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Started by Johnlegend, Apr 14, 03:48 PM 2011

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Side B

Also a few weeks ago, you guys were hailing P4 when played as a 4-wide matrix (betting against spins 13-16 being the same as spins 1-4) as the ultimate grail, but it seems you're all back to a 3-wide matrix now, so where's the grail here?  ???

By the way, the original method for P4 doesn't work for me AT ALL, it loses far too often.


Side B you produce nothing near a grail, you contribute nothing your like a one trick pony, one record track..

As your so cleaver an 'know it all' Why don't you try helping develop something instead of preaching your same old tripe no one's listening to ya

bottom line is,  if it aint constructive get on your donkey an move on

Side B

Excuse me but I don't know you and I don't believe you know me so I'd like to know what you are basing your insults on? And what is that "same old tripe" that you speak of?

I am always one for testing new, promising systems, which is why I have read and re-read the 15 pages of this very topic. Based on what I read, I asked a simple question: is this game to be played as a 3-wide matrix or 4-wide?

I then said that my initial tests show that the original P4 method loses me money, I am sorry if this inconveniences you in any way, it is my experience, that's all. 

It started as 3-wide, much talk of grail, then 4-wide, even better grail, then it seemed to have gone back to 3-wide without any explanation, hence my question. I would welcome an answer.


Quote from: Side B on May 19, 01:23 PM 2011
Excuse me but I don't know you and I don't believe you know me so I'd like to know what you are basing your insults on? And what is that "same old tripe" that you speak of?

I am always one for testing new, promising systems, which is why I have read and re-read the 15 pages of this very topic. Based on what I read, I asked a simple question: is this game to be played as a 3-wide matrix or 4-wide?

I then said that my initial tests show that the original P4 method loses me money, I am sorry if this inconveniences you in any way, it is my experience, that's all. 

It started as 3-wide, much talk of grail, then 4-wide, even better grail, then it seemed to have gone back to 3-wide without any explanation, hence my question. I would welcome an answer.

Guys lets remain civil about this. Side B ive only ever played PATTERN 4 in a three wide format HIT AND RUN STYLE. This *IS NOT A CONTINUOS PLAY METHOD.

You enter the game randomly and play for one win THEN YOU ARE GONE. Do this and Use a multi level staking plan and I assure you, youll show a profit. Winning streaks defy the paper numbers for this method. Hit and run you can win over 20 times in a row.

And double losses are Rare. I will update my results tomorrow.


Quote from: Side B on May 19, 01:23 PM 2011
Excuse me but I don't know you and I don't believe you know me so I'd like to know what you are basing your insults on? And what is that "same old tripe" that you speak of?

I am always one for testing new, promising systems, which is why I have read and re-read the 15 pages of this very topic. Based on what I read, I asked a simple question: is this game to be played as a 3-wide matrix or 4-wide?

I then said that my initial tests show that the original P4 method loses me money, I am sorry if this inconveniences you in any way, it is my experience, that's all. 

It started as 3-wide, much talk of grail, then 4-wide, even better grail, then it seemed to have gone back to 3-wide without any explanation, hence my question. I would welcome an answer.

i am still working on this pattern 4 and X methods.

you're being a bit bitter but i understand your statements.

what is the difference of playing hit and run or playing multiple sessions a day even on multiple wheels?

another point is the multiple staking method risks too many chips for the profit it intends (stage 3 is over 80 chips)

another one is what is the difference between playing it in a wide matrix 3-4-5-6-etc
the principle is the same: -outcome will not repeat after a certain number of spins.
same as last, opposite as last, playing the same outcome with a 2 spins gap, or 3,4,5,6 etc
always bet red, always bet black, play for chops.
there is a world well explored on this subject

my point is with all this questions one can make 1 out of 3 decisions:

1- study it and try to reach some kind of conclusion with the help of testing, brainstorming, esperimenting, comparing, etc, etc

2- try to see the work of others (leeching)

3- forget about it and move on (disapointment)

all being said,
i keep studying it.


Quote from: albertojonas on May 19, 04:10 PM 2011
i am still working on this pattern 4 and X methods.

you're being a bit bitter but I understand your statements.

what is the difference of playing hit and run or playing multiple sessions a day even on multiple wheels?

another point is the multiple staking method risks too many chips for the profit it intends (stage 3 is over 80 chips)

another one is what is the difference between playing it in a wide matrix 3-4-5-6-etc
the principle is the same: -outcome will not repeat after a certain number of spins.
same as last, opposite as last, playing the same outcome with a 2 spins gap, or 3,4,5,6 etc
always bet red, always bet black, play for chops.
there is a world well explored on this subject

my point is with all this questions one can make 1 out of 3 decisions:

1- study it and try to reach some kind of conclusion with the help of testing, brainstorming, esperimenting, comparing, etc, etc

2- try to see the work of others (leeching)

3- forget about it and move on (disapointment)

all being said,
i keep studying it.
Albertojonas. As I stated before the staking plan I use reflects my BR. You could use



And still make a tidy profit. Do you know I have several streaks of 30 plus before LOSING THE FIRST GAME. Somehow you have to realize ALL OF YOU,.Less is more with a method like this.

I know you all lack this patience and discipline, I myself took several years to attain it. But I tell you all absolutely. When, if you find it you rule this game as long as you play it. I need you to understand the only thing that now keeps casinos safe is the weakness inherent in virtually every human being that plays this game.

