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Started by Johnlegend, Apr 14, 03:48 PM 2011

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Quote from: incekt on Jun 03, 01:26 PM 2011
Great system!

my tweek to pattern 4 would be this,
record patters for all EC bets...
wait until you have something like this...


as you can see pattern 4 is the same as 1
along with pattern 5 being the same as 2

so now we would bet line 6 is not the same as 3
this way could take longer,.. but I think w/ writing
down all ECs it might go quicker?

i think it will be the opposite. it will be even more difficult to get the trigger.

just my 2cents


I agree. it's bad enough some of us don't have the patience after a loss. That could take hours if at all depending on the crowd conditions.


Hey guys,

I know that this is going to sound like I'm being negative.  I just can't help it.  I don't see how waiting for certain patterns and then betting for or against increases our odds or strike rate.

All we're doing is finding a rare situation and betting that a pattern of 3 won't form.  The problem is that we bet so rarely that it takes a long time to realize that we're really getting the same odds as if we bet against or for that pattern every three spins.

Am I missing something here.  Someone please enlighten me again.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Hello GLC,

JohnLegend would have the best insight.....

My feeling is that we are stepping outside of certain scenarios occuring and thus maintaining an overall picture which will keep repeating itself.....

Its is not forinstance the same as the scenario of H or L repeating 12 times. When you play  H and L strategy continually this will occur, just a matter of time. However, if you play HIT AND RUN a different picture manifests. We can be confident that the results we have found will be the overall picture. Perhaps a triple loss will occur but this as we have seen has not happened yet. Even if it does your bankroll will be high enough to absorb this slight loss.

As JohnLegend says "I can now loss 20 times in a row and still be well in the plus....

We just have to build our BR, this is the only time we are slightly vulnerable, once we have built up our BR we keep rolling along............

I feel PATTERN 4 will keep yielding the same pattern.........


Quote from: GLC on Jun 03, 02:44 PM 2011
Hey guys,

I know that this is going to sound like I'm being negative.  I just can't help it.  I don't see how waiting for certain patterns and then betting for or against increases our odds or strike rate.

All we're doing is finding a rare situation and betting that a pattern of 3 won't form.  The problem is that we bet so rarely that it takes a long time to realize that we're really getting the same odds as if we bet against or for that pattern every three spins.

Am I missing something here.  Someone please enlighten me again.


i get your point G. (hihihi)
and it is true. the way the system is designed is the same as betting against Black with a 1-2-4 progression. At least same odds. Gambler's Fallacy strikes again...
however scenario changes if you design your bet and progression accordingly.

please recheck my post on this thread to see what i mean or at twister's playing bac with pattern 4 for a full insight on it.
reply #16

Cheers G.


Quote from: amk on Jun 03, 03:05 PM 2011
Hello GLC,

JohnLegend would have the best insight.....

My feeling is that we are stepping outside of certain scenarios occuring and thus maintaining an overall picture which will keep repeating itself.....

Its is not forinstance the same as the scenario of H or L repeating 12 times. When you play  H and L strategy continually this will occur, just a matter of time. However, if you play HIT AND RUN a different picture manifests. We can be confident that the results we have found will be the overall picture. Perhaps a triple loss will occur but this as we have seen has not happened yet. Even if it does your bankroll will be high enough to absorb this slight loss.

As JohnLegend says "I can now loss 20 times in a row and still be well in the plus....

We just have to build our BR, this is the only time we are slightly vulnerable, once we have built up our BR we keep rolling along............

I feel PATTERN 4 will keep yielding the same pattern.........
Amk you have really learnt something, I know its disheartenning to suffer a bad session when you haven't gone clear yet with your bankroll. But you have to try and realize this is the mental test. If you pass it you will push on to greater things.

Think for a moment does a champion poker player always win. You pick yourself up dust yourself down and push on with the task at hand. I think one of the reasons this game is still largely thought of as unbeatable is because the average player thinks a good method should never lose or have a negative day.

Again if your BANKROLL were strong enough you would recover so fast youd have no time to sulk mull over the bad session. I will never mislead you I said you should play this method with at least 200 units for a reason. TIME/INVINCIBILITY is always the trade. If you could sit around and wait for a double loss. You may have a strikerate that rivals or even surpasses MATRIX VERTICAL 5. But why isnt every member on this forum playing MATRIX VERTICAL 5?

