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I figured out the Holy Grail!

Started by falkor2k15, Apr 24, 05:41 PM 2017

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Quote from: RouletteGhost on Apr 26, 06:32 PM 2017
What I'd like you to do is this:

Use your knowledge and how you apply it to roulette in detail, prove me to be wrong. Make me look stupid. Make me apologize

Until then it's the same thing since 2014 you do this every year

I HOPE you can show me im the jerk off and make me apologize

I'll wait

Until then I'm just being blunt
Sounds like you are having a rare case of conscience?
"Trotity trot, trotity trot, the noughts became overtly hot! Merily, merily, merily, merily, the 2s went gently down the stream..."¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪:


I want you to stop the jumbo jumbo and convert this to a system with rules

Then I'll apologize

Till then? Same old story with you since fall 2014

Although I know I'm wasting my time

You will reply back with some other outlandish stuff somehow linking this to the Bible and flat earth

Always a diversion with you

You get hit with questions then you start yelling about the new bible

Get a grip

Say it with me: ROULETTE
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: falkor2k15 on Apr 26, 06:06 PM 2017
Please - stop directing your hate towards me for one minute - and look inwards and reflect on what I've said above. Please analyse your behaviour for once. Is what you are doing acceptable? What if you are wrong? Would you repent?

I consider this a personal attack, and will let the mods make a note of it.

If it's not a personal attack, then I will have a green light to discuss what would motivate someone who is baiting the forum to bait it with impunity and malice.

I am only obviating what can be seen as a matter of fact, and have finished asking questions that would allow you to explain how what you are doing is not in violation of the baiting rule.

In making this personal attack, you are trying to send a message to everyone in this forum, that if anyone speaks up about what exactly you are doing, in relation to the rules, you will try to shut them up with a personal attack. 

I will be making my recommendation to Steve soon.


Guys let's be careful not to make this personal.

Falkor, you need to keep in mind your history on forums. Years of baiting, promises that never come true, and flat earth talk. Probably nobody who is paying attention takes you seriously. This is not a personal attack. Under the circumstances, calling you words is actually accurate.

A personal attack is calling someone a "c*********" (unless that really was your thing). Another example is calling someone a "stupid c**t".

Realistically, I dont think you are of a reasonable mind Falkor. I think you are on the other end of the intelligence scale. I consider you manipulative, dishonest and egocentric.

You are being asked plain questions. You cannot answer them. One is what happened to your new years promise?

How can you expect anyone to take you seriously after years of the same bullshit?
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I donlt think anyone here is going to make progress with Falkor. This is a person who either genuinely believes the Earth is flat, or deliberately pretends to believe it. Either way, wtf??

Do we really expect him to have a valid answer as to why he has been crapping on for years with the same vague fairy talk that never goes anywhere?  Is a manipulative person who has serious problems ever likely to admit it? This will just go in circles.

Already Falkor has indirectly admitted all he has is an untested theory, not the holy grail. And after years of the same crap, he has no credibility with anyone that has a brain.

Falkor, for now I'm not banning you but you have a last chance to start answering questions and making sense. I dont expect you to, so I'm putting your messages on moderation. And anything that's just more of the same vague nonsense about roofs and house support beams, or the history of Christ, wont be approved.

You can start with this: why didnt you keep your promise for the new year? (as per previous posts mentioned in this thread)
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Below is part of a message sent to another member:

QuoteThe only value of Falkor to the forum is he helps keep it active, and presents views that at least are different (although still very incorrect). Thinking of triangular structure is something not often discussed. It's at least not the typical RRBB nonsense.

He would be a much better member if he:

1. Used the term "possible new idea" instead of "holy grail"

2. Didn’t lie his arse off and break promises (for years)

3. Didn't deliberately use people for his own testing, and ego.

4. Actually used proper logic

5. Gave clear examples and principles to test, instead of vague rubbish about roof structure and religion.

It's like he has tuned into a schizophrenic radio station in his mind, and he is just spewing out whatever nonsense comes into his mind without any thought. At the moment, even an automated bot posting random words would probably be more valuable to the forum. I mean this literally because new and random works can spark new thoughts.

As he is now, he is a clear negative influence on minds and the forum.

At this stage I decided to just moderate his comments. I wont publish any of the same old garbage.

