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Started by Steve, Dec 29, 07:00 AM 2016

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Hello Nottophammer,

I am following you, I definitely think that this is the way to go, and have been testing for hours on RX, but I still dont get the results that you are getting on your test, pherhaps I am doing it wrong, could you please so kind to give me some guidance?

I am betting on 2`s to become 3`s, and 3`s to become 4`s and so on,for a total of 3 cycles (Also adding one chip to every winning number from the bets placed/ Positive progression), could you plase explainto me how you are testing the method?

Are you betting from the beggining for 1`s to become 2`s as well? or are you waiting for a certain number of spins until you get the first repeater.

Thank you Nottophammer,


i'd rather not known about repeaters/hotties, as i like to bet non-hits, but sometime later i re-read GUT.

Now GUT is a good read, Winkel gave reference points13,25,37, these references show how 0x's have gone 1x's and maybe 2x's, to me its better to wait till 20 spins and then bet the 1x's to go 2x's, if it comes before 20th spin you wont have lost any units as you are waiting.
But now with more data in the average document posted with 500 games, it appears that a repeat comes more often,in the 1st 10 spins, ie, 9/10, more than 10/10 no repeat
so now if we start to bet the1x's you'll probably get a win, like in the earlier posted game today, here it is again
now if we start to bet the 1x's we'd have bet the 7,1x's for 28 units and win,+8. Now you drop the 1x's and just bet the 2x's, the #10 and any more that come, now this is where you need to keep an eye on the win value 36 the 35/1, the longer the 2'xs go without hitting for the third time, will get you nearer to a minus win total, but in this game we see the #10 is the only # being bet and wins. Again drop the others and just bet those that hit for a third time untill a win, again give thought to the win value, if it goes long you could increase the units on those being bet, just a thought. Again the #10 R3, win.
Now do you stop or carry on?
If you did you'd only be betting the #10 untill the #23 caught up, now making 2#'s to be bet, look what came next.
A lovely example, but it dont always go like this, so test on MPR, its free, but dont say its RNG not live spins or big steve will be after you.

Now look this is how i play you see in grey countback, that is the 15.8 non-hit, that usuaally come in spins 11-40, the invisible trot that Steve and others can not see.
So if you go back to the reply with the posted sheet you'll see time Steve smilee face, you can see i waited costing nothing and bet 22 units as the 16th non-hit had missed its avg to hit and won. next you can see i've waited and bet 21 units to get the 17th non-hit and won. So thats me betting for non-hit, but the next bet is for repeats as watching the non-hits, hit fast, countback is showing they are to far a head and repeats are needed to slow the invisible trot down, so you see i bet the 21, non-hits that had come twice and won both bets, why did i stop, because they avg to hit in 3 spins, the non-hit after the 19th non-hit has come.
Its still watch the invisible trot and the 23rd is in and the trot is still fast, so i wait the 3 avg to hit spins, 1 spin 173, 2nd spin 127 and 3rd 69 times, the max is 17, spins, so 3 have gone and waited costing nothing to see if the 15 non-hit in spins 11-40 would hit, but we see its 23,so -1 on the 15. Now whats the avg for 60 spins, answer 30.5, so as 23 have come, i/you could see another 7 non-hit come, so at spin 41 i started to bet for the 24th non-hit, 7 spins in total and win. I bet 13 units for the remaining 13 and win as the repeats seemed to many, you can see it ended 28 in 60 spins, 5 of the 7 appeared, we also know that the 29th was spin 61 #22

Countback bet for non-hit and repeats, what does LOTT say for 37 spins,23,24 or 25 is usual, countback shows 23rd could be here, but its showing its been fast, so to slow it,it needs REPEATS
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to see the above game go to KTF and look at the 61 spins tester you can see the repeats nice with priyankas tester. all 6 games are there
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


That was a very good explanation Nottophammer, I appreciate the time and the effort, I will start playing this way on RX, I already read GUT so thats a good thing, I will be posting my results to keep you updated.


By the way Nottophammer, for how long have you been playing this way? Has it survived the long run?


Quote from: romano0327 on Aug 04, 04:14 PM 2017
By the way Nottophammer, for how long have you been playing this way? Has it survived the long run?
Do you mean just watching the trot, to bet either non-hit or repeats.
Or Denzies and turbos betting for repeats/hotties
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


When playing roulette, some will say rng in the bookies (licensed betting shop)is not roulette, but who cares. what they ask is what i'm doing, well the 1st ? is anything due, answer yes, all 37 #'s are now due, some look and think i'm mad, but i have to tell them to imagine a seesaw and 37 is touching the floor, so all the non-hit have to hit to get the 1 hits to the floor, to get the 1x's down the non-hit have to hit, so as they are the starting larger group, should they not hit most for X spins.
How do you work with X spins, know the averages for the non-hit to hit in.
My data says that up to the 19th non-hit, they avg to hit in 2 spins, then up to the 26th non-hit they avg to hit in 3 spins and up to the 30th non-hit is 4 spins, next is to know there max to hit.
Now if you accept 15.8 non-hit come in spins11-40, this is where countback comes into play.
Have you looked at reply 29 & 44 in, Are there really 37 possible outcomes? really good info. This is why countback is good at watching the trot that some deny is there, so this is why you need to study the trot of the non-hit, so a game is about 0x, 1x and >1x, it really is that simple, once you see how they come.
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


Just started working on Jackpot 247 game for today, aired on sky tv early this morning, i tape every game and this is where the 500 games comes from, i also have avg data for rng from UK bookies.

Here we see why maybe betting the 1x's straight away is the way, as repeat in 1st 10 spins looks to happen more than 10 spins no repeat.

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countback added

How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


Quote from: Pogo on Aug 03, 08:13 PM 2017
In a cycle how many numbers do you think TurboGenius bets on Denzie?
As less as possible. If possible only one

TurboGenius has been very generous supplying the information he has supplied.
As spins roll off our predictions get better


Quote from: Pogo on Aug 03, 08:13 PM 2017
This works flat betting

No it doesn't. Even TG pointed that out .
As spins roll off our predictions get better


Quote from: probasah on Aug 04, 02:23 AM 2017

Simple rule: follow repeaters!

Yep  :love:

Simple exercise.  Bet all numbers that come up with a 1-2-4-8-16-32-.....Progression. Thats the basics.
As spins roll off our predictions get better


Nottophammer I understand your point and it makes a lot of sense, everything is due at some point. Even if we dont know exactly when, we can still use the statistical information available that tells us when things are at least expected to happen. I do have a question, so the way to take advantage of this would be to wait for 20 spins and look at the non-hit, and start betting them and expect to hit one every two spins, is that correct?


Denzie, do you mean the 1x numbers? Or repeaters (2x) ? and after a hit do you continue to bet on the same numbers to hope for a 3x hit?


So invisible trot is fast, the 15th non-hit could have come at spin 23/24, the next 10 spins is where topic WTF usually starts, read Celticknits replies.
Now you'd won with the #13 and would now be betting all R1's to go R2, gradually get more to bet, so R2 needs to come.

Now you've won 26 units with #13.
But betting the non-hit the larger group you could now walk with +34 units, and now think about repeats, by betting all 15 non-hit that have come
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision
