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TheLaw, Solve This, and casino closind down!

Started by P.A, Sep 02, 02:40 AM 2015

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Quote from: P.A on Sep 02, 10:54 AM 2015

if bet EC, flatbet, for 111spins, testing, will only LOSE -3,or -4,or -5 units.

111 spins = 37 & 3 !!!!

A cycle of 37 spins normally means some type of "law of the third" system ?

Not sure how/if that can be used with EC bets ?

PLEASE don't reply to me beat-the-wheel you didn't to the last question I asked, so pls
keep it that way  ;)



Quote from: denzie on Sep 02, 10:50 AM 2015
Happy you not take it the wrong way  :thumbsup:
My wife is Asian and she always talks about that she want a bigger nose lol....anyway. ...your riddle isn't that difficult if.... you play every spin or not ?


To be honest. I don't see a good solution.

If i wait for 60 reds and then start betting black i would win. But what if the blacks are hitting early.

You never know when a streaks begins or ends. You only know you will get 30 black and 70 red. So if you had 50 spins and 25 blacks the odds are against you. If you want better odd you have to hope for lots of reds in the beginning of your 100 spins.

A hint in the right direction would be nice.


Quote from: ddarko on Sep 02, 11:04 AM 2015
111 spins = 37 & 3 !!!!

A cycle of 37 spins normally means some type of "law of the third" system ?

Not sure how/if that can be used with EC bets ?

PLEASE don't reply to me beat-the-wheel you didn't to the last question I asked, so pls
keep it that way  ;)


Hi ddarko,
with respect.

is because zero is one of the 37numbers in euro roulette wheel.

EC in the wheel, only corresponded to 36numbers.
the ZERO, is the pesky House EDGE. thus 1/37

111, is just three times the 37..[37x3=111], with 3 zero, in 111spin,
law of probability.

It is just simple probability law.


Helo Roulette Ghost,
with respect.

Why are u so unhappy with me?

I never say anything bad about yours,

why the unhappiness?

I just say the,
[should be taken private] 4matrix, will lose if variance hit.

Whats wrong by pointing out that?



Quote from: P.A on Sep 02, 11:21 AM 2015
Helo Roulette Ghost,
with respect.

Why are u so unhappy with me?

I never say anything bad about yours,

why the unhappiness?

I just say the,
[should be taken private] 4matrix, will lose if variance hit.

Whats wrong by pointing out that?


You ask why i am so unhappy with you

My answer: leading people and dragging people on. Riddles. Claim to have a system for sale but never listed it for sale with a sale link. And you claim to have a HG

Lots of us have been here a long time. We have seen this countless times

Oh and you created a thread claiming if your riddle is solved the casino will close down. So you are a troll
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Any system that does not produce  ONE winner within the first 3 spins is  ready for the discard pile

This PA vcat is a fake. Does  not even rank amateur status  in my book.



Quote from: Tamino on Sep 02, 11:30 AM 2015
Any system that does not produce  ONE winner within the first 3 spins is  ready for the discard pile

I think you got a very unrealistic expectation of a roulettesystem, you win you lose, that's the nature of the game, if you win more than you lose, that's good. imo
If you like to donate link::[url="//paypal.me/ignatus1"]//paypal.me/ignatus1[/url]

"Focus on predicting wheel sectors where the ball is expected to land" ~Steve


with respect.

If people post reply, I need to reply.

We are having lively discussion,

when people post reply,
I get motivated, and the eagerness to reply,
taking over the better part of me, and I post more and more..

When I get respond, I eagerly responded...

The "Feeling of IMPORTANT", and the "EGO" in my subconcious emotion, take over
the logic half of my brain, and I EAGERLY, make more longggg posting.

Just like your respond to my question, "Why u unhappy with me", make me sit up, and eagerly write this post reply...

Though I understand the psychology of human mind perfectly,
I also, just a weak human being, and I succumbed to the urge of my ego mind to respond to your reply!!!
or the attention I get is FLATTERING!

Nothing wrong with that.
If U could draw people attention, to your own thread, with a mind raking topic,
and get many responding posts...

I will not accuse u of any names, or sort.

I may read your thread and topic, If I intrigued, I may ask a few or post my opinion..

If I do not like what I read , I just leave the merry party...

as u see, I seldom post reply at others thread.
nothing wrong with that...

