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Started by Johnlegend, Feb 06, 03:00 PM 2011

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My dear ppl.
You are not talking of playing roulette here,but of some
RIDDLE GAMES that kidds are playing in schools.
No offence meant but pls.wake up to reality.
You can always get me on  


Quote from: atlantis on Feb 10, 03:56 PM 2011
Hi Fluke,

No - that is not FULL loss as far as I can see! We only bet the triple 3 to NOT become a quad ONE time and then wait for an entirely NEW triple to form when the 3's have stopped coming.. Yes the bet did lose though.

10,000 May be too small a testing ground for MATRIX VERTICAL. And here's why. What some people haven't realized yet is a typical Matrix delivers 15 matches out of a possible 42. You need 20 matches in 5 consecutive QUADS to defeat MATRIX VERTICAL. Thats never going to happen inside a single MATRIX anyhow. What we're asking random to do is likely to be so rare and disparate that it doesn't come close to hurting our ever growing BR. It'll be like you give me 20 and I'll give you 1 back. I Have now won 34 sessions on a REAL RNG 96/0



If you get a quad form in a 7x7, but no triples, do you just carry on, extending the matrix and wait for a triple to appear?



Quote from: buffalowizard on Feb 10, 04:17 PM 2011

If you get a quad form in a 7x7, but no triples, do you just carry on, extending the matrix and wait for a triple to appear?

Yes buff, there is no true measure. All the sessions I played today were different. Some were over within 10 spins of the TRIGGER about 30 spins total some took close to 100. The only thing they had in common was they all won most on the first step 2--2. I'm stunned buff RNG simply can't decode. MATRIX VERTICAL. With the snipe bet strategy.


Quote from: F_LAT_INO on Feb 10, 04:13 PM 2011
My dear people.
You are not talking of playing roulette here, but of some
RIDDLE GAMES that kidds are playing in schools.
No offence meant but pls.wake up to reality.


Talking of riddles... Here's a roulette riddle. A RUSSIAN ROULETTE riddle...

You are caught, captured in a prison and given one chance to escape with your life. You're forced to play Russian Roulette with a 6-cylinder pistol (meaning it has room for 6 bullets). The gun has 2 bullets in it and the rounds were placed consecutively and the barrel was spun.

You are forced to put the gun to your head and shoot. CLICK! You  took one shot and heard the click - luckily you didn't get a bullet.
Then you are given the choice to either spin the barrel before you take the next shot or just shoot the gun without spinning first. Your captors say if you win this time you will be freed.  What should you do to make it more likely that you'll live?

Think before revealing answer...

First let's imagine the barrel in simpler terms, there are 2 consecutive Bullets and 4 consecutive Empty slots, so EEEEBB.

The odds that you get a bullet after spinning the barrel are 1/3, why?
2 bullets out of 6.

The odds that you get a bullet after taking one shot and not dying are 1/4, why?
You gained some knowledge after you didn't get shot. Since you didn't hit yourself you know you got one of the 4 empty bullet slots. Now think about the EEEEBB, unless you got the last E on the last shot you should/will live after taking the shot. So, 3 E's out of 4.

Clearly not spinning is the way to go.

It's a bit like playing your bet against the triple turning into a quad after a previous quad has already formed :)


Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Just a quick calculation:
John, I think you said that we can get about 4 spins/minute on RNG, and so far the average profit is around +1 unit/100 spin, which means it is about +1 unit/25 minutes on RNG, which is around 2-3 units an hour. So if we can play with €Ã,£$10 chips, that is around €Ã,£$20-30/hour. So to be able to make some nice profit, we/you have to play 10 hours a day on RNG.
I know we could play it on column as well at the same time, so we have to spend ONLY 5 hours a day to make €Ã,£$200-300. Is there any way to shorten the play time?
Sorry, just thinking outloud.


Quote from: irishrob on Feb 10, 04:39 PM 2011
I know we could play it on column as well at the same time.

S'pose you could play 2 MATRIX VERTICAL in tandem - with separate bankrolls of course. One for COLUMNS; one for DOZENS
I have not tried that yet - Interesting...
(You could not use the 40u progression on COLUMNS though)

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Quote from: atlantis on Feb 10, 04:53 PM 2011
S'pose you could play 2 MATRIX VERTICAL in tandem - with separate bankrolls of course. One for COLUMNS; one for DOZENS
I have not tried that yet - Interesting...
(You could not use the 40u progression on COLUMNS though)



That was going to be my next post.  That to get more plays in less time we will have to play both dozens and columns at the same time.  Shouldn't be too hard to do since this is a really simple system to track and play.

