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Started by Johnlegend, May 21, 05:00 PM 2012

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I repeat myself:

Tell me with specificity why the first bet you make has a greater chance of winning than my just betting against the dozen that came coming again.


I would just like to know.  Is that so bad?  What is it about waiting and creating this matrix that causes those two dozens to be more likely to hit than any other two dozens at any time?

If you can't answer this, your theory simply doesn't hold water.

John, a gentleman told me he uses your system and profits from it.  I'm not calling you a liar; I'm calling you out. 

I would just like to know the answer to my question.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


John,  u play 2 games a session. U play maximum 20 games a day, right?

how many spins (or how long time) is minimum between sessions? And also what about the same wheel or different wheels? do u make any difference between the same wheel and different ones?

i would appreciate very much your timeframe info, with as many details as possible. For the same wheels and different wheels.

thank u


2CS- What Mr. Johnny Legend has said numerous times is the probability of hitting a losing sequence vs a win once on a short few spins of play & then leaving that table.

He acknowledges that betting patterns often change from positive winning results to negative losing results throughout most playing sessions. He is only stating what he has experienced with losses over previous years of play. He then subscribes to A. Returning at a later time to that same table and run his hit and run short play again. He also subscribes to limiting the number of bet visits to a table in 1 seession/day: OR B. Visit other tables and rely on randomness differences to achieve the same thing.

In practical terms this is almost impossible to test due to the variances in the nature of the hit & run play.

As I've already mentioned  on CODE 4 that I'll be doing a similar thing in the near future across  8 live dealer tables each randomly selected and betting for a single win & then leave that table, repeating the bet format at another table. Mathematical odds/differences & probabilities may in theory have some validity but in reality, as JL is already experiencing, so far he is in overall profit.
To win is the end game is it not?

As to getting spin results in real time on 8 tables simultaneously to compare the variances, at this point in time, that's just not possible.


Quote from: TwoCatSam on May 27, 01:06 AM 2012

You also said:  "By playing HIT AND RUN you defy the laws of probability."

How can you make such a statement.  Can you prove it mathematically?  Can you get a mathematician to agree to that statement?   Probability says betting two dozens on a non-zero wheel gives you a 66.66666% chance of winning.  Explain in great detail how just dropping in randomly changes that fact.  And what percentage does it give you?  80?  90?

Here is a fact for you:  If you can't get an advantage on one spin, you can't get one on a hundred.  Where is KonFuSed when you need him?

I have read some bloviators on these forums, but Bro, you take the cake.

And there are people who think I'm wacky for believing in "Voodoo Roulette". 

I don't expect an answer; just more obfuscation and bloviation.

I'm out....

No, really!!

Sam I am not going to labour over this. Some minds cannot be changed. I don't say I can explain why. I go by nothing more than the results I attain by applying Hit and Run. As I have said before. I have lost the first game of my session just 6 times in over 3,800 games to date.
That is a statistic that continous play could never match. To me it makes sense that getting in and out quickly and playing different tables can produce superior results than just sitting at the same table waiting for random to chew you up. To others nothing makes sense other than what they have been fed over the years.


Quote from: iggiv on May 27, 01:42 AM 2012
John,  u play 2 games a session. U play maximum 20 games a day, right?

how many spins (or how long time) is minimum between sessions? And also what about the same wheel or different wheels? do u make any difference between the same wheel and different ones?

i would appreciate very much your timeframe info, with as many details as possible. For the same wheels and different wheels.

thank u
Yes Iggiv a maximum of 10 times 2. There is no specific timeframe Iggiv other than getting off randoms track. By that I mean if you started forming your 4 wide matrix on TABLE A you never play more than two games consecutively on it. You must now either move to another table or break the sequence. I use at least 4 different wheels in any one day. There is something to using different wheels I think. Remember I play 10 times 2 a day. But actually record 10 times 4. Now the stats I have attained over the last year tell me without a shadow of a doubt less is more in this game. Below are the total losses 1--4 games have delivered over 15,200 plus games to date.





And that is just a small sample of 4 games a session. But it tells me all I need to know.


Quote from: Robeenhuut on May 27, 05:41 AM 2012
I agree. This is a pointless debate. Bettor 27 reported strike rate bit over 100/1 in around 900 games played  in hit and run fashion over long period of time. Its reply 645 in Code 4 thread.
Robeenhuut you keep using one other persons figures to make your point. What about Chauncy47. How does 900 games compare to 7,600?. And at the end of the day 110/1 is still positive numbers. Which afterall is what playing this game is about. If you don't have STAYING POWER Robeenhuut you will always be playing around system hopping and never getting anywhere.

