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Started by commonsense1968, Sep 20, 05:09 PM 2010

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My new exploaration is 'the business of roulette'.
Direct the mind into that area and see what comes. You will be amazed once you accept and direct that roulette is to be taken very seriously and actually offers higher rates of return consistently than the volatile markets.

However first you need to bring your level of skill and self management to peak and gradually improving levels.
Best xxvv


Dont be discouraged by mistakes you make especially in the realm of self management.
It may be necessary to make hundreds of errors falling into certain traps until you progress. Read and apply every device possible to try to reinforce postive behaviour.

But dont be too hard on yourself ( your personality) when you fall short. Its just a fact of life that this will happen. Sometimes to work as a small team may assist.  Peer review of your behaviour and management may assist.
I still make infuriating errors sometimes but i know they will be ironed out eventually. It just takes lots and lots of experience.
However our analysis and review and attitude can shorten the length of time required.

Recall 'GroundHog Day' - a brilliant screenplay. But look what the character eventually achieved.


The strange thing is that I have read your last post everyday for the last year :)


Am currently studying a lot of forms of intelligence which have to do with avoiding self-undoing, and self destructive behaviour that can follow technical success with winning at the casino.

It is one thing to have selected smarter bets and tuned these to your needs.
But quite another to consistently apply the best self management to your play.

In my experience I find about 1 in 15-20 sessions difficult or hostile. This may be because you are ill prepared or out of sorts. ( We are moving entities like the stars and experience different influences daily). In essence though you cannot decipher the outcome codes in such sessions. Best to bow out gracefully and accept a small loss.
Other sessions may be average and enable opportunities at regular intervals. These make up 75% of play in my view.
Even better are the 15% that are even better and more accessible.
Then the remaining 5%, ie 1 in 20 that are golden days, and you can do no wrong for a while.
Thus there are appropriate approaches to every set of outcomes.
It is all about handling success.

Not as easy as it sounds as many of our behaviour sets are self destructive.
In my research there are 22 forms, aspects of intelligence, that have a bearing on the management of the above variations.
A lot of work is required to administrate to avoid self-undoing.
Working on this.



Will be adding to recent cluster of posts very soon with some new/ re-newed insights.


You may find this ironic but over the last 18 months as you know I have been developing some smart bets.

One in particular, the reverse bet ( trhere may be others in this 'family'), has an edge that I have calculated over a robust range of live test samples ( over 100,000 spins).

It is noted that the edge ( calculated from flat staking results) varies with the Ecart cycles and I conservatively estimate the range is from break even to + 5%. With smarter timing for entry and exit by use of moving average methods or setting of sensible modest flat staking targets, this edge can be increased by over 30% efficiency so as to be in the 2-7% range).

However you can still lose!

There may always be adverse cycles.

So it is prudent to have a big bank.

The size of that depends on you appetite for risk exposure.

Also, being human, we still may have our off days ( LoL).

The irony consists in the realisation today, after re-reading one of the better articles from the 'Swiss' scammers that they certainly can contribute to our work, constructively.

Take for example :

'win small but consistently - the wins add up'

'always finish on a win bet'

'best method is hit and run'

'goal is +12 points'

'settle on +3 if adverse cycle'

'use the wins/ streaks and chops/ changes to advantage'

'use clustering analysis'

'ideally finish on a double win'

'once you have a break/even bet then tune the variables'

'win double your playing bank each session and next session double your playing amount or conservatively , double every second session- this will rapidly compound your RB'

'divide your daily/ weekly/ monthly winnings by 3 then

1/3 to increase BR/ RB

1/3 to secondary BR

1/3 to personal expenses/ savings'


Incorporate all that and you will be doing very well indeed.

Much of what I attempt to do incorporates this approach.



Top MM advice there dear XXVV:

Quote from: XXVV
1/3 to increase BR/ RB

1/3 to secondary BR

1/3 to personal expenses/ savings'

Thanks for bringing it to our attention :thumbsup:
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Quote from: XXVV on Feb 18, 06:03 PM 2012
Recall 'GroundHog Day' - a brilliant screenplay. But look what the character eventually achieved.
No, it's only a bit of "nonsense" based on the "filler approach" to writing an essay.  I unwittingly applied that same approach in a grade-4 writing class, in a (long) story about a UFO who landed at the farm.  It kept blowing us up until i finally "re-awoke" to figure out a good way to greet it to earth.  A bottle of coke, of course.  I think there was a similar Star Trek, TNG, episode.

Actually, most persons who visit a casino want to NOT KNOW what is going to happen next.  It's called escapism, from the real problems of their lives.  That sort of automatic mental-defence mechanism, over the short-run anyway, is deemed a good thing by the psychologists.  But not when the form of recreation, itself, becomes inescapable.  Ie, when you start to see it as an all-inclusive model for, and in, every other form of human activity.

Everyone knows enough to "leave the office at the office".  To not get caught up in the "nags", when what's truly-important will be eventually remembered, and achieved, in its own good time.  Practice makes perfect, something with which to work.  Fair enough.

However, the above posts seem to indicate another person falling ever deeper into a state of trying to legitimize something which was never meant to be, never meant to exist outside of a few casinos.  Like they say, "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas."  Or, in other words, don't build a life around the attempt to know that which isn't even supposed to be taken seriously.  After all, the ancient Greek mathematicians possessed all the tools, general knowledge, and contexts, required to properly address the spectrum of gambling... BUT LACKED THE INTEREST.

P.S.  Ever notice that the ones who are really having a bit of fun with these boards are the ones who aren't much interested in all the censorship, site-politics, etc?


What I am interested in finally is to find a relatively consistent way of making cash flow.

