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Are you going to get a coronavirus vaccine? Why?

Started by pepper, Jul 18, 01:25 PM 2020

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Are you going to get a coronavirus vaccine? Why?



What's up with this viral video today?  It's started a storm on the internet.


Editors note: This video will be replaced with the original when we hear back from America’s Frontline Doctors who we have reached out to for comment as well as the original version. It is being removed from several video platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube as ‘misinformation’. Additionally, this story itself was removed from Google.com in the early hours of July 28th, 2020. This video is related to COVID-19 and contains doctors “opinions” on what “they believe” is a massive misinformation campaign. This event in-fact happened on July 27, 2020. It cannot be removed or erased from history simply by being removed from Internet websites. The Published Reporter® is reporting a factual newsworthy event. Use your own judgement. The video displays the opinion of the speakers and not necessarily the opinion of the site itself. See our Terms of Service, Editorial Policies and Fact Checking Policies.
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.. and the the first time in history, Twitter completely censored (removed) posts from the president of the USA that included a video from doctors.

Here's what the doctors said about the censorship (expect this video to be banned too):

Think about it. It's a drug that has been around for 60+ years, here are doctors successfully treating covid with it, and now suddenly you cant even say that or you'll be banned.

Twitter, Google, Youtube and all the other big tech companies will censor you. Censor doctors. Not even willing to look at the data.

Wake up, it's all around you.
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Quote from: Joe on Jul 28, 11:39 AM 2020Read about the other stupid reasons why people don't trust vaccines.

Joe, I understand you believe sources you're told to believe, without proper investigation. Unfortunately it means your information is limited.

Vaccines are big business. And where there's big business, you'll almost always find corruption. I understand you believe in fairies and unicorns, and think banks and pharmaceutical companies care about you, old people and black people.

My opinion on vaccinations is some are good, some are not. As for whether or not they cause autism, clearly there's enough data to indicate they have something to do with the dramatically rising autism rates.

Do you really think the rising autism rates is "natural"? Is it the corn babies eat? The type of diaper they use? Come on Joe, do you have a brain?

A good resource is :.chiropractic.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/1200-studies-The-Truth-Will-Prevail-3.pdf

But whether or not vaccines cause or at least contribute to autism was not my main point. My main point was a rushed vaccination is not likely to end well.

In the case of covid, they want to skip animal trials and go straight to human trials. But a critical problem that hasn't been overcome in such vaccines is it may initially look ok, but when a vaccinated person is exposed to the real virus, the body craps itself, and you are even more likely to die than without the vaccine.

The same thing happened with SARS. There was a group of people who took the vaccine, and all of them died when they were exposed to the real virus. The ones that didnt take the vaccine lived. The case is cited by Dr Rashid Buttar. He explains it in his videos well. That's another heavily censored doctor.

Maybe that's why these pharma companies have no legal liability if you die, or have any side-effects.

Joe, I really dont care if you or any adult takes the vaccine. You put whatever you want in your body. I don't care. My problem with you is only that you're not bright, and your tiny scope reflects that of most people. And the ignorance is irritating. It's like I've been placed on a planet full of really dumb people. For now, only the minority understand. I'm not trying to insult you joe. Really I'm not. I just can't be indirect about it.

Quote from: Moxy on Jul 28, 02:10 PM 2020The funny thing is Flat Earth society is this adamant as well or this good at acting.

Flat Earthers are morons because they don't understand basic science. They look at a narrow band of information.

People who debate the safety of vaccinations are labelled as "anti-vaxxers". The reality is most of these people do look at the broader information. It's the "pro-vaxxers" that dont look at broader information.

My personal stance on vaccines is some are good, but untested and rushed vaccines are a probable disaster. They cannot be rushed, for many reasons. Including often the negative effects are not known for some time.

Quote from: Joe on Jul 28, 11:39 AM 2020But of course, everyone who contributes to wiki is part of the elite who just want you to think that

Clearly "big tech" censors information on particular issues. Perhaps you dont have the foresight to understand when there's a genuine conspiracy, it rarely means more than big business protecting its interests. If you were to re-publish a video of doctors talking about a cure for covid, it will be censored again. And if you were to publish real scientific data, with an opposing viewpoint to key parts in the Wikipedia article, it wont be allowed. Try it. Then tell me it's not censorship. For whatever reason, it will not be allowed. It doesn't matter how factual and established test results or data may be.

