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9 section roulette

Started by mimoto, Feb 17, 05:18 PM 2011

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All of you crazy roulette players, have been reading lots of the threads over the last few months with interest.  Amazing to find people who can spend so many hours trying to beat the game, sometimes i think i must be crazy, but don't think i will ever give up.

Round and round in circles i go!!! so many systems and so many times going to bed thinking i have cracked it, only to wake up in the morning to realise i have made a mistake in my calcs.

17 years after going to my first live casino i have never stopped thinking about beating that wheel.

Have been playing this for a while and working quite well

Divide wheel into 9 sections of 4 numbers from 0 clockwise( uk wheel)
section 1 has 5 numbers as 0 is included (0,4. 15,19,32)
section 2 (2,17,21,25)
section 3 (6,13,27,34)
you know the rest

Record the last 9 spins (ie what section it has landed in)


29 section 8
16             6
23             5
19             1
27             3
23             5
7               8
0               1
4               1
I would now bet section 8 for 9 spins which is 4 chips and the reason is that it has shown twice and is near the top of list, would not bet section 1 as has just shown.  If you get a win in a few spins, count back 9 and repeat as above.  If you don't get it in 9, just accept it and carry on.  The most you can lose is the Ã,£50 br, BUT I CALL IT A DAY AT -Ã,£25

I aim to leave the casino at +60 chips and can sometimes get this in 12 spins.  Maybe have just been lucky.

I only play with 0. 25 p chips with a br on Ã,£50 (testing testing testing) and only play live casino with real wheel and ball (RNG =  NO NO NO)

However, as last night was just a crazy game and ended up leaving the casino with -Ã,£1
Even i can handle that lost.

You won't lose your house with this method, but you wont make a million, my aim is to play with Ã,£5 chips, but need to test more.

Would be very interested to hear your feedback as i know you have lots of games recorded as i have.  (real games only)

The very best of luck to you all.   


Good Morning Mimoto, and a warm welcome to the Forum.

Interesting play method.

The system players here will soon be all over it like a swarm of bees!

Be nice to see Ur recorded sessions posted up, and the results etc.

If U would like to post say the numbers up themselves, and then want to "Hide" the play U made(and the results +/- on BR), then try out our new forum feature called 'Reveal'

Its the 'Window' symbol above this message bar (when Ur sending a replay of PM)
and its great to use when U want to have info in Ur messages, but not immediately on show.

Here's a couple of examples.............[reveal]Example![/reveal]

[reveal=Screen shot][attachimg=#][/reveal]


Ok, here is a game played 2 days ago with results.

11          4
17          7
21          2
5            5
31          7
24          5
33          6
20          6
15          1       Bet section 7 as is a repeat and top of list of 9.
22          7       win +32, count back 9 and bet section 5
30          4       
15          1       
13          3
12          9
12          9
16          6
5            5       win +8,  now bet section 1
16          6
4            1       win +26, now bet section 9
29          8
36          4
35          9      win  +24, now bet section 6
27          3
0            1
0            1
27          3
33          6      win +16, now bet section 3
35          9
15          1
18          8
25          2
17          2     -20 as choose to quit here as new dealer.   so wait 9 spins
8            4
20          6
14          7
21          2
33          6
34          3
34          3
14          7
23          5     bet section 6
1            6     win +32, now bet section 7
16          6
25          2
5            5
0            1
24          5
2            2
16          6
28          8
31          7     win 0 as took 9 spins, now section 2
21          2     win +32, now bet section 5
12          9
4            1
18          8
30          4
23          5     win + 16, now bet section 8
31          7
34          3
9            7
24          5
17          2
21          2
14          7
28          8     win +4, now bet section 5
23          5     win +32, now bet section 2
8            4
14          7
0            1
32          1
12          9
8            4
26          9
6            3
16          6    lost -36, so bet section 4
14          7
22          7
27          3
5            5
12          9
16          6
24          5
36          4    win +4

Only pick sections that have shown twice and are at top of 9 spins, if you have none, then wait a few spins and dont choose the section that has just shown.
Never chase a sleeping section.

Sometimes you will hit a -36 in the first 9 spins and the game will be up down up down, i call it a day when i have close to my br back as don't want to play all night, go back tomorrow.

I always quit at +60 chips, but stay to record more spins.  I only play live casino and i don't hint or sell systems, shame on you who do.

Test this out on some of your recorded games please and lets see if it works for you.