Wonderful progress has been made over the past 18 months and I can truthfully state that real progress has been made on an exponential basis, such as the growing sum of knowledge in my specialised field within roulette.  Also the practical application of that knowledge has grown in efficiency of application.

It is in percentage points that the real progress is made after a relatively break even bet has been found, and there are many of those. Good news all round.

Happy to share the directions on this path.

I have re-named the Il Casino, as El Banco, and that transformation continues not as a delusion or fantasy but as a growing reality.



Key to relatively consistent success I believe is to find first a smart or smarter bet(s).

Then to become familiar totally with their characteristics. If too volatile drop it.

Then to use a range of bets matching a proven bet with current table Ecart status/ character.

If none match dont get drawn in.

Find a table with flow that suits you.

Then primarily hit and run.

Longer duration play, ie 100 spins or more can be used but not as your primary means of income production.

Leave a game after a strong win, and make this a habit.

Gain a reputation for this.

Learn and practice to be more consistent and true to yourself ( your highest goals).

Never start without a goal.

Good Hunting. XXVV


My current view is to play in at least two tiers.

Best pro play strategy is hit and run reading short cycles/ trends and gaining a pre selected target if possible, say +9 units or more. High value units.

Best to use a really smart bet.

For fast action I have one bet I prefer and that is the Reverse Bet about which I have written fully. It is fast conservative and smart and is best played flat.

Second tier work can be with longer sessions and reading the game Ecart cycles and using a smaller value unit and a sensible RB. I call that semi-pro. And also fun.

Nevertheless the daily/ weekly costs can be met through tier one play alone, then if desired and if time is available go for a 2-3 hour session but in no way jeopardise the earlier profit.

Should tier one just not be favourable, consider a break even session result as a victory.

That is the way I see things at present.



Adding to this and trying to bring my three key threads to inter-twine.

I now consider a realistic and consistent take out to be +5 units with reverse Bets.

Risk Bank can be 30 to 50 units and flat stake, and mini sessions can be +5 units target which is usually achieved in 20 to 50 spins.

If its one of those sessions that is skewed adverse Ecart then climb out at minimal loss where there is a spike up on a bad overall display. Better to take a -3 or -5 loss than going down with the whole bank.

Flat staking and with zero cover I have never experienced a -50 situation and the flat play usually will eventually re-trace if you are patient enough.

In my view some 85% of mini sessions will enable +5 or more profit.

I have found it is overall most efficient to snip this profit and take it rather than see it re-trace later. You can start a new mini session if its a long streak but beware the inevitable correction. All flat staking.

More soon.


There is a small window of opportunity to post a few threads and some updated thoughts on research et al.

I posted a few thoughts on Pattern Breaker thanks to JL and some other excellent players.

I seem to have upset a few, but really my goal is simply to state my current position, be honest, helpful, and provide keys for successful roulette play.

That such attitude overlaps and interfaces with 'real life' should not come as any shock unless you have been asleep. Random impacts us all and as I have stated earlier most totally misunderstand and underestimate its role and potential impact in our lives.

I see roulette as a microcosm of the matrix of many aspects of life and proficiency in one can assist the other.

Common sense it is not. Its way beyond common sense unless you want to be a helpless and slow victim of life extremes which from time to time do impact us. Much as we would rather deny or ignore such data.

My strategy is now to work on several levels simultaneously.

Attack where opportune after reading the game, or defend and stage if necessary a strategic retreat. Live to fight another day and then counter attack with triple venom. That's my spirit now.

Yes the occasional +5 gain, compounding can be a slow way forward, but also there are other pathways and I encourage you to explore them.

While doing some recent research it was fascinating to read Kanzen's advice to take say +3 units per mini session.

I am sure his experience and wisdom is true and it would benefit you to read his guidelines ( read them again).

However I know it is possible to take a more aggressive stance when you are suitably prepared.

Reading the game and taking a 10 mini session spread  ( ie say 2-3 days play), it may be you achieve 7 winning sessions 2 losers and 1 break even. That's enough as long as you cut and run.

I have found that in most cases with the winning sessions, few units are required. The energy just flows in your favour. Its the same with slots ( which I attack with a percentage of roulette profit only) - when the tide is with you go for it! For sometimes it is. If you are struggling and making no headway, jusy get out.

My plan is compounding +10% daily gain on a bank!

You won't get that from your bank or broker!

It is the sum of a massive amount of experience, some rules, some intuitions and some magic I guess. Why else will a number appear 10 times in 100 spins. Its there for you! It can be any number. In my case I search zero! But of course it can be any. When offered such opportunities ( say one game in five) then take them for sure! Be Dragons!

All this leaves common sense well behind!  More on other threads over the next couple of days.

Best  XXVV


Using a break of a few months it is useful to review the last post.

The statement stands and given 'correct preparation' - a big term - then the way is clear with even more help available.

More soon.


I like to work on several levels when writing. Also I like mixing metaphors.

Perhaps it has a connection with architecture, as I like to design mult-level houses/ complexes.

Even though there is at each level a new experience, a new vista, inside-outside, the contrasts are all inter-linked by a over unifying theme, a sort of genetic code, a family.

Aside from the complexity there is a simplicity that unifies the total experience.

To add to that where do we draw the line with inside/ outside and our land/ site and the context of the neighbourhood/ city/ nation/ continent.

Somwhat like fractal mathematics and the definition of a Norwegian coastline, one scale pattern matches a different scale pattern.

So within the house, there may be 'many mansions', and within our work attempting to understand roulette, we can work on many levels, but all are inter-related.

From every level though there is just that sufficient difference in viewpoint to see the target freshly, or more clearly.

So in the next few weeks I am going to discuss a series of different level bets with a goal of prioritising these as prime and secondary and minor. They all have their uses sometimes however.

Parallel with this work I will also keep you informed of the new website development and the various levels being proposed there.