RG it may be hard for you to see "presents views that at least are different (although still very incorrect)". Let me explain this. One technique for creativity is to think of RANDOM WORDS, then figure out how you might put them together to create a new idea. For example:

QuoteHow to use the Random Word technique

Welcome to the Random Word technique, the most basic and obviously creative technique where you use a random word (hence the name!) to generate new ideas. By getting a the prompt and forcing yourself to find out how you can use it to solve your problem you are practically guaranteed to attack the problem from a different direction from that you would normally. You take a random word, extract the principles behind it and then apply those principles to your problem to see how it can help. The skill is stopping your mind from (a) thinking this is silly and (b) directly using the actual principle behind the word to your problem without changing it to a principle which is easier to apply.

The first thing you need is the Random Word itself which is classed as the initial stimulus. Then you establish a Bridging Idea which is an idea which is based on the stimulus. You then use this idea as a bridge between the stimulus and an idea which you could actually use on your problem.
Quick example 1:

Using a random word of "Balloon" in the context of new ideas about cars.

A Bridging Idea could be that you inflate the balloon under the car. The advantages of this would be that the car jack would not puncture rusty cars and that cars could be raised on soft ground.

The resulting final idea could be to have a car jack which spreads the load over the car and the ground.

As full of shit as Falkor is, his use of seemingly random junk can actually be used to help create new ideas. However, from this perspective, an automated bot that posts random words on the forum would be more valuable to the forum. Because at least a bot wouldnt lie to people and use them. At least a bot doesnt have an ego.

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Was tired of seeing him degrade the forum

Let him find suckers to bait at his new forum

No more reign of terror from falkor
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: RouletteGhost on Apr 27, 06:21 AM 2017Was tired of seeing him degrade the forum

Yes same, but in the interests of free speech I wanted to sit back and let people be smart enough so that him posting garbage wouldn't be worth his time. But what happened was he was still misleading and harming enough people. Believe it or not, some people actually believe some of what he said. I mean at some point I have to do what is clearly best for gullible minds who really dont seem to get it. Anyway like I said he can contribute here if he follows basic rules.
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Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose


out of curiosity i check this forum once every two years or so. Nothing much changed it seems, 'same old, same old'. Falkor, can you send me a pm with the link to your forum? Just want to check it out: are you driven by attention seeking, less ethical motives or by the beauty of it all?

If you have the HG why bother?

In the olden days the quest for the philosopher stone was also a personal quest. The true value of the HG is not in the HG itself, but in what it teaches you about yourself, the way you think, feel, relate to others.



Rrbb he has nothing

He made a forum for self reassurance

His posts were idiotic run on sentences. Truth hurts in his case
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jun 17, 10:38 PM 2017
Rrbb he has nothing

He made a forum for self reassurance

His posts were idiotic run on sentences. Truth hurts in his case

Hi RG,

I just went over a few posts of falkor. It all seems somewhat erratic: going all over the place. And to paraphrase you (i hope you do not mind): that worshipping thing gives me the creeps.



Look for logic and the truth isn't far beyond.  Nothing logical in his posts.

Do I turn the wheel,
or does the wheel turn me?


Quote from: Steve on Apr 27, 03:05 AM 2017
Below is part of a message sent to another member:

RG it may be hard for you to see "presents views that at least are different (although still very incorrect)". Let me explain this. One technique for creativity is to think of RANDOM WORDS, then figure out how you might put them together to create a new idea. For example:

As full of shit as Falkor is, his use of seemingly random junk can actually be used to help create new ideas. However, from this perspective, an automated bot that posts random words on the forum would be more valuable to the forum. Because at least a bot wouldnt lie to people and use them. At least a bot doesnt have an ego.

'Same old, same old'


Quote from: rrbb on Jun 17, 10:32 PM 2017The true value of the HG is not in the HG itself, but in what it teaches you about yourself, the way you think, feel, relate to others.

Great one!! Compleatly true!
I don't have TheHolyGrail.


Quote from: falkor2k15 on Apr 24, 05:41 PM 2017
I had obtained edge a while back - but just didn't understand the forces that were at work. Now I understand exactly how the HG works - in 2 different ways, actually! The shocking truth is that it's so simple. Without being exceptionally careful how one writes hints and tips, the game could be given away just like that! So I, myself, need to start exercising extreme caution - otherwise I might give away the HG with only a couple of sentences - if that.  :ooh: Scary stuff...  :-X

Ok pee pee quad what did you figured out?