They lack the patience that why. When it will destroy Roulette until the end of time but hardly anyone can wait to win. So we have to make a compromise. Bring a method to you that can produce decent winning streaks and solid limits to consecutive losses. But it requires a pretty solid bankroll to run it.

If Clothdog were playing with a 5,000 unit BR at his current level for example. His third game would have repaired most of the damage. And he will push back on course in the coming days. You have to stick with something long enough to build the confidence I have. If you keep chopping and changing you will never really learn the strengths and weakness of anything and thus never really progress.

I know this method OVERALL is a certain winner if you can stay with it. I have had a few bad days. But BECAUSE I have the BANKROLL behind me I know its always coming back. Its one step backwards and three steps forward. Stay mentally strong people and in time you will fully understand all I have just typed. :o


As everyone says

and the mind all need to be conquered

today is great on paddypower..

I let myself get sucked in when the wheel was not playing this method well, xxvv is a good idea I think,  experience will teach me that.
or should have switched to pattern breaker

I was just testing on off for about 8 hours (mainly for record) and the streaking of high/low was causing the problems about 8 hours this went on for .. I knew it too but still played it , the mind an obstacle, and experience.

my new rule if I get two close losses wait for a trigger/ walk away or switch strategy for rest of day

my results john.. I was just watching many games and I don't think I recorded everything I watched . but its went over 8 hour period both sessions.
intermitten sessions about an hour apart . I was recording just to see the end result. I was -40 points an left for the day

19 wins 7 losses
but recordings today
18 wins 2 losses

no double losses

last night the wheel was fine again


I was using the superb orphis tracker yesterday at an online casino real wheel I was feeding lots of live spin data in to the tracker , the  new multi system tracker is a good idea to monitor how the systems are playing .  I did notice how pattern 4 was performing , the true facts are on some sessions it was at say plus 50 maybe a bit more on some long sessions, on other sessions I so minus 80 , from what I see the balance rises then falls off , worst case scenario is a falling balance from the start.  Having to have very big bankrolls to win for me is a bad idea.   On real play I would be surprised to make more than 50 chips before losing the lot .  50 chips would be  a really good out come some sessions can go to plus 18 or less then drop of to say minus 60 or more. 
You cant always loose , but when you do loose you will win it all back.


Hi All

2 sessions today first one the H/L lost on the first bet session (This is the first time I have seen it whilst playing and only the 3rd time if you include my 3300 Live Spins data) but as JL says you play L3 for 2 more games and turned the -21 into +3 (Thats what I like to see)  ;D The O/E & R/B both won on their first bet sequence so ended with +9  :thumbsup:

This evenings session was the normal +9, apprx 10mins, H/L came in on 3rd bet with O/E & R/B both hitting on the first bets

With regards to the zero debate, at present I'm not covering it but when I start to bet with higher units I will cover it, and the way I look at the zero in the matrix is as follows

H/L = Zero is High as it sits between 26 & 32
O/E = Zero is Even as it sits between 2 even's
R/B = Zero will be treated as the colour before

Thats how I will treat it when I'm tracking back to place my future bets


Dream as if you will "Live Forever" Live each day as if its your "Last"


I was watching the live roulette wheel on smartonline casino friday. I watched 11 blacks come in amongst 1 red. The dealer commented that earlier today that he had spun 16 blacks in a row!! the most he has ever seen on that. It's funny, when things are on a trend you hate to bet against it when PB4 says to. I lost a game when I was betting against color last night.
I hate bucking the trend especially colors.


Quote from: clothdog on Jun 04, 12:58 AM 2011
I was watching the live roulette wheel on smartonline casino friday. I watched 11 blacks come in amongst 1 red. The dealer commented that earlier today that he had spun 16 blacks in a row!! the most he has ever seen on that. It's funny, when things are on a trend you hate to bet against it when PB4 says to. I lost a game when I was betting against color last night.
I hate bucking the trend especially colors.
Clothdog I dont play RED OR BLACK, as in my experience they tend to chain longer runs of one colour or another. People will argue an even chance is an even chance. But you dont get the same breakdown of results with HIGH AN LOW and RED and BLACK. And most E/C players pile their chips on RED AND BLACK. Ive been in a casino where there were stacks and stacks on RED AND BLACK. And just a few on HIGH AND LOW.

