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The most productive topic in here that will help us go on with theis game

Started by Master_of_pockets, Jun 10, 09:45 AM 2012

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I am exploring this game and I am  in roulette forums for 5 years now.
I have read and thought about every possible concept for winning this game...there are a lot of concepts that I have thought and explored on my own without posting them on forums but they were also losing as the ones that are posted by every member in forums.

What I see over the years is that the same LOSING concepts are being recycled over and over in those forums....and unfortunately if something can t work ,it will never work.

So the only thing to go on in exploring this game is to come up with new approaching ideas....

VLS forum was in it s peak before 4-5 years...a lot of "hungry" for winning members a lot of system creators , testers etc. They were the golden days !

Now on every forum I see fights and the same old losing ideas....we can t proceed with this way.

I know from my 5 years of exploring in depth this game that there can t be any way (exept VB,RC,BIAS) for winning....But me and a lot of other members its our dream-hobby to search for a way.

"Nothing its impossible" is the phrase that have being told by a lot of wise people that walked on earth.
Well I also know that MATHS are absolute and can t be altered... 

I am working for making my living but I also search and think about roulette...not as "hungry" as I was in the beginning of my journey because I am a lot wisher now and I can t be exited as I used to be, but the beast of the need of exploring is still in me.

So please let s all try to think about new ways and be polite with each other.
Forums like these should be productive and not places for starting and making wars.
We are in the 2012 and most of us are educated men.

Never agrue with silly people.They will drag you down to their own level and then beat you with experience.***Mark Twain***


Master, ive seen this site go worse and worse with infighting and ego bloating. Now i feel that a lot of the bickerers wont post ideas because the people they rip into will scrutinise their idea and they will look stupid. Its self destructing and i get nothing from it anymore. Go look at drazens law of the third post from months ago. Everyone pulling together as a ream. Its self destructing. JL and his clique vs. The angry young men. Boring as hell


Quote from: Master_of_pockets on Jun 10, 09:45 AM 2012
I am exploring this game and I am  in roulette forums for 5 years now.
I have read and thought about every possible concept for winning this game...there are a lot of concepts that I have thought and explored on my own without posting them on forums but they were also losing as the ones that are posted by every member in forums.

What I see over the years is that the same LOSING concepts are being recycled over and over in those forums....and unfortunately if something can t work ,it will never work.

So the only thing to go on in exploring this game is to come up with new approaching ideas....

VLS forum was in it s peak before 4-5 years...a lot of "hungry" for winning members a lot of system creators , testers etc. They were the golden days !

Now on every forum I see fights and the same old losing ideas....we can t proceed with this way.

I know from my 5 years of exploring in depth this game that there can t be any way (exept VB,RC,BIAS) for winning....But me and a lot of other members its our dream-hobby to search for a way.

"Nothing its impossible" is the phrase that have being told by a lot of wise people that walked on earth.
Well I also know that MATHS are absolute and can t be altered... 

I am working for making my living but I also search and think about roulette...not as "hungry" as I was in the beginning of my journey because I am a lot wisher now and I can t be exited as I used to be, but the beast of the need of exploring is still in me.

So please let s all try to think about new ways and be polite with each other.
Forums like these should be productive and not places for starting and making wars.
We are in the 2012 and most of us are educated men.

Pockets what is your definition of WORK?? I will tell you why I ask. It seems to me that the problem with these forums ALL OF THEM. Is they are largely made up of Jaded oldies who have no passion left for the game. Just sour heads because they haven't bested the game so no one else surely can.

And also casual players. What I call here today gone tomorrows. who drop in and expect someone to land a HOLY GRAIL in their laps. At the same time they have no work ethic. No real intention of putting in to get out. So they just sit there and wait for someone to say it LOST. Then they are gone. I will tell you straight. There are half a dozen methods on this forum. (The ones I know of) That if played consistently. And money managed properly. Will result in profit.

Until you have been through all of them. And tested them as thoroughly as the likes of Chauncy47. Myself and a few others like Warrior. Who has played HYBRID DC4 for a whole year before he even gave it to us. You have no business making such statements.


I know turnerfeck.
Its the negative members that makes anyone look silly when they are posting their ideas...so now everyone is quiet.
But even the negative members when they see something new , they are testing it silently because they don t want to lose their negative character by posting something nice and polite like "nice approach I will test it and give feedback"

We are all disappointed and tired of trying to do the impossible and instead of having an encouragement state and environment in here ,we are having the opposite.....

Well guess what ? If the negative members didn t have the ambition and dream to make money from this game ,they wouldn t be here....except if they have no real life and all they want is arguing in an internet space and they are finding life by doing it.
Never agrue with silly people.They will drag you down to their own level and then beat you with experience.***Mark Twain***


He he turnerfeck if there was a real winning method in here or anywere else the forums would be out of work.
  And if you were happy and full with the methods you mentioned you would nt be here also...you would be in the casino and play all day long and you would have abandoned your day job.

As for what is my work in exploring roulette this leave it for me to know...

Most of us in here have done our research and we know what doesn't work.

But as I can see you are like the rest ....now you are trying to start a fight from nowere.
Never agrue with silly people.They will drag you down to their own level and then beat you with experience.***Mark Twain***


Quote from: Master_of_pockets on Jun 10, 11:40 AM 2012
He he turnerfeck if there was a real winning method in here or anywere else the forums would be out of work.
  And if you were happy and full with the methods you mentioned you would nt be here also...you would be in the casino and play all day long and you would have abandoned your day job.

As for what is my work in exploring roulette this leave it for me to know...

Most of us in here have done our research and we know what doesn't work.

But as I can see you are like the rest ....now you are trying to start a fight from nowere.
Then you never tested HYBRID DC4. PATTERN BREAKER, PHASE 3. Or MATRIX VERTICAL 5?????? They will work. If you can stay with them.
If I told you that you would virtually always win an absolute minumum of 8 out of every 19 bets. You placed in a row. Would you be interested? Or would you make the usual excuses. Winning is here for those who want it. For those who dont. Excuses will always be what they have.


Quote from: Johnlegend on Jun 10, 11:24 AM 2012
Pockets what is your definition of WORK?? I will tell you why I ask. It seems to me that the problem with these forums ALL OF THEM. Is they are largely made up of Jaded oldies who have no passion left for the game. Just sour heads because they haven't bested the game so no one else surely can.

And also casual players. What I call here today gone tomorrows. who drop in and expect someone to land a HOLY GRAIL in their laps. At the same time they have no work ethic. No real intention of putting in to get out. So they just sit there and wait for someone to say it LOST. Then they are gone. I will tell you straight. There are half a dozen methods on this forum. (The ones I know of) That if played consistently. And money managed properly. Will result in profit.

Until you have been through all of them. And tested them as thoroughly as the likes of Chauncy47. Myself and a few others like Warrior. Who has played HYBRID DC4 for a whole year before he even gave it to us. You have no business making such statements.

Yeah John

Everybody who disagrees with u is just pegged as a jaded oldie who has no passion left 4 a game n so sick of losing that he vents his frustration by attacking anybody with positive attitude here. So basically u became now sort of martyr here ;D fighting 4 a right cause.
There is just no arguing with u. U dont accept independent testing as not confirming 2 yr rules n all u do is just pushing yr systems based on limited testing n hiding behind yr repetitive n tiring rhetoric stressing some basically obvious factors like patience n discipline.
So lets d bare facts speak. Just let us test your new Code 20 - in yr claim yr ultimate method n find out who is right.  DO U HAVE ANY PROBLEM WITH THAT? 
If u dont agree then u will always be treated as another wannabee roulette guru.
Just say yes or no  and please no more of your rhetoric.




Johnlegend I like you no matter who you really are... and you know why? because when the rest of us are left short of ideas , YOU are the one that is still making new approaches with your nice imagination.

I will not say if i like your new approaches or not....I will not say if I belieave they can win or not ....because this isn t what I like doing....I am just happy that you are still finding new ideas.

For a system to be considered as a winner it must be tested in at least 1.000.000 spins whether they are consecutive or session spins ... its the same as long as they are 1.000.000 .

Well if those systems you mentioned have passed this test ... then well done ! You are a millioner.

Why don't you go make some millions and you are still here?

And for the 1st time I agree with Robeenhuut
Never agrue with silly people.They will drag you down to their own level and then beat you with experience.***Mark Twain***


Quote from: Robeenhuut on Jun 10, 11:52 AM 2012
Yeah John

Everybody who disagrees with u is just pegged as a jaded oldie who has no passion left 4 a game n so sick of losing that he vents his frustration by attacking anybody with positive attitude here. So basically u became now sort of martyr here ;D fighting 4 a right cause.
There is just no arguing with u. U don't accept independent testing as not confirming 2 yr rules n all u do is just pushing yr systems based on limited testing n hiding behind yr repetitive n tiring rhetoric stressing some basically obvious factors like patience n discipline.
So lets d bare facts speak. Just let us test your new Code 20 - in yr claim yr ultimate method n find out who is right.  DO You have ANY PROBLEM WITH THAT? 
If u don't agree then u will always be treated as another wannabee roulette guru.
Just say yes or no  and please no more of your rhetoric.

What on earth are you talking about Robeenhuut. Chauncy47 is playing several of the methods I play and winning. Thats independant of me. When I drop CODE 20. Will you test it exactly as I outline?? Will you aim for the suggested 2.5 increase a day on your BR and not the suicidal 30/%. Will you test it true for at least 500 games??. If you can anwser yes to all of those questions. You will absolutely win with this method. I garauntee you.


The title of this topic should be changed to "The most unproductive topic that will help us to get nowhere".
Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Quote from: atlantis on Jun 10, 12:10 PM 2012
The title of this topic should be changed to "The most unproductive topic that will help us to get nowhere".
Yes Atlantis, but I am trying to remain cool here. Some people want you to hand them the world. While they have nothing.


Quote from: Johnlegend on Jun 10, 12:10 PM 2012
What on earth are you talking about Robeenhuut. Chauncy47 is playing several of the methods I play and winning. that's independant of me. When I drop CODE 20. Will you test it exactly as I outline?? Will you aim for the suggested 2.5 increase a day on your BR and not the suicidal 30/%. Will you test it true for at least 500 games??. If you can anwser yes to all of those questions. You will absolutely win with this method. I garauntee you.

Yeah John

Plz don't take my words out of context. 30% is what i do when i play outside bets. And I'm willing 2 test yr method 4 500 games. And what Chauncy does is irrelevant here.  Your Code 20 is not hit n run n each game is based on set number of spins right?
So it should be fairly easy 2 test.  There is lots of spin data here posted on this forum.
And yr claim of winning.... ;D   
Plz lets d numbers do d talking.



"""""""The title of this topic should be changed to "The most unproductive topic that will help us to get nowhere"."""""""""

Of course because the d...ck measurements are on ALL the topics.
Never agrue with silly people.They will drag you down to their own level and then beat you with experience.***Mark Twain***


LOL....another fantastic post from the virus attacking this forum.

You will all kill this site dead because every topic now will be bickering.

The Mods need to step in in my opinion.

Just my view....what do I know  :thumbsup:


Quote from: turnerfeck on Jun 10, 01:05 PM 2012
LoL....another fantastic post from the virus attacking this forum.

You will all kill this site dead because every topic now will be bickering.

The Mods need to step in in my opinion.

Just my view....what do I know  :thumbsup:

So Turner what do u suggest exactly we do here?  Just have endless  non confrontational debates that dont accomplish anything. U should differentiate between personal attacks here and
arguing just 4 d sake of arguing as opposed 2 producing some tangible results.
And 4 some reason some people trying 2 get 2 bottom of things here r treated as a threat 2 this forum n branded as having always bad attitude.

