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Nice little earner!!

Started by bleep24, Aug 23, 02:54 PM 2015

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Quote from: mogul397 on Aug 14, 09:41 PM 2016
I did.

And actually I didn't need to. I bookmark places I want to go back to.
I scan 5 groups and I often have no idea which one things came from.
So I just pop back with the book mark.

That's why  I find it hysterical when people here get personal about posts.
I have NO idea most of the time, who wrote it, what group it's in, or what
NOBODY knows what you THINK they know


Not sure why anyone else is here. I do actual work. I have about
6 days of daily trips to plainridge where I'm trying to wrap myself
around this contept.

1) I have been working, looking for single hits. They happen more often,
obviously. So less waste of time.

2) In the beginning I was seeing a flat profit from just watching for
a multiple EC and then betting for a single on a change.  This still
has been holding up.

3) For some weird reason I notice that the H/L tend to favor the groups.
When a group ends with a change, betting for one more TENDS to happen
more often.

4) My idea about playing the last result is holding up and helping. If the
last result (on an EC) was a singe, bet for the next one to be a single.
If it was a multiple, bet the next one is a multiple. That catches the
strings of doubles and other stuff that happens.  And helps if you are
using a D'alenbert (Which I have not done for real yet).  But I am
looking exclusively at individual EC's. Not a rolling basis of all 3 EC's.

So you lurkers or doubters can pocket this. Throw it away. Or jump
on board for more development.  Doesn't matter to me.  I'm doing the
work. And in the end have all the practice to run with.

It's a little scary but I still make $20-$30 on single $5 bets, on the
intuition of the thing.
NOBODY knows what you THINK they know


Im totally confused as to what your writing about mogul?
"No Whining, just Winning"


i am far from a programmer and this is as basic as it gets... but it works fine.

dead basic looks for 3rd hit of the same equal. no progression or logs, just 1u bets at a time on each equal when triggered. testing at the moment, 3u up after 19 spins.

for RX...

system "equals"

//1 unit on 3rd equal being same as previous 2

method "main"

If Black has Hit for 2 times
Put 1 unit on Black

If Red has Hit for 2 times
Put 1 unit on Red

If Low has Hit for 2 times
Put 1 unit on Low

If High has Hit for 2 times
Put 1 unit on High

If Even has Hit for 2 times
Put 1 unit on Even

If Odd has Hit for 2 times
Put 1 unit on Odd


My results are not exactly the same.

Seems like you still get the long runs of doubles.
Anyone still working on this?  I am.

NOBODY knows what you THINK they know


Anyone still playing NLE.?
Whats people's BR on this and stop loss.?


I am pounding on it regularly.  As I just posted, I am also looking for "singles",
waiting for a series, then a change, and back to the series. Like
BBBBRB.  When I see the "R" I look for black.

I also track doubles and triples.  On all EC's.  I go almost every day for about
an hour. I have to have 20-30 sheets here from my work tracking it.

To this point my methodology is to play for the last event. In other words, if
I saw RRRBR last time, I circle the B for recordkeeping and next time look
for that.

If I saw  LLLLLHH, that is not a single. It is greater than and next time I see
a series I play once for it to continue.

I watch the doubles and triples in similar fashion. My experience has shown
that you can get a lot of sequences of doubles, or triples.

Of course it can chop too. So I am still looking around for the best progression,
if any. Right now  just looking flat.

But yeah. I am LIVING this thing.  Was just reviewing the last couple days.

One idea is a 5 step martingale. I also am thinking about playing for the
chop in results.  Sometimes it all seems to come back to anything else you do.
But I manage to make $10-$20 each time in some opening bets.

It was funny. The other day I went and this older guy, who seems like he's done
it before, was pointing out how H/L had just come in 10 times in a row where,
when there was a series and a change, the series continued.

Like HHHLL or LLLLHH. So bet once to continue. He looks at marquis for
trends on an EC and plays them. He was going to play BJ, but he seemed
pretty sure. And he told me my own method.
NOBODY knows what you THINK they know


Quote from: Tomla021 on Aug 15, 07:43 PM 2016
Im totally confused as to what your writing about mogul?

What's confusing. If I see a double I bet the next one to be a double.
If I see a triple, I bet the next double to be a triple.

Hence following the trend and grouping. I'm on board with multiple
doubles and triples.
NOBODY knows what you THINK they know

Thunder Pants

This one definately is interesting. I think the reason it works so well is that the loosing conditions is spread out over up to 3 possible sets of bets & at the same time only betting at the EXACT condition of 2x streak of 50% states turning into 3x mean skipping a lot of potential disasters. If i read the original post right, timepressure also was a factor so that could end up in skipping/missing some bets (again avoiding losses).

The logic as i see it is a bit like the grassroots one aka playing against shortterm equality. Aka longterm the wheel should have 50/50 B/R  E/O H/L but in shortterm we see BB turn into BBB so often. Speed is another matter. Like people betting on RED only will crash and burn really fast when running into BBBBBBBBB as they continue betting larger & larger into the same instant condition. But NLE here take at least twice the number of spins to meet the same loosing conditions (if not more). Sure the multiple bets could all go sour all in one go but still .. you get more time to think and that ALWAYS helps. The multiple bets will hopefully also mean you even out some losses simply by winning a another bet.