And I am sure this something to take note of, so I am playing HIGH, LOW----ODD, EVEN only


Quote from: clothdog on Jun 04, 12:58 AM 2011
I was watching the live roulette wheel on smartonline casino friday. I watched 11 blacks come in amongst 1 red. The dealer commented that earlier today that he had spun 16 blacks in a row!! the most he has ever seen on that. It's funny, when things are on a trend you hate to bet against it when PB4 says to. I lost a game when I was betting against color last night.
I hate bucking the trend especially colors.

hi cloth. plz just do o/e, or ignore R/B when such situation occurs. qualify the rule, not bet, when one colour is 'streaking'


Quote from: Halba1 on Jun 04, 02:57 AM 2011
hi cloth. plz just do o/e, or ignore R/B when such situation occurs. qualify the rule, not bet, when one colour is 'streaking'
Good advice Halba1 remember 12 blacks or reds can easily happen. You don't see too many runs of 12 highs or lows. I know the wheel would appear to offer no advantage to any one even chance. But this is the way it pans out in REALITY. Odds and Evens are somewhere in the middle. But they are still behaving themselves within the parameters of PATTERN 4/BREAKER. And they offer a more attractive betting turnover when combined with HIGH AND LOW. There is no need to get greedy. I know Gordonline is doing well combining all three Even chances. And I hope he will continue to profit.

Personally I am more comfortable with the two aforementioned plays. Besides we arent putting all our eggs in one basket. We have PATTERN BREAKER, DIVIDE AND CONQUER AND MATRIX VERTICAL 5 HIGH AND LOW. To hit the casinos with  too. And that's plenty.


Quote from: strato1985 on Jun 03, 05:08 PM 2011
As everyone says

and the mind all need to be conquered

today is great on paddypower..

I let myself get sucked in when the wheel was not playing this method well, xxvv is a good idea I think,  experience will teach me that.
or should have switched to pattern breaker

I was just testing on off for about 8 hours (mainly for record) and the streaking of high/low was causing the problems about 8 hours this went on for .. I knew it too but still played it , the mind an obstacle, and experience.

my new rule if I get two close losses wait for a trigger/ walk away or switch strategy for rest of day

my results john.. I was just watching many games and I don't think I recorded everything I watched . but its went over 8 hour period both sessions.
intermitten sessions about an hour apart . I was recording just to see the end result. I was -40 points an left for the day

19 wins 7 losses
but recordings today
18 wins 2 losses

no double losses

last night the wheel was fine again

Strato1985 YES mix it up, Even when I have days where PATTERN 4 didn't perform as well as others. I am winning on three other methods. MATRIX VERTICAL 5 is a certainty. Pattern Breaker is a strange but wonderful beast. EXAMPLE. You might lose a game and then play a back to back game and get 10 or more games before the forces of random pull that final pattern into line I am learning to read this more and more and let it ride. KNOW YOUR GAME. Then there are no surprises, when you lose you know how to deal with it.You don't go into meltdown with that feeling in your gut that you are losing. that's for gamblers. We are not gambling here we know ULTIMATELY we are going to be moving in positive figures. Gamblers have no control of themselves or the outcomes.

They have prepared to fail because they FAILED to PREPARE. No discipline, no method NO HOPE.

It always comes down to your BANKROLL, you wont give recovering at least half of a double loss for pattern 4 a second thought for example once you BR is 50 times your level one stakes. Your progress is always at odds with the demons in yourself telling you to hurry up and get rich play all night and don't stick to the rules. I've made all these mistakes in my time, I lost for 4 years playing this game until I realized WHAT was required to master it.

And from that point the only way is up. If you want a method that will never lose or at worst lose so seldom its of little significance to your BR 125 units will buy that for you. With MATRIX VERTICAL 5 HIGH AND LOW. But you will require you know what...

I will lay it out for you in plain English always, you will grow old and die before you will ever find a fast paced method that never loses. Random will always figure out the code at some point. A slower paced Method with a trigger is something else altogether. Its the price you pay to beat this game.


Hello John & halba1,
thanks for the well timed advice and will heed it.  I kept thinking about what you posted, because as I sat there I noticed the dealer would spin 4-5 red or black in a row come back with a red or black and then string 4-6 of one color again. So playing color is off my playlist.
Also, with O/E what about using 0 for even? On second thought  I'll just use X's advice and split the 0/00.