That censorship alone may not be a "conspiracy". It may simply be it's a sensitive issue and they don't want to "rock the boat". But still, it's censorship. And censorship leads to ignorance. Because "not-so-smart" people go to wikipedia, expecting to find the full unbiased truth. Wikipedia is just a website for "official and politically-correct information". You may as well just watch CNN. It wont necessarily be unbiased the truth, especially with sensitive issues.

I need to waste less time on people like you Joe. At some point, what i and many others have been saying will be accepted as self-evident fact. But some people are really slow to come around. 

On the issue of vaccinations, nobody is stopping you or anyone from taking the vaccine.
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Quote from: Steve on Jul 28, 07:15 PM 2020Here's what the doctors said about the censorship (expect this video to be banned too):
Fantastic video. I love how it ended.
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Quote from: gizmotron2 on Jul 29, 01:10 AM 2020
Fantastic video. I love how it ended.

Uh, yeah. That's one mixed up guy. He has no idea what he stands for or what's going on. He represents the perfect brainwashed person with no clue.
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Quote from: Steve on Jul 28, 07:48 PM 2020
Do you really think the rising autism rates is "natural"? Is it the corn babies eat? The type of diaper they use? Come on Joe, do you have a brain?

Steve, yes, do you? Apparently you don't know how to use it, or are just too absorbed in your own bullshit conspiracy theory fixation. There is no increase in autism rate, the apparent increase is due to greater public awareness and a reinterpretation of the diagnostic criteria. ie, the classic definition of autism was recognized as too narrow; we now know that there is a whole spectrum of autism.

What has greater risk - to get a vaccine or not?

Logic. It's always in the way.


Quote from: Joe on Jul 29, 02:19 PM 2020There is no increase in autism rate
Was cancer always as common now as in the past, taking into account that we live longer?

Look at obesity stats: The prevalence of obesity changed relatively little during the 1960s and 1970s, but it increased sharply over the ensuing decadesâ€"from 13.4% in 1980 to 34.3% in 2008 among adults and from 5% to 17% among children during the same period


Quote from: Joe on Jul 29, 02:19 PM 2020are just too absorbed in your own bullshit conspiracy theory fixation

Theory? You confuse theory with fact, like law. For example, bail-in laws & fractional reserve banking are fact - not theory. I understand you think bankers and trillion-dollar businesses really care about old people.

Quote from: Joe on Jul 29, 02:19 PM 2020There is no increase in autism rate

Again, you need to do better research

And with your logic, at this rate of increase, by 2030 or so, our understanding of autism will mean we'll finally understand about 30% of us are autistic. That would explain why the average Joe cant see what's happening all around them.

Quote from: Joe on Jul 29, 02:19 PM 2020What has greater risk - to get a vaccine or not?

That depends on the individual vaccination. Like I said, some are good, some are bad. Generally when it comes to a vaccine that has never been done before, and early attempts with SARS vaccines actually killed people who came in contact with the real virus, and the same happened in animal testing, and a lot more you need to learn about..... I'd say a newly developed covid vaccination is likely to do more harm than good.  :thumbsup:

Again Joe, I dont care about what you put in your body. And you're more concerned with appearing right, than knowing the truth. There are real conspiracies all around you, and I'm talking about big obvious ones. Fact, not theory. Like actual policy and law. Censorship. And much more, only you're not educated on it. And you're too lazy to do proper research.

And again, what I've been saying is probably not about the vaccination itself. It's more about CONTROL.

For example, Bill Gates has been blatantly denouncing "conspiracy theories" that he intends to microchip people with vaccinations, like a digital immunity certificate. He says there's absolutely no foundation to the theory.

And now, it's come out he's funding DIGITAL TATTOOS that planned to be used in places like airports, and eventually shops.

So Bill Gates says there's no truth to it at all. And see for yourself:

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Here, watch Bill Gates fumble and deny it (as he's done many times):

And then read this:

Research, then tell me he's not lying. There's ample proof - no doubt - you just need to do the research. Don't rely wholly on CNN and Youtube.