I like you're Russian Roulette example.  Now I'm trying to  determine if it applies to a double becoming a trip the same as a trip becoming a quad.  If it doesn't, can you please explain to me why not so I can quit worrying about whether or not this is going to hold up long term.

You and Twister are our point people here.  John's still a newbie as far a posts go, but you guys have been through all the blood and guts of system carcasses along with the rest of us. 

I understand that you assessment doesn't relieve us of the necessity of testing it for ourselves, I'm just wanting to hear a little more from both of you if possible why you think this will work long term.  Or are you still in the determining stages?

Thanks my friend,

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Quote from: irishrob on Feb 10, 04:39 PM 2011
Just a quick calculation:
John, I think you said that we can get about 4 spins/minute on RNG, and so far the average profit is around +1 unit/100 spin, which means it is about +1 unit/25 minutes on RNG, which is around 2-3 units an hour. So if we can play with €Ã,£$10 chips, that is around €Ã,£$20-30/hour. So to be able to make some nice profit, we/you have to play 10 hours a day on RNG.
I know we could play it on column as well at the same time, so we have to spend ONLY 5 hours a day to make €Ã,£$200-300. Is there any way to shorten the play time?
Sorry, just thinking outloud.
Rob you cannot rush success. Be thankful that you are winning at all. Remember this if you even made 30 quid a day from this. You will be making some extra cash doing something 99.9% of people simply don't believe. Is possible. If they did what do you think they'd be doing? Twister, Atlantis and myself have forged a method I believe will rewrite maths. I am friends with a maths lecturer. I met him for a coffee yesterday. And told him I have together with a couple of forum mates decoded roulette.

He laughed of course when I showed him the pattern I'm asking random to defeat. The first thing he said was "I've never seen a system like that".Although he's not convinced YET. He is in agreement that asking random to go round 4 cycles to produce one Quad. Is very clever. Instead of just hit,hit,hit,hit. Off the. Layout.  :xd:


Hi George,

John believes it but wants more proof. I... dunno - still a tad sceptical.  I also need to see more extensive results and stats.

I think the key is due to the "magical" matrix of 7.
If it were just a matrix of 3 then you'd get stuff like this:


See there are doubles, trebles and quads already in 5 lines!!

By extending the matrix to 7 the frequency of vertical matching occurrences is lessened maybe not as much for doubles and triples (there are only 3 possible results - apart from 0 that is) but as John has discovered through his research and play it certainly affects the appearance of quads. Now 2x3 poss results = 6 but we have 7 in our matrix and I do actually THINK this makes it more difficult for a lot of VERTICAL quads to form IN SUCCESSION - but like you am wondering and waiting to see what future developments have in store...

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Quote from: atlantis on Feb 10, 04:53 PM 2011
S'pose you could play 2 MATRIX VERTICAL in tandem - with separate bankrolls of course. One for COLUMNS; one for DOZENS
I have not tried that yet - Interesting...
(You could not use the 40u progression on COLUMNS though)

Until I have some idea Of the strike rate Columns are a no go for me guys.

We do not know what we have here, If its strikerate is 2,000/1 I'll play it on columns too. You all have to remember the house limit. If Matrix vertical is half as good as I think it is I'll simply play 3 Sessions on 3 different casinos at the same time buy several laptops. that's the way to make more points AND stay under the RADAR. ::) ::)


There are many betting opportunites on 7x7 matrix on flat bet basis
which am applaying presently,but one has to be there at the table to spot these and
punt at the right time...many vert-horiz. and cros.
You can always get me on  


Well guys,

I am getting impatient so I have posted a request in the "Coding" section and "General" section to find a programmer who will be willing to write a program that will count the occurences of quads and triples. I asked that the interested party contact Twisteruk or Johnlegend.

If we can have this software to do this task, it should answer some of your unanswered questions regarding trples and quads occurring within a set matrix.

Scooby Doo


Quote from: F_LAT_INO on Feb 10, 05:43 PM 2011
There are many betting opportunites on 7x7 matrix on flat bet basis
which am applaying presently,but one has to be there at the table to spot these and
punt at the right time...many vert-horiz. and cros.

That's great F,
It's good to hear you are doing well with a 7x7 grid... If so, you are getting more bets, you are flatbetting and you're getting the needed wins in a lot less spins too. You can go home with a profit earlier than with MATRIX VERTICAL by the sound of it. ;)
I'm sure we'd all benefit by listening to profitable alternative matrix strategies.

PS. I shall agree with John however -  when it comes down to it MATRIX VERTICAL could be "THE SOLUTION" to breaking the roulette code.
Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"

