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Started by Johnlegend, Apr 14, 03:48 PM 2011

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hi john, you say that when you enter the cycle is the most important factor, how do you determine when to enter or is it just random after any nine spins


Quote from: joiner29 on May 15, 04:47 AM 2011
Hi john, you say that when you enter the cycle is the most important factor, how do you determine when to enter or is it just random after any nine spins
Its random Joiner. If you look at my previous results, you will see some streaks are short while others are longer. The longer streak occur when you are fortunate to enter the cycle at the right time several times in a row. This would never happen as often if you played consecutively, its your reward for being PATIENT.


Hello JohnLegend

Is ScoobyDoo informed about Pattern 4.......


Hello everyone

I would like to present a conservative way of playing this good system.

I record 4 spins no bet
then I bet the next pair (2spins) against the first 2 results.
5- bet against B- Bet RED
6- bet against are - Bet Black

I bet the two spins no matter if win or lose the first one.

For money management I use the progression:
+1 on a win (until reach a new high)
stay the same on a loss.

Target +10
Stop at -20 Loss

I think it is a more conservative way of betting this
here follow three test sessions on Real Spins from Dublin Bet, a member on the forum gave...

three games +30

Would really appreciate your thoughts on this.
thanks john L


I will keep on posting results if anyone interested.

Offtopic- Menphis Grizzlies lost semi-final for Thunder Oaklaoma :-(

more 2 tests
Last one with big swing and drawdown, but it came alive.

so far +90 at about 830 spins


Quote from: Johnlegend on May 14, 01:25 PM 2011
Hit and run is the general playing method Amk. I use three progression levels

(LEVEL 1), 2,4,8


(LEVEL 3), 12,24,48

After a win on the first game OF EACH NEW DAY. I drop to level 1 stakes and play 4 more singular games.

After a loss at level 1 I jump to level 3 FOR ONE GAME. If the lost occurred on my FIRST GAME OF THE DAY LEVEL TWO STAKES (RARE) I jump to level 3 for two games.

I have yet to lose a first game at level 2 and have never lost TWICE. And as I said its all relative, once you are locked into a double figures winning streak, you pull ahead and profit overall is assured. Hit and Run assures it.

note that this progression
when lost deplicts 210 units
(worst case scenario lose 1st level 2
then twice in a row level 3)

two comparative tests - one waits 20 spins between games then retracks and uses the above stake plan

the other one uses the original version grand mart 1-3-7

Made over the same spins, obviously. Live spins from smart live casino, posted in a thread from labahalala on live actuals, by the missed twisterUK.

one last note: the tests are made in comparison to a tweeak I am testing on the testing zone of the forum wich I called pattern X... anyways another subject on another thread to keep this tidy.


...For Your Consideration. We can discuss conclusions...

Great system this is. I am interested in testing pattern matrix. Maybe latter we could evolve on that subject. Any ideas on this? PM me if you may.

PLEASE DELETE MY REPLIES #213 & #214 so the thread keeps clean
thanks again JL


Quote from: albertojonas on May 16, 12:02 AM 2011
note that this progression
when lost deplicts 210 units
(worst case scenario lose 1st level 2
then twice in a row level 3)

two comparative tests - one waits 20 spins between games then retracks and uses the above stake plan

the other one uses the original version grand mart 1-3-7

Made over the same spins, obviously. Live spins from smart live casino, posted in a thread from labahalala on live actuals, by the missed twisterUK.

one last note: the tests are made in comparison to a tweeak I am testing on the testing zone of the forum wich I called pattern X... anyways another subject on another thread to keep this tidy.


...For Your Consideration. We can discuss conclusions...

Great system this is. I am interested in testing pattern matrix. Maybe latter we could evolve on that subject. Any ideas on this? PM me if you may.

PLEASE DELETE MY REPLIES #213 & #214 so the thread keeps clean
thanks again JL
Hi Albertojonas, my staking plan is what I use, I have a large BR I would suggest newbies adjust to suit their pocket. I have absolute faith in the solid delivery of the method. After testing and playing nearly 1,000 games Its win loss pattern and ratio are more predictable than other methods ive used.