If I started playing/testing a method and lost three times in the first 50 games. Do I stop and dismiss the method as no good? No, its peoples inherent lack of patience and staying power that fails THEM not the methods. Your greed is another major weakness. You want ridiculous return on a small investment. Sorry its not going to happen.


At my local Sydney OZ  B & M casino last year I've played unplanned twin dozens betting simultaneously on multiple tables  with no structure to my play. Some visits I've won other times I've lost some $$$. Thus my current rethink/plans now taking shape.

Be that as it may, what I want to note is the variables that occur with  the spin results of multiple live dealer wheels/tables.

As an example I get to the casino at 10am. The player numbers, as is usual, are relatively light.

4 tables may be open at that time & maybe a couple more elsewhere in the casino?
At 11.30pm 4 more tables open so then there are 8 to choose from. At 12pm the main day shift starts and another 8 tables open so then you have 16 tables in 2 banks of 8 all in the same area. In that 1st 2 hours player numbers have also slowly increased.

At some tables the dealer may stand around not spinning due to lack of players? Other tables can be quite crowded as the sheeple punters seek comfort from being within the herd. Then other tables may only have 1 or 2 players with quick spins. I've been the only player on a table at times with a spin every 15 seconds. Crowded tables are usually slow with spins maybe 5 - 6 minutes apart. I also notice that once a player starts playing at any vacant table it soon attracts other players, it often doesn't take too long for that table to become crowded with sheeple and thus the spin cycle slows to a snails pace.

So lets look at a hypothetical bank of 8 tables operating on a typical early casino afternoon and the ebb & flow of spins. All these spins I list here are just guestimates of what can occur. I'll list the spins in 20 min blocks of 3 as periods 1., 2. & 3. to make it a total of 1 hour as spins per hour
( SPH) for all 8 tables.

T1- 1. x3, 2. x10, 3. x8 = 21SPH. T2- 1. x0, 2. x40, 3. x18 = 58 SPH. T3- 1. x5, 2. x5, 3. x4 =14SPH. T4.- 1. x8, 2. x9, 3. x8 = 25SPH. T5.- 1. x25, 2. x30, 3. x18 = 73SPH. T6.- 1. x4, 2. x4, 3. x3 =11SPH. T7.- 1. x8 2. x8, 3. x8 = 24SPH. T8.- 1. x20, 2. x18, 3. x20 = 58SPH.

This is just 8 tables. Right behind this bank of 8 is another bank of 8 should you so choose to include those in your random picks.

So as you can see the variables, in practical betting terms, are almost infinite and this is what JL validly states (in my opinion) when he says that when played against itself in disciplined hit & run mode, random vs random can't deal out enough losses to PREVENT consistant profits?
JL & others are already showing this to be the case with up to many thousands of laid bets so far.

The analysis can only come from the results. The method will either win or lose.

I don't see any logical way to pre - analyize the variable spins of multiple table spins or random breaks and limited revisits to the same table. You would need high res. accurately linked video with split second timing links simultaneously split linked from all or any of the tables. "This ain't gunna happen any time soon, now is it ?" Not this Century anyway?

Much conversation on this subject fails to address this core random vs random fact? JL has hammered this point time & time again in oh so many of his posts.

I say, like JL says, try to play the game exactly as he's explained. You can virtual bet it at any live casino. It won't cost you any bet money, just some of your time. A true classic case of try before you buy. Then a person may be in a position to post their then valid opinions - good, bad or indifferent? 


Quote from: ausguy on May 27, 08:24 AM 2012
At my local Sydney OZ  B & M casino last year I've played unplanned twin dozens betting simultaneously on multiple tables  with no structure to my play. Some visits I've won other times I've lost some $$$. Thus my current rethink/plans now taking shape.

Be that as it may, what I want to note is the variables that occur with  the spin results of multiple live dealer wheels/tables.

As an example I get to the casino at 10am. The player numbers, as is usual, are relatively light.

4 tables may be open at that time & maybe a couple more elsewhere in the casino?
At 11.30pm 4 more tables open so then there are 8 to choose from. At 12pm the main day shift starts and another 8 tables open so then you have 16 tables in 2 banks of 8 all in the same area. In that 1st 2 hours player numbers have also slowly increased.

At some tables the dealer may stand around not spinning due to lack of players? Other tables can be quite crowded as the sheeple punters seek comfort from being within the herd. Then other tables may only have 1 or 2 players with quick spins. I've been the only player on a table at times with a spin every 15 seconds. Crowded tables are usually slow with spins maybe 5 - 6 minutes apart. I also notice that once a player starts playing at any vacant table it soon attracts other players, it often doesn't take too long for that table to become crowded with sheeple and thus the spin cycle slows to a snails pace.

