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DNA OF ROULETTE SYSTEM: Your opinions, please

Started by esoito, Sep 11, 07:52 PM 2010

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Screen Shot of 30 actual spins from An RNG game I had last night.
Prism Casino.
Note #5 coded as AL now,........... so their correction is good.  :thumbsup:
Topic Starter to Moderate on these images if they are not to be shown yet. Cheers.



Hi All,



Hopefully by Sunday, we will have the entry and exit conditions being incorporated and then the second phase would be complete. That will do all the computations and direct the user to the correct place as elaborated in the book. So, all the conditions will be incoroprated by then and the technical error associated with data entry would be corrected. So, the users will be able to wager with a freedom of mind.

The final phase is for the user to key in the number and the action would be visually presented on a table lay out. That we will endeavour to do before the Christmas.

First Phase was the most complicated and sophisticated. The work ahead is less complicated.

Best Regards



As you can see more work needs to be done on this software and Don hopes it will be completed by Sunday of this week.

I must say this is looking very good, can't wait till the final bits Entry/Exit points, CHI & SV have been added then we can start to do some real testing  :)




And a VERY BIG thank you to Don and Dulan for all the unpaid work they are putting in for our benefit.

Pure altruism, and 'loving your neighbour' at it best.

Thank you, fellows. Thank you...

(And, hopefully, you'll take some time off over Christmas.  :thumbsup:)


Yes, thanks for all the work Don et al, and malcop for the updates.  :thumbsup:
"The trouble isn't what we don't know, it's what we think we know that just ain't so!" - Mark Twain


Quote from: Bayes on Dec 16, 03:07 AM 2010
Yes, thanks for all the work Don et al, and malcop for the updates.  :thumbsup:
Not a problem, It is great to be involved in this project, it is not about if Don's system works or not for me it is the spirit in how this project is being shared with the world.

You do not see this kind of thing very often.

Great job  :thumbsup:




Hello everyone and once again a GREAT special thanks to Mr Don Colonne, whom I personally like to call. . .  "Pascolonnestein" (as he seems to have beaten BOTH Pascal AND Einstein!), for his great effort to this project, without looking forward to one more financial compensation. .  a thing which I believe everyone of us has got sick among the whole web until now, haven't we?  :wink:

The first edition of course looks good but as we all know it does not give any MEC or CS sign, we still have to calculate every spin ourselves (well at least until Sunday!)

Therefore I'd like to post once again Trylobit's spreadsheet (for anyone who has not come across it-it was posted in another thread of the forum), which gives the MECs ans CSs signs.

The only problems are that
1) it needs Microsoft Excel 2007 to work (it does not works out the equations in earlier editions of Excel)
2) it does not give a consecutive "start" sign after a complete session, meaning you have to delete the numbers and re-enter the latest ones to continue playing at the same table. .
3) It does not calculate the MSSC2 (the palyer must take care of this point).

However it is still more complete (and quicker!) than Don's preliminary edition of his software and very trustworthy.

I just had a couple of excellent sessions at Canbet casino using it.

Here is the file for anyone who want and can use it.

Good luck and Merry Christmas to everyone!


@Mythos R:  Welcome to the forum!  :thumbsup:

And thank you for this helpful post.

Glad to know you did well at Canbet. You can buy us all a drink  ;)



I'm glad I could help someone in making some money ;)
I did it quite fast as I have experience in designing spreadsheets and writing applications for systems (not only for roulette). I wanted to modify it, so it will be up to date with all the rules (the moment I published it, it was up to date), but I've had other projects plus other things in my life.

Anyway, we all are looking forward to sunday :)

Best regards.


Well, this deserves a post!. . .

I had 4 out of 6 successive sessions at Canbet live and here is the most interesting point:

I just missed the 5th, which would also successive, due to watching something on TV and the only one session lost (the 6th) failed because of an invert betting position at the very first betting (MSSC1) which was followed by a "0".  What I am trying to say is that if I fully followed Don's instructions (who says to cover the green at the early stages of any session) and hadn't missed the 5th session, I would have been 100% up during almost two hours game!. . .

Well, if this is not a "long term winning", which one would be???  :D

I do not feel lucky when I win with this system. . .

I always deeply believed that if any long-term winning roulette method ever existed, that SHOULD be connected to the law of thirds.  It is the ONLY law that governs Roulette and even casinos accept it! It is UNDENIABLE.

The problem so far was that nobody (well at least until today!) had the guts to find an equation that would exploit this undeniable fact and put it together to a winning method with dozens and columns, so that there would be AN EVEN HIGHER winning probability.  Well, it seems that Mr  D O N   C O L O N N E   has changed that, and produced a system based upon the ONE AND ONLY promising fact for consistent winning at this satanic game of luck and total randomness!

. . . Furthermore, if it succeeds for everyone, Don DEFINATELY deserves a. . .  Nobel prize for a historic acheivement concerning roulette! Well. .  after Sunday, we'll all find out, when we apply the so-highly-expected software. .

For now I am testing a file with 700. 000 live spins and so far the method wins 4 out of every 5 sessions in average. 

So here are some optimistic Greetings from Greece to everyone. .

It seems that here we'll celebrate a White Christmas this winter, as today snow paid us a visit already!



Hello there guys.

I was wondering if you guys (esoito and malcop) can informe us if there are some news..
If everything goes as planned we will have the updated version today :)

Btw, I'm talking to esoito and malcop because they are the guys who mostly keep us informed.

Best regards,


I haven't seen Malcop on skype for 3 days or so I'm not sure if he's able to post on the forum or not...

Meanwhile, I've spotted that the application has changed, there are no tabs at the top of the window and now after hitting the enter program takes you to the next cell straight away (no need to use tab key), also it doesn't allow you to put other numbers then between 0 and 36. So they are working on it:)

Best regards.



Thanks trylobit.

I noticed that too, that was why I posted on first place ^^
I'm curious if they will keep it like this now, or if they will still put the final stuff (Entry/Exit points, CHI and SV) by the end of today  ;D



Quote from: A3on on Dec 19, 02:25 PM 2010
Hello there guys.

I was wondering if you guys (esoito and malcop) can informe us if there are some news..
If everything goes as planned we will have the updated version today :)

by the way, I'm talking to esoito and malcop because they are the guys who mostly keep us informed.

Best regards,

Sadly, no news at the moment. But as we've seen, things are happening in the background.

Rest assured, as soon as we know something either Malcop or I will post it without delay.  :thumbsup:


It will be a work in progress until it's finished.

When writing software it's usually fatal to give a completion date!!

There always needs to be wriggle-room for the unexpected to happen. And invariably (because of the coded variables) it does.   ;)

So we must all be patient in the meantime.


Quote from: esoito on Dec 19, 06:27 PM 2010
It will be a work in progress until it's finished.

When writing software it's usually fatal to give a completion date!!

There always needs to be wriggle-room for the unexpected to happen. And invariably (because of the coded variables) it does.   ;)

So we must all be patient in the meantime.

It have been a long time since the last time I saw a software being release in the completion date  :P