In March next year I intend to commence making my mark on this game. There will be no doubt in the minds of the casino  people someone stepped into their house and beat them fair and square. And if any of you are able to join me for even a week all expenses paid by me. You will  be witness to this. You will see exactly how I  play these methods.

And you will fully understand that the difference between success and failure longterm is the decision making and iron discipline you must use. Let me leave you with this thought. Who ever heard of a champion poker player who A, played every hand in a tournament. And B, staked the same on every hand.

And you really think Roulette is that different. THINK AGAIN...

Side B

Well I'm sorry guys but I played hit and run and followed the exact same rules, but had 3 losing games out of 7 games played so I'm sorry but it's a non-starter for me.

And I hope the "you're being bitter" comment wasn't for me. i was only asking a question and this strato guy just started laying into me for no reason, it's completely unacceptable behaviour.


Quote from: Side B on May 19, 05:31 PM 2011
Well I'm sorry guys but I played hit and run and followed the exact same rules, but had 3 losing games out of 7 games played so I'm sorry but it's a non-starter for me.

And I hope the "you're being bitter" comment wasn't for me. I was only asking a question and this strato guy just started laying into me for no reason, it's completely unacceptable behaviour.
Side B it seems theres always someone catching losses with every method. Out of interest how many games have you recoded hit and run in total. What was your longesr winning streak, and what live casino/s do you use?


Hello JohnLegend,

Thanks again for your help and invitation!! Lot to think about..

I had an idea and hope it can help somehow.. What makes  PATTERN 4 successful is the HIT AND RUN. 20 spins between games minimum.

For the best HIT AND RUN we could play online once every 20 or 30 minutes or once per hour. A session lasting several hours is reduced to a convenient pace. You can play perhaps 10-15-20 games per day.. One game would take just 1 or two minutes. I feel this would provide the optimum random approach. As you mention PATTERN 4 takes a lot of patience.

Due to most peoples busy day this might not be possible unless its played on an IPhone.

Any use?

Side B

Quote from: Johnlegend on May 19, 05:42 PM 2011
Side B it seems theres always someone catching losses with every method. Out of interest how many games have you recoded hit and run in total. What was your longesr winning streak, and what live casino/s do you use?

I play at supercasino.com, alternating between the two different live airball wheels. I've only played 7 games, always hit and run, first game lost, next 4 games won (=longest streak), next 2 games lost.



Due to most peoples busy day this might not be possible unless its played on an IPhone.

Any use?

Do you mean playing roulette on a Iphone? :ooh:

I bought a couple months ago the new iphone 4 but i can not even write on it with my big fingers :D LOL.



Quote from: Side B on May 19, 05:51 PM 2011
I play at supercasino.com, alternating between the two different live airball wheels. I've only played 7 games, always hit and run, first game lost, next 4 games won (=longest streak), next 2 games lost.

Maiby you have a cloud of bad luck hanging over you since you seem to be the only one ho lose so much with this ;D



Side B

Cloud of bad luck? Right... that must be it then! Genius! We have a holy grail that is wholly dependent on not having bad luck, fantastic!

I have nothing to add to this thread, good "luck" to you all!  :D


Quote from: Side B on May 19, 06:15 PM 2011
Cloud of bad luck? Right... that must be it then! Genius! We have a holy grail that is wholly dependent on not having bad luck, fantastic!

I have nothing to add to this thread, good "luck" to you all!  :D



Quote from: Johnlegend on May 19, 05:04 PM 2011
Albertojonas. As I stated before the staking plan I use reflects my BR. You could use



And still make a tidy profit. Do you know I have several streaks of 30 plus before LOSING THE FIRST GAME. Somehow you have to realize ALL OF YOU,.Less is more with a method like this.

I know you all lack this patience and discipline, I myself took several years to attain it. But I tell you all absolutely. When, if you find it you rule this game as long as you play it. I need you to understand the only thing that now keeps casinos safe is the weakness inherent in virtually every human being that plays this game.

In March next year I intend to commence making my mark on this game. There will be no doubt in the minds of the casino  people someone stepped into their house and beat them fair and square. And if any of you are able to join me for even a week all expenses paid by me. You will  be witness to this. You will see exactly how I  play these methods.

And you will fully understand that the difference between success and failure longterm is the decision making and iron discipline you must use. Let me leave you with this thought. Who ever heard of a champion poker player who A, played every hand in a tournament. And B, staked the same on every hand.

And you really think Roulette is that different. THINK AGAIN...

you did not answer direct to the point to any of my statements. I am sorry i posted it, i meant no harm, only improvement on work or discussion. i find bravery in the way you stand for your hit and run method, howewer i would wish you to be more open about discussing and improving it. this is not dissenting.

i have not any doubt about how you apply these systems, neither your hit n' run style. All other points i mentioned before are not above questioning, and proving, still.
i wish you all the best of luck, and i recognize we all have to be bitter sometimes.
JohnLegend, as many others in these foruns, has a speech wish finds him a bit above the others but that is understandable too, we all think we possess a private glorious tiny bit of truth unknown to anyone else. i do not intend to bring a war on this, as you can clearly check by my other posts on this forum, and in this thread itself.
If anyone is still open for investigation on this cool system, i am avaliable.

As for you, John Legend - No Blood no Foul!

ET Loves You!
