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Progression bets are nothing more than different size bets on different spins. You could get lucky and win big, or unlucky and lose even more.

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Find the dominant even chance

Started by GLC, Aug 16, 08:16 PM 2011

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Quote from: Blood Angel on Aug 19, 04:26 AM 2011
Hi George
I have played 5 sessions of this to 20 units win using the Carsch progression. Certainly nothing too scary yet. Thank you for sharing.

Thanks Blood Angel.  I'm not touting this as any kind of grail, it just seems like the bet selection method keeps us from jumping around a lot and helps us stay on the dominant side.  The methods that follow the patterns too closely seem to get caught in the scattered losing runs too often.

When you say the Carsch progression, do you mean the one where he repeats and then parlays then repeats then parlays etc...

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!

Blood Angel

No I know your not mate.. But it's an interesting thought.
I'll post a link to what I call the Carsch Progression when I get home ( not sure how to do it from the iPhone).


Quote from: GLC on Aug 17, 09:07 PM 2011


The way we play this progression is on a loss we move 1 step to the right. 

On a win we continue to move 1 step to the right until we are back to even or +1.

I've just won 3 more sessions to +20 using the above progression.  One of the sessions was hard fought in that it took 107 bets to reach +20.  It usually takes about 60-80 or so bets.  Even in the hard fought session I didn't have to bet higher than 16 units.

I'm winning so easily most of the time that I'm starting to expect to win every time I play. 

That's usually when the big hammer falls.

We'll see.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


My last session to +20 using the above progression that starts with 1-2-2-2-2-3-3 etc... was a real heart pounder.  I finally reach +20, but I had to do it by winning the 80 unit bet.

I have tested a couple of sessions with my new favorite progression and it has held up nicely.  It's my "Flatbet Parlay" method  link:://rouletteforum.cc/money-management/flatbet-parlay-progression/

Always start each attack with a bet of 1 unit.  Let it ride until you have 5 parlays or you reach your win target.  You can set your own maximum number of parlays.  I use 5.  The more you use, the harder it is to reach.  I keep playing until I reach a new high.  Sometimes you will go into the hole a ways and have to win a couple or more 5 step parlays close together to climb out, but once you get to your win target, you call it a day.

You can set 6 or 7 parlays.  You may not get there often, but you may not need to.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


"No Whining, just Winning"

Wally Gator

Very nice, George.  Always interesting reading.  I'm going to give this one a go .....
A person with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds. ~ Mark Twain


played it yesterday live ,,worked very well for me so far
thanks george
"No Whining, just Winning"


Quote from: Tomla021 on Sep 07, 08:40 AM 2011
played it yesterday live ,,worked very well for me so far
thanks george

Glad to hear it.  :thumbsup:
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


It would be interesting to test this with the different progressions suggested till now to see wich perfomrs better and safer.... or does any of you already have any indications on this?

"In God we trust; all others must bring data", W. Edwards Deming


I'm glad you brought that up Vladir.

I want to preempt my statements by saying that I do think certain progressions fit with certain systems better than with others.  For instance, when playing the Reverse slide, a marty type progression will work better than a D'Alembert progression IMO.  Because we are looking for a win within a certain number of spins and if we get it, we are completely recovered.  Whereas with D'Alembert, we will need multiple wins to fully recover if we've had multiple losses.

When I design a system, I design it with a certain bankroll in mind to play the system.  For example the progression I gave for this system represents 399 units.  Therefore, to play this system, I think you need to be willing to invest 399 units in it.  This is not cast in stone.  I gave other progressions that require different banks that will work just as well.

Your attitude when considering playing any of the systems posted on this or any forum is,  "I know all systems fail in the long run, that is for millions of spins.  But many systems win in the short run.  Most systems win, win, win, win, win, then lose, win, win, win,win, then lose.  Especially those with a large negative progressions.  I'm going to the casino today and try to win 100 units.  I am going to play this system.  I am aware that I may lose 399 units if I don't get a little lucky and start winning per expectation.  I think there is a very good chance that I can win 100 units before I lose 399 units.  That's my risk today."

With the above realistic attitude, you stand a good chance of winning some money for dinner and wine out with the misses tonight.  If you go in with the attitude of winning 400 units or losing 400 units, most of the time you'll probably lose.  That's because the system doesn't work that way.  It may work today but I wouldn't count on it working like that every day.

Take JL and Atlantis' The Reverse Slide.  JL goes to the casino with the attitude of risking maybe 80 or even 160 units to win 4 or 5 units.  He has an excellent chance of reaching his goal almost every time he goes to play.  Were he to change that mindset to win 100 units or lose 160 units, he decreases his odds of reaching his goal by quite a bit.

I am still looking for that system that generates a steady cash flow with no long term risk.  If I every find it, I will be sure and share it with you.  Til then, this is the best I have to share with you.  I don't mean this system is the best system, but this mentality is the best I have to give you.

If others differ, please feel free to enlighten us.  I am always looking for new light to brighten up the darkness in my own understanding.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!




This is an old topic, and there is a lot here, but I'd like to talk about it and
ask some questions if people still  have their ear to it.

Looks very interesting

Thank you

NOBODY knows what you THINK they know


Speak then :) We will answer if we can.
"In God we trust; all others must bring data", W. Edwards Deming


Hi, quick question....

I understand we reset out betting when we are +1, do we also reset our tracking on the EC we are betting on?


PS the info you can find on this forum is unbelievable, it's amazing where you end up by just clicking threads threads at the bottom of a topic page!!


JB,  No, you don't reset the tracking.  Stay with the same color until you get behind 5 bets.  This will find the dominant even chance for short series.  If the e.c.'s are switching back and forth every 15 or so spins, this will not do so well.  But if one of the e.c.'s is hot, it can stay hot for quite a while and this method will fall on the e.c. until it gets cold.

I'm not saying 5 is the magic number either.  You could wait until you're 3 or 4 or 6 or more bets behind before switching.  5 just seems to be a happy medium.

Always test so you know for yourself what to expect when you play for real.  And always have a stop loss because it's shocking how bad a series of spins can be sometimes.

Remember, if there are numbers that can cause you to lose, and there always are, eventually random dictates that enough of them will hit close enough together to kill any progression.  Actually, they can kill flat betting too.

Good Luck,
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!
