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Started by MrJ, Aug 20, 05:29 PM 2016

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Quote from: MrJ on Aug 22, 02:22 PM 2016
Ok, step two. So you agree (or not) that your method is no better than my 5 second system....the 2 4 6 system? Same end results, correct?

Well...yes and no (cant believe I said that...I hate it)
It depends on your exposure to the HE as in casino frequency. My system keeps me in the game longer. That "longer" could be the rest of my life
If I was losing at the casino I wouldnt be going.
If I was there 24/7 playing your example...I would be dead.
I love the game.The most  used software in my life is RX. I wont ever surpass that usage in my life.
Now.....if You include Casino plus RX....I bancrupt 5 years ago.
As TG said....thank god 90% of my losses were on RX


Quote from: Turner on Aug 22, 02:37 PM 2016
Well...yes and no (cant believe I said that...I hate it)

You see, it can be a tricky question, tricky wording, tricky answer etc.

I dont think its one size fits all but then again, we (all of us) need to be careful how posts are worded. Choose our words wisely.

Beat, will beat, can beat, was beat, might beat, not beat, never beat, decent, good, fair, fun, great etc.
Watch us big doggs, the MEN, play at a REAL casino, on a REAL table. All we ask is that you stay out of our way. The rest? Bots, airball, RNG...that's more for the Kitty Kat Klub. Its the big doggs and the kittens!! Winning is not an event, it's a process and it takes YEARS and YEARS to master > link:://:.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/2014127/rs_560x415-140227131132-1024.bulldog-kittens3.jpg... To be great, you have to be willing to be mocked, hated and misunderstood.


In terms of results, every system is the same.  Some are just more fun to play.
[Math+1] beats a Math game


Is Mr J getting soft with his signature

Enjoy life my friends.
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


Quote from: MrJ on Aug 22, 01:58 PM 2016
...but according to others, this system is no better than picking birthdays AND short sessions mean nothing. Again, EVERYONE should finish the same?


Thanks. This is a very interesting question.

The point I have stated repeatedly is that M16 is a losing bet ( ie not a winning bet) as in the long term and played mechanically without discretion it will lose according to the house edge. I actually think the house edge on the rouletteplayers.org table is slightly greater because of the restriction regarding zero- it does not have the same flexibility in staking as the other 36 numbers, so is disadvantaged ( no splits available).

However (yes there is an escape clause) with use og effective timing ( ie when to start, stop, pause, attack, take profit, and to work with short cycle strategy ( ie slowly accumulate while in win cycle mode) then profits can accumulate, and I have demonstrated this on the leaderboard with three different variant approaches ( Bach, Oasis and Kubrick - I like music +film)- all show net profit over +90,000 units and are close to or are above rate of earning where profit accumulates at a rate of 1.0 or more ( best I could achieve was 1.7 while Kubrick was climbing in at about 150 spins).

This has been achieved through timing and recognising when a short cycle trend ( warm/ hot numbers and/or the MB 16 numbers hitting in a win cycle of hits every spin or every second spin).

The MB16 is a dumb bet ( becauseit is as many as 16 targets)  but even that can be overcome by smart timing - knowing when to get in and get out.

Yes it may be a  fallacy to use 'hit and run' without any understanding. With understanding you should stay when encountering a win cycle, and leave when encountering a loss/ corrective cycle.

It is actually very simple, but is slippery.  I keep my sessions usually very short, because win cycles are shorter than correction cycles ( 16 numbers versus 21 numbers).

It has taken me months to more successfully polish my activities and yes there can still be slips. Kubrick lost 20,00 recently but was balanced by Oasis making 30,000 gain.

This table set up by Steve is a brilliant tool which we can use to test, experiment and polish.

So what I am showing is that no, everyone does NOT finish the same if you make good choices based on experimental ( empirical) evidence and principles consistently applied.

I try not to waste any winnings by frivolous or  guess bets. These three positive accounts are carefully played and are managed fully within the rules of this game. I do not wait for obvious errors or faults in any program. I simply prefer to rely on 300 spin live spin session records. Also by keeping my sessions short I do reduce the risk of meeting one of those 'seamless' junctions between sessions. They are out there and I have previously encountered the result of crossing such a boundary with a progression or large bet exposure.

Also I largely now just flat bet with max unit values ( 100) on the table with straight, splits, and streets and I rarely play any outside table situations.

Hope that assists.


QuoteThat "longer" could be the rest of my life

But you cannot declare with certainty that every method would last as long as your method, not only because of different results, but also because not all methods have the same exposure.

In terms of exposure to house edge, betting only one number is the best, thus could keep you in the game longer, am I right?
But try to look the same bet in a different way, a dealer, not necessarily skillful, could fairly easily dodge a specific number/pocket for veeeery long time, in that case you'd broke before you know it.
Where is the longer now?!