I just wonder why u and thelaw always feel unhappy with me?

I did not ask people to pay me any money, I just say bid, and I may refuse the bidder bid.

Nothing wrong with that..
and I see no one crashing down my door with any worthwhile offer!

it just bid, and offer, caveat emptor!


P.A. I always have a bit of trouble understanding your writing. Maybe that's partly my fault for trying to read too quick.

Anyway, I have a question for you. Are you saying that you have come up with a strategy which reduces the variance to just a few losses every 100 spins and this means any half decent MM will ensure that you walk away with a profit. At least that it is how I am reading it. But then you mention Murphy's Law and that law dictates that anything that can happen will happen. I am not trying to catch you out or anything. I am just trying hard to understand what you are saying. You seem to jump around in your posts to all sorts of different scenarios and it all gets gets very confusing.

Would it be possible to write down in one post what it is that you are actually claiming you can achieve. I think that would help move the conversation on and then some people (including myself) wouldn't just feel everything was going around in riddles and also that you are genuinely trying to impart some knowledge.

Thank you.
"You can lead a human to intelligence, but you can't make him think''


After when u have the BET selection, [that after many-many million of "111spins/set", and they constantly losing ONLY a few units...

Then u will highly confident that in the NEXT 111spins, if flatbet, will lose ONLY a few units,

if u highly confident that in the NEXT 111spins, if flatbet,
will lose ONLY a few units,
THEN, how are u going to build your progression AROUND,
the "only lose few unit in 111spins" bet selection.???

Do u really understand what I try to tell u???

This short lecture worth million dollar, and save u thousand of hours, of reading, testing, and head banging on table...and run around the same spot...heheee.

I have listened to P.A and found a suitable bet selection. One that fits in with his criteria.
I think I understand what he means about engineering a progression to ensure a profit after 100+ spins (or even before then) too.
So now I will try it and see how it pans out over time and many sessions and see if I can make profits as expected.
Because for right now - I cannot be totally sure it will work in the long run - but nevertheless I do feel confident.
I've had confidence before and have later been disappointed, so I very much hope this time it will be different. I think it will.
I will say I might not even have explored this had I not been "encouraged" and "steered" by P.A's topics into trying a bit harder with existing method.(s)
This does not mean I have discovered a "grail" as I cannot yet KNOW just yet if and whether I am right at all.

I actually think there could be several types of "grails" out there; some that have already been discovered or are waiting to be discovered by folks; so I take on board what has been said by P.A via his hints and advice and keep trying in my own personal way. 

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"



Great #27 post.........and wishing you good luck in your test.
Please report back.

Interesting thread you have here, though forgive me for being a little pushy here, but would you move the discussion on a pace, and get to the nub of the action...please...(pretty please).
Less reply witter, and more imparting of disassembly of your riddle solution.
Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!


"if u highly confident that in the NEXT 111spins, if flatbet,
will lose ONLY a few units,
THEN, how are u going to build your progression AROUND,
the "only lose few unit in 111spins" bet selection.???

Do u really understand what I try to tell u???"

Yes, I understand your viewing of flatbet/progression using.
BUT, what kind of progression do you prefer? Because the progression must fit the specific method. The progression of EC method will be totally different from the progression of inside betting for example 2 numbers.

I read your other topic  link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=15849.45

"In the next 20years,
when more and more people knows how to beat the wheel,
casino will close shop, one by one, or change rules for roulette and BACCARAT."

BACCARAT = your method is EC method?


Law and RG

Please....pretty please with feckin bells on....stop the jibes at Moderators and disrupting posts.

I have asked you nicely

If you dislike the post then dont take part. Its tedious to watch.

If you persist in ignoring the forum rules I will have to give you a short ban.

That would be ridiculous.

Its your choice


Quote from: Turner on Sep 02, 04:50 PM 2015
Law and RG

Please....pretty please with feckin bells on....stop the jibes at Moderators and disrupting posts.

I have asked you nicely

If you dislike the post then dont take part. Its tedious to watch.

If you persist in ignoring the forum rules I will have to give you a short ban.

That would be ridiculous.

Its your choice

Yay....I second that. :thumbsup:


its very very very hard to bite your tongue and stay quiet when this forum has such potential but guys like this show up every few months and try to scam people. it is frustrating. I digress
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins

