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excel again :)

Started by Stepkevh, Jul 19, 01:10 AM 2012

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Thanks for trying to help me but is not exactly what i need, actually I know how to do what you guys have just showed me. Stepkevh, you got it right but the problem with your spreadsheet is that is not returning the last unique sectors, there is were I get stuck too.

I'll try to explain better so here is a screenshot:

What I need is some formula to find the last 4 uniques sectors, as you can see in image this will be  1,2,5,and 8. A way to do it i believe will be with a formula that will scan the selected area/columns (B1 to J42) and give as result the last 4 uniques sectors but i don't know how to do that.
Nickmsi, I know excel can do about everything so maybe I should try to get help from an excel forum?


i don't mind if the sectors are all in one column like this:


Still the problems remain the same, how to get the last 4 unique sectors.
Nickmsi, I need this to test some ideas i have, not exactly for the Flatino systems so any help will be highly appreciated.


Hi Signurinu . . .

This may be a duplicate reply, having trouble posting today.

Yes, Excel has forums but what I find better and easier is to just "Google" an Excel question and you will be surprised at the results.

Regarding your question, you do not want to know if just the last 4 numbers are unique, rather you want to know what are the last 4 unique numbers in the previous spins????

Don't give up . . . . .Don't ever give up.


If by numbers you are referring to the sectors, Yes, that's exactly what i need :) I'm trying to build a more complex sheet. Once built i will only have to put the spins and voila.. get the session result. But that's something i can only achieve if I get past this problem.
I have posted here because it was similar to Stepkevh request for dozens, so i thought is wasn't necessary to open a new tread.


OK, let us see if we are getting closer to what you want.

First, you need to get your first set of 4 unique number sets(sectors, splits etc)

Then we check each spin to see if that number set is a repeat, if so, we continue to use the previous unique number set.

If the new spin is not a repeat, we form a new unique number set.

Is this what you are looking for?


Don't give up . . . . .Don't ever give up.


Nickmsi, Thanks for your help!
There were a few errors but after I've modified a bit your formula, I come up with the right one(I don't know if it is the correct one but it works for me).

Attached is the tracker as I needed to be, just in case someone else may find it useful.

Have fun!


Great Job Signurinu. .  .

Tracker looks well organized and structured now.

Always glad to help . . . coding in Excel keeps my mind sharp.  My mother is 97 years old and still does the crossword puzzle daily, keeps her mind sharp as well.

Cheers . . . Nick
Don't give up . . . . .Don't ever give up.


ow thats nice, i saved the tracker in case the formula will ever come in handy  :xd:

yes its true, things where you need to use your head for keeps your mind sharp  :thumbsup:

btw whilest we are busy.

Does someone know how to make something go down with the entire page if you scroll down in excel.
For example, my list with doz and cols is up there in line 1
and if i scroll down to line 100, my first line is gone and i cant see what dozl/cols it is.
How can i keep the first line "locked" so that its scrolls down with the rest ??
Just call me Stef ... its shorter then Stepkevh :-)


This will be very nice for that Vile fellow's idea.

Thanks, guys!

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


Glad to hear that Nickmsi and btw is all your work there, I just polish it.. kind of. Thanks again!

Stepkevh, select the row under the one you want to lock and go to "window" on the menu tab and select "freeze". So if you need the first row to stay on top select row 2 and freeze it.

Have fun!


Sig thx,

found it  :thumbsup:
Just call me Stef ... its shorter then Stepkevh :-)


Hi guys,

I'm not excel expert but need to modify excel tracker for ECs / D/C/ Lines, which has been published in this forum.


I don’t need info about D/C/ Lines, but I need info about ECs (R, H, E) profit, which will must automatically calculate after each spin.

              R/B      H/LO/E      R   H   E

5       R   L   O      1   -1   -1
13   B   L   O      0   -2   -2
15   B   L   O      -1   -3   -3
30   R   H   E      0   -2   -2

So can anyone help me please ?


Hi guys,

I'm not excel expert but need to modify excel tracker for ECs / D/C/ Lines, which has been published in this forum.


I don’t need info about D/C/ Lines, but I need info about ECs (R, H, E) profit, which will must automatically calculate after each spin.

               R/B      H/L      O/E      R   H   E

5                    R   L   O      1   -1   -1
13                B   L   O      0   -2   -2
15                B   L   O      -1   -3   -3
30                R   H   E      0   -2   -2

So can anyone help me please ?


if i understand correct then the tracker must always bet on RHE and give you the result of the spin ?

Just call me Stef ... its shorter then Stepkevh :-)


Quote from: Stepkevh on Oct 31, 12:58 AM 2012
if i understand correct then the tracker must always bet on RHE and give you the result of the spin ?