What people must do is test enough games to gain the same understanding and confidence I have.Once you know what this method delivers the vast majority of time, youll understand that the progressions are worth the risk.


Just for fun I wanted to see how PATTERN 4 performed on RNG.
I played on a multi wheel format, skipping from one wheel to the other.

Won 42 units in half an hour, then the RNG game crashed, the ball kept spinning round and round without landing.... (has anyone seen this?)

I then closed the game and went to the main menu and no games were showing that I could play....

Only live wheel can be played........


Quote from: amk on May 16, 04:33 PM 2011
Just for fun I wanted to see how PATTERN 4 performed on RNG.
I played on a multi wheel format, skipping from one wheel to the other.

Won 42 units in half an hour, then the RNG game crashed, the ball kept spinning round and round without landing.... (has anyone seen this?)

I then closed the game and went to the main menu and no games were showing that I could play....

Only live wheel can be played........

;) suspicious minds...


Quote from: amk on May 16, 04:33 PM 2011
Just for fun I wanted to see how PATTERN 4 performed on RNG.
I played on a multi wheel format, skipping from one wheel to the other.

Won 42 units in half an hour, then the RNG game crashed, the ball kept spinning round and round without landing.... (has anyone seen this?)

I then closed the game and went to the main menu and no games were showing that I could play....

Only live wheel can be played........

Its a machine RNG. Will not happen in live roulette. It happens all the time its beacuse it bugg in program or bad line.



I wanted to test a random theory based on the great work of JohnLegend and Scoobydoo..
on RNG, and hope it can contribute in some form to the phenomena of RANDOM on the real wheel..

I call it RANDOM U


Chose 4 levels of any 3 pattern combination of H and L, never only H or only L, at random and play their opposites.

example: at random...

I used a very aggressive full progression of .10, .20, .40, .80 etc 204.80 giving me 4 levels. (It should only really be played with a conservative PATTERN 4 progression this way you can play for higher winning units and only use a 3 level progression.) After a win I skip between 6 to 8 spins, changing each time, and create another 4 level random pattern, I played continually.....



I think that one of the most difficult feats to accomplish in roulette is guessing what will be the right sequence of even money bets. In RANDOM U you are actually playing against yourself. What are the chances that you will guess at random the correct sequence of 9 even money bets (1 in 512 for 3 level progression. I played continually but should skip 6 to 8 spins between prog. levels) So bet against yourself that you won't get it right.....

The chances on a real wheel have to be much better...

Just wanted to add this as food for thought and hope it might sparks some ideas in the veterans.....


Could someone delete my above entry.
Should have made another thread for it.

Success to everyone with PATTERN 4  O0

Hope everyone will keep posting their results...


I think Twister at the beginning of the thread had a very profound approach to PATTERN $
I hope he is doing well

He only plays the progression at one level 1-3-7 and "takes the loss"
I will test with 1-2-4, only 7 unit loss.....

You have a 10/1 strike rate with many long winning sessions....

This is great I think for the newbies not at a high progression level such as JohnLegend

As JohnLegend said "3 steps forward one step back"....

Midnight Player

Was at my local B&M and these are the results of a continuous Pattern4. I unfortunately jumped between betting on Pattern4 and matrix where one bets that a quad does not become a fiver which crashed costing me my BR. If however I had been only betting on Pattern4 I would have been in a positive balance... here are the H's and L's


- 14
The casino returns 50% of bet on a zero, my good luck
Never never never never never never give up... Winston Churchill


Hello JohnLegend,

I wanted to see if you could comment on your statement below for us..

"I will tell you something else, betting against H and L becoming FIVE POINTERS in a FOUR WIDE MATRIX is looking like an ACCESSABLE HOLY GRAIL"

How is this method performing?

You play it like this:
..........   now you are betting that the fifth pattern does not become the first? (no zero in matrix?)

Could you possible delve into this for us...
