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Which online casino is the best + Invincible system to reveal

Started by steven1212, Jan 31, 01:39 PM 2014

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Hi Steven

Thanks for sharing the invible system; I will study it
thoroughly, share the results, and give my feedback.




Thanks Bob, I strongly recommend you test it too, You'll be impressed by the good results!
Good luck

Quote from: ugly bob on Feb 12, 11:38 AM 2014
Got to give you credit for the 'out of the box thinking' on this one!  :thumbsup:

A nice gesture of you to share it with everyone as well.



Vladir, it's a nice idea. I think the strikerate will be the same but the turnover a bit less because you will bet less frequently.
Remember when i said that my train of thought stopped on many different idea from the moment I read Atlantis's post that sparked it and the version I shared today? Well I actually had a very similar step to yours. I think it works as well but I dropped it because the complication just added more stress to my play. It's already annoying that you have to use a martingale so I prefer to keep all the rest simple!
However, if you are interested, I still have my excel sheet of when I used a similar process. The idea was given to me by a post from Hermes in the Code 4-H thread, where he shows that the pattern
is quite rare! I thought it could be exploited and ended up with something like you described. I can share the file if you want...

In my opinion, if there is one way that we can improve this system, it's not in the bet selection which is strong enough (of course we can always find variants to the concept - whatever suits you best and out of all the different options I tested that's what suits me best). I believe that what we should focus on if we want to turn this into the real Holy Grail is the staking plan. I've tried different things but only martingale worked. You know you will always win within 5 steps, but it's possible that you get more losses than wins during these 5 bets. That's why only the martingale worked for me so far and I'm so confident about the system that I even use grand mart.
Therefore, I need to play 6-7 triggers to make 10 units. And I play around 70 triggers per day to make 80-100 units.

In any case, Vladir, thanks for sharing you ideas and brainstorming with us to try to improve our chances! This is exactly the reason why you were included in my original "list"


Quote from: vladir on Feb 12, 11:42 AM 2014
I think I can "theoretically" make this idea a little better in fighting random. It will give a bit more work to implement... You probably will only be able to do this online because of the litle extra work... See what you think:

We create a table (it can be excel), and in the first column we input all possible first 6 combinations:

After it, we populate the next column (let's call it betting string) with the last occurence we find in your file with the next 5 results (in case we have more then one). We do this for all possible combinations. Not every combination is currently matched in the file by the way, so we would end up with some blank columns. No problem.

Now, the twist. We play by your rules, but we consult this excel file instead. So we look at past 6 spins and get the corresponding pattern in the first column. If the betting string is empty, we don't play and just register the next 5 numbers as the betting string in the excel for this combination we just found.

If we find it, in the excel, we play against it as you sugested, AND we also update the betting string with the new 5 string numbers we just got from our play.

Basically what I'm sugesting is to have a "dynamic file" - instead of a static file - that we constantly update with the last results we personally got...  Just trying to confuse random a litle more :) I think the chance of getting a string of 6+5 columns/dozens followed by another occurence of the same first 6 +5 , withouth having any of the other combinations of the "5" is probably a once in a lifetime occurence... Hope this wasn't too confusing :)



merci d 'avoir partager le système

merci de m' avoir mis precedement sur la  Vip list

ça a l 'air vraiment sérieux comme approche

si tu viens sur la cote d azur on ira ensemble a monte Carlo
pour casser la banque

tu as mon tel si tu souhaite me joindre

j' étudie tout ça en détail et je reviens vers toi

encore bravo pour cette stupéfiante approche
And the show must goes on


Merci mon ami, c'est evident que tu étais sur la liste car tu as était le premier a vouloir m'aider et je t'en remercie encore.
J'espere que le système te plait et surtout qu'il te donnera de bons résultats. Tiens nous au courant...

Quand je viens sur la cote d'azur, on se fait Monte Carlo! Peut être cet été. Meme si les limites ne nous laisseront pas utiliser la martingale en 5 étapes, je suis sur qu'on peut jouer en 3 étapes sur des tables a minimum 50 ou 100 et se faire 2 ou 3 mille balles par jour, jusqu'a ce quils nous sortent a base de coups de pied au cul!

Bon courage et a bientôt

Quote from: roulettefan on Feb 12, 01:02 PM 2014

merci d 'avoir partager le système

merci de m' avoir mis precedement sur la  Vip list

ça a l 'air vraiment sérieux comme approche

si tu viens sur la cote d azur on ira ensemble a monte Carlo
pour casser la banque

tu as mon tel si tu souhaite me joindre

j' étudie tout ça en détail et je reviens vers toi

encore bravo pour cette stupéfiante approche



a Monaco tu peux jouer no limit
il suffit de demander au directeur de table

ils mettent le no limit car il y a de très gros joueurs
qui mette jusqu a 1 million en cash sur la table

c est vrai que de temps en temps ses joueurs
peuvent gagner gros
mais a la fin c est la société des bains de mer qui gagne (Monaco)

et ses gros joueurs se font bien plumé
le seul risque c est que un gros joueur gagne et ne revienne pas ou va dans un autre casino

monte carlo compte vraiment sur les joueurs no limit pour gagner au maximum
de plus ses joueurs la n utilise aucune montante qui pourrais mettre en difficulté le casino
And the show must goes on


C'est incroyable, je ne savais pas ca...
Mais alors ca veut dire qu'on pourrait y aller et utiliser mon system avec une base 100 euros et jouer en martigale en 5 step ou meme 6 steps? y'a de quoi gagner un paquet

On serait garanti de gagner, mais je suis sur qu'au bout de deux minutes ils nous vireraient du casino!

