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Started by steven1212, Jan 31, 01:39 PM 2014

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Kattila - As Amiwrong found out random came along & took him out with a L5 loss. Looking at the WH Marquee all 13 numbers matched a part of Stevens 879  sequence code. I calculated that out at odds of over 1 & 1/2 million to one.

So how far do you go with testing ?  Steven opts for 3 - 4 hours play per day. That's about 180 - 240 spins @ 1 spin/min. 2 million spins played every day of the year would take 27 years + @ 200 spins per seession to complete.

Amiwrong could play for decades & never get another "Run From Hell" like he did the other day ?  There has to be a better/easier way ?

Updating the sequence code (already discussed) may have some merit ?

An option, using the WH 13 Marquee numbers as an example, would be to have the code calculator set up so that you could keep feeding in the spins until you got just 1 match, note the last result + the next set (or have a different colour highlight function in the code reader to do that). Then put in the next spin & if that doesn't show a match then bet the Dozs. or Cols. of the next unmatched number as per the bet sequence.

Also perhaps a stop loss could be worthwhile where you could stop betting at L2 or L3 & Virtual bet until a win &/or run a revised check through the coder to reset the bets ?


Ausguy....you of all people should know that odds are odds and when they will occur is when ever they want. Could be after a day


Out of interest I just looked at a simpler method of dbl. doz/col betting.

I took some live dealer spins I have & using the 1st 3 spins to get 6 (3 & 3) doz. & col. triggers. Each spin gave a doz. & a col trigger. So off 3 trigger spins I had 6 bet lines. The last 3 bet lines of the 6 also become the triggers for the next 6 bets.

I only did 24 bets and had 16 wins & 8 losses. The highest loss was to L3 & so a L4 win & the next 2 were also wins, so a stop loss would have also worked.

My thinking is that a less complex method may be just as effective as Steven's ? Like a diamond these things can have many facets. A plus is that playing the simpler way at a B & M casino a player doesn't have to worry about "electronic devices" & the calc's are easy, even for on line..   



I created a spreadsheet which generates 250 X 6 sequences. Each sequence does not repeat either a dozen or a column. Meaning I would have 1A2B3C 1A2C3B .... only a possible 18 different sequences.

I play a sequence till a win ( 6 bets max ) .... then move on to the next sequence.

So far I've encountered 6 losing bets in a row twice. This after a few thousand trials.

I'm trying to work out a way to circumvent the 6 losing bets in a row.

Also trying different betting schemes.

Random is Random...no matter which way you look at it.



Buff. - The easiest way to stop a string of losses is to stop betting somewhere before the end of any 6 or change your bets mid-stream.


Hi Louie/Ching-a-ling,
Welcome to the forum. I followed your strategy thread on the other site but I wonder, can you please show an actual example of what you mean here?

Since the success rate is supposely so good based of just 3 steps I would then recommend paralaying any WINS to the 3rd step of the progression. Example if I'm using a $10 unit base the progression would look like this: $10/$10, $30/$30, & $90/$90 = $260. Let's say I have 3 wins totally $30. I would take that $30 and paralay it to the 3rd step of
$90/$90 to $105/$105. I would continue to do this with all my wins and keep increasing the 3 step. At any point where my 3 step wins and my bankroll has doubled I would stop and reset back to my original progression. This paralaying strategy gives you a greater chance of reaching the "break even point" of $260 investment and based on the number of good runs without losing the 3 steps you have a great chance of a profit vs investment. For those with the right size bankroll and also include a recovery stage should you lose the 3rd step of the progression.
Level 2 would be double the investment and only for recover, it would require $20/$20, $60/$60, & $180/$180 =$520. The total bankroll would come to $780 for the both levels. I've done a simple RNG test and it was very interesting to say the least.

It looked quite interesting but just wanted to be sure I had understood it right. Thanks.

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


from witch "other site " this come from please

Since the success rate is supposely so good based of just 3 steps I would then recommend paralaying any WINS to the 3rd step of the progression. Example if I'm using a $10 unit base the progression would look like this: $10/$10, $30/$30, & $90/$90 = $260. Let's say I have 3 wins totally $30. I would take that $30 and paralay it to the 3rd step of
$90/$90 to $105/$105. I would continue to do this with all my wins and keep increasing the 3 step. At any point where my 3 step wins and my bankroll has doubled I would stop and reset back to my original progression. This paralaying strategy gives you a greater chance of reaching the "break even point" of $260 investment and based on the number of good runs without losing the 3 steps you have a great chance of a profit vs investment. For those with the right size bankroll and also include a recovery stage should you lose the 3rd step of the progression.
Level 2 would be double the investment and only for recover, it would require $20/$20, $60/$60, & $180/$180 =$520. The total bankroll would come to $780 for the both levels. I've done a simple R
And the show must goes on


Hi Roulettefan,

It's in THIS topic... Reply#267  ;)

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"



Yes I agree with u, upon further testing it is much better to wait
trigger no. 7 or no. 8 as it becomes much safer. 