Then look at his biologically embedded 060606 cryptocurrency patent:

It's all around us. Wake up. I could spend days giving proof, but it would waste my time considering the information is already available. Get off your ass and do the research. There's so much of it you could literally spend years going through it all, even if it was all compiled for you.

Basically what's happening is the technocracy (elite) and pushing us into an increasingly digital world, ultimately to control us. Just like they already do with big tech censorship, banking law etc. So it's just an expansion of their current system.

It's not theory. It is fact. Anyone who does the research will understand this.
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Quote from: pepper on Jul 29, 07:26 PM 2020Was cancer always as common now as in the past, taking into account that we live longer?

Cancer is a deformation of DNA. It will probably have always existed. But as we have increased our exposure to incoherent radiation and toxins, inevitably cancer has become more common. This was discussed earlier. But really its not relevant to the discussion, and neither is autism - at least in the current context. The vaccinations are not about autism. Again it appears it's all about control.

You wont be able to buy, sell or travel without your tattoo, digital immunity or whatever. Similar to what we're seeing with masks, which are just a stepping stone to get us accustomed to the idea. And if you dare defy the system, you're hurting old people. If you dare tell the truth and report the statistics, doctor or not, you'll be censored. You're a dangerous person. Dangerous to the elite.

This plan was known a long time ago. It shouldnt be news. This covid crap is going to get much worse. I'm not talking specifically about the virus itself, although it may mutate or have a deadlier strain (if needed). One way or another, it's not going to just go away. It wont be allowed. It's being used for control.
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Quote from: Steve on Jul 29, 08:09 PM 2020But as we have increased our exposure to incoherent radiation and toxins, inevitably cancer has become more common
Everyone should watch this guy; he is so informative, interesting, and intelligent. :thumbsup: The channel is WoodwardTV on Youtube.

What you need to know about MICROWAVE OVENS and ELECTROMAGNETIC CHAOS Killing you

Don't use microwaves... See what they do to you. Watch the Youtube video.

Radiation Facts
Radiofrequency (RF) energy is a type of electromagnetic radiation. It is used to transmit signals carrying information in the form of radio waves. ... In addition to cell phones, other wireless devices such as radios, Wi-Fi routers, satellites, radars and pacemakers can send or receive RF energy waves.


All life exists because of harmonic energy. Because it IS harmonic energy. DNA is harmonic energy.

ANY incoherent energy is likely to cause or at least contribute to disease, including but not limited to cancer.

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Someone who knows the plan. Listen carefully. I don't think he got it all right though. Specifically how he speaks well of vaccines, but is very generic. Again, some are good, some not good. And they are certainly being used in agendas. Truth is only black and white, if you're specific, and have enough information. Otherwise it's grey.

The nano bots will play a big role in time: transhumanism. The problem is what if they're used for nefarious purposes? Who controls the AI that controls them?

I'm sure everyone who was there knew exactly what he was talking about. That why many smirked. But still i doubt many would truly know how deep the rabbit hole goes. It's not just some ambitious tech companies.

There are many different levels of knowledge. While the average joes have no clue, the people at the top know better. They don't question it. They're well past that point. The truth is self evident. But again there are different levels of awareness.

Wake up. 5 minutes of CNN or radio per day is all most people get. 5 mins isn't enough. And it's even worse when it's all bullshit.
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Also watch the London olympic ceremony.

It's important to understand it's not all accurate. I think there are some obvious errors and genuine coincidences. So you need to keep digging to know the likely truth

Even with careful scrutiny of information, it's all around you. These people are nuts. They're a real cult. And they're all over the place. I'm not talking the performers. They'd have no clue.

Truth is much stranger than fiction. It's only theory, until you do proper research and realise "Holy shit, this is real.  Wtf?? Its crazy."

But don't be quick to judge either way. Be skeptical but balanced. There's a lot of bullshit information too.

We all get there, eventually.
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Steve, this is getting embarrassing. Seriously man, you need some help.  :o

You're the poster boy for confirmation bias.
Logic. It's always in the way.