Très intéressant en tout cas...


Quote from: roulettefan on Feb 12, 01:19 PM 2014

a Monaco tu peux jouer no limit
il suffit de demander au directeur de table

ils mettent le no limit car il y a de très gros joueurs
qui mette jusqu a 1 million en cash sur la table

c est vrai que de temps en temps ses joueurs
peuvent gagner gros
mais a la fin c est la société des bains de mer qui gagne (Monaco)

et ses gros joueurs se font bien plumé
le seul risque c est que un gros joueur gagne et ne revienne pas ou va dans un autre casino

monte carlo compte vraiment sur les joueurs no limit pour gagner au maximum
de plus ses joueurs la n utilise aucune montante qui pourrais mettre en difficulté le casino


if the rate for step 1 and 2 is that good like you say i would play a labouchere. i think it is more save for the bankroll and we lose much less if the gamble-god slaps our face.


Thanks for the advice. I will look into it.

Quote from: Interstate89 on Feb 12, 01:45 PM 2014
if the rate for step 1 and 2 is that good like you say i would play a labouchere. i think it is more save for the bankroll and we lose much less if the gamble-God slaps our face.


Hi Steven
Thanks for sharing your system, as I thought I was not in the select few
I see already within hours people are trying to change it.
I will go and test now.

Once again thanks.

Nick x


Nick, your message, along with those of other people made me change my mind and I preferred to give it to everyone in the hope that you will help test and make it better if possible.
Let me know your results.


Quote from: KCIN012 on Feb 12, 01:53 PM 2014
Hi Steven
Thanks for sharing your system, as I thought I was not in the select few
I see already within hours people are trying to change it.
I will go and test now.

Once again thanks.

Nick x


Quote from: steven1212 on Feb 12, 10:18 AM 2014
OOPS, I forgot to give you the magical PDF document! Here it is attached!

Do you also take in account patterns on the line brake of your continuous spins?



I am not sure how you would play labouchere on dozens.
Let's say you want to make a 10 unit profit session, how would you divide your staking plan ?

Quote from: Interstate89 on Feb 12, 01:45 PM 2014
if the rate for step 1 and 2 is that good like you say i would play a labouchere. i think it is more save for the bankroll and we lose much less if the gamble-God slaps our face.


Of course. Does not make any difference... It's all one big line....

How are your results looking so far ?

Quote from: marivo on Feb 12, 01:57 PM 2014
Do you also take in account patterns on the line brake of your continuous spins?



Steven - Well done with your INVINCIBLE methods.  I have an update for Party Casino live dealer wheels. As previously mentioned they have the standard table with 2 min to 2,000 max. bets on any outside position & 2,500 max. table bet outlay. Then they have the V.I.P. wheel @ 25 min. & 2,000 max. & 4,000 max. table outlay.

How long does it take to process a bet as the bet window is only open for on line players for around 12 seconds ? Heard but not seen live players get about 20 seconds ?

L5 bets do fit so perhaps you could do something with that ? If L5 is unlikely to occur then a L4 progression allows a 70 + max. bet. Played for 4 hours @ 45 - 50% strike rate could see a win of around 7,000 - 8,000. Naturally this would be further down the track as you build your BR & play it with the casinos money.

As to the data processing, I only have a flip phone at the moment so is an i phone a prerequisite or will other smart phones like Galaxy Or Nokia do the job ?
If only playing at home I suppose a basic offline PC or laptop would/could do the job ? Using a computer phone at the casino playing the Rapid Roulette live dealer spun touch screen game may eventually get the attention of casino security ? When you say you play at the "roulette machine in a real casino" what game is it ? Dealer Rapid Roulette or RNG airball/auto wheel ?

I am familar with PDF but how did you get the data code of 879 spins into the PDF format into the phone & how is it set up for speedy easy use? 

I also note the relationship of 879 x 4 = 3,516.

Also my thinking was similar to vladir regarding a "dynamic file" instead of your "static file" in that the 879 spins are gradually replaced about every 5 days of play @ 3 - 4 hours per day. However if you are having success (which you say you are) then why mess with something that ain't broke ? There's always the option, if ever needed, as you say to up the code to pattern 7 & 551,441 combo's.

As you wear zero as a loss then any that drop would be ignored. If for example 10 zeros came up in 879 spins then 10 extra valid spins would be needed ? The spin rate is based on Party's 1 spin/min. (Rapid Roulette at the casino is the same but the 2 : 1 bet limits of 5 - 500 would severly restrict the progressions, ).

As this system needs computer assistance to play it I will study what has been given & I'm sure further refinements will be revealed as the days roll by.
