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Started by Jordan, Nov 20, 08:57 AM 2010

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Denial of gamblers fallacy is usually seen in people who has Roulette as last option for a way to wealth, debt covering and a independent lifestyle.  Next step is pretty ugly-
AP - It's not that it can't be done, but rather people don't really have a clue as to the level of fanaticism and outright obsession that it takes to be successful, let alone get to the level where you can take money out of the casinos on a regular basis. Out of 1,000 people that earnestly try, maybe only one will make it.


I forgot to mention that IF someone will learn how to make a VB prediction and he will obsearve a lot of spins in order to make predictions....HE WILL INSTANTLY UNDERSTAND THE WHY ANY MATH SYSTEM CAN NOT WIN!
In other words he will see with his own eyes and he will understand with his own brain that as the rotor and the ball are moving and as the ball is hitting the diamonds and make a scatter jump and finally land on any number...he will imediatelly understand that EVERY SPIN IS completely INDEPENTENT!!!!!!!

the falacy that all players are falling into when they are trying to make math - patterns systems is that they think that Real wheels are like an RNG progrem tha has algorithms in order to make the next outcome!
But as you have all experienced ,even the RNGs has NO pattern that you can follow to win....because they are also absolute random generatiors!

As the famous Bias and VB player Snowman say: The way to win is to ATTACK the machine(wheel) that makes the outcome...and not try to attack at the game(previous results) because it will be completely random...and Roulette odds + Randomness will always be= -2.7. :)


"What you fail to understand so many years in the forums is that VB is NOT MY SIDE" >>> lol, word it how you want Jordan, I was trying to help you out.

"As the famous Bias and VB player Snowman say" >>>  :o

Watch us big doggs, the MEN, play at a REAL casino, on a REAL table. All we ask is that you stay out of our way. The rest? Bots, airball, RNG...that's more for the Kitty Kat Klub. Its the big doggs and the kittens!! Winning is not an event, it's a process and it takes YEARS and YEARS to master > link:://:.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/2014127/rs_560x415-140227131132-1024.bulldog-kittens3.jpg... To be great, you have to be willing to be mocked, hated and misunderstood.


@ Jordan

Please LOCK this thread from others, and use it only to post your teachings.

Please open another thread for questions and discussion about VB.

At the moment I can't follow what you're trying to say because of ALL THE INTERRUPTIONS!!!!


Quote from: esoito on Nov 21, 05:55 PM 2010
@ Jordan

Please LOCK this thread from others, and use it only to post your teachings.

Please open another thread for questions and discussion about VB.

At the moment I can't follow what you're trying to say because of ALL THE INTERRUPTIONS!!!!

Good point i agree as i am still wait to learn some-thing - did not find any in this thread - but maybe he wants to take things slow and step by step.
Denial of gamblers fallacy is usually seen in people who has Roulette as last option for a way to wealth, debt covering and a independent lifestyle.  Next step is pretty ugly-
AP - It's not that it can't be done, but rather people don't really have a clue as to the level of fanaticism and outright obsession that it takes to be successful, let alone get to the level where you can take money out of the casinos on a regular basis. Out of 1,000 people that earnestly try, maybe only one will make it.


I agree....I am ready to learn when you have some free time.

Watch us big doggs, the MEN, play at a REAL casino, on a REAL table. All we ask is that you stay out of our way. The rest? Bots, airball, RNG...that's more for the Kitty Kat Klub. Its the big doggs and the kittens!! Winning is not an event, it's a process and it takes YEARS and YEARS to master > link:://:.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/2014127/rs_560x415-140227131132-1024.bulldog-kittens3.jpg... To be great, you have to be willing to be mocked, hated and misunderstood.


I am glad that some of you are intresting in gaining a real advantage. :)
I am impressed that even MrJ showed interest ;)

Yes you are correct that I MUST take things step by step because are a lot of things that you must learn...So step by step is the only and correct way.

this Topic was only about to explain to you the WHY with the VB art we are gaining an advantage over the wheel.(reasons...genuine reasons)

I also posted above that IF I would see real interest I would make a new Topic with serious step by step VB lessons. AND I WILL! ;)

1st of all....Did you watch the Videos in the site page that I gave you?
2nd............ The members that are intrested to learn please post your names here in order to make a new Topic with real lessons and include you in.


You know what?
I thought about it and I don't want to make a private Topic.

All the memebrs have the right to post questions(some of them in the biggining maybe they will be sceptic....but as the lessons will go on they will also see that VB is the read deal ;)  )

So If they have a question they are free to ask....


ps. I still need to see the members that are intrested in VB.
so please post ur names here in order to see if it worth on making the new Topic. ;)


"The trouble isn't what we don't know, it's what we think we know that just ain't so!" - Mark Twain


I'm interested  :thumbsup:

And yep watched all the vids, will watch them again though  :)
Its Set In Stone =)



Yes it will be a nice thing to see the videos twice.

But don't worry if you don't understand some things.it is completely natural.All your questions will be covered when we will start the new thread of the lessons.

Bayes too? WOW! I am impressed!  ;D

ps. don't worry people.....when you will understand all the factors in order to make a VB prediction you will realise that it isn t a hard thing....
Its like the bicycle...its a little hard to learn in the biggining but when you learn its easy. :)


Quote from: Jordan on Nov 22, 03:58 AM 2010

Yes it will be a nice thing to see the videos twice.

But don't worry if you don't understand some things.it is completely natural.All your questions will be covered when we will start the new thread of the lessons.

Bayes too? WOW! I am impressed!  ;D

ps. don't worry people.....when you will understand all the factors in order to make a VB prediction you will realise that it isn t a hard thing....
Its like the bicycle...its a little hard to learn in the biggining but when you learn its easy. :)

Hello again, my user name is ego and i want to learn andvantage play.
Is it ok to ask questions when you post about andvantage play?

Denial of gamblers fallacy is usually seen in people who has Roulette as last option for a way to wealth, debt covering and a independent lifestyle.  Next step is pretty ugly-
AP - It's not that it can't be done, but rather people don't really have a clue as to the level of fanaticism and outright obsession that it takes to be successful, let alone get to the level where you can take money out of the casinos on a regular basis. Out of 1,000 people that earnestly try, maybe only one will make it.


Ofcource Ego.
Questions is a MUST!

intrested memebers so far.

4)Mr J

ps.I garanty you that when u will will be able to make a VB prediction you will never again concern to play a math system....and this not only because you will be able to make money with VB...but mostly because when u will see(realise) HOW a wheel is bahaving in order to make an outcome u will all realise that Math systems was for sure something that couldn t gain an advantage over the Long Run.
And you have all expirienced the LOSS in the Long Run with any Math-pattern system.But finally you will understand the WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Cool  :embarrassed: when can i ask my first question ?

Denial of gamblers fallacy is usually seen in people who has Roulette as last option for a way to wealth, debt covering and a independent lifestyle.  Next step is pretty ugly-
AP - It's not that it can't be done, but rather people don't really have a clue as to the level of fanaticism and outright obsession that it takes to be successful, let alone get to the level where you can take money out of the casinos on a regular basis. Out of 1,000 people that earnestly try, maybe only one will make it.


Jordan, I know a little about VB because I purchased Laurance Scott's package a few years ago, but wasn't that impressed (particularly by his "acoustic" method, which didn't seem very practical at all).

I've been considering buying the Jafco package, so I'd be grateful for any info you have on this. All sellers say that their method is the best, but what else would you expect?  :) It's hard to get an unbiased opinion.
"The trouble isn't what we don't know, it's what we think we know that just ain't so!" - Mark Twain
