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The ECLIPSE (I reserve the right to edit this to nothing!)

Started by TwoCatSam, Oct 06, 07:42 PM 2012

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Just something to spend a few minutes on...

This first one was a toughie.  Begin watching at 4:45 in.  Otherwise, I just lose.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers



If you notice, the bank balance is real Euros and it goes up, up and up.  (Course it also goes down, down and down!)  You will also notice the spin numbers are also going up, so this was done in a matter of one and a half hours total, or 100 spins maximum.  If I'm not good at 100 spins--call it a day.

John accused me of losing constantly and he's right.  I usually do.  I could play this system and probably do quite well over a month's time, but the devil gets hold of me and I just have to gamble!  Just have to chase red or black.  And I lose.

But that's my game and I make no apologies.

Now, if any of you gentlemen think I just cherry picked a trot that won, you're right!  I did.  On the last trot I lost 30.50 Euro.  But, over time, this system will constantly inch it's way upward.  Or let me say--it has since 2007 at many on-line and B&M casinos.

But should I be challenged, pick a starting number for Dublin somewhere in advance and I will begin with that number and we'll see what I can do.  But give me a few chances; I can't promise a win every time.  I would say five would be a fair test.

You understand I have obligations and I might reject a starting point well in advance.  Middle of the night would be fine for me.  I am GMT -6.

If I fail, you'll know I'm honest!  Naturally I'll screen movie the whole hour and a half for your perusal.

I am still sorry, John.  I spoke out of turn.

SO..........what do you think of the vids??

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


I watched every video, read your words and I really havnt go any idea what this about

A totally and utterly confused Turner :question:

Blood Angel

Quote from: Turner on Oct 07, 06:06 AM 2012
I watched every video, read your words and I really havnt go any idea what this about

A totally and utterly confused Turner :question:

Me too...confused....not Turner!


In video 2, I bet the 15 and 17 and hit the 17 on the first spin.

(I am certainly smart enough to know that I can't do this every spin else it would be the "Holy Grail".)

Guys, I just got totally pissed at John calling me a loser.  When I lose, it's because I gamble.  When I played THE ELCLIPSE, I always won in the past.  "Always" is not an exaggeration.  I always won.  Now, did I win every 100-spin session?  No.  But in 2006 or 2007, I ran $300 to over $3,200 at Casino Web Cam.  Not one human on the planet knows this system but me, yet I've been told "It's luck" and that I'm a loser.

So I guess I just wanted to show in real time with real  fifty-cent peieces what can be done on a wheel.  Can I do it forever?  Don't know.  They may be right.  It might be luck.  (By the way, I've won lots of times with $10.00 on a number.  That's makes you smile!!)

If John every comes clean on the FIVE, I might come clean on THE ECLIPSE.  Frankly, it's a lot to just give away and I don't want money for it.  Then again, I don't want someone on EBay selling it and making money of the thousands of spins I studied over two years to develop this system.  (Anyone remember "The TwoCat 5,000"?)

Come on John, come clean on the FIVE.  Tell us the whole system from A to Z, not just snippets.  Answer questions of your disciples. 


If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


sam we are all losers and winners...this is gambling not stamp colecting...if system works for you keep it yours play it constantly no matter lose or win and exam it in deep when win whats going on table and when lose also.....know it like palm of your hands..i like your videos..the only way to make money is inside bets on numbers...
Law of the sixth...<when you play roulette there will always be a moron tells you that you will lose to the house edge>


Quote from: TwoCatSam on Oct 07, 09:29 AM 2012
In video 2, I bet the 15 and 17 and hit the 17 on the first spin.

(I am certainly smart enough to know that I can't do this every spin else it would be the "Holy Grail".)

Guys, I just got totally pissed at John calling me a loser.  When I lose, it's because I gamble.  When I played THE ELCLIPSE, I always won in the past.  "Always" is not an exaggeration.  I always won.  Now, did I win every 100-spin session?  No.  But in 2006 or 2007, I ran $300 to over $3,200 at Casino Web Cam.  Not one human on the planet knows this system but me, yet I've been told "It's luck" and that I'm a loser.

So I guess I just wanted to show in real time with real  fifty-cent peieces what can be done on a wheel.  Can I do it forever?  Don't know.  They may be right.  It might be luck.  (By the way, I've won lots of times with $10.00 on a number.  That's makes you smile!!)

If John every comes clean on the FIVE, I might come clean on THE ECLIPSE.  Frankly, it's a lot to just give away and I don't want money for it.  Then again, I don't want someone on EBay selling it and making money of the thousands of spins I studied over two years to develop this system.  (Anyone remember "The TwoCat 5,000"?)

