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Started by commonsense1968, Sep 20, 05:09 PM 2010

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Readers of this thread may smile ( some may wince) at the shifts in attitude I have reflected over the past month while battling the live casino action.

I have been fortunate to have an ideal arrangement where I have nearby private study space and also the assistance of a dear friend who is a genuine roulette peer and scientist by training who can question and share my research from time to time.

He has his own remarkable line of research which is extraordinary once it can be harnessed for consistency. Anecdotal evidence of his theories however show there are spectacular cycles at work in roulette which can specifically identify a specific number from time to time, and thus enable a big bet with a better than good chance of success.

I started this phase sincerely believing that outside bets were the professional way to go.

I found many instances of what I term narrow range bets which can give +3 results reasonably consistently and as long as a -3 stop-loss is in place, you can live with that.

These apply to EC bets and Doz/Col combinations.

There can be good runs, there can be bad runs and the difference is in self management.

However, through a curious interface of outside betting with some matrix ideas, the so called pppc bet, and some other work I have doing on ROBE/BORE families, then I found warmer oceans with more fish to harvest.

So now I am back into inside table betting. It is a matter of meeting at least six criteria I require. Consistency. Good payout. Ability to recover from a loss quickly. Simplicity. Ability to parlay. Universality of application. Quick analysis. Definitive testing.

My latest bet about which I am very excited now includes zero in its spread so factors that in easily to nullify or dampen negative risk exposure and as it is ABWAB it automatically cuts out when the phase is against us and cuts back in when potentially uptrending again.

There are lots of cousin bets out there so plenty to choose from.

My testing is now in excess of 50 sessions of 120 spins. and the key is now to make this research work live and handle the logistics live. Strategies are in place to  handle gradual bet increase conservatively tuned to risk bank size and then the safe allowances for parlay bets.

In every one of the 50 sessions tested there was a parlay opportunity  ( four consecutive wins) no matter that some resulted in a small overall loss based on flat staking. Overall the method is providing my required 3 to 5 wins usually within 50 spins.

More later after a few days of applied full time live play.


I think Simplicity is one of the key criteria for my bet selection method and a trigger will occur from first spin to usually within first six spins.

It is wise to record and study the verified 15-20 spins before joining the table to see the phase in which the game rests - uptrend, neutral or negative. If the latter, do not commence play until neutral at least.

That the play is ABWAB means we have a safety valve protecting us from runs of loss. However sometimes in a neutral phase you can spot a WLWLWL pattern. Climb on board in phase of course.

Hope all this helps and am amazed it is the fruit of a journey that commenced in this detail and intent 9 months ago, but of course the journey really started over 20 years ago.


The seventh criterion to be added to the requirement list is a small but suitable bank. Much has been written and already well stated on this but given the nature of my inside betting now and my quantum shift in attitude from ( my earlier view) a very small number of bets to be placed to now a larger number - it has to be practicable on the table and the time pressures involved - I now recommend  three banks of 110 units individually.

By trial and error I have found that it is not necessarily the smartest play to outlay only a few units in your bet ( ie say 2 bets on a matrix bet). In theory fine but may have large variance. I have found a better way with more consistency of success by approaching play differently to that earlier believed. We should know by now in this marvellous Game there are many valid pathways to success.

Intention here is to compound the bank unit value by a succession of winning sessions, as earlier outlined, and the occasional parlay bet being a double, triple and/ or quad variation.

Testing will have demonstrated relative availability of suitable length runs.

In all 80 sessions now tested (7000 spins), all had an opportunity for a triple parlay, even the 'losing' sessions. The tests were very satisfactory and now signal live real play.

With my particular method selected from a family of betting opportunities already outlined, I have achieved a net positive result of between 4 and 5 winning bets per session given a sensible take out point ( averages about 40 spins). Best winning session was +19 wins and worst losing session ( although would have stop lossed in practical play) was -12  losses.

Now is a phase of self management and consolidation of early live play success. There is a serious need to be able to handle slow or slightly negative passages to we do not leak profit.

Will update at end of the week but this is a most exciting phase. Best XX V V


A couple of further points to be as clear as possible in this context....

When the bet is skewed as earlier outlined take care when noting bulk data results. For example my best result now on the ongoing testing and live play is +22 wins achieved over a 100 spin sample. It took 60 spins for this one to break out of its 'trading range' +1 to +5, and then rapidly stepped up to this peak.

Because of the earlier steps up for a win and steps down for a loss, this effectively leaks profit and on average over a 100 spin sample ( most of my live play is much shorter for several reasons) the actual wins erode as much as -4 if you follow my drift. So the 'real' profit in this latter example is +18 wins multiplied by the actual units profit per win. Added to this now is the bonus earnings from zero outcomes. Zero is played only when the BWAB is played ( about two thirds of actual play).

As earlier advised, RULES are established after the bet is finally formulated and tuned.

