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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Started by Mortagon, Mar 11, 03:46 AM 2020

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Quote from: Steve on Mar 20, 07:23 AM 2020Did it start in other countries?

The general's argument was that because some Chinese are starving (due to communism), they have to resort to eating bats, which caused the virus. Even if that were true (and it likely isn't), my point, which it seems you fail to have grasped, is that there are plenty of other (non-communist) countries in which people eat 'unusual' animals because they're poor. The fact that it didn't start in any of those countries, but China, is no proof that communism is to blame. I'm not the one who's not thinking clearly, you are.

I'm no fan of communism, but it's weird how many americans are fixated and neurotic about it. The general's bias is clearly showing here, and Donny hasn't helped.

Logic. It's always in the way.


Quote from: The General on Mar 20, 07:16 AM 202095% percent of the cases world wide of the Wuhan Chinese Corona Virus could have been prevented if it wasn't for the communist cover-up.

Now some are considering sanctions for the cover up and cost to the world.

That's a completely different argument from saying that Communism caused the virus. I agree that if they hadn't covered it up the virus wouldn't have spread as quickly as it has, and that was all about lack of transparency, which of course is a feature of communism. So I agree, up to a point.
Logic. It's always in the way.

The General

Quote from: Joe on Mar 20, 09:32 AM 2020
That's a completely different argument from saying that Communism caused the virus. I agree that if they hadn't covered it up the virus wouldn't have spread as quickly as it has, and that was all about lack of transparency, which of course is a feature of communism. So I agree, up to a point.

And you agree that the Wuhan Virus started in China?
Basic probability and The General are your friend.
(Now hiring minions, apply within.)


Logic. It's always in the way.


Most pandemics begin in China

Most stem from bats

Why? I don’t know. But Chinese people eat bats

If this is true then how many times does this have to happen before they learn?

Bats have strong immune systems. The viruses need to mutate to attack the bat. When we get it it’s a super virus


the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: RouletteGhost on Mar 20, 01:26 PM 2020
Most pandemics begin in China

Most stem from bats

Why? I don’t know. But Chinese people eat bats

If this is true then how many times does this have to happen before they learn?

Bats have strong immune systems. The viruses need to mutate to attack the bat. When we get it it’s a super virus


so if the virus is from bat, the solution is also in the bat, right?
why don't they analyze the bat's immune reaction ?

A dollar won is twice as sweet as as a dollar earned


Latest vid from PJW.   :)

Logic. It's always in the way.


Doesn’t matter where it started the world needs to pull together and the Chinese population shouldn’t be blamed becouse of the minority at the top..
The average person in that situation have lost loved ones
What they eat is a way of life for them like other countries Big Mac and fries..
Show some empathy and don’t tar all the Chinese with the same brush..
They are people with names and families like yourselves

The people at the top are responsible not the those poor citizens who have to live  they way they live..my heart goes out to them and the rest of the people who have lost loved ones through this ..blaming and racial anger against the Chinese will not help

Empathy for your fellow humankind is a better option


TIL when you have sociopathic tendencies, everyone who preach and lecture empathy and compassion for the poor and misfortunate fellows on the internet seems like virtue signaling and fake.
Real man lead by setting good example.


Who else is betting this is all leading to financial meltdown, then ultimately a global digital currency? It will seem like a good idea, but its a Trojan horse for greater enslavement.

I bet my balls on it. I only bet my balls if im sure. I still have both of them.

Take a look at the laws they've rushed through in preparation.

For example, the $10k cash ban here. 10k+ transaction in cash can mean 2 years jail.  Wtf??

Bank bail in laws. Your funds will be stolen to pay failing banks, who failed for any reason.

Negative interest rates. Now you pay banks extra, instead of you getting paid interest.

Printing a trillion in cash, so you're worth even less.

There's more. Its on the edge of collapse.
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Quote from: Steve on Mar 22, 04:45 AM 2020Who else is betting this is all leading to financial meltdown, then ultimately a global digital currency?

The swedish government has already prepared for "e-krona" that is, Digital currency...(that was even before the corona virus fear mongering)..so they sure knew what what goin on/going to happen... suprise? no..:S

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Yes it has been planned for ages. Just needs the right crisis.
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Strange times. I have no idea where it's going.

I look at both the stock and the crypto market, and all I see is potential for investment. If things were to go back to normal, it doesn't matter what you invest in now, because everything (that won't go bust) will go up. Even the company I work for lost about 85% of its value in 1 month. I could buy shares now and if the company survives and recovers, maybe I could 5X my money within a reasonable time. Too bad I'm broke, so any gain would have no affect on my life.
Oil could also be a good bet. There is no way the price won't go back to over $50 a barrel.


Quote from: Steve on Mar 22, 05:27 AM 2020Yes it has been planned for ages. Just needs the right crisis.

Steve, I bet you're a real hoot at dinner parties.  :yawn:
Logic. It's always in the way.


Is anyone here living in a (self) quarantine?
It's my 5th day at home alone, it gets boring sometimes. Would be nice to live in a house with a garden now. I don't have much space to walk around in a tiny one bedroom apartment.  :twisted:
I'm still allowed to go out, but better safe than sorry. Even though the number of infected growing at almost an exponential rate, many people just don't care. Some cashiers in the local grocery store wear zero protection, and less than 10% of the people wear face masks or gloves.