Come on John, come clean on the FIVE.  Tell us the whole system from A to Z, not just snippets.  Answer questions of your disciples. 

Sorry sam...I more meant that I dont know what The Eclipse is.
There is a system called Eclipse in the forum to do with line bets. Thats why I am all confused.

Im guessing its a system that you invented that hasnt been published.


[size=78%].  (Anyone remember "The TwoCat 5,000[/size]


--Still have it all put in excel,and sometimes testing with these numbers.
  And what this is all about Sam,any light coming.
You can always get me on  


all posted winners-lol now if you could do this everytime-we have grail
"No Whining, just Winning"


wow thats very nice to have your number hit while only covering 2% of the board any hints to this?


Quote from: TwoCatSam on Oct 06, 08:00 PM 2012

If you notice, the bank balance is real Euros and it goes up, up and up.  (Course it also goes down, down and down!)  You will also notice the spin numbers are also going up, so this was done in a matter of one and a half hours total, or 100 spins maximum.  If I'm not good at 100 spins--call it a day.

John accused me of losing constantly and he's right.  I usually do.  I could play this system and probably do quite well over a month's time, but the devil gets hold of me and I just have to gamble!  Just have to chase red or black.  And I lose.

But that's my game and I make no apologies.

Now, if any of you gentlemen think I just cherry picked a trot that won, you're right!  I did.  On the last trot I lost 30.50 Euro.  But, over time, this system will constantly inch it's way upward.  Or let me say--it has since 2007 at many on-line and B&M casinos.

But should I be challenged, pick a starting number for Dublin somewhere in advance and I will begin with that number and we'll see what I can do.  But give me a few chances; I can't promise a win every time.  I would say five would be a fair test.

You understand I have obligations and I might reject a starting point well in advance.  Middle of the night would be fine for me.  I am GMT -6.

If I fail, you'll know I'm honest!  Naturally I'll screen movie the whole hour and a half for your perusal.

I am still sorry, John.  I spoke out of turn.

SO..........what do you think of the vids??



Its Set In Stone =)



Years ago I met a fellow named Ronjo.  Some may remember him.  Ronjo sent me a system he had designed and asked if I would put it to the test and report the truth.  I said I would--naturally!  Might get a winning idea for free!

So I began the laborious process of recording numbers from Casino Web Cam.  I saved and recorded 100 per day for fifty days for 5,000 spins.  I made a study sheet to test his idea.  While I was at it, I included about four other ideas in other columns.

Ronjo's idea failed the test, but I noticed two of the columns kept hitting at the same time more often than chance would dictate.  That is to say that when system A called for a bet and system B also called for a bet, the chances of winning went up.  I have written on this many times and called them "double advantage numbers". 

I continued to download numbers for months and used only the two systems which produced the D.A. numbers.  I found that after thousands upon thousands of spins, the phenomenon continued.  On some 100-spin trots I would lose money.  But it was always recovered a day or so later.  Flat-betting; not using a progression.

Around 2007 the U.S. banned internet gambling.  At the time, I had an account at Casino Web Cam and other casinos.  Most notably in memory were Vegas Red and Las Vegas Live.  I got checks from all these casinos.

After the shut-down, I became very depressed and only played THE ECLIPSE in B&M casinos in Tunica and Las Vegas.  I always won.  I know that sounds braggadocios, but it is the truth.  I never lost a dollar on THE ECLIPSE.  I still have not.

I told a few people about a system I'd created and they all--to a person--told me I had just been lucky.  Let's see!  Over thousands of test spins and real live play at three on-line casinos and at two B&M casinos I had won thousands of dollars seeing these one to five numbers hit time and time again--and it was all luck!  I came to believe it.

Then I finally got access to Dublin--where I have made thousands playing THE ECLIPSE for fun--and I didn't have the guts to play it for real Euros.  Why?  Frankly, I'm scared to friggin' death they were right--it is all just luck.  But two nights ago I had a walk and talked to myself.  I decided it was time to put cowardice aside and go back to THE ECLIPSE.  As I type this, I am scared to death.

Can you imagine what it's like to sit down with your stepson and win $275 in fifteen minutes.  He thought I was a genius.  What if it was just luck?  If it is, I am pretty much toast.  I've given it my all.  I've ran my best race.

So, here in October of 2012, I will again play THE ECLIPSE come win or lose.  I must know.  If I were on my death bed tonight due to a heart attack, I would die wondering if it was all luck.  I won't wait for that to happen, God willing.

The questions remains--if it is a winner will I give it away.  People, I just don't know. 

For those with some psychology--I don't know if I'm more afraid it will win or more afraid it will lose.

Time will tell.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


You owe it to yourself to try so just play the bloody thing, Sam.

Good luck!
A ship moored in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are made for.