If all numbers have same chance at any given time then why some of them hit more than average, while others appear less than average?
It's fact and not a theory, biased wheels is not the answer because we encounter the same phenomenon more less to all wheels.

Yes, I do have the answer...there is a universal bias it's being called ''law of thirds''.
It's useless if you cannot comprehend why this always happens , on every wheel, with every croupier, even with RNG's and mixed results from different days and/or casinos.

It's the only universal fact, disregard it and you'll be looking for wheels' biases and dealers' signatures, searching from one wheel/dealer to the next, from one casino to the next...
Wasting plenty of time by gathering thousands of results before you place a single bet, just eventually to find out that the particular wheel has been replaced or leveled, your favorite croupier has been replaced or no longer spins predictable patterns because their employers instructed him/her to spin with different power from spin to spin (softer/harder)...
Personally I don't want to spend so much time just to know if this is good or not for betting.
Besides by using all those previous spins ain't that what you preach as fallacy?!
So why you think when you are using previous spins it's not fallacy but when someone else is using them it is?

Don't you know that dealers are spinning differently from spin to spin thus the slightest of differences produces different outcomes, therefore your wheel's and/or dealer's profile is rendered obsolete from one spin to the next, let alone from one day to the next!

Oh how nice to find that a wheel produces 3 pockets more than average and to expect that the exact same pockets will continue approximately with the same frequency of hits for a month, 6 months, a year, forever!
Does this sounds realistic to you?!

Roulette devices are not exception because they are as good as the method(s) installed, so if a method is fallacious those roulette devices would produce automated fallacies.
When a profile based on past outcomes/measurements becomes obsolete because the conditions have changed it's nothing more than a fallacy.
If you can say that past outcomes can't determine future ones, then I could say with equal certainty that past measurements/performance can't determine future ones!

If a wheel and/or dealer produces predictable patterns, the casinos are the first to know it because they have staff which looks for such things 24/7 and takes any necessary measures against these rare incidents.
So don't fool yourselves that you know better the casinos' property than the casinos! Don't you dare to condemn the rest who decided to follow a different approach because you are no better!


Quote from: Blue_Angel on Aug 23, 12:53 AM 2016But you cannot declare with certainty that every method would last as long as your method, not only because of different results, but also because not all methods have the same exposure.
I didnt, I merely suggest that if you stay in the slow lane when the traffic looks dangerous, you will have a better chance to react
Quote from: Blue_Angel on Aug 23, 12:53 AM 2016In terms of exposure to house edge, betting only one number is the best, thus could keep you in the game longer, am I right?
That kinda thinking, yes

Quote from: Blue_Angel on Aug 23, 12:53 AM 2016If all numbers have same chance at any given time then why some of them hit more than average, while others appear less than average?

Because on a fair wheel, all numbers have the same chance to hit....aka normal distribution aka LOTT. The wheel has no memory and isnt thinking "listen 6, you have come out twice, Im gonna give the other guys a chance so it looks more even"

24 is the mean. Anything other than 24/13 has an increasing higher probability the higher the +/- SD

Quote from: Blue_Angel on Aug 23, 12:53 AM 2016Besides by using all those previous spins ain't that what you preach as fallacy?!
previous spins arnt your personal spins. You need to be "in" the game. ala' Turbo Genius
Quote from: Blue_Angel on Aug 23, 12:53 AM 2016Don't you know that dealers are spinning differently from spin to spin thus the slightest of differences produces different outcomes, therefore your wheel's and/or dealer's profile is rendered obsolete from one spin to the next, let alone from one day to the next!

Makes no difference. If the output is fair and random, its a fair wheel. Casinos check their wheels are random. I dont think dealers can influence that randomness. If they can, then the wheel output is bias.
Quote from: Blue_Angel on Aug 23, 12:53 AM 2016Oh how nice to find that a wheel produces 3 pockets more than average and to expect that the exact same pockets will continue approximately with the same frequency of hits for a month, 6 months, a year, forever!
Does this sounds realistic to you?!

Dont know, I didnt say that so I havnt thought about it.
Quote from: Blue_Angel on Aug 23, 12:53 AM 2016Roulette devices are not exception because they are as good as the method(s) installed, so if a method is fallacious those roulette devices would produce automated fallacies.
If you mean computers, then I know nothing about this subject. I wont comment on things that I havnt studied extensively.
Quote from: Blue_Angel on Aug 23, 12:53 AM 2016So don't fool yourselves that you know better the casinos' property than the casinos! Don't you dare to condemn the rest who decided to follow a different approach because you are no better!

Well it looks like its in some way directed at me, but I didnt imply anything like that.

BA....Im condemning no one. 

I can only comment on what I know.

Not what I think, or guess, but what I know.

I know that humans love a good plot. A thick plot. The thicker the better

kens "OK" 3 numbers after odd isnt very thick a plot. So we say its rubbish. Its no Oceans 11 or Matrix. Its more a TV advert.

