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***C0DE 20***

Started by Johnlegend, Jun 05, 10:35 AM 2012

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Hold on if your saying the system is the same but instead of betting against you bet with shouldnt the rules be the same? else this trick you have done has ment nothing but forging something new?


--Then I'm taking you and all your soccer club in Macao,casino/hotel
Venetians,to show you around so you don't get lost there.
And on grill in Wynne casino,excellent grill btw.


in case matrix story turn as movie story why don't you try something else...say you got first dozen, assign street 1,2,3, as (1) then street 4,5,6,and 7,8,9, as (2) and street 10,11,12 as (3) do the same thing for second and third dozen and then start charting separate for each dozen  at the same time and work out for you what triggers are better and how it goes..just a thought as i cannot sleep at night... :thumbsup:
Law of the sixth...<when you play roulette there will always be a moron tells you that you will lose to the house edge>


Quote from: Johnlegend on Jun 06, 03:34 PM 2012
Brain washing? Hardly Vile. I am not here to try to brain wash anyone. If you want to win you might take a look at my methods. that's it. The rest is up to you.

I will say this though. As this thread will be no more from tomorrow. Robeenhuut. Has unknowingly dropped a hint of a truly excellent idea. And this evening I have been wading through several hundred results. And its really holding. AMKs CODE 4 just became Bankroll friendly. I will post it up if it holds for 1000 tests. I've gotta be careful now. I can't afford to post any white elephants theyll never let me live it down.

If it holds. It will be called 50%.

Glad 2 be of any help here John  ;D . Plz include me as an accidental contributor.  Lots of significant scientific discoveries were made by accident.  O0


Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 06, 05:46 AM 2012
ahhhh i see that clears that up then...also looking through your post why do you use lw registery yourself if it has no advantage? ???

Which system? Actually you r right.  ;D F i used it b4 then it was a mistake.  In my opinion f something really works then lw registry is useless. In Code 20 triggers r useless.


Reverse Code 20 works fine so far, even playing without triggers, flat betting, around 700-800 spins, playing continualy.   8)


Everything from JL works same will you follow the rules, or playing opposite. Why?

Becasue math is very wrong, and all his triggers are fallacy.




Splits are from 8/12 to 17/3 (extremes) to 14/6 15/5 16/4 usualy (around 1.000 spins sets), so we can try to play the safer way - wait for 4 consecutive non-maches (not rare) and then bet flat 16 times until the end of 20 spins cycle (finish session before if we get say 4 matches earlier).


Quote from: drazen_cro on Jun 08, 08:49 AM 2012
Everything from JL works same will you follow the rules, or playing opposite. Why?

Becasue math is very wrong, and all his triggers are fallacy.



Drazen, I've said it before... don't be negative on topics you don't agree with. If you don't like any of the matrix methods, why do you post here? Ignore them and spend your time else where.

You are also one of the guys who continually bring the term "math" into you posts. Einstein said that nothing travels faster than the speed of light! GUESS WHAT - he was wrong! So don't tell people here stuff can't work, if you can't prove it!

Trust the timing of your life!


Quote from: cofi on Jun 08, 09:16 AM 2012
Splits are from 8/12 to 17/3 (extremes) to 14/6 15/5 16/4 usualy (around 1.000 spins sets), so we can try to play the safer way - wait for 4 consecutive non-maches (not rare) and then bet flat 16 times until the end of 20 spins cycle (finish session before if we get say 4 matches earlier).

Hi cofi,
thanks for your findings. I'm waiting for John to publish the exact criteria for playing CODE20 this evening - so looking forward to that. The "GAME LOCK" after a +3 units is certainly an effective measure, and as you say playing with or without a trigger doesn't seem to affect winning too much. As I mentioned in the "Trilogy" thread when betting for a match I have on odd occasion waited 15 steps before a match even after 3 consecutive non-match triggers - so it CAN happen. But since this is flatbetting in each frame and if this is a consistent winning bet then you can maybe recover lost units fairly quickly in later frames by increasing the base unit until back level... ?
I do tend to agree with you that it would seem good safety to wait for 4 vertical non-matches to occur before starting a 16 bet frame - wonder what JL thinks?

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Quote from: Maui13 on Jun 08, 09:34 AM 2012

Drazen, I've said it before... don't be negative on topics you don't agree with. If you don't like any of the matrix methods, why do you post here? Ignore them and spend your time else where.

You are also one of the guys who continually bring the term "math" into you posts. Einstein said that nothing travels faster than the speed of light! GUESS WHAT - he was wrong! So don't tell people here stuff can't work, if you can't prove it!


Dear Maui, it is not my personal unfavavouring here. I just said that all is based on wrong facts. That is all. JL says it is percentage method. Well that percentages are wrong calculated, that is what i am saying. And that is a mathematical fact. So how can something work if it is based on non workable facts?

And about speed of light and Einstein, you are the one who is wrong my friend. I know what you are reffering to.
That was mistake. Wrong calculations due to mechanical malfunction of some measuring devices in CERN-s Large hadron collider.

They announced that as a fallacy of a century, but when they noticed malfunction, and did re-tests guess what, einstein was right again :)

Over and out for me




Hello Atlantis,

my record is 17 non-matches in a row, with two zeros included, and after there was 3 consecutive matches.

It's a good idea, if a session is lost then start new with 2 units flat bets. I'd also add 3 or 4 non-matches in a row as trigger to start placing bets and lock game after +3.

I think that this will work! I've found some of my old hand-written spins, and check them, it works also!

A possible tweak - if 3 matches hit in a row than You can play for non-match, I've had a couple of 3 matches hit in a row, and only one time 4 in a row (almost 1.000 spins). It's not big number, but it's a start. :)


wow amazing how JL changes his systems like changing clothes! what next !! why you change them since you claim they work and make profits!? paradoxical stuffs here.
I ve just pity on the folks who follow the dreams. just think about it, you chart and chart , does roulette knows its past? NO!

if you're ready to lose that 50units , just bet 10 units 5 times on 1 or 2 numbers , at least when it hits you make more money than burning your nerves the whole day/months for 3 units.

good luck folks

PS: by the way you dnt have to delete this post, I asked you a question and I'm waiting your response! why you change your system this often?


Quote from: drazen_cro on Jun 08, 08:49 AM 2012
Everything from JL works same will you follow the rules, or playing opposite. Why?

Becasue math is very wrong, and all his triggers are fallacy.


Drazen you are one of the most negative people ive ever seen on any forum. WHY?? Why bother coming here. If you really believe no one can beat this game why dont you just leave it alone.


Quote from: superman on Jun 08, 01:21 PM 2012

I doubt they are the only ones.
Professional HypeOlogist I think.
Superman stay off my threads. You are about as useful on this forum as a square peg in a round hole. Just snide comments and no substance. You will always be a mathematicians lapdog. Believing in your flawed bots. And throwing hissy fits if anything looks in danger of breaking them. Like MATRIX VERTICAL 5 did 18 months ago.
