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Bermuda Triangle Turbo

Started by Hermes, Apr 25, 03:21 PM 2011

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Halba no good idea bet every row because betting every 9 or 16th spin event is a cushion for a big streaks when they occurs. Yes, that's smart man in smart casino. Smart man won this time.

albertojonas you are right if played a strong progression like Marty but if played Fibs or even better Leveller no problem. If I win 255 times and lose 1 I am a millionaire in half a year - just kidding.

I tried the fixed square on ECs but not that successful like on D/C. ECs are anyway more difficult to bet. Try to bet against that star combination:

?           bet Black 1 unit.

I got maximum 3 lost spins in row if played all 4 in row but every 16th event for 360 spins.
How many losses you get when you play any other system for ECs? At least 5-7 lost spins. This strategy is advantage for ECs but real liquid spin events 4x4 square make even better results! I use them successfully on baccarat.
Rigid is rigid cannot be changed.
Cheers Hermes


Hello hermes.

yes better to play as you played it.

also high strike rate.

if you use martingale, you have to start off at low units(as they get exponential higher)

if you use leveller - you can start with higher units.

but I conclude the return is about the same, because it evens out. you make larger losers with leveller, and you recoup with martingale quicker. martingale only has the drawback of 1 big loss, we don't know when. you can earn thousands if you play this all day on a live wheel. RNGs a bit risky, I saw maui got bitten by Joyland RNG. this means that RNG is very risky option as its not a true random.

D/C is more successful. this is because the no. of combinations if 3x3x3x3 =81 . the no. of combinations of an EC is only 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 16


You are right my friend, that is the disadvantage between D/C and ECs.
Always bet secure as possible don't go for big wins they come if you compound you bankroll with winnings and will bet with higher minimum but the same security.
Even when we win $15 we feel as winners but when we lose only$10 we feel like losers.
Security first!


Totally agree. the strategy you start off with is the most crucial. if you are starting with a strategy that has only 1/16 chance of losing, it is much worse than if you start a strategy that is 1/81 chance. also the security in mind is more important. in the long term you are much better off with D/Cs - better investment. the more session you play with EC, the more it will stuff you up at some point. Although with good progression the result will be good on EC. but much easier to play D/C with a good table limit on the D/C. majority of results are within the first 2 spins. I will try it out with a $50 target . start small no greedy. we have plenty of time. I will also go to the sydney casino and report my result within a week or so, $100 target is fine


I wrote the ECs strategy to use more on baccarat, SicBo and craps. Roulette even with one zero is disadvantage. Be like energy, use the shortest way with smallest resistance. I do it all the time. And simplest is better.
In land casino, for the whole day win $500 is not a problem if you don't get after each hit noisy orgasm. I see it at card games, especially the youngsters yell after hit like when they get an orgasm. Excitement is not good after hit because after laugh comes cry.


EC strategy good for baccarat. craps not sure how to use it though.


Ha, ha, ha... you must learn the rules of craps first - the most exciting game in casino.
Pass line / Don't pass line acts as Black and Red (sometimes).


yeah i actually know craps pretty well and played it on betvoyager. my opinion  -very hard to master! i went down the drain easily. the 7 is like the zero in roulette depending on which way you go.

craps versus baccarat versus roulette


Roulette(bet voyager) - nearly nil.
Roulette (Single Zero)   2.70%
Baccarat   Banker   1.17%
Baccarat   Player   1.36%
Craps   Pass/Come   1.41%
Craps   Don't Pass/Don't Come   1.40%

baccarat appears to be the best game in the casino. blackjack may have lower edge, but its too hard to get an E/C combo there.


Quote from: Hermes on Jun 14, 06:50 PM 2011
I tweaked it even further with excellent results! New name: Bermuda Triangle Random.   ;D

1A1A     You bet always against that rigid triangle. I tested 500 spins and heavy won.    
2B2B     Maximum 2 spin failures. It is a Holy Schmoly in long run if betting with Leveller.

Numbers in bold winners. 27 winners and 9 losers. It could be beaten if lucky enough even with that silly progression 1-3-9-21.
Look at my post number 333


Hermes, You said "It is a Holy Schmoly in long run if betting with Leveller."
I'm lost when it comes to the progression, not familiar with the Leveller...
Looks really promising...



Re: tried on baccarat. not as effective in my opinion. reason - B & P streak too much. Multiple E/Cs in one row is much better, as we avoid the streaks.  e.g.


PPPP >> we bet against the top line, but it streaked again.

do you start tracking from past hands hermes, or do you ignore history in the live bacca/roulette, and start from scratch upon entering. thanks.


Quote from: Hermes on Jun 14, 06:50 PM 2011
Look at my post number 333

Where is this post?  ???


hmm just downloaded  ;) will provide feedback after reviewing  :P
playnow, playmore, playborneâ,,¢


halba1, start always with 1st hand of the shoe. You can take the results from the score board, they are pretty accurate. Baccarat is not a game of streaks but more of chops. I saw 10 chops in row and 5 doubles in row! But good progression will take you from the hole. On baccarat is better to bet only against the first result in the row, if lost wait till next row results. So you can never lose a session.

marino, 333 means my 333th post written. Lucky number, isn't it?

vundarosa, write everything on paper! Leveller is: 1-2-4 and when you lose the 4 units you bet the same (4) until total equal or better then previous total. Best progression for 2D or 2C.


Quote from: Hermes on Jun 16, 12:34 PM 2011
marino, 333 means my 333th post written. Lucky number, isn't it?

I dont know how to find it, sorry .... ???


Marino it is not important to look for it. More important is to understand what we are here chanting about. My post was #333 at that time now is #344 or something like that.
Cheers Hermes
