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CHALLENGE FOR ALL--must see and participate if you wana be winner-Yes SAM,it can

Started by F_LAT_INO, Aug 03, 11:54 AM 2012

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Hopefully it will be sorted when Flat returns.

Meanwhile I think what your saying, Sam, is that when betting on the "lasts" the list is updated after every spin. When betting on the "furthest" you stick with the same numbers until a
At the same time continually updating the "last" so when you return to it the numbers really are the last 9 splits.

I can't see how to set down what I mean as a table without it just being confusing,


Meanwhile I think what your saying, Sam, is that when betting on the "lasts" the list is updated after every spin. When betting on the "furthest" you stick with the same numbers until a

When a "last" hits, there must be the same split number in the nine already written down.  That first split number is erased and put at the bottom.  It is now the newest last to come.


The "last" I have no problem betting.

I am working on the Drazen 1 trot.  Am making notes.  Will post as soon as possible.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


OK..........(sounding like H. Ross Perot)........here's the deal!

I began checking the Drazen 1 challenge and found an error right off.  I'm afraid that will throw the whole trot off, so I quit on it and found this one.  What I was looking for was a win on the same split while betting furthest.  I found two.

trebor and biagle and anyone else who will......check this out and tell me what you think. 


EDIT:  While checking my scanned sheet, I found another one.  Can anyone find it?  Yes, it's a test!
If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


first i was playing "B" version from your scan.

When i loose on last, i bet on the furthest wihthout changing any splits.


All along I have thought "A" was correct.

Now I think "B" makes more sense as it captures repeats every time.

I haven't found the error. I have a self inflicted headache.



If you win with this method alternating between last and furthest splits/sectors/lines like Flat did you should win just playing last ones.  Flat just did that after he posted the challenge thread. He played this way with success on air ball. Catching repeaters is the key here. If you have a large BR and manage to handle big draw downs sooner or later you will catch long series of repeaters - that was a logic behind it and 300 spins requirement. Sometimes we get caught up in minor issues and dont see a bigger picture. 



Answer me this one:  Why did he play one repeating furthest one way and the next repeating furthest the other? 

If you don't allow furthest to become last, what is the definition of "last"?

Matt, these are not minor issues to me.  When I'm putting real Euro on the line, I want to know exactly how a system works.

Again, if you hit all--and I do mean all--off the furthest splits, would they not become last?  No?  Even though they are they most recent hit, they are still furthest?  Then why seek the "last" at the first of the game?  Why not just randomly pick nine splits?

A system must either follow the rules of logic or just be Voodoo from the get-go.  (My opinion only; I have not been up the mountain!)

I did quite well testing this thing on cold numbers using my "TwoCat-FLATman Redneck 9 v 9 Magnetic Splits Tracker", and I think I'm going to just go back to testing it that way.  I had one bad run with real money where 0 and "hit furthest who became last" whipped up on me like Obama on Romney. 

Darn--I feel a new word coming on.  Obama-ized---which loosely means "beaten by the dead, the illegal and Mickey Mouse". 

"Shoot a mile, Luke!  You done been Obama-ized."

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


Hats off Flat. U made two EC bet out of 9 splits at the two ends.


I have a curiosity with regard to 10 tests done by Flat. Flat played those by increasing 1 unit per loss and decreasing 1 unit per win in the test. Then he suggested us to play in the bunch of 5 trials and use progression accordingly, not per spin.
                         Can anybody confirm that we are winning all (or 9 out of 10) tested sessions with the latest progression idea as well?

This is very important to know.


You shall see all at the end of the month why this method wins.Patience.





I began testing the system.  Then I was told I was doing it wrong, so I don't know how to do it.  I think I know this much:  He looks at the spins in groups of five.  If three lost, he goes up one unit.  If three won, he goes down one unit.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


Like Sam I stopped testing it because I didn't know how to apply it.

I'll have another go if it becomes clear.



You can see here clearly/in Sam losing session with addition of Bobs doz/col/how I play it
in cycle of 9 spins......end of the month you shall see all wiesbaden session of this month and
see the results.