This is where I am at and of course it is as important and tricky as any earlier phase.

Self management is paramount, and you have to be as consistent as possible. Testing/ practice time is very different from real live time.

There is also an addition to the rules that can allow for 'discretionary' play. This is the fuzzy logic phase. This is really the icing on the cake as from experience we have many methods that can overlap and reinforce our chosen bet.

The entire bet is flat staking of course.

But on those happy days when profit has reached a key level you can parlay to various degrees, or overlap other knowledge. As we have noted intuitiion - elsewhere defined as reason taken to the n'th degree - can provide spectacular outcomes when we are 'in the zone'- the head space of the professional.

My bet now spreads all across the inside table and deliberately inter mixes EC and Doz/Col data, but not to an extreme degree of odds-on because that is fatal.

Yesterday I noticed a game where all the results for the past 7 spins were all in first nine numbers of the dozen or in the nine numbers 19-27 incl. So I doubled my bets in those two regions and the pattern continued another 12 outcomes. That is a simple but effective example of a discretionary adjustment when the confidence was there and in this case was justified. Another pattern might be a particular section say nine numbers of the wheel being favoured.Of course they not always work so effectively and it is a luxury that needs to be weighed up at the table.

That is another reason I have shifted back to full individual live tables where I can play alone or with others ( more players and you have more time available but it can work adversely as the emotional mix with others can be toxic).  Some brutal appraisal is needed at times and probably best to walk with a small loss than endure an unpleasant long slide because your judgement and energies are being sapped.

In all honesty I prefer to choose times where I can play alone at a table.

My bets may often be disguised with minor variations, but at this stage that is not important - it will be later.


Quote from: XXVV on Feb 08, 03:39 PM 2011
A couple of further points to be as clear as possible in this context....

-----20 pages with 294 posts,and nothing is clear to me as yet.
You haven't revealed your secrets nor prove it.
Why this secret teasing,expectancy and million words if nothing
is clear to me and others I pressume.Put the cards on the table mate
so we can see what you have.

You can always get me on  


Suggest the last two posters more carefully read, study and apply the notes from most recent pages where specific bets have been listed.

I have been very concerned that I have been way too explicit in showing the pathway to a family of bets and a methodology which provides genuinely excellent return.

The heading for this thread is "a framework". It is not a methodology that has to be explicitly stated, demonstrated or proven by me, but a genuine path for further development and exploration by each participant.

I have attempted to describe my journey along this way, disappointments, false hopes, progress and some real excitement when approaching fantastic and real goals.

It is not my role to provide everything for you, but as I have said it is right under your nose if you study correctly and test, work and apply as I have done, often 10 hours a day for the past 9 months going down many false avenues before finding the best, which themselves have opened up even more exciting hidden cycles.

I suggest we put behind us all the disappointments of last year and move forward.

Wishing you well. Cheers XX VV


I have completed a month of live casino play and achieved an outcome I had never expected in the form that it has taken.

Readers of the thread will be able to follow the logic and I have explicitly stated where the benefits are to be found and the family of bets that are available when you look below the surface. It is up to you to develop and personalise your own approach from here.

I will be away now for a time.


The time has come to take this idea a quantum step further, lift our game and edit out some irrelevances. This may upset a few but I am simply trying to streamline a series of worthy ideas, test them and put some of the best ones into action, and share the knowledge, within reason.

This still leaves plenty of scope for individuals to design their own unique bets or combinations, and if they wish to contribute to the sum of knowledge, they can post under the new Experimental Ideas heading and this can be a melting pot for some exciting work ahead ultimately directed to make the best professional bets applied with smart strategies for success.

This is still within the Framework Section so we work with that structural understanding of overview and developing detail in balance.

Good Hunting. XX V V



After discussions, we've decided to keep and re-open this thread.


No appeals. No discussion. So think carefully before posting here!

All helpful and positive contributions to this thread gratefully received.  :thumbsup:

As the major poster and contributor XXVV wants to keep the thread 'tight', purposeful and entirely relevant.

And its content will also link in with his other developing threads and workshop.


Sometimes what is unpleasant can be our best friend when we take a little time and reflect. Thanks to the infamous 'cards on the table' comment it has provoked three threads instead of one!

This may be an added headache for some but I am not forcing you to read this.

This meandering thread truly reflects a journey and I am very grateful to Mr Commonsense1968 for initiating that line of thinking, and hopefully it will continue to meander on its journey to the Sea of Prosperity.

A lot can happen in 24 hours and I have decided to really push as hard as possible to enable this and the other threads to continue as a refection on preparation and achieving success in professional roulette play.

Thanks to Esoito and Victor for enabling this to continue.

The Experimental Ideas thread will be a cards on the table gritty workshop where we take risks and explore options, and publish results.

The Beyond Common Sense thread is , to use the word of the moment -a 'franchise' - of the 'Beyond' team (no -thats a bad joke) - is to be a locked ( no interruptions thankyou) ongoing update of application of C/S knowledge in a new live international casino campaign commencing in March.

