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Brainstorming: What do you THINK is our best bet to beat the roulette?

Started by probasah, Feb 27, 09:02 AM 2013

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Brainstorming: What do you THINK is our best bet to beat the roulette?

20 (50%)
Wheel Movements
5 (12.5%)
A gazillion numbers Bet
1 (2.5%)
Outside Bets
4 (10%)
Other (Specify)
10 (25%)

Total Members Voted: 40


The question is very simple. From your experience, which bet do you think has a better chance of winning?



For me its a hard question... With clear mind, hard rules and MM repeaters can earn money for me. But last few weeks i was hardly testing wheel movements (playing small sectors) and results are much better than everything i was testing in past.


I voted "other" but with a strange reason  ???

I think all bets are equal, and if you ever mastered the game you could adapt your system to all or most type of bet  8)



I can not vote only one from that list, because do not exist * the ONE*  or  *the best *.........
Lot of  bets have some merit, i play most of the time hot inside numbers/ dealer signature_ movements /  9 inside trends, most flat bet,
also some EC s with MM,  also one dozen bet using possitive progressions........also test new ideas and still learn from personal and others experiences.
I have bad days and good days.... i wish i have always same results like in the attach files(flat bet all)....but not possible always.



Bet that your selections stay within 3 std of the norm. Use MM to help recovery when the selections approach or breach the 3 std.

Once breached, don't chase the rabbit any further down the hole. Start a new sesion or change selections.
A ship moored in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are made for.


Quote from: Skakus on Feb 27, 04:24 PM 2013
Bet that your selections stay within 3 std of the norm. Use MM to help recovery when the selections approach or breach the 3 std.

Once breached, don't chase the rabbit any further down the hole. Start a new sesion or change selections.

Im not sure many will understand that general idea. its all you could ever get out of Speed. what does it exactly mean. i know what that general wording means, but how would it look in example.


I picked repeaters because its the only thing random numbers actually do. Numbers repeat. They do little else that seems logical.
As Ive said many times. Roulette is beatable.

What we are trying to beat is Roulette with the Casino rules bolted on. Its totally different.

Of course, thats just my view. its not defacto


Quote from: Skakus on Feb 27, 04:24 PM 2013
Bet that your selections stay within 3 std of the norm

This will happen in 99.7% of the time on EC-s for example.

If someone maybe doesn't understands this you can look it at this way: You would find between 35 and 65 reds or any other EC in that ratio in every 100 spins sample for 997 out of 1000 samples.  And 18 numbers is 18 numbers, no matter how you take it. As some here are trying to say that if you take 18 numbers this way or that way and playing continuosly, you will face different game. So ignorant math fallacy.





I understand what you are saying and I agree, but "So ignorant math fallacy." is hard to read and not take offense.  Many people equate ignorant with stupid and they are two different things.

Will Rogers:  "We're all ignorant, just on different subjects."  Harshest thing the man ever said.  (That I've read anyway.)

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


I have to go with "trending".  It is similar to repeats, but there are trends where the repeats don't come at all.  It is how sometimes we get RRRRR, sometimes we get RBRBRBRB, sometimes RRBBRRBB, and sometimes wild gibberish.


I think the question should more bet "what have the professionals who earn a living been using?"

It has been answered many times, but most people prefer a simple system that will work everywhere with no time and effort.
"The only way to beat roulette is by increasing the accuracy of predictions"
Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose


yes people go around by circles in search of some magic patterns, call  them "holy grails" which will just work most of the time. But these things do not exist...Any kind of bet may work in the beginning, and sometimes for some periods of time...before it will crash..


Quotebut most people prefer a simple system that will work everywhere with no time and effort.

Steve , any hint  ::)

I think Roulettecomputers should do the job  ;)



Quote from: rayhd63 on Feb 28, 03:01 AM 2013
Steve , any hint  ::)

I think Roulettecomputers should do the job  ;)


Yes but if I may say that using comps is not so easy as many people think... It isnt just you buy some quite expensive thing and you can beat casinos to the ground and take as much money as you want..

I know on which principle they work ( as understand enough about physics and VB) and have spoken with many people who bought that thing (not necesseraly from Steve) and soon re-selling it saying: Yes most of the time they CAN do the JOB , but not the way I thought... For them to work it still needs hell of a your consideration, time and efforts. And don't forget you must do all that in casino enviroment which you can't imagine what is that like if you didn't tried that in casino... And of course what happens if they figure out what you are doing.. You can create yourself serious problems with that... There is great deal of risk doing that.. don't forget that.

If that with comps would be so easy so why wouldnt we all buy that and close casino era  :question:




Quote from: Drazen on Feb 28, 04:07 AM 2013
Yes but if I may say that using comps is not so easy as many people think... It isnt just you buy some quite expensive thing and you can beat casinos to the ground and take as much money as you want..

I know on which principle they work ( as understand enough about physics and VB) and have spoken with many people who bought that thing (not necesseraly from Steve) and soon re-selling it saying: Yes most of the time they CAN do the JOB , but not the way I thought... For them to work it still needs hell of a your consideration, time and efforts. And don't forget you must do all that in casino enviroment which you can't imagine what is that like if you didn't tried that in casino... And of course what happens if they figure out what you are doing.. You can create yourself serious problems with that... There is great deal of risk doing that.. don't forget that.

If that with comps would be so easy so why wouldnt we all buy that and close casino era  :question:


And...with the 3 or so spins left to bet its a case of throwing £25 chip at the dealer and shouting 13 and neighbours. Thats the min bet for neighbours in uk. Unless you memorise every neighbor. Big stake and a big strain. For me it would anyhow