So lets look at a hypothetical bank of 8 tables operating on a typical early casino afternoon and the ebb & flow of spins. All these spins I list here are just guestimates of what can occur. I'll list the spins in 20 min blocks of 3 as periods 1., 2. & 3. to make it a total of 1 hour as spins per hour
( SPH) for all 8 tables.

T1- 1. x3, 2. x10, 3. x8 = 21SPH. T2- 1. x0, 2. x40, 3. x18 = 58 SPH. T3- 1. x5, 2. x5, 3. x4 =14SPH. T4.- 1. x8, 2. x9, 3. x8 = 25SPH. T5.- 1. x25, 2. x30, 3. x18 = 73SPH. T6.- 1. x4, 2. x4, 3. x3 =11SPH. T7.- 1. x8 2. x8, 3. x8 = 24SPH. T8.- 1. x20, 2. x18, 3. x20 = 58SPH.

This is just 8 tables. Right behind this bank of 8 is another bank of 8 should you so choose to include those in your random picks.

So as you can see the variables, in practical betting terms, are almost infinite and this is what JL validly states (in my opinion) when he says that when played against itself in disciplined hit & run mode, random vs random can't deal out enough losses to PREVENT consistant profits?
JL & others are already showing this to be the case with up to many thousands of laid bets so far.

The analysis can only come from the results. The method will either win or lose.

I don't see any logical way to pre - analyize the variable spins of multiple table spins or random breaks and limited revisits to the same table. You would need high res. accurately linked video with split second timing links simultaneously split linked from all or any of the tables. "This ain't gunna happen any time soon, now is it ?" Not this Century anyway?

Much conversation on this subject fails to address this core random vs random fact? JL has hammered this point time & time again in oh so many of his posts.

I say, like JL says, try to play the game exactly as he's explained. You can virtual bet it at any live casino. It won't cost you any bet money, just some of your time. A true classic case of try before you buy. Then a person may be in a position to post their then valid opinions - good, bad or indifferent?
SHEEPLE I love the terminology Ausguy. Well everyone thinks ole JL only believes in HIT AND RUN. Well actually no. The word I've used in the past and the other main school of thought I believe in is PERCENTAGE betting. I am currently testing a method to be called CODE 40. Because its a game of up to 40 spins but stays faithful to AMKS CODE 4 GRID.. It on many occasions secures a profit to level stakes. But I am playing it with two staking levels to assure a profit margin. After 100 tests its behaviour has become very readable.

I have always said this, Mr percentage is randoms keeper. It pulls it into line. It lets it go out to play and have its fun but over a set number of spins you will see a common behaviour repeated AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN. And that's how the smart methods are forged.

When you see something occur so often within a set framework. You have in essence secured a window of profit oppurtunity. And that's the name of the game for me anyway.


Quote from: mattymattz on May 27, 09:21 AM 2012

I've always wondered why people who are posting "winning" methods on these forums continously tweek their system.  If it's working so well, why are you changing it?

And personally, the hit n' run method is no different from playing a long session, it's really just the same thing and in the long run you'll see that's the case.

Changing what MM. CODE 4 is a gem and I will be playing it for the rest of my life. The method I am working on at the moment is completely different in its thinking and execution. It will be a lot more attractive to the people who don't like HIT AND RUN. And those who don't have much BR to spend. It will however as always demand. the players time and staying power to reap the sure rewards it has waiting.

P.S I beg to differ on your summary of HIT and RUN. Unless you can show me a method that would have had a better return than 3,800 won and 6 lost. I've never seen one and I doubt I everwill.


Quote from: Johnlegend on May 27, 09:53 AM 2012

P.S I beg to differ on your summary of HIT and RUN. Unless you can show me a method that would have had a better return than 3,800 won and 6 lost. I've never seen one and I doubt I everwill.

As I said, personally I don't see the difference.  What's stopping you from playing your 2 sessions and both of them losing, then when you "run/leave" you miss all the winning sessions.  Then when you come back to "hit" again, you lose some more.

I'm not trying to change your mind, it's just my way of thinking.  I find that if it can't win playing continously, then hit n' run style is just a way to delay the inevitable.

And by the way, I've played a system where I won over 30,000 units and only lost once, of course that lose was 10,000+ units... so it's all subjective.