Thats enough words. Now back to roulette. XXVV


Reflecting on these recent adjustments, and the default reason for this, a principle emerges which is critical. There has to be a REASON why the proposed bet works and you have to understand it and be able to EXPLAIN why it works to a third party.

( Explanation to a third party cements your understanding and trains our brain to strengthen for permanent recall the necessary bio-electronic links in the synapses - principle of creativity).

We have collective experience of the game, and this trial and error is filtered into our subconscious, with various degrees of purity depending on how we interpret experiences, ie winning and losing, our goals or lack of them, and our gambling ( reactive behaviour) or (preferably) our rational application of knowledge mixed with our fortune. This can give pure and brilliant intuitions, or just misleading and costly errors.

You know what we have said about luck, it favours the prepared mind, the brave and the wise, and the professionals. However even the best can be unlucky sometimes so we have to factor that in, and deal with it, but do not use it as a rationalisation for consistent failure. We have to make allowances for ourselves and not beat ourselves up. It is a fine balance.

Self image is vital. How do we see ourselves. What are we actually and accurately doing? Where are we going. What is the goal.....

Then some say that with a prepared bet that is understood there need be no room for luck. Well I believe there is a place and it is just another variable we deal with, factor in.

We have all read page 7. That is a clever summary.

However what gets to the real essence of the Game of Roulette is the knowledge that can give you a small TEMPORARY edge within all the variables at play and you, through your hard work and testing, have proven that at times, under certain circumstances you can win within certain parameters.

That's why parlay bets and streaks can be so extraordinary as they blow out the limited range of probablity theory and in a quantum shift can provide rapid and unpredictable fortune.

The essence of success is within the streaks, and the short term fluctuations within the results. Not the long term, but the short term - ie one to a few hundred spins. Harvesting these relatively consistently should be our goal.

Recognition of a possibility, then testing, then understanding the usual variance, the parameters of usual experience, then seeing how opportunites can be exploited. Now these can be quite consistent, and it is a matter of having a sort of switch that can be turned on and left on if the opportunity flows. It stops only when you have taken enough, knowing the usual parameters, or allowing for that rogue wave ( more common on the ocean than ever realised) and stopping only after a first loss. Talking here about streaks.

Specific examples we can look at in the Workshop.

That is why we are also talking about the reverse, and how to handle chops, and deal with the corrective forces. As FlukeyLuke put it so well you can go with the flow, either way. You just have to be prepared, have some order, and have a plan.


In the workshop thread I have gone into IA and "gapping" as useful tools which can help us prepare and be more prepared when at the table for what may be about to happen, and to set the group of trap bets for the ball to land in.


For those who have followed what was meant by IA, this approach which is incremental is also more of a 'quantum mechanics' way of looking at Nature as it works in relatively small parcels of information, rather than big samples ( say 100 spins or more), and certainly rather than massive samples (100,000 spins or more).

I have now broken the IA unit size to 4 spins. I do this because if 9 numbers are targetted, then this is a convenient resonance of a cycle. ( Similar but more effective than the 6x6 we have seen mentioned elsewhere).

Three sample sizes and three ways of measuring experience/ results. All very different.

Essence of professional roulette is to take advantage of short term trends, swings, skew, before natural correction can negate. Timing is everything.


However there may be a smaller cycle even less than the 30 to 100 to 200 spin cycle that we can take advantage of with good timing to take +3 to +10 profits in the ways we have been looking at ( EC bets/ Doz-Col patterns and matrix work using fuzzy logic/ ROBE +BORE patterns).

IA may enable us to look at very short term patterns from 3 spins to no more than say 20 spins.  Such short term patterns are always bubbling along and invisible unless you can apply some sort of coding which we have touched on. I am wondering if the creative energies that form such patterns continuously work on a different level from the 'entropic' correction energies that can negate the short term gains mentioned above on the 30-200 spin size samples say.

If the smaller scale patterns have a continual energy source forever moving and re-shaping then at a certain level, in principle, I wonder if you can tune in
and harness that small cycle energy without fighting the same adverse cycle energies that operate on a larger scale, or at least to a different degree.

(Analogy to this would be to be out of the howling wind and sheltered by a house that is nestled into the hillside, a sort of "Stealth House" if you follow).

I hope you can follow this line of thinking. If in doubt please question. Anecdotal evidence suggests there is merit to this logic, and that there are methods that can be tailored to this smaller scale. More later.


This where the Physicists will be smiling. Theory can run ahead of proven fact and the technicians (me) in the experimental laboratory are struggling to support the idea of another level of behaviour at that micro spin scale.

In short have binned (or shelved) a pretty idea, but now it will have to be re-visited from another angle. Testing has two sides. Usually ironically encouraging to start and then the hard work starts. More later.