I guess the procedure is the key to the succes. So it could be used on any other similar bets like you could bet the opposite .. like that BB turn R on the 3rd spin. Or if you have EEE in a row you could bet that it turn O on the 4th spin etc. Of cause Bleep may smack me over the head with a big book of data that shows that 2 to 3 EC is the optimal bet.

All in all not a bad strategy even though its probably not for everyone as its not a "quick win" & requires a lot of patience etc.


Hi Thunder Pants,

Thanks for your post.    I have no idea if 2 becoming 3 is the optimal, but just gut feeling says it is.    Also as you pointed out sticking with this avoids some losses and also time to work out what to bet and how much.

I have never lost with NLE but you are correct in saying that it is a bit slow (and unexciting) and will not make you a fortune but a steady earner!

The basic premise of NLE is that at least 50% of 2`s will become 3`s.    You can carry on after 3 but I do not as the idea is to spread bets over all E/C`s where they are 2`s and 3 in a row the rows of 4,5,6,7 etc. diminish rapidly and you could be betting other 2`s at the same time anyway, but each to their own.   

Rules for NLE are not set in stone and everyone should tweak to suit themselves.
Good luck,   Bleep24 


 Bleep,NlE would be good for baccarat,no zeroes.You could also play the chop for one play only.ie,b p bet b.So BB bet B,  Also,BP bet B.What say Bleep?


Quote from: Dutchy on Oct 12, 06:21 PM 2016
Bleep,NlE would be good for baccarat,no zeroes.You could also play the chop for one play only.ie,b p bet b.So BB bet B,  Also,BP bet B.What say Bleep?

I was working on NLE a lot until recently. I never played it for real.  But I would
see some troubling runs of doubles/or triples in a row.  ALso chops.

So the question is, how high, practically, would you play a D'alenbert to cover it?
And recover?

Someone on here awhile back talked about some tests and he was up to 20 or something.
I forget who.

My test plan was to play for the last result. If it was a double, play for a double, and
a triple, play for a triple. I never got how to play more than one at a time. Even when
I got close, the math didn't impress me.

I literally just threw away some 30-40 pages of casino data on it.
NOBODY knows what you THINK they know


 Mogul, I was thinking,play for chop once,play for repeat once and also the doubles once. For the doubles it would go like this,P-P bet for P,if lose you have PPB,now bet for B once.Then wait for doubles to stop.Every sequence has a stopper.Your bet last decision good for two's and three's,but not good for chops. We go in circles. :question:


Dutchy, there is a little value in that. When you see 2-3 of one type in a row, it usually
changes or mixes up. But that is only on a spot basis.

A couple weeks ago I was testing this. I think I was playing for singles.  A single
after a multiple. So RRRB, then you bet R or BBBR, then you bet B.

I won 2 bets in a row.  Then I hit 4 losses in a row.  1,2,3,4.
I bought in for $100. I had $50 left. And I had one of those "all in" moments.
I looked back and saw a couple doubles in a row, so I chose to bet 2 black for the 3rd,
for $50. I won. I left with my $100.  As I said I almost got my ass handed to me.
Going for the double/triple thing was a change in venue. A change in selection,
based on what we're talking about.

But I wouldn't bet the ranch on it. Sometimes I've seen 5-6 triples (or greater) in a row
on H/L, which is why I look to follow the trend. But I've also seen chops of

So there isn't really an answer.

If there is an answer it has to do with betting mode.

a) Bet D'alenbert, but you need to be able to climb the ladder. I've tried to get
Bleep to talk about how his sessions go for money, but he won't. And there were
a couple times (in this or the previous thread) where someone reported a very
high level.

b) Fib. A fib progression resolves with 2 consecutive wins. It also treads water
a bit with chops so it gives you a little more time.

The ultimate question is which of these will you use, and how are you willing to bank it?

When there was talk of the 1,3,9 progression I tried it. And lost. But it had a defined end.
I don't like how the D'alenbert leaves you out hanging without a resolution. I like the
notion of the fib.

Someday I'll make a better opinion of what I am willing to try. It is funny how quick
you generate losses in the D'alenbert. allofasudden you're betting 4=5=6 units, and
that becomes the new normal. Kicking around 5-6 unit bets. The reason for that is simple.
The D'alenbert is like shooting an arrow. Or swinging a pendulum.

When the pendulum swings to the left. Or you draw the bow to shoot. You are just
collecting single unit wins. Almost to your detriment. Cause then the pendulum has more
road to cover swinging the other way, moving you up the betting ladder. Instead of having,
say, a 5 unit swing move to the right, you are  collecting units and adding 5 units as the
pendulum swings to the left. Or the bow pulls back.

This is a mathematical dilemma that I think about. I think that the best solution could involve
watching several things, and when you can find one that would put you down so many unit bets
(the bow is drawn for that data set) you begin to bet it shorter term to take advantage of
letting the bow go, instead off being drawn.
NOBODY knows what you THINK they know


And that's why negative progressions are problematic. People look sequentially at betting
results to recoup losses. They want instant recoup instead of profits.. If you do
up as you win, you often lose single units (that you win with neg progression) and
make your profit while you'd normally be losing.

You hear all this chatter about the HE.  5%?  2%? I'd like to see people work on
betting a coin flip. To learn that they will end up losing as much and as big as
they were with the neg Hous edge.  Because the methodologies suck.

They are built backwards. And if people worked on this they would see that the normal
variant in results puts them in the hole just as much.
NOBODY knows what you THINK they know