Quote from: mattymattz on May 27, 10:05 AM 2012

As I said, personally I don't see the difference.  What's stopping you from playing your 2 sessions and both of them losing, then when you "run/leave" you miss all the winning sessions.  Then when you come back to "hit" again, you lose some more.

I'm not trying to change your mind, it's just my way of thinking.  I find that if it can't win playing continously, then hit n' run style is just a way to delay the inevitable.

And by the way, I've played a system where I won over 30,000 units and only lost once, of course that lose was 10,000+ units... so it's all subjective.

10,000 units plus. that's simply unrealistic. I could forge several methods that would win forever for that kind of outlay. But who on earth could afford to play them.???You have to strike a balance between risk and reward. that's what I try to do. On this forum most can't even afford 200 units so its an uphill battle to bring something that they can both afford to play and delivers
enough profit margin VS time spent to satisfy them. Yes its all subjective. Risk and reward. I think CODE 40 will be more appealing to many. But you just don't know. Its the mind and always the mind that's the weak link here. I've only seen a few people who are really up to the task of winning consistently on any forum.This one is no different.


Quote from: Johnlegend on May 27, 05:50 AM 2012
Robeenhuut you keep using one other persons figures to make your point. What about Chauncy47. How does 900 games compare to 7,600?. And at the end of the day 110/1 is still positive numbers. Which afterall is what playing this game is about. If you don't have STAYING POWER Robeenhuut you will always be playing around system hopping and never getting anywhere.

If I started playing/testing a method and lost three times in the first 50 games. Do I stop and dismiss the method as no good? No, its peoples inherent lack of patience and staying power that fails THEM not the methods. Your greed is another major weakness. You want ridiculous return on a small investment. Sorry its not going to happen.

What about Chauncy47? U brought him up so lets discuss this. He reported winning 10u on a first step of progression of your new gem Reverse Code 4 and winning 5u on other steps. Me and GLC questioned his numbers but  there was no reply... And what about your new development John?  No new testing  2 be reported. I guess that everybody lost interest.
But we did not test according 2 your rules.....and of course your strike rate is far superior that everybody's  else.  I have nothing more 2 say. ;D


Quote from: Robeenhuut on May 27, 10:39 AM 2012
What about Chauncy47? U brought him up so lets discuss this. He reported winning 10u on a first step of progression of your new gem Reverse Code 4 and winning 5u on other steps. Me and GLC questioned his numbers but  there was no reply... And what about your new development John?  No new testing  2 be reported. I guess that everybody lost interest.
But we did not test according 2 your rules.....and of course your strike rate is far superior that everybody's  else.  I have nothing more 2 say. ;D
I guess they did Robeenhuut doesnt that more or less spell it out about the human mind. As soon as you arent winning all the time you lose interest. Little wonder that most are never going anyhwere with this game.
Chauncy47 Is one of the few made of the right stuff to beat this game. And on a double zero wheel too. I applaud his resolve and positive attitude. He can only play 5 dollar units thats why he is reporting those numbers.


Quote from: Johnlegend on May 27, 10:46 AM 2012
I guess they did Robeenhuut doesn't that more or less spell it out about the human mind. As soon as you aren't winning all the time you lose interest. Little wonder that most are never going anyhwere with this game.
Chauncy47 Is one of the few made of the right stuff to beat this game. And on a double zero wheel too. I applaud his resolve and positive attitude. He can only play 5 dollar units that's why he is reporting those numbers.

It's true that I can only play $5 min bets and sometimes $10 if it one of those nights and when I get to a high progression, I do cover the zero's.  For me, it was and still is all about the discipline of my behavior, thinking and rules to each method.  For example, I got in my car and drove 15 minutes to the casino almost every night for 6 months without ever placing a sinle bet.  I did it to test the methods, observe the game and the people and the enviroment and to make sure I had the proper mindset to play for real.   This appraoch isn't for everybody, but it will be for some...


Quote from: Johnlegend on May 27, 10:46 AM 2012;D :D
I guess they did Robeenhuut doesn't that more or less spell it out about the human mind. As soon as you aren't winning all the time you lose interest. Little wonder that most are never going anyhwere with this game.
Chauncy47 Is one of the few made of the right stuff to beat this game. And on a double zero wheel too. I applaud his resolve and positive attitude. He can only play 5 dollar units that's why he is reporting those numbers.

Hello JL

How do you know that im not winning with roulette? Do you think that you are the only one that can beat d game and everybody else that does not play yr way is a loser? And Chauncy47 next time you post your numbers make sure that they make sense. Again how come you win 10u on first step and 5u on other steps of progression betting for one dozen.

