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Progression bets are nothing more than different size bets on different spins. You could get lucky and win big, or unlucky and lose even more.

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The ECLIPSE (I reserve the right to edit this to nothing!)

Started by TwoCatSam, Oct 06, 07:42 PM 2012

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My kitchen sink faucet lost its mind last night and the rest of the day is shot.  I'd like to look over your numbers when I can

Thank you for at least testing.  I am puzzled why no one is interested in this but a couple of guys.

Don't let -20 dissuade you.  Your next run could produce a few hundred.  I don't know how much I'm up with my real-number tests, but it must be around 100-150.

19 Ls is a ton.  I'll calculate that, too, for a progression.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


Here is test 2.  This time around positive 140.  Longest string 17 L`s.  Not bad at all if you ask me.  On to test 3.



If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


Just call me Stef ... its shorter then Stepkevh :-)


Ok Sam
So you are saying that when a line repeats we have our trigger to bet numbers
we only bet the 1s or 2s depending on our trigger
the 1, 3 and 5 lines being 1s
and 2, 4 and 6 line being 2s
I will attach a sheet I made to make it easier, the top numbers are 1s and bottom numbers are 2s
Can you check if that is ok?
I read the thread like 5 times, think I got it but please check
To beat the game you first have to realise you can't beat the game - then comes the hard part


Test 3.  Results negative 100.  One string 18L`s and one string 16L`s.  Clearly a progression is on the horizon to deal with these lengthy number of losses.  Overall the system is holding its own.  After three tests a total net of 0.  Considering the number of bets layed out I would say not bad at all.

Onwards and forwards!!!



******So you are saying that when a line repeats we have our trigger to bet numbers******

Not exactly.

As you know, there are 1 lines and 2 lines.  When a 1 (any of the three) repeats, you bet on 1s until a win or a 2 couplet comes.

6..1..........here we bet for 1s as called for by Murph.  5,6,14,15,17,18,26 and 27.

1.....the 1's won for Ronjo; maybe for Murph.

2......the 1s lost for Ronjo and the 2s are now at bat.

By the way, when hand testing and you see this:

2........no need to look at Murph as Ronjo lost.  A loss on one is a total loss, you know.

Thanks for the chart.  I think I'll use it.  I had the others already from another system or two.


If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers



I think you're still up 20.  Lost 20, won 140 and lost 100.

But who's counting??


If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers



Don't know; try it.


There are five numbers you do not bet on Murph's system after they appear.  The zero is one


The zero is really not there unless it costs you money.  Here is how I handle it:

1  This is a one couplet as the zero does not exist.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


Hello Sam,

Thanks for the ECLIPSE system.

Murph's system is very clear and easy to follow. We just bet according to the chart as the numbers appear.

Ronjo's system is a bit confusing for me at this moment. I am not sure when to bet after a win.


1   ( we forget about Murph's chart and just concentrate on Ronjo's for this example)
2   we loss here and continue betting on 1 for next spin
1   we win ( Do we stop betting and wait for new signal or we continue betting on 1?)

2  we loss
1  we win ( If we do not continue betting after this win, do we start tracking from here?)
1  ( Do we bet 1 after this? Is this a valid signal to bet 1 on next spin?)

Example 2:

1  win
1  (Is this a win? If this is a no bet, do we bet 1 for next spin?)



Quote from: TwoCatSam on Oct 11, 10:49 AM 2012
******So you are saying that when a line repeats we have our trigger to bet numbers******

Not exactly.

As you know, there are 1 lines and 2 lines.  When a 1 (any of the three) repeats, you bet on 1s until a win or a 2 couplet comes.

6..1..........here we bet for 1s as called for by Murph.  5,6,14,15,17,18,26 and 27.

1.....the 1's won for Ronjo; maybe for Murph.

2......the 1s lost for Ronjo and the 2s are now at bat.

By the way, when hand testing and you see this:

2........no need to look at Murph as Ronjo lost.  A loss on one is a total loss, you know.

Thanks for the chart.  I think I'll use it.  I had the others already from another system or two.


yes, that's what I ment
np, glad to be of help
I got it now
what progression do you think is best for this?
since we can't go with the regular progression for 8 numbers (too bad)
maybe +1 -1 in cycles of 10 or so?
To beat the game you first have to realise you can't beat the game - then comes the hard part


Test 4.  This one eeked out a 6 unit profit albeit strings of 17L`s and 21L`s.  Thinking out loud, and as Sam suggested in an earlier post, the type of progression that WG posted in his thread ``The Alligator`` could be looked at.  Will need to into it.



Quote from: sniper on Oct 11, 11:48 AM 2012
Hello Sam,

Thanks for the ECLIPSE system.

Murph's system is very clear and easy to follow. We just bet according to the chart as the numbers appear.

Ronjo's system is a bit confusing for me at this moment. I am not sure when to bet after a win.


1   ( we forget about Murph's chart and just concentrate on Ronjo's for this example)
2   we loss here and continue betting on 1 for next spin
1   we win ( Do we stop betting and wait for new signal or we continue betting on 1?)
You wait for another 11 or 22 to form.

2  we loss
1  we win ( If we do not continue betting after this win, do we start tracking from here?)
1  ( Do we bet 1 after this? Is this a valid signal to bet 1 on next spin?)
ANYTIME and I do mean anytime, you see 11 or 22 consecutive, that's a trigger.

Example 2:

1  win
1  (Is this a win? If this is a no bet, do we bet 1 for next spin?) Yes it is a win.  Your first two 1s make a couplet and the middle two ones make a couplet.


I'm in a bad hurry.

Matty........LOL big time!!!

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


Another trot, a loser.


I'm thinking the "Gator" would do the trick.  No time.....

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


Test 5.  Result of 124 units in the black!!  Correction on my Test 4 results should have been 8 units profit and not 6.  This brings the total to +152 units - flat betting.  Pretty nice.  Now, to figure the progression.....