Thanks guys, 109 views and no feedback, have been playing this for the last few weeks with good results.  very easy to play.

Won't bother posting the next level!


Hey mimoto
                     I am a new poster too.  Dont get discouraged by no replies to your posts.
                     Ones persons diamond is anothers coal.  If this is working for you then keep
                     playing it and recording your results.  If you can post results like 25 times win
                     your plus 60 and only lose say 5 times peaple will see the value in the help
                     you are offering.
                                               Continued winnings


Quote from: mimoto on Feb 28, 09:26 AM 2011
Thanks guys, 109 views ...............................  very easy to play.

Won't bother posting the next level!

Yes I agree with deepred, there is no need to be like that over a slight lack in responses.

It takes time for members to digest new ideas and posts, esp if there is an already strong
subject matter holding everyone's attention at the moment like the Matrix topics.

Please post more on Ur ideas, because without them, and posters like Urself, there would be NO forum at ALL!!

Come On mimoto, give Us some more of Ur ideas and formulations!!


And having had a look at Ur posted figures from Ur game play, sound like Ur as hopeless as me in defining our STOP-LOSS point in games.

U were at +32 at one point- should have instantly been Ur time to quit the session, and keep the profit.

in the end, U come away with Just +4, and lick Ur wounds, since near the final stretch, u went to -36!!!!!!  WoW!

The other day (Friday), I took Ã,£70 all the way to Ã,£1240, and because of my stupidity, I finish up with only Ã,£830 (a +760 gain on the day tho!)

So maybe we both need to learn a valuable lesson here!!

Install a fixed, definite STOP-LOSS point in Ur session play.

(I know I will in future!)  :-[  :-[


You are missing the point my friend re the +32
The game finished at +170 odd
Each bet is 4 chips.
Have a better look
The total is when you add it together at the end my friend.


Ahh, My mistake.

Happy U corrected me and cleared that up.

Just me then eh!!  :embarrassed:


Quote from: mimoto on Feb 28, 09:26 AM 2011
Thanks guys, 109 views and no feedback, have been playing this for the last few weeks with good results.  very easy to play.

Won't bother posting the next level!


This does look like an interesting way to play.
From my experience on this and other forums, I can tell you that as soon as you divide the table into sectors that you have to keep track of, you lose a lot of people.
Check the forum and you will see that often times the most simple systems to play are the ones that get a lot of interest.  At first, anyway.

Secondly, nobody knows you.  You're very new to the forum and 90% of the posts by newbies are not such new ideas.  We're reluctant to ditch something we're working on at the time or that someone else has posted about the same time you did and focus on your system.  Even though you have stated your basic credentials, we are a little nervous about just walking right up to the new kid in class and making them feel welcome.

And then, if nobody posts on your topic pretty quickly, it starts dropping back in the line-up and kind of gets lost in the shuffle.

Last but not least is that most of us are visual learners and like to see a lot of examples to stimulate our understanding and see that this is a good system.  Take a lesson from Buffalowizard or Katilla or Atlantis, etc...  Don't take a look at my posts unless you want to see an example of how not to present a system.

If you continue to post sessions, you will get the attention of at least 1 other member and the two of you begin to interact and post sessions and discuss options, etc... and before long someone else decides that this really is a viable system and if it really is, it will soon enough take off and there will be a feeding frenzy.

We are all looking for that 1 winner, but we've been looking so long and been disappointed so many times that we sometimes can't see a winner if it hits us in the face.

Please don't give up on us.  I for one am interested in this method, I'm just also involved in at least 3 other systems at the time, but am losing excitement with them and am starting to swim over to your side of the lake.

If there's another level, maybe that's the blood soaked bait that will get some more sharks over here.

No negative connotations intended by calling anyone a shark.

One point.  I only have access to a double zero airball machine here in Tucson, AZ.  I can't play on-line legally yet, so I will test this on a 0/00 wheel.  It's the kind of system that the extra zero shouldn't effect the win rate a whole lot, I hope.

I'll let you know how things look after my first session.



P.S.  One last point.  This is the newcomers board and most members don't expect systems to be posted here.  Maybe one of the mods could move this to Notepad, Testing Zone or Full Systems to give it more exposure.
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


I said that I would test it on a double zero wheel, but I don't have any live spins from a double zero wheel so I'm testing it on my marathon session of 20,000 continuous spins from casino de macao.

I tested the first 58 numbers and got killed.