Then we have a complex system with LOTT and careful analysis with endless stats, in a beautiful narrative where we are in awe of its complexity. Its Oceans 11, The Matrix, Pulp Fiction. Complex, with a twist you will never get. We are intrigued.

But they are the same. Just people saying things on films, and when the credits go up, its over.

When you place a chip on the carpet, you are exposed to the HE which means you are in a negative expectation game. Doesnt matter how you arrived at the decision. The casino sees you place bets. They pay you less than they should if you win.

I love this game, but will only play it with what I just said firmly in my mind, as I play it.


Turner, you took personally everything I said, I was speaking in general because this topic is not your personal email, so everyone could read it.
Only my first paragraph was regarding your post, about exposure and endurance of bet selections.
The rest of my previous post intended to be directed towards bias,vb and rc players.
However, I appreciate your response which I find pretty sane.


Quote from: Blue_Angel on Aug 23, 06:41 AM 2016
Turner, you took personally everything I said, I was speaking in general because this topic is not your personal email, so everyone could read it.
Only my first paragraph was regarding your post, about exposure and endurance of bet selections.
The rest of my previous post intended to be directed towards bias,vb and rc players.
However, I appreciate your response which I find pretty sane.

A misunderstanding then...apologies. Anyhow, my points were clearer responding to a question even if it wasnt directed at me personally.

Thanks.... :thumbsup:


Quote from: Turner on Aug 23, 08:21 AM 2016

A misunderstanding then...apologies. Anyhow, my points were clearer responding to a question even if it wasnt directed at me personally.

Thanks.... :thumbsup:

You don't have to apologise for expressing your opinion in public, nothing wrong by doing so.
I've just clarified that it was not specifically for you the whole post.
Anyone could respond, just be my guest.

I was thinking about a casino tour around the world:

"On 23rd of October, 20:00 pm, BlueAngel will be playing at casino Ritz, London...on 27th of November, 21:00 pm, will be playing at Bellagio, Las Vegas...on 28th of November, 21:00 pm, BlueAngel will be at MGM,Las Vegas...on 29th of November at Caesars Palace...
Come to witness the unique experience which only BA knows how to share it generously!
See with your own eyes how does it feel to be the bearer of the HG!
Soon to a casino near you!
For the detailed schedule and general information visit our webpage...to taste just a slice of BlueAngel's action visit youtube channel...''

How about that?!  :xd:


I would expect Blue Angel to be some lady stripper,  reading the announce!


Quote from: NextYear on Aug 23, 09:31 AM 2016
I would expect Blue Angel to be some lady stripper,  reading the announce!


It doesnt actually say "playing roulette" in his promo. :o


"kens "OK" 3 numbers after odd isnt very thick a plot. So we say its rubbish. Its no Oceans 11 or Matrix. Its more a TV advert.

Then we have a complex system with LOTT and careful analysis with endless stats, in a beautiful narrative where we are in awe of its complexity. Its Oceans 11, The Matrix, Pulp Fiction. Complex, with a twist you will never get. We are intrigued.

But they are the same" >>>

...and thats kinda my point. Its suppose to be ALL the same but sorry, I dont agree.

Watch us big doggs, the MEN, play at a REAL casino, on a REAL table. All we ask is that you stay out of our way. The rest? Bots, airball, RNG...that's more for the Kitty Kat Klub. Its the big doggs and the kittens!! Winning is not an event, it's a process and it takes YEARS and YEARS to master > link:://:.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/2014127/rs_560x415-140227131132-1024.bulldog-kittens3.jpg... To be great, you have to be willing to be mocked, hated and misunderstood.


Quote...and thats kinda my point. Its suppose to be ALL the same but sorry, I dont agree.

Ken like 10

So what would you do if the dealer dodge yur 2 numbers for long time?


Quote from: Blue_Angel on Aug 23, 12:11 PM 2016
So what would you do if the dealer dodge yur 2 numbers for long time?

Lose...get pissed at dealer(s)...get drunk...chase Asian a**...get rejected from said Asian a**...go home...take care of it "myself"...wake up next day...evaluate what went wrong at the casino with method (if anything) and TRY and fix it.

Remember, sometimes *NOTHING* went wrong with the method. We are allowed to simply have a bad day. Its multiple bad days that get my attention.

Watch us big doggs, the MEN, play at a REAL casino, on a REAL table. All we ask is that you stay out of our way. The rest? Bots, airball, RNG...that's more for the Kitty Kat Klub. Its the big doggs and the kittens!! Winning is not an event, it's a process and it takes YEARS and YEARS to master > link:://:.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/2014127/rs_560x415-140227131132-1024.bulldog-kittens3.jpg... To be great, you have to be willing to be mocked, hated and misunderstood.
