is enslaved in your own clunky and encumbered thinking.

Your opinion seems very myopic in my opinion. You make comments and challenges to Mr. Li, and yet you know nothing about him so why comment then?

Can you disprove any claims that he has made? Do you have anything better to offer other than your diatribe against Mr. Li? Your answer will probably be that you do not have to disprove what he says, which means you can't do it. Yet you comment anyway out of your own ignorance.

Everyone always gets upset that he won't reveal to you how he plays, and yet he continues to give instruction for others to examine and LEARN from, and all of this for free.

I think most roulette players ONLY want answers. They do not want to put forth any mental capacity to actually figure something out or at a minimum.... be teachable and learn something new.

I tell you what if you think what he teaches is just silliness then why not challenge him to a roulette challenge. The two of you get together and watch live spins at a casino. You both make virtual bets (not real ones) and we will see who would have walked away with the most money.

I mean that is really what you want to see isn't it? Kimo would not need to reveal how he plays. He would just give his best prediction of the numbers and you would give yours and the best person wins.

Just think you could even be the one who takes down the great Kimo Li!

Do you have the stones to do that or are you just a keyboard warrior? I'm betting the latter. Yeah definitely the latter.

Kimo Li

Does "taking me down" becomes the measure of one's ability to predict?

I don't think so.

Focus on learning to predict, rather than criticizing one's inability to predict.


In order to be able to make the predictions Kimo Li talks about, it is necessary to create a tool to measure the fluctuations of the characteristics I want to track.

These characteristics of the numbers will occur randomly but are susceptible to give themselves a space and a time of appearance.

We are therefore talking about sequence and frequency in the appearance of these characteristics.
This tool is a matrix that will allow us to keep track of what is coming out along with measuring both its sequence and frequency.

Kimo Li

The secret to success in roulette is simply explained by carvigno.

The Global Pie Method

All you have to do is grab a piece of the PIE and shoot for the STARS.


Quote from: Kimo Li on Nov 16, 12:32 PM 2023All you have to do is grab a piece of the PIE and shoot for the STARS.

Apply scientific phenomenon called quantum entanglement to Kimo Li's Pies and Stars and you'll have the key response to solve roulette mistery.

Besides you'll need a Matrix to put order to the apparent caos of roulette outcomes. The matrix should emulate the pigeonhole principle.
This matrix must comply with one precept,  it must be simple enough so that it can be carried out without the need for paper and pencil.


Since the historical data show that most

pies and stars in six spins are mostly
4pies/stars, or

more, to hit in next six spins.

A whooping more than  75%, that create slightly edge...

Then we bet after THREE PIES AND 3STARS had hit.
Bet the other 3pies and 3star, that not hit.

3pies=half the wheel,


3stars=half of the 3pies, thus 9numbers plus zero bet.


another bet, bet only 4pies stars.

Only bet once....


1)after 4spins, 4different pies, had hit.
then we bet, only once, bet the FIFTH spin, PREVIOUS four pies hit....
will hit.

We lose and stop betting, when fifth pies hit. at the fifth spin.

2) When at fifth spin, only four pies hit, and we bet only once, bet that it remained 4pies at sixth spin.
We lose when 5pies hit at sixth spin.

3)When at the FIFTH spin,
We see only 3pies hit,
we bet the other 3 pies that had not hit.
Lose when at the sixth spin, only three pies hit.

mathwise, slight edge


Kimo Li


People still talk about holy grial? thats amateur...