Atlantis - What's the other forum site that Ching_a_ling posts on ? I'm sure that's what roulettefan wants to look at, not post #267 on here.



Quote from: atlantis on Feb 15, 02:26 PM 2014
Hi Louie/Ching-a-ling,
Welcome to the forum. I followed your strategy thread on the other site but I wonder, can you please show an actual example of what you mean here?

It looked quite interesting but just wanted to be sure I had understood it right. Thanks.


Hi Atlantis and Chris,
    Thanks guys for the welcome, really enjoy the forum.
  Well based on Amk's post:
     "1600 live Spielbank spins were played consecutively so we have an indication what HIT AND RUN looks like....

385 games played, 279 wins on bet 1, 65 on bet 2, 24 on bet 3, 5 on bet 4, 5 total loses..."

     I did the totals just as jordan69 did:
    "1) 5 total losses => -400 units
     2) all the wins (279 + 65 + 24 + 5) => + 373 units
     ... if played with 1/1/ 3/3 9/9 27/27 and without the 0 fees...
      so global result is : - 27 units (+ 0 fees that we can't avoid)."

     I understand this was based 1600 consecutive spins, and the
     strategy recommends a limited "hit and run" approach. What
     caught my interest was even playing consecutively a (-27 unit)
     loss wasn't that bad for 1600 spins. There was others that mentioned 
     the strike rate was fairly high within the first 3 steps of the progression
     and at times there was long runs of wins WITHOUT going past the 3rd
     step. So with everything taken into consideration I ran a few simple
     RNG test using only 3 steps, just to get an idea of the results. Yes I
     did see some good runs without going past the 3rd step of the
     progression. That's when I started testing the 12 number trigger and
     realized the results were similar even without the 12 number trigger.
     So Atlantis here is the results from just one simple testing so you
     can get a better understanding.

     I used a $10 unit base and the 3 step progression was $10/$10,
     $30/$30, & $90/$90 for Level 1. Should Level 1 fail, Level 2 would
     be used as a recovery stage (just like in the Ching-A- Ling but only
     1 recovery stage). The recovery stage, Level 2, would be double
     $20/$20, $60/$60, & $180/$180. The investment for the 2 levels
      would be $260 & $520 totaling $780. So the "break even point"
      would be 78 winning units. The probability is against us from prior
      results posted and my own testing playing consecutively. So the key
      was how do I "try" to turn that negative expectation into a positive.
      Seeing that there was long runs of a high strike rate with just 3 steps
      I tried a strategy a friend uses and is fairly successful with. Every WIN
      is paralayed to ONLY the 3rd step of the progression!!!!!

Example: First Step - $10/$10, Second Step - $30/$30,
              Third Step - $90/$90.
Keep in mind I DID NOT use the 12 number trigger!!!
I watched the first 3 spins and began my betting progression
on the OPPOSITE of the prior 3 spins! I personally found no
relavence in waiting for 12 spins!!

Here's one test where I lost Level 1. This is to show how
Level 2 came into play and recovered.

Three prior spins before betting:     
1.)     3/A/1  (The betting begins)
2.)     3/B/2    Win on (B) +10   The $10 is paralayed to
                                                Step 3 which now total
3.)      1/A/2    Win on (1) +10    Paralay the $10 again to
                                                 Step which now totals
Atlantis I have to stop here I apologize, pressed for time and
this would take some time to type it all up. I'm certain you can
see the process. It's very simple very Win is pressed to Step 3!
Again there's no waiting, I just kept betting looking for one win
in three spins based on the Opposite of the prior 3 spins. With the
high strike rate based on this 3 Step Progression everytime you
win you increase the 3rd Step of the progression. With a good run
and a few KEY hit on the 3rd Step you will now be making more
then the original strategy $10 profit on the 3rd bet progression.
You now have a greater chance of doubling the Level 1 investment
of $260. Once you reach the "break even point" $260 profit you
stop and reset the progression back to it's original start and begin
all over again.

Just for your info, the above Level 1 failed in 11 sets of 3 spins
losing the bank of $260.  Level 2 recovered 22 sets of 3 spins
and hit the profit of $520. That's a $260 overall profit and a return
to Level 1 and begin all over!!!!!  Sorry have to run. Remember
what I always say, "Test it yourself." I had some very interesting
results. Take Care! Louie/Ching-A-Ling


The ideas on this board are like rough gems, they just need discovering and polishing.


Hi chingy,

It's very simple very Win is pressed to Step 3!
Again there's no waiting, I just kept betting looking for one win
in three spins based on the Opposite of the prior 3 spins. With the
high strike rate based on this 3 Step Progression everytime you
win you increase the 3rd Step of the progression. With a good run
and a few KEY hit on the 3rd Step you will now be making more
then the original strategy $10 profit on the 3rd bet progression.
You now have a greater chance of doubling the Level 1 investment

Thank you. Yes I understand it now - any profits from steps 1 and 2 are invested onto a possible win if it gets to step 3.
By the way, the way you play is very similar to my "code 4 elite" variant. No waiting for 12 results before playing.

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"