Here they are, please show us how you would play them.


In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


GLC, i uploaded double zero spins from random.org,  lots of them. find in actuals section


This is how i would have played this game.
Look also at the movement  between sectors, every other spin and how close they are!

34    3                            THIS IS THE MOVEMENT BETWEEN SECTORS, CLOCKWISE.
25    2                                                8
20    6                                               4
23    5                                               8
22    7                                                2
23    5                                                7
9      7                                                2
4      1                                                3
17    2 bet sector 5 for 9 spins            1
29    8                                                6 most common in last 9 spins is 2 and 8
33    6                                                2 +28  most common is now 2 so bet 4 chips
27    3                                                6
1      6                                                3
19    1                                                4
1      6                                                5
36    4                                                7
1      6                                                2  win on bet 6 +12  count back 9 and 6 is most common     
4      1 -36  wait a nothing to bet on    4
4      1                                                9
20    6                                                5
34    3                                                6  win on bet 4  +20  i quit here as +60 chips
16    6                                                3 
1      6                                                9
13    3                                                6
26    9  bet sector 3                            6
as shown twice in last 9 spins
18    8                                                8
34    3  +28  wait                               4
13    3                                                9
30    4                                                1
9      7                                                3
33    6                                                8
16    6                                                9
11    4                                                7
29    8   bet sector 4                           4
36    4   +32 I would quit the              5
game here as +24 chips
and started game with a -36

31    7   
3      6     
11    4
1      6
20    6
22    7
25    2
28    8
0      1
32    1
0      1
15    1
25    2
3      9
13    3       
26    9
34    3
16    6
11    4
0      1
11    4
6      3
22    7

Hope this has given you something to think about.


Quote from: mimoto on Mar 01, 05:30 AM 2011
This is how I would have played this game.
Look also at the movement  between sectors, every other spin and how close they are!

34    3                            THIS IS THE MOVEMENT BETWEEN SECTORS, CLOCKWISE.
25    2                                                8
20    6                                               4
23    5                                               8
22    7                                                2
23    5                                                7
9      7                                                2
4      1                                                3
17    2 bet sector 5 for 9 spins          1
29    8                                                6 most common in last 9 spins is 2 and 8
33    6                                                2 +28  most common is now 2 so bet 4 chips
27    3                                                6
1      6                                                3
19    1                                                4
1      6                                                5
36    4                                                7
1      6                                                2  win on bet 6 +12  count back 9 and 6 is most common     
4      1 -36  wait a nothing to bet on    4
4      1                                                9
20    6                                                5
34    3                                                6  win on bet 4  +20  I quit here as +60 chips
16    6                                                3 
1      6                                                9
13    3                                                6
26    9  bet sector 3                            6
as shown twice in last 9 spins
18    8                                                8
34    3  +28  wait                               4
13    3                                                9
30    4                                                1
9      7                                                3
33    6                                                8
16    6                                                9
11    4                                                7
29    8   bet sector 4                           4
36    4   +32 I would quit the              5
game here as +24 chips
and started game with a -36

31    7   
3      6     
11    4
1      6
20    6
22    7
25    2
28    8
0      1
32    1
0      1
15    1
25    2
3      9
13    3       
26    9
34    3
16    6
11    4
0      1
11    4
6      3
22    7

Hope this has given you something to think about.

Hi Mimoto,

Thanks for the system. Just a couple of questions. In this set of spins, I'm not sure why you bet on sector 3 and not sector 1, when 1 was a double nearer the top.
Also, why did you bet sector 4 in the last bet, when there were three 4's, and a double 6 nearer the top?
Hope you can clear this up for us all, just to get a better picture of your bet selection.




Well spotted, I felt section 6 was showing to much overall and had run its course,
As i had a -36 to begin with i choose not to go for section 1 as it contains 5 numbers, so you only get 7 bets with it and not 9 as with the rest.

All the best


Quote from: mimoto on Mar 01, 04:55 PM 2011
Well spotted, I felt section 6 was showing to much overall and had run its course,
As I had a -36 to begin with I choose not to go for section 1 as it contains 5 numbers, so you only get 7 bets with it and not 9 as with the rest.

All the best

By doing what you just did you killed your system - it's built on a skill level.

I suggest that if you think you have something that "works" you dump the subjectivity of skill - everyone will have a different answer and result.  A system is either 100% mechanical or it's based on skill and luck - which means there is nothing there at all.

Just a suggestion.....
